I have a website that plays mp3s in a flash player. If a user clicks 'play' the flash player automatically downloads an mp3 and starts playing it.
Is there an easy way to track how many times a particular song clip (or any binary file) has been downloaded?
Is the play link a link to the actual
mp3 file or to some javascript code
that pops up a player?
If the latter, you can easily add your
own logging code in there to track the
number of hits to it.
If the former, you'll need something
that can track the web server log
itself and make that distinction. My
hosting plan comes with Webalizer,
which does this nicely.
It's a javascript code so that answers that.
However, it would be nice to know how to track downloads using the other method (without switching hosts).
The funny thing is I wrote a php media gallery for all my musics 2 days ago. I had a similar problem. I'm using http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/ for the player. And the playlist is built via php. All music requests go to a script called xfer.php?file=WHATEVER
$filename = base64_url_decode($_REQUEST['file']);
header("Cache-Control: public");
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($filename));
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header('Content-Length: '. filesize($filename));
// Put either file counting code here, either a db or static files
readfile($filename); //and spit the user the file
function base64_url_decode($input) {
return base64_decode(strtr($input, '-_,', '+/='));
And when you call files use something like:
function base64_url_encode($input) {
return strtr(base64_encode($input), '+/=', '-_,');
If you are using some JavaScript or a flash player (JW player for example) that requires the actual link of an mp3 file or whatever, you can append the text "&type=.mp3" so the final link becomes something like:
"www.example.com/xfer.php?file=34842ffjfjxfh&type=.mp3". That way it looks like it ends with an mp3 extension without affecting the file link.
Use your httpd log files. Install http://awstats.sourceforge.net/
Use bash:
grep mp3 /var/log/httpd/access_log | wc
If your song / binary file was served by apache, you can easily grep the access_log to find out the number of downloads. A simple post-logrotate script can grep the logs and maintain your count statistics in a db.
This has the performance advantage by not being in your live request code path. Doing non-critical things like stats offline is a good idea to scale your website to large number of users.
You could even set up an Apache .htaccess directive that converts *.mp3 requests into the querystring dubayou is working with. It might be an elegant way to keep the direct request and still be able to slipstream log function into the response.
Is the play link a link to the actual mp3 file or to some javascript code that pops up a player?
If the latter, you can easily add your own logging code in there to track the number of hits to it.
If the former, you'll need something that can track the web server log itself and make that distinction. My hosting plan comes with webalizer, which does this nicely.
Is there a database for your music library? If there is any server code that runs when downloading the mp3 then you can add extra code there to increment the play count. You could also have javascript make a second request to increment the play count, but this could lead to people/robots falsely incrementing counts.
I used to work for an internet-radio site and we used separate tables to track the time every song was played. Our streams were powered by a perl script running icecast, so we triggered a database request every time a new track started playing. Then to compute the play count we would run a query to count how many times a song's id was in the play log.
The problem I had with things like AWStats / reading through web server logs is that large downloads can often be split in data chunks within the logs. This makes reconciling the exact number of downloads quite hard.
I'd suggest the Google Analytics Event Tracking, as this will register once per click on a download link.
I have decrypted my audio file, I now want to play it and then unlink it.
What I currently have is:
$destination = "/tmp_upload_dir_copy/test.mp3"
header('Content-Type: audio/mpeg');
Anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong or what else do I need?
maybe I need to use fpassthru() ?
PHP works only server side. You can only guarentee the file is SENT to the client, but there is no way to directly make sure it has been PLAYED by the client.
Setting the header will only influence how the browser treats the data (in this case the browser is informed the data is audio). Chrome, for example plays audio files but some browsers may give users a download prompt.
You'll need client side software, like a audio playing component (search "Flash MP3 player") to embed in a page to play the audio file.
Sounds like you don't really want to delete the file immediately, as any number of things could go wrong on the user's end between downloading the mp3 and actually playing it. The user might need to initiate the file transfer again in many cases. Instead you might want to set up a cron job that runs every night and deletes the mp3 files that are more than one day old. (Also, I'm not sure what you meant by "decrypt" the audio file.)
I am working on a call board for the hospital I work for. The call board will be used for announcing CODES, FIRE, and a few other types of calls. My problem is that I am trying to play two WAV files consecutively the first file is the type of call and the second file is the location. We have over 700 possible locations and I do not want to have thousands of pre-made recordings. Please help. Also I have thought about using a speech speech synthesizer like Microsoft ANNA.
Save the audio clips as MP3s. Concatenating them is simple - simply output one after the other. MP3s have no internal structure beyond a "frame". An MP3 file is simply a series of these frames, which can be mixed in with other data (ie: mpeg video).
header('Content-type: audio/mpeg');
readfile('zombie attack.mp3');
readfile('arm yourself.mp3');
Of course, doing this sort of thing via a web inteface seems silly. How would you tell the PA system to poke at the server to play something?
So, i want to do some metrics about the times one image is open, i need to give my users the link of the image but i need to track how many times they open it.
If i give them the link like http://webserver.com/image.png i cant track how many times the images is opened, so i think if i can make a PHP script who streams the binary data when the user calls the link like http://webserver.com/image.php, it maybe works.
In this scenario, i can simple write a metric script to store information like ip and time, but i don't know how to echo the image in order to show it on the browser. I think that maybe if i open the image in binary mode from the PHP script and then stream that information to the user it will work, but in this area i know nothing.
Some people can say that i can simple do an echo("image.png"); at the end of the script but this won't work if you think a little more.
Generally, you will want to tell the browser what type of content to expect, and then send the bytes of the content. For example:
// Dear browser, a PNG file is coming your way
header("Content-Type: image/png");
// here it is
I have an image that send to affiliate for advertising.
so, how can I find it out from my server the number of times that image been downloaded?
does server log keep track of image upload count?
---- Addition ----
Thanks for the reply.. few more questions
because I want to do ads rotation, and tracking IP address, etc.
so, i think I should do it by making a dynamic page (php) and return the proper images, right?
In this case, is there anyway that I can send that information to Google Analytics from the server? I know I can do it in javascript. but now, since the PHP should just return the images file. so what I should do? :)
Well This can be done irrespective of your web Server or Language / Platform.
Assuming the File is Physically stored in a Certain Directory.
Write a program that somehow gets to know which file has to be downloaded. Through GET/POST parameters. There can be even more ways.
then point that particullar file physically.
fopen that file
read through it byte by byte
print them
store/increment/updatethe download counter in database/flatfile
and in the database you may keep the record as md5checksum -> downloadCounter
It depends on a server and how you download the image.
1) Static image (e.g. URL points to actual image file): Most servers (e.g. Apache) store each URL served (including the GET request for the URL for the image) in access log. There are a host of solutions for slicing and dicing access logs from web servers (especially Apache) and obtaining all sorts of statistics including count of accesses.
2) Another approach for fancier stuff is to serve the image by linking to a dynamic page which does some sort of computation (from simple counter increment to some fancy statistics collection) and responds with HTTP REDIRECT to a real image.
Use Galvanize a PHP class for GA that'll allow you to make trackPageView (for a virtual page representing your download, like the file's url) from PHP.
HTTP log should have a GET for every time that image was accessed.
You should be able to configure your server to log each download. Then, you can just count the number of times the image appears in the log file.
I know this question is silly.
But as per our intelligent Client request, I am not able to answer his question. Any one help for this.
We are building a online tutoring site. where it contains pdf, .ppt, .doc formats files are uploaded for reading as course materials. His (Client) request is that user can read all the contents but they must not download the materials and use this.
That is all the documents must be opened in their browsers.
Is it possible? Any other ideas?
Any other ideas?
Explain to your client that the only way for a document to appear on a user's computer screen is for the document to exist on that user's computer.
In other words, viewing a document involves downloading it. Even supposing the software on the user's computer somehow makes it impossible for the user to directly manipulate an electronic copy of the material, the user can take out a digital camera and take a picture of the screen.
There are ways to make it difficult for the user to save a copy of the file. However, it's likely that this will do more harm (frustrating users) than good (preventing theft).
Some users may want to peruse the material at times when they do not have an internet connection, or may want to copy it onto their mobile device (for instance), but accessing the internet on their mobile device is expensive so they would like to do the download on their computer.
If you send the data to the client the client has effectively downloaded it. You can make this difficult, but not impossible.
The only sure way to prevent downloading is to prevent viewing.
If this is a copyright problem it should be solved with legalese, not software.
Here are some guide-lines you may consider:
Don't put direct link of files such as:
Instead, try to generate your pdf dynamically or put a another encrypted medium for
downloading eg:
2: Don't allow directory browsing, use htaccess file with following commands:
Deny from ALL
3: Not sure, but you may possibly allow file opening this way too:
$filename="/path/to/file.jpg"; //<-- specify the image file
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename])); //<-- sends filesize header
header('Content-Type: image/jpg'); //<-- send mime-type header
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$filename.'";'); //<-- sends filename header
readfile($filename); //<--reads and outputs the file onto the output buffer
exit; //and exit
Note: above is just an example of image not pdf but you can modify it for your needs.
An online site does not necessarily mean it is a web site. You could write a custom client that accesses the data and displays it.
The data would need to be encrypted between the client and the server. It probably should not be sent 'in bulk' either.
The effort associated with developing that is prohibitive.
You could license the software that allows users to read books, page by page, that is part of the Safari Books Online web site.
As best I can tell, they take the pages that they are going to display and turn them into small images. These images look as if they are sent in a random order, and assembled by the browser via javascript.
These tactics won't stop a determined person from getting your clients content... but the effort is unlikely to be worth it.
You could put the docs into Google docs and embed the docs viewer into your site. Of course, there's no stopping people from taking screenshots, copy/pasting text, downloading HTML, etc.
What do you mean by "read" but not "download"?? Do you know that even if you disable cache (which by itself is a bad idea) won't restrict an eaaaasy right-click>view source, "save target as", etc.?
I mean, the best you can have is a flash reader that is harder to save the content from, and that means disabling selection and copying, but anyway, it doesn't forbid anything.
The only way to forbid download is to return HTTP 403 :)