I've heard rumors that PHP is planning on introducing a "goto" command. What is it supposed to be doing?
I've tried searching a bit, but haven't found anything awfully descriptive. I understand that it won't be a "GOTO 10"-like command...
They are not adding a real GOTO, but extending the BREAK keyword to use static labels. Basically, it will be enhancing the ability to break out of switch nested if statements. Here's the concept example I found:
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
if (true) {
break blah;
echo "not shown";
echo "iteration $i\n";
Of course, once the GOTO "rumor" was out, there was nothing to stop some evil guys to propagate an additional COMEFROM joke. Be on your toes.
See also:
I'm always astonished at how incredibly dumb the PHP designers are.
If the purpose of using GOTOs is to make breaking out of multiply nested
loops more efficient there's a better way: labelled code blocks
and break statements that can reference labels:
a: for (...) {
b: for (...) {
c: for (...) {
break a;
Now is is clear which loop/block to exit, and the exit is structured;
you can't get spaghetti code with this like you can with real gotos.
This is an old, old, old idea. Designing good control flow management
structures has been solved since the 70s, and the literature on all this
is long since written up. The Bohm-Jacopini theorem showed that
you could code anything with function call, if-then-else, and while loops.
In practice, to break out of deeply nested blocks, Bohm-Jacopini style
coding required extra boolean flags ("set this flag to get out of the loop")
which was clumsy coding wise and inefficient (you don't want such flags
in your inner loop). With if-then-else, various loops (while,for)
and break-to-labelled block, you can code any algorithm without no
loss in efficiency. Why don't people read the literature, instead
of copying what C did? Grrr.
Granted, I am not a PHP programmer, and I don't know what PHP's exact implementation of GOTO will look like, but here is my understanding of GOTO:
GOTO is just a more explicit flow control statement like any other. Let's say you have some nested loops and you only need to find one thing. You can put in a conditional statement (or several) and when conditions are met properly, you can use a GOTO statement to get out of all the loops, (instead of having a 'break' statement at each level of nesting with a conditional statement for each. And yes, I believe the traditional implementation is to have named labels that the GOTO statement can jump to by name. You can do something like this:
for(...) {
for (...) {
for (...) {
// some code
if (x) GOTO outside;
This is a simpler (and more efficient) implementation than without GOTO statements. The equivalent would be:
for(...) {
for (...) {
for (...) {
// some code
if (x) break;
if(x) break;
if(x) break;
In the second case (which is common practice) there are three conditional statements, which is obviously slower than just having one. So, for optimization/simplification reasons, you might want to use GOTO statements in tightly nested loops.
In the example given by steveth45 you can use a function instead:
function findItem(...) {
for (...) {
for (...) {
for (...) {
if (x) {
return theItem;
// no need for label now
theItem = findItem(a, b, c);
It looks like it's currently in PHP 5.3, but is not fully documented yet. From what I can tell it shares its goto syntax with C, so it should be easy to pick up and use. Just remember Dijkstra's warning and use it only when necessary.
My rule of thumb is that if you have nested code more than 3 levels deep, you are doing
something wrong.
Then you don't have to worry about using multiple break statements or goto :D
there is a goto in php -> http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.goto.php, but i wouldn't use it, just write normal code...
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 12 years ago.
It occurs to me that there are number of different ways to structure conditional logic. As far as I can see, as long as we set errors to end the script (or you can imagine the same examples but with a return in a function), then the following examples are equal:
Example 1
if($condition1) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
if($condition2) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
Example 2
if(!$condition1) {
if(!$condition2) {
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
else {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
else {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
Example 3
if($condition1) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
else {
if($condition2) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
else {
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
Example 4 -- Adapted from Fraser's Answer
function test($condition) {
if($condition) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
Personally, I lean towards writing code as in Example 1. This is because I feel that by checking for conditions that end the script (or function) in this way, I can clearly define what the script executed and not executed i.e. everything before the condition has been executed and everything after the line has not. This means when I get an error on line 147, I know immediately what has happened helping me to find a bug faster. Furthermore, if I suddenly realise I need to test $condition2 before $condition1, I can make a change by a simple copy paste.
I see a lot of code written like in Example 2 but for me, this seems much more complex to debug. This is because, when the nesting gets too great, an error will get fired off at some distant line at the bottom and be separated from the condition that caused it by a huge chunk of nested code. Additionally, altering the conditional sequence can be a lot messier.
You could hybrid the two styles, such as in Example 3, but this then seems to overcomplicate matters because all of the 'else's are essentially redundant.
Am I missing something? What is the best way to structure my conditional code? Is there a better way than these examples? Are there specific situations under which one style may be superior to another?
Edit: Example 4 looks quite interesting and is not something I had considered. You could also pass in an error message as a second parameter.
P.S. Please keep in mind that I might need to do some arbitrary steps inbetween checking $condition1 and $condition2 so any alternatives must accommodate that. Otherwise, there are trivially better alternatives such as if($condition1 || $condition2).
I am in the Example 1 camp. As a rule of thumb, the less indentation needed, the better.
// Exit early if there are errors.
if ($n < 0) {
die "bad n: $n";
// Handle trivial cases without fuss.
if ($n == 0) {
return 0;
/* Now the meat of the function. */
foreach ($widget->blaxes as $blax) {
// ...And another 20 lines of code.
When you use an if/else and put the success and error code in parallel sections you make it appear as if the two code blocks are equal. In reality, the edge cases and error conditions should be de-emphasized. By intentionally handling errors early and then not putting the "important" code in an else clause I feel like that makes it visually clearer where the important code is.
"Here are all the preconditions. And now here's the good stuff."
Personally I hate nested if-else statements so #1 for me from your examples. The other option I would look at is something like the following.
function test($condition) {
if($condition) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
//do stuff...
//passed the tests
EDIT: The more I think about it a functional approach is by far the best way in that it negates having to write the logic that tests the conditions more than once. It also allows greater readability because it is obvious you are 'testing' the condition (as long as you give the function a meaningful name). Also, as pointed out in the question edit it would be trivial to pass other parameters to the function. i.e.
function test($c, $msg) {
if($c) {
test($condition1, "condition1 error");
test($condition2, "condition2 error");
#1 is by far the clearest. However, if somehow the thing that previously ended the execution were changed to do something else, then it would break.
It's still probably best to go with #1, but make sure the thing being used to "stop" is clearly named to indicate that it does stop things, so that someone in 10 years maintaining your code doesn't accidentally break things by changing it.
I think your method (example 1) is the most efficient and effective in this type of situation. However, there are times when you do not want any conditions to halt execution and you only want to execute condition2 if condition1 is false. In these situations, an else or elseif works well.
I suggest using ‘try‘ clause over any part that can have errors and use ‘throw "error description"‘ each time an error occures(like example #1).
That way you can have error reporting code once in your program (in the ‘catch‘ clause) and splitting code into functions won't be a hussle rewriting error handlig.
I prefer this style, which doesn't break if either of the conditional blocks are changed so they do not exit execution.
if($condition1) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
if($condition2) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
if (!$condition1 && !$condition2) {
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
Edit: Missed the PS, so updated code to match the full question details.
I generally agree with Amber insofar as your first option seems the most legible. This is something I have fought with myself - thus far the only reasoning I have stumbled across is as follows:
The first form is clearest when reading through a linear script, so ideal for simple scripts
The second form is cleanest when you need to ensure tidy / clean-up operations
I mention the second because this is a sticky point. Each script may be part of a larger system, and in fact the script elements you are injecting the "bail out" code into may be called by multiple places. Throw in some OO and you've got a real potential pickle.
The best rule of thumb I can recommend is that if your scripts are simple and linear, or your are doing rapid prototyping, then you want to use the first form and just kill the execution at that point. Anything more complicated or "enterprise-esque" will benefit from (at least) a modular redesign so you can isolate the method and the call stack - and possibly encapsulation of an OO build.
With some of the more powerful debugging and tracing tools which are available these days, it is becoming more a matter of personal style than necessity. One other option you might consider is to put information in comments before (and possibly after) each bail-out zone which make it clear what the alternative is should the criteria be met (or failed).
I'd say Fraser's answer is the cleanest for encapsulation. The only thing I would add it that you might benefit from passing an object or hash array into the standard "bail out, I'm dead" method so you can modify the information made available to the function without changing parameter lists all the time (very annoying...).
That said - be careful in production systems where you may need to clean up resources in an intermediate state.
I much prefer #1 as well.
In addition, I really like to assign variables during the conditionals
if ( !$userName = $user->login() ) {
die('could not log in');
echo "Welcome, $username";
I usually find that in the first write of code, I end up with a fair few messy nested conditional statements, so it's usually during a second pass that I go back and clean things up, un-nest as many of the conditionals that I can.
In addition to looking much neater, I find it conceptually much easier to understand code where you don't have to mentally keep track of branching logic.
For branching logic that can't be removed that contains lots of procedural code, I usually end up putting it in a function / class method -- ideally so I can see on one screen all the branching logic that is taking place, but modifying either the actions or the logic won't break the other one.
Example 5
if($condition1 || $condition2)
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
Example 6
function allAreTrue()
foreach(func_get_args() as $check)
return false;
return true;
exit("Invalid Arguments");
The best way to structure conditional logic is to follow the logic itself.
If you have dependencies, say, failing of first condition will make others unnecessary is one thing. Then return, goto, nested conditions and exceptions at your choice.
If you are about to make decision upon a test, say
if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
//listing part:
} else {
// form displaying part:
it's else, elseif and case realm.
Determine your program logic first and write it's logic then.
and trigger_error() has nothing to do with conditions. It is debugging feature, not program logic related one.
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 12 years ago.
It occurs to me that there are number of different ways to structure conditional logic. As far as I can see, as long as we set errors to end the script (or you can imagine the same examples but with a return in a function), then the following examples are equal:
Example 1
if($condition1) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
if($condition2) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
Example 2
if(!$condition1) {
if(!$condition2) {
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
else {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
else {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
Example 3
if($condition1) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
else {
if($condition2) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
else {
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
Example 4 -- Adapted from Fraser's Answer
function test($condition) {
if($condition) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
Personally, I lean towards writing code as in Example 1. This is because I feel that by checking for conditions that end the script (or function) in this way, I can clearly define what the script executed and not executed i.e. everything before the condition has been executed and everything after the line has not. This means when I get an error on line 147, I know immediately what has happened helping me to find a bug faster. Furthermore, if I suddenly realise I need to test $condition2 before $condition1, I can make a change by a simple copy paste.
I see a lot of code written like in Example 2 but for me, this seems much more complex to debug. This is because, when the nesting gets too great, an error will get fired off at some distant line at the bottom and be separated from the condition that caused it by a huge chunk of nested code. Additionally, altering the conditional sequence can be a lot messier.
You could hybrid the two styles, such as in Example 3, but this then seems to overcomplicate matters because all of the 'else's are essentially redundant.
Am I missing something? What is the best way to structure my conditional code? Is there a better way than these examples? Are there specific situations under which one style may be superior to another?
Edit: Example 4 looks quite interesting and is not something I had considered. You could also pass in an error message as a second parameter.
P.S. Please keep in mind that I might need to do some arbitrary steps inbetween checking $condition1 and $condition2 so any alternatives must accommodate that. Otherwise, there are trivially better alternatives such as if($condition1 || $condition2).
I am in the Example 1 camp. As a rule of thumb, the less indentation needed, the better.
// Exit early if there are errors.
if ($n < 0) {
die "bad n: $n";
// Handle trivial cases without fuss.
if ($n == 0) {
return 0;
/* Now the meat of the function. */
foreach ($widget->blaxes as $blax) {
// ...And another 20 lines of code.
When you use an if/else and put the success and error code in parallel sections you make it appear as if the two code blocks are equal. In reality, the edge cases and error conditions should be de-emphasized. By intentionally handling errors early and then not putting the "important" code in an else clause I feel like that makes it visually clearer where the important code is.
"Here are all the preconditions. And now here's the good stuff."
Personally I hate nested if-else statements so #1 for me from your examples. The other option I would look at is something like the following.
function test($condition) {
if($condition) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
//do stuff...
//passed the tests
EDIT: The more I think about it a functional approach is by far the best way in that it negates having to write the logic that tests the conditions more than once. It also allows greater readability because it is obvious you are 'testing' the condition (as long as you give the function a meaningful name). Also, as pointed out in the question edit it would be trivial to pass other parameters to the function. i.e.
function test($c, $msg) {
if($c) {
test($condition1, "condition1 error");
test($condition2, "condition2 error");
#1 is by far the clearest. However, if somehow the thing that previously ended the execution were changed to do something else, then it would break.
It's still probably best to go with #1, but make sure the thing being used to "stop" is clearly named to indicate that it does stop things, so that someone in 10 years maintaining your code doesn't accidentally break things by changing it.
I think your method (example 1) is the most efficient and effective in this type of situation. However, there are times when you do not want any conditions to halt execution and you only want to execute condition2 if condition1 is false. In these situations, an else or elseif works well.
I suggest using ‘try‘ clause over any part that can have errors and use ‘throw "error description"‘ each time an error occures(like example #1).
That way you can have error reporting code once in your program (in the ‘catch‘ clause) and splitting code into functions won't be a hussle rewriting error handlig.
I prefer this style, which doesn't break if either of the conditional blocks are changed so they do not exit execution.
if($condition1) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
if($condition2) {
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
if (!$condition1 && !$condition2) {
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
Edit: Missed the PS, so updated code to match the full question details.
I generally agree with Amber insofar as your first option seems the most legible. This is something I have fought with myself - thus far the only reasoning I have stumbled across is as follows:
The first form is clearest when reading through a linear script, so ideal for simple scripts
The second form is cleanest when you need to ensure tidy / clean-up operations
I mention the second because this is a sticky point. Each script may be part of a larger system, and in fact the script elements you are injecting the "bail out" code into may be called by multiple places. Throw in some OO and you've got a real potential pickle.
The best rule of thumb I can recommend is that if your scripts are simple and linear, or your are doing rapid prototyping, then you want to use the first form and just kill the execution at that point. Anything more complicated or "enterprise-esque" will benefit from (at least) a modular redesign so you can isolate the method and the call stack - and possibly encapsulation of an OO build.
With some of the more powerful debugging and tracing tools which are available these days, it is becoming more a matter of personal style than necessity. One other option you might consider is to put information in comments before (and possibly after) each bail-out zone which make it clear what the alternative is should the criteria be met (or failed).
I'd say Fraser's answer is the cleanest for encapsulation. The only thing I would add it that you might benefit from passing an object or hash array into the standard "bail out, I'm dead" method so you can modify the information made available to the function without changing parameter lists all the time (very annoying...).
That said - be careful in production systems where you may need to clean up resources in an intermediate state.
I much prefer #1 as well.
In addition, I really like to assign variables during the conditionals
if ( !$userName = $user->login() ) {
die('could not log in');
echo "Welcome, $username";
I usually find that in the first write of code, I end up with a fair few messy nested conditional statements, so it's usually during a second pass that I go back and clean things up, un-nest as many of the conditionals that I can.
In addition to looking much neater, I find it conceptually much easier to understand code where you don't have to mentally keep track of branching logic.
For branching logic that can't be removed that contains lots of procedural code, I usually end up putting it in a function / class method -- ideally so I can see on one screen all the branching logic that is taking place, but modifying either the actions or the logic won't break the other one.
Example 5
if($condition1 || $condition2)
echo "If either condition was true, we won't see this printed";
trigger_error("The script is now terminated");
Example 6
function allAreTrue()
foreach(func_get_args() as $check)
return false;
return true;
exit("Invalid Arguments");
The best way to structure conditional logic is to follow the logic itself.
If you have dependencies, say, failing of first condition will make others unnecessary is one thing. Then return, goto, nested conditions and exceptions at your choice.
If you are about to make decision upon a test, say
if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
//listing part:
} else {
// form displaying part:
it's else, elseif and case realm.
Determine your program logic first and write it's logic then.
and trigger_error() has nothing to do with conditions. It is debugging feature, not program logic related one.
Is it a good practice to use break and continue as sentinel for loops in PHP?
if (!empty($var))
do {
if (condition1)
some code;
some code;
if (condition2)
some code;
some code;
if (condition3)
some code;
some code;
} while (false);
if (!condition1) {
some code;
some code;
if (!condition2) {
some code;
some code;
if (!condition3) {
some code;
some code;
Some find the first version an abhomination and difficult to read and love the second version. Some find the first version cleaner and easier to read. As the number of conditions multiply, I tend to find the first version easier to follow, as the second one tends to get more and more difficult to follow the level of nesting. Also if the if (condition) break; gets into something only slightly more complex like if (condition) {some code; break}, the do {if .. break; if .. break..;} while(false) pattern gets even more clear compared with equivalend nested ifs.
In light usage it is ok, but in heavy usage it makes your code spaghetti. break and continue is basically just a restricted goto and as such, use sparingly.
It absolutely is, they're both valid programming constructs.
What is not a good idea is the newly introduced GOTO. (Please tell me this was an April fool's joke I didn't see the note about!)
It is perfectly correct to use break or continue as long as it helps to make the code easier to read and understand. I personally use them very rarely, and only when I cannot easily use another structure.
In the case of most while statements, it's easier to achieve the same result as a break or continue by using a boolean variable as the condition for the loop in the first place, and then modifying its value inside the loop.
On the other hand, the best use case for the break, in my opinion, is to save resources if you are iterating through an array or something similar with a for or foreach block and are only interested in processing elements until some item is reached. By using a break after reaching this element, it is possible to save on processing power by breaking out of the loop without going over the remaining elements. This makes the code more efficient without making it less legible.
And of course, it is practically impossible to use switch statements without break.
Another exception is if you need to control nested structures, in which case it is sometimes simpler to use break n or continue n than manipulate multiple variables concurrently. (Even though this use case is probably the most controversial...)
In Python, we use infinite loop and break to improve readability. So yes, you can use it, provided you do it correctly, and for a good reason.
Let me answer with a couple of questions:
Why shouldn't it be considered good practice?
Does it reduce readability of your code?
Does it slow down your for cycles?
For a discussion of break and continue in PHP (and looping in general) have a look at Advanced loops - you get the impression that the author can just about manage to swallow break and continue but not break n and continue n. :-)
In 5+ years programming PHP I never had to use break outside of switch statements.
Continue is sometimes used to skip first or last items in iterations, but I don't like it very much.
Why did they reintroduce GOTO ? that's a shame
To answer the question, in
if (!empty($var))
Why not use return (if in a method context)
if (!empty($var))
return false;
I think this way much clear and makes the caller aware of what's happened inside. A better use for argument errors is using Excecptions, which in facte will break execution a the point they are raised.
I feel dirty every time I "break" out of a for-each construct (PHP/Javascript)
So something like this:
// Javascript example
for (object in objectList)
if (object.test == true)
//do some process on object
For large objectLists I would go through the hassle building a more elegant solution. But for small lists there is no noticeable performance issue and hence "why not?" It's quick and more importantly easy to understand and follow.
But it just "feels wrong". Kind of like a goto statement.
How do you handle this kind of situation?
I use a break. It's a perfectly cromulent solution.
It's quick and more importantly easy to understand and follow.
Don't feel bad about break. Goto is frowned upon because it's quick and more importantly not easy to understand and follow.
See, the break doesn't bug me at all. Programming is built on goto, and for-break - like all control structures - is merely a special-purpose form of goto meant to improve the readability of your code. Don't ever feel bad about writing readable code!
Now, I do feel dirty about direct comparisons to true, especially when using the type-converting equality operator... Oh yeah. What you've written - if (object.test == true) - is equivalent to writing if (object.test), but requires more thought. If you really want that comparison to only succeed if object.test is both a boolean value and true, then you'd use the strict equality operator (===)... Otherwise, skip it.
For small lists, there's no issue with doing this.
As you mention, you may want to think about a more 'elegant' solution for large lists (especially lists with unknown sizes).
Sometimes it feels wrong, but it's all right. You'll learn to love break in time.
Like you said ""why not?" It's quick and more importantly easy to understand and follow."
Why feel dirty, I see nothing wrong with this.
I think is is easier to read and hence easier to maintain.
It is meant to be like it. Break is designed to jump out of a loop. If you have found what you need in a loop why keep the loop going?
Breaks and continues are not gotos. They are there for a reason. As soon as you're done with a loop structure, get out of the loop.
Now, what I would avoid is very, very deep nesting (a.k.a. the arrowhead design anti-pattern).
if (someCondition)
for (thing in collection)
if (someOtherCondition)
If you are going to do a break, then make sure that you've structure your code so that it's only ever one level deep. Use function calls to keep the iteration as shallow as possible.
if (someCondition)
function loopThroughCollection(collection)
for (thing in collection)
if (someOtherCondition)
function doSomethingToObject(thing)
// etc.
I really don't see anythign wrong with breaking out of a for loop. Unless you have some sort of hash table, dictionary where you have some sort of key to obtain a value there really is no other way.
I'd use a break statement.
In general there is nothing wrong with the break statement. However your code can become a problem if blocks like these appear in different places of your code base. In this case the break statements are code small for duplicated code.
You can easily extract the search into a reusable function:
function findFirst(objectList, test)
for (var key in objectList) {
var value = objectList[key];
if (test(value)) return value;
return null;
var first = findFirst(objectList, function(object) {
return object.test == true;
if (first) {
//do some process on object
If you always process the found element in some way you can simplify your code further:
function processFirstMatch(objectList, test, processor) {
var first = findFirst(objectList, test);
if (first) processor(first);
function(object) {
return object.test == true;
function(object) {
//do some process on object
So you can use the power of the functional features in JavaScript to make your original code much more expressive. As a side effect this will push the break statement out of your regular code base into a helper function.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your use-case, but why break at all? I'm assuming you're expecting the test to be true for at most one element in the list?
If there's no performance issue and you want to clean up the code you could always skip the test and the break.
for (object in objectList)
//do some process on object
That way if you do need to do the process on more than one element your code won't break (pun intended).
Use a
Object object;
int index = 0;
object = objectList[index];
while (object.test == false)
if breaking from a for loop makes you feel uneasy.
My preference is to simply use a break. It's quick and typically doesn't complicate things.
If you use a for, while, or do while loop, you can use a variable to determine whether or not to continue:
for ($i = 0, $c = true; ($i < 10) && $c; $i++) {
// do stuff
if ($condition) {
$c= false;
The only way to break from a foreach loop is to break or return.
if (condition) { /* do something */ }
else { /* do something */ }
if (condition)
/* do something */
/* do something */
I was told that the first instance wasn't a good idea. I have no idea whether this is really this case (or for the second one either); does it not shorten the amount to type? Or is it because it just makes a mess?
The best practice is to write code that others can read and update easily.
Your first form is questionable because it doesn't follow the forms that most PHP developers are used to:
if (condition) {
// code
} else {
// code
// ... or ...
if (condition)
// code
// code
// ... or ...
if (condition) { /* short code */ } else { /* short code */ }
// ... or ...
condition ? /* short code */ : /* short code */;
Note that this is entirely about standard practice, and doesn't necessarily make sense—it's only about what other developers are used to seeing.
Your second form, more importantly, isn't so good because it makes it easy for another programmer to make this mistake:
if (condition)
// code A
// code B
// code C (added by another programmer)
In this example, the other programmer added code C, but forgot to wrap the whole else block in braces. This will cause problems. You can defend against this by simply wrapping your if and else blocks in braces.
My preference if for consistency... so:
statement 1;
statement 2;
statement 1;
statement 2;
is no different than:
statement 1;
statement 1;
So I always use them because it is consistent and it avoids problems forgetting to add them in later.
However other people will look at my code and think that it is stupid to put in the { and }. They have their reasons, I have mine... I happen to like my reasons more than I like theirs :-)
Generally non-readable code is a bad practice. The single line is more efficient in your typing and saves line numbers but come back to it a year from now or while you're scanning for bugs and it'll make it more difficult.
In my opinion, yes it's bad practice to have single line if statements.
The computer doesn't really care (as far as I can tell) but you should always write your code like it's going to be maintained by a serial killer that knows where you live.
Readable! Easily self-discernable.
The problem I've seen is developers not recognizing the {}-less-if when they add code to one of the conditions. Example:
Obviously, this won't do what they expect.
Have you ever seen code like this in C or C++?
/* Warning: bogus C code! */
if (some condition)
if (another condition)
Either the indentation is wrong, or the program is buggy, because an "else" always applies to the nearest "if", unless you use braces.
(Let's just use python. No brackets, just pure clean whitespaces. :P)
For all but the shortest statements, use the braces and space them accordingly. You want to do this for a few reasons:
It's harder to make a mistake about where something goes.
It's easier to read.
In languages with macro-expansion facilities (e.g. C, C++), failure to include braces will cause confusing logic errors when a macro containing multiple statements is expanded inside of an unbraced if-else.
One major benefit of using multiple lines is ease of debugging. If you have an if else statement all on one line and the debugger tells you that line x blew up, it's more difficult to determine which part of the statement failed. Multiple lines also makes it easier to step through your code using a debugger.
Those are two lines long, so not really a single line.
There's nothing wrong with single line ifs when it makes the code easier to read.
For example, something like this:
if (last_item) print ", and " else print ", "
is much better than
if (last_iem)
print ", and "
print ", "
This is more coding style than anything else. That said, my personal opinion is that your second example is potentially quite harmful. It's easy enough to accidentally "add a second line to the block" in languages where braces are the only way to create blocks. But in PHP, where an alternate syntax exists, this is even less likely to set off the necessary warning bells:
if ($_GET["asdf"]==1):
/* do something */
/* do something */
Rule of thumb: if you're going to put your "do something" on a separate line, use braces; if you're not going to use braces, put it on the same line!
I have seen so many third party code with silly issues, that I prefer to use braces all the time. That said I have never felt good on
else (){}
I use if(){} on the same line when it is a short instruction and it is alone. If there is an else use the long:
This is something that I actually remember from an employment exam a while back. The code was similar to the following:
if (x == 0)
x = 2;
print("x is: %d", x); // debugging!
x = 4;
Most people here can spot the error, but you can really substitute in anything you want as the "bad code" that was inserted. The more subtle error comes when you have an "old version" of something commented out, and somebody un-comments it, and suddenly the second statement is outside the block.
Basically, unless it's a small test application to learn a concept fast, I always bracket (and even in the test apps I usually bracket). It just isn't worth the headache later if I don't, even in 5-line-methods.
You should put the "if" and the "do something" on separate lines to make your code friendlier to interactive debuggers.
If you put both the "if" and "do something" on the same line, then you can't set a breakpoint just on the "do something" line.