I have a script that parses the page for the link tag, but as there are multiple ways to download a page ( wget, file_get_contents, curl, etc ... ) and there are multiple ways to include a favicon, the script is getting to big.
Is there a concise way to do this? Maybe an API that could be used?
Below is the growing script:
// Use a direct GET request for debugging, just pass in the domain ( ?domain=test.com )
$obj = new FaviconFinder();
class FaviconFinder
// domain before and after redirects
private $domain;
private $real_domain;
// the file and how it was obtained
private $file_code = '0';
private $file_page;
// the favicon and how it was obtained
private $favicon_code = 'z';
private $file_favicon;
private $ext;
// paths local to server and on the internet (URL)
private $path_local1 = "../../favicons/";
private $path_local;
private $path_internet;
public function invokeTest($pipe)
exec('wget ' . $pipe['domain'] . ' -O ../sites/temp.html 2>&1', $output);
public function invokeDebug($pipe)
echo "<br><br> domain: " . $pipe['domain'] . "";
$pipe = $this->invoke($pipe);
echo "<br><br> real_domain: " . $this->real_domain . "";
echo "<br><br> file_code | " . $this->file_code;
echo "<br><br> favicon_code | " . $this->favicon_code;
echo "<br><br> favicon_path | " . $this->path_internet;
echo "<br><br> favicon_file | " . $this->file_favicon;
echo "<br><br> favicon_file type | " . gettype($this->file_favicon);
echo "<br><br> favicon_file length | " . strlen($this->file_favicon);
echo "<br><br> IMAGE: ";
if ($this->file_favicon)
echo "<br><br> path_local | " . $this->path_local . "<br><br>";
$file64 = base64_encode($this->file_favicon);
echo "<img src= 'data:image/" . $this->ext . ";base64," . $file64 . "'></img>";
echo "<br><br>";
public function invoke( $pipe )
$domain = $pipe['domain'];
if ( $this->pageFound($domain) && $this->linkFound() && $this->faviconFoundFromLink() )
$pipe = $this->saveFavicon($pipe);
$pipe['favicon'] = $this->path_internet;
$pipe['favicon_local'] = $this->path_local;
} else {
$pipe['favicon'] = 'NULL';
$pipe['favicon_local'] = 'image_generic.png';
$pipe['method'] = $this->file_code . $this->favicon_code;
return $pipe;
pageFound - uses the facade pattern to find a page and record how it was found
private function pageFound ($domain)
return $this->pageFoundCurl($domain) || $this->pageFoundGet($domain);
// wget is another way to get past login page
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1324421/how-to-get-past-the-login-page-with-wget
// uses curl_exec to retreive a page
private function pageFoundCurl ($domain)
$types = array(
"curl - 4"=>'https://www.' . $domain,
"curl - 3"=>'http://www.' . $domain,
"curl - 6"=>'https://' . $domain,
"curl - 5"=>'http://' . $domain,
// returned 302 errors for test.com
"curl - 1"=>$domain,
"curl - 2"=>'www.' . $domain
foreach ($types as $key => $value) {
$this->file_page = $this->curlExec($value, true);
if ($this->file_page)
$this->file_code = $key;
return true;
return false;
// uses file_get_contents to retreive a page
private function pageFoundGet( $domain )
$types = array(
"file_get - 3"=>'http://www.' . $domain,
"file_get - 4"=>'https://www.' . $domain,
"file_get - 5"=>'http://' . $domain,
"file_get - 6"=>'https://' . $domain,
"file_get - 1"=>$domain,
"file_get - 2"=>'www.' . $domain
foreach ($types as $key => $value) {
if ($this->file_page = $this->fileGetContents( $value ))
$this->file_code = $key;
return true;
return false;
private function linkFound()
$domain = $this->real_domain;
$regex = '#<link\s+(?=[^>]*rel=(?:\'|")(?:shortcut\s)?icon(?:\'|")\s*)(?:[^>]*href=(?:\'|")(.+?)(?:\'|")).*>#i';
$link_found = preg_match( $regex , $this->file_page, $matches );
if($link_found === 1)
$path = $matches[1];
// handles ( // )
if ( $path[0] === '/' && $path[1] === '/' )
$this->favicon_code = 'a';
$this->path_internet = 'http:' . $path;
// handles ( / )
else if( $path[0] === '/' )
$this->favicon_code = 'b';
$this->path_internet = 'http://www.' . $domain . $path;
// handles ( http:// || https:// )
else if ( substr($path, 0, 4) === 'http' )
$this->favicon_code = 'c';
$this->path_internet = $path;
// difference between b and d?
$this->favicon_code = 'd';
$this->path_internet = 'http://www.' . $domain . '/' . $path;
$default_location = 'http://www.' . $domain . '/favicon.ico';
if( $this->faviconFound($default_location) )
$this->favicon_code = 'e';
$this->path_internet = $default_location;
$this->path_internet = null;
$this->favicon_code = 'g';
return false;
return true;
private function faviconFoundFromLink ()
$this->file_favicon = $this->faviconFoundFacade( $this->path_internet );
return $this->file_favicon ? true : false;
private function faviconFound ($default_location)
$this->file_favicon = $this->faviconFoundFacade( $default_location );
return $this->file_favicon ? true : false;
private function faviconFoundFacade($url)
return $this->faviconFoundCurl($url) ;
private function faviconFoundExec($url)
exec('wget ' . $url . ' -O ../sites/temp.html 2>&1', $output);
private function faviconFoundGet($url)
return #file_get_contents( $url );
// make less than 10 characters equate to false so I don't save bogus files
// prisonexp.org does this
// bestbuy.com does similar
private function faviconFoundCurl($url)
$temp = $this->curlExec( $url, false );
if($temp === false)
return false;
if(strlen($temp) < 20)
return false;
return $temp;
public function saveFavicon( $pipe )
// this will remove any query parameters on the favicon link
// and create a valid file name from the real domain
$arr = parse_url($this->path_internet);
$this->ext = pathinfo($arr['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$name = str_replace('.', '_', $this->real_domain);
// add the extension if it exists, verify you need to to do this
if ($this->ext) {
$name = $name . "." . $this->ext;
// finally save it
file_put_contents($this->path_local1 . $name, $this->file_favicon);
$this->path_local = $name;
return $pipe;
helper and wrapper functions
// curl_exec wrapper
private function curlExec ($url, $set)
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
$temp = curl_exec($curl);
if ($set) $this->setRealDomain($curl);
return $temp;
private function setRealDomain ($curl)
$url = curl_getinfo( $curl )['url'];
$url = parse_url($url);
$url = $url['host'];
$this->real_domain = preg_replace('#^www\.(.+\.)#i', '$1', $url);
// deprecated as curl can do everything I need, just in case though
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/
// 6009284/how-do-i-ignore-a-moved-header-with-file-get-contents-in-php
private function fileGetContents($value)
$opts = array(
'follow_location' => true,
'max_redirects' => 20
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
return #file_get_contents( $value, false, $context );
private function removed ()
$res = preg_match('#(.*?)([^\.]*)(\.)([^\.]*)$#', $domain, $matches);
$main = $matches[2] . $matches[3] . $matches[4];
$default_location = 'http://www.' . $main . '/favicon.ico';
$this->file_favicon = #file_get_contents( $default_location );
if( $this->file_favicon )
$this->path_internet = $default_location;
$this->favicon_code = 'f';
return true;
Here is one API for the front-side.
To check favicon using Google API
There is no strategy or API for favicons. Parse the HTML, look for:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="...">
or just:
<link rel="icon" href="...">
and extract the value of the href attribute.
If no such tag exists (or the referenced icon is not there) then check for /favicon.ico (this is how everything started in 1999, on Internet Explorer 5).
Additionally, iOS (and some versions of Android) searches for extra <link> elements having rel="apple-touch-icon" or rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed".
Everything else is just guessing and speculations.
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon#History
I try to set a two different colors - blue color for "command>" and magenta for inputed text, but it not work, because readline_callback_handler_install() and readline() not allows a color codes.
For examples:
if you run
using cli. you get result like this
if you try this example
fputs(STDOUT, "\033[34mcommand>\033[35m");
readline(' ');
you get valid colors, but the 'command>' can be deleted.
I have a solution without readline_* functions, but it hasn't support of autocomplete.
current version of code is:
class Dictionary
const EXIT_COMMAND = 'exit';
protected array $classesDictionary = [];
protected array $methodsDictionary = [];
private ?string $command = null;
private ?bool $isRunned = null;
public function init()
$this->isRunned = true;
stream_set_blocking(STDIN, false);
stream_set_blocking(STDOUT, false);
while($this->isRunned) {
$read = [STDIN];
$write = null;
$except = null;
$streamCounts = stream_select($read, $write, $except, null);
if ($streamCounts) {
public function showCmdString()
fputs(STDOUT, "\033[34mcommand> ");
$command = fgets(STDIN);
if (!empty(trim($command))) {
fputs(STDOUT, "\033[31mHey! I don't know what are you talking about!");
return false;
$message = "You try to run command '{$command}'";
if (!empty($param)) {
$message .= " with param '{$param}'.";
fputs(STDOUT, $message . "\n");
public function initCommandCompletionHandler()
fputs(STDOUT, "\033[34m");
// Tab btn reaction
function ($currWord, $stringPosition, $cursorInLine) {
fputs(STDOUT, "\033[35m");
$fullLine = readline_info()['line_buffer'];
if (count( explode(' ', $fullLine) ) > 2 ) {
return $this->getArgumentsDescription($fullLine);
if (
(strrpos($fullLine, ' ') !== false &&
strrpos($fullLine, $currWord) === false ||
strrpos($fullLine, ' ') < strrpos($fullLine, $currWord))
) {
return $this->getMethodsList($fullLine);
return $this->classesDictionary;
readline_callback_handler_install('>', function($str) {
echo $str;
private function getMethodsList(string $fullLine)
$arr = array_map(fn($item) => trim($item), explode(' ', $fullLine));
return array_filter(
fn($method) => "\033[32m".$method->getName()."\033[34m",
(new \ReflectionClass('App\\Providers\\'.$arr[0].'\\Facade'))
\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC |
\ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC |
fn($methodName) => !in_array(
private function getArgumentsDescription(string $fullLine)
$fullArr = explode(' ', trim($fullLine));
$args = [];
array_map(function($arg) use (&$args) {
$type = ($arg->hasType()) ? $arg->getType()->getName() : 'mixed';
$default = ($arg->isDefaultValueAvailable())
? ($arg->getDefaultValue()) ? 'true' : 'false'
: "\033[31mnot have";
$isNullable = ($arg->hasType())
? ($arg->getType()->allowsNull()) ? 'true' : 'false'
: ' not typed';
$isOptional = ($arg->isOptional()) ? 'true' : 'false';
$isVariadic = ($arg->isVariadic()) ? 'true' : 'false';
$args[$arg->getPosition()] =
"\033[32mposition: \033[33m{$arg->getPosition()}\033[32m;" .
"\033[32m name: \033[33m\${$arg->getName()}\033[32m; " .
"\033[32m type: \033[33m{$type}\033[32m; " .
"\033[32m default value: \033[33m{$default}\033[32m; " .
"\033[32m isNullable: \033[33m{$isNullable}\033[32m; " .
"\033[32m isOptional: \033[33m{$isOptional}\033[32m; " .
"\033[32m isVariadic: \033[33m{$isVariadic}\033[34m";
(new \ReflectionClass('App\\Providers\\'.$fullArr[0].'\\Facade'))
return $args;
public function readCommand($cmd)
if ($cmd === self::EXIT_COMMAND) {
$this->isRunned = false;
fputs(STDOUT, "\033[32m\n");
private function initClassesDictionary()
$this->classesDictionary = array_filter(
fn($dir) => basename($dir),
glob('providers/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR)
fn($dir) => !in_array($dir, ['contracts'])
$this->classesDictionary[] = self::EXIT_COMMAND;
public function executeCommand($command)
$param = '';
if (strpos($command, ' ') !== false) {
list ($command, $param) = explode(' ', $command, 2);
if (!empty(trim($command))) {
if (!$this->isCommandExists($command)) {
fputs(STDOUT, "Hey! I don't know what are you talking about!\n");
return false;
$message = "You try to run command '{$command}'";
if (!empty($param)) {
$message .= " and with param '{$param}'.";
fputs(STDOUT, $message . "\n");
return true;
I want to check if a quake3 game server is online or offline. If offline then echo 'Server is offline' if online then echo 'Server is online'.
I'm using this library:
As you see in the library there's already an isOnline function I think that's for server is online or no?! but I don't know how to output that.
Calling the game server data's:
include 'test/GameServerQuery.php';
$data = GameServerQuery::queryQuake3('', 28960);
echo 'Hostname: ' . $data['sv_hostname'] . '<br />';
echo 'Players online: ' . $data['sv_maxclients'] . '<br />'; /// How can I count online players / maxclients? ex.: 0/20
echo 'Punkbuster: ' . $data['sv_punkbuster'] . '<br />';
Here is relevant code from the library (in case the link should die or change):
public static function isOnline ($host, $port, $type)
if ($type == 'minecraft') { // No need for the full ping
return #fclose (#fsockopen ( $host , $port , $err , $errstr , 2 ));
if (method_exists('GameServerQuery', 'query'.$type)) {
return self::{'query'.$type}($host , $port);
return #fclose (#fsockopen ( $host , $port , $err , $errstr , 2 ));
public static function queryQuake3($host, $port)
$reponse = self::ping($host, $port, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetstatus\x00");
if ($reponse === false || substr($reponse, 0, 5) !== "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFs") {
return false;
$reponse = substr($reponse, strpos($reponse, chr(10))+2);
$info = array();
$joueurs = substr($reponse, strpos($reponse,chr(10))+2);
$reponse = substr($reponse, 0, strpos($reponse, chr(10)));
while($reponse != ''){
$info[self::getString($reponse, '\\')] = self::getString($reponse, '\\');
if (!empty($joueurs)) {
$info['players'] = array();
while ($joueurs != ''){
$details = self::getString($joueurs, chr(10));
$info['players'][] = array('frag' => self::getString($details, ' '),
'ping' => self::getString($details, ' '),
'name' => $details);
return $info;
private static function ping($host, $port, $command)
$socket = #stream_socket_client('udp://'.$host.':'.$port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
if (!$errno && $socket) {
stream_set_timeout($socket, 2);
fwrite($socket, $command);
$buffer = #fread($socket, 1500);
return $buffer;
return false;
private static function getString(&$chaine, $chr = "\x00")
$data = strstr($chaine, $chr, true);
$chaine = substr($chaine, strlen($data) + 1);
return $data;
It's a static function, just like the one you're already calling. Something like this would do the job, I think:
$result = GameServerQuery::isOnline('', 28960, "Quake3");
That will show you what result you get back. I suspect it will be the same as the queryQuake3 function actually, because if you specify "Quake3" as the last parameter, the isOnline function will simply call the "queryQuake3" function and pass the result back directly.
So, the function should return either false if the server is offline or otherwise unresponsive, and either true, or a more complex dataset if it's online.
So in fact I think you could write:
$result = GameServerQuery::isOnline('', 28960, "Quake3");
if ($result === false) {
echo "Server is offline";
else {
echo "Server is online";
I'm using Parsedown to parse HTML from the database to my site. With Parsedown, you can't really add target="_blank" to the links.
So what I'm trying to do is to add target="_blank" to external links. I've found this function in Parsedown.php:
protected function inlineLink($Excerpt)
$Element = array(
'name' => 'a',
'handler' => 'line',
'text' => null,
'attributes' => array(
'href' => null,
'title' => null,
$extent = 0;
$remainder = $Excerpt['text'];
if (preg_match('/\[((?:[^][]++|(?R))*+)\]/', $remainder, $matches))
$Element['text'] = $matches[1];
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
$remainder = substr($remainder, $extent);
if (preg_match('/^[(]\s*+((?:[^ ()]++|[(][^ )]+[)])++)(?:[ ]+("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'))?\s*[)]/', $remainder, $matches))
$Element['attributes']['href'] = $matches[1];
if (isset($matches[2]))
$Element['attributes']['title'] = substr($matches[2], 1, - 1);
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
if (preg_match('/^\s*\[(.*?)\]/', $remainder, $matches))
$definition = strlen($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : $Element['text'];
$definition = strtolower($definition);
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
$definition = strtolower($Element['text']);
if ( ! isset($this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$definition]))
$Definition = $this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$definition];
$Element['attributes']['href'] = $Definition['url'];
$Element['attributes']['title'] = $Definition['title'];
$Element['attributes']['href'] = str_replace(array('&', '<'), array('&', '<'), $Element['attributes']['href']);
return array(
'extent' => $extent,
'element' => $Element,
Now, what I've tried is this (added a comment of what I changed):
protected function inlineLink($Excerpt)
$Element = array(
'name' => 'a',
'handler' => 'line',
'text' => null,
'attributes' => array(
'href' => null,
'target' => null, // added this
'title' => null,
$extent = 0;
$remainder = $Excerpt['text'];
if (preg_match('/\[((?:[^][]++|(?R))*+)\]/', $remainder, $matches))
$Element['text'] = $matches[1];
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
$remainder = substr($remainder, $extent);
if (preg_match('/^[(]\s*+((?:[^ ()]++|[(][^ )]+[)])++)(?:[ ]+("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'))?\s*[)]/', $remainder, $matches))
$Element['attributes']['href'] = $matches[1];
if (isset($matches[2]))
$Element['attributes']['title'] = substr($matches[2], 1, - 1);
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
if (preg_match('/^\s*\[(.*?)\]/', $remainder, $matches))
$definition = strlen($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : $Element['text'];
$definition = strtolower($definition);
$extent += strlen($matches[0]);
$definition = strtolower($Element['text']);
if ( ! isset($this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$definition]))
$Definition = $this->DefinitionData['Reference'][$definition];
$Element['attributes']['href'] = $Definition['url'];
if (strpos($Definition['url'], 'example.com') !== false) { // added this aswell, checking if its our own URL
$Element['attributes']['target'] = '_blank';
$Element['attributes']['title'] = $Definition['title'];
$Element['attributes']['href'] = str_replace(array('&', '<'), array('&', '<'), $Element['attributes']['href']);
return array(
'extent' => $extent,
'element' => $Element,
Any suggestions to accomplish this?
Ran into this issue today. I wanted to have all links from a different host open up in a new target automatically. Unfortunately, the accepted answer recommends editing the Parsedown class file, which is a bad idea imo.
I created a new PHP class which extends Parsedown, and created an override for the element method. Here is the whole class:
class ParsedownExtended extends Parsedown
protected function element(array $Element)
if ($this->safeMode) {
$Element = $this->sanitiseElement($Element);
$markup = '<' . $Element['name'];
if (isset($Element['name']) && $Element['name'] == 'a') {
$server_host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : null;
$href_host = isset($Element['attributes']['href']) ? parse_url($Element['attributes']['href'], PHP_URL_HOST) : null;
if ($server_host != $href_host) {
$Element['attributes']['target'] = '_blank';
if (isset($Element['attributes'])) {
foreach ($Element['attributes'] as $name => $value) {
if ($value === null) {
$markup .= ' ' . $name . '="' . self::escape($value) . '"';
if (isset($Element['text'])) {
$markup .= '>';
if (!isset($Element['nonNestables'])) {
$Element['nonNestables'] = array();
if (isset($Element['handler'])) {
$markup .= $this->{$Element['handler']}($Element['text'], $Element['nonNestables']);
else {
$markup .= self::escape($Element['text'], true);
$markup .= '</' . $Element['name'] . '>';
else {
$markup .= ' />';
return $markup;
Here is where the magic happens:
if (isset($Element['name']) && $Element['name'] == 'a') {
$server_host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : null;
$href_host = isset($Element['attributes']['href']) ? parse_url($Element['attributes']['href'], PHP_URL_HOST) : null;
if ($server_host != $href_host) {
$Element['attributes']['target'] = '_blank';
Now I simply use ParsedownExtended instead of Parsedown when parsing content, e.g.:
$parsedown = new ParsedownExtended();
return $parsedown->text($this->body);
Hope this helps someone.
Such issue already exists on GitHub. Please see this comment.
My extension can automatically set rel="nofollow" and target="_blank"
attributes to a link when it is detected as an external link. You can
also set those attributes manually through the attribute block:
[text](http://example.com) {rel="nofollow" target="_blank"}
Automatic rel="nofollow" Attribute on External Links
// custom external link attributes
$parser->links_external_attr = array(
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'target' => '_blank'
If you want to make changes in Parsedown class without using the parsedown-extra-plugin extension, you can do as follows:
1) In \Parsedown::element method after the first line $markup = '<'.$Element['name']; add this line $Element = $this->additionalProcessElement($Element);
2) Add new method to Parsedown class:
protected function additionalProcessElement($Element) { }
3) Extend Parsedown class and save it as MyParsedown.php file:
namespace myapps;
require_once __DIR__.'/Parsedown.php';
* Class MyParsedown
* #package app
class MyParsedown extends \Parsedown
* #param array $Element
* #return array
protected function additionalProcessElement($Element)
if ($Element['name'] == 'a' && $this->isExternalUrl($Element['attributes']['href'])) {
$Element['attributes']['target'] = '_blank';
return $Element;
* Modification of the funciton from answer to the question "How To Check Whether A URL Is External URL or Internal URL With PHP?"
* #param string $url
* #param null $internalHostName
* #see https://stackoverflow.com/a/22964930/7663972
* #return bool
protected function isExternalUrl($url, $internalHostName = null) {
$components = parse_url($url);
$internalHostName = ($internalHostName == null) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $internalHostName;
// we will treat url like '/relative.php' as relative
if (empty($components['host'])) {
return false;
// url host looks exactly like the local host
if (strcasecmp($components['host'], $internalHostName) === 0) {
return false;
$isNotSubdomain = strrpos(strtolower($components['host']), '.'.$internalHostName) !== strlen($components['host']) - strlen('.'.$internalHostName);
return $isNotSubdomain;
4) Create test.php file and run it:
require_once __DIR__.'/MyParsedown.php';
$parsedown = new \myapps\MyParsedown();
$text = 'External link to [example.com](http://example.com/abc)';
echo $parsedown->text($text);
This HTML code will be displayed on the browser page (if your host is not example.com, of course):
<p>External link to example.com</p>
Just like kjdion84 I'd also extend the Parsedown class. I suggest to not copy and change the element method but overwrite inlineLink; it's less work and more future proof if the base code changes.
Heads up: the urlIsExternal method is by no means complete (host check is missing).
class ParsedownExtended extends Parsedown
protected function inlineLink($Excerpt)
$link = parent::inlineLink($Excerpt);
if ($this->urlIsExternal($link['element']['attributes']['href'])) {
$link['element']['attributes'] += [
'target' => '_blank',
'rel' => 'nofollow',
return $link;
protected function urlIsExternal($url)
$scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
if (!$scheme || !$host) {
return false;
if (strpos(strtolower($scheme), 'http') !== 0) {
return false;
// #TODO check the host
return true;
This will work.
namespace YourNamespace;
class ParsedownExt extends \Parsedown
// Add target to links
protected function element(array $Element)
if (strcasecmp($Element['name'], 'a')===0)
$Element['attributes']['target'] = '_blank';
return parent::element($Element);
I only want to grab information using the Quickbooks API (that seems like this should be possible via their API). I setup an App on their Development site, linked it to the Quickbooks Company I created, and am trying to run this code to get anything from the curl response, but all I am getting are Authorization Failure (401) Messages. Why is it not being authorized? Been studying this site for 12 hours and none of their examples that they provide even work. Am using this page as a reference: https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0050_quickbooks_api/0010_your_first_request/rest_essentials_for_the_quickbooks_api and this: https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0100_accounting/0300_developer_guides/0015_calling_data_services#/The_authorization_header
My index.php file is as follows:
define('IS_SANDBOX', 1);
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'oAuth.php');
// GET baseURL/v3/company/companyID/resourceName/entityID
// consumer and consumer_secret
$oAuth = new QuickBooks_IPP_OAuth('qyprdwX21R3klmiskW3AaYLnDRGNLn', 'FDPpxScC6CIgoA07Uc2NYtZJk45CqNDI1Gw4zntn');
$request = array(
'url' => array(
'base_request_uri' => IS_SANDBOX == 1 ? 'https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com' : 'https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com',
'version' => 'v3',
'company' => 'company',
'companyID' => '123145768959777'
'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ESTIMATE',
'headers' => array(
'Host' => IS_SANDBOX == 1 ? 'sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com' : 'quickbooks.api.intuit.com',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'User-Agent' => 'APIExplorer'
$request_url = implode('/', $request['url']) . '/query?query=' . str_replace('+', ' ', str_replace('%7E', '~', rawurlencode($request['query']))) . '&minorversion=4';
// token, and token_secret
$headers = $oAuth->sign('GET', $request_url, 'qyprdaiy37CxGCuB8ow8XK76FYii3rnRU4AIQrHsZDcVFNnV', 'wWcpmPffdPABp6LNNyYgnraTft7bgdygAmTML0aB');
$request['headers']['Authorization'] = 'OAuth ' . array_pop($headers);
$response = curl($request_url, $request['headers']);
echo '<pre>', var_dump($response), '</pre>';
echo '<pre>', var_dump($request['headers']), '</pre>';
function curl($url, $headers) {
try {
$request_headers = array();
$ch = curl_init();
if (FALSE === $ch)
throw new Exception('failed to initialize');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
if (!empty($headers)) {
foreach($headers as $key => $value)
if ($key == 'GET')
$request_headers[] = $key . ' ' . $value;
$request_headers[] = $key . ': ' . $value;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $request_headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // Disable SSL Verfication, so we can get all info from non-SSL site!
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$header = curl_getinfo($ch);
echo '<h2>Curl Get Info</h2>';
echo '<pre>', var_dump($header), '</pre>';
if (FALSE === $data)
throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));
return $data;
} catch(Exception $e) {
'Curl failed with error #%d: %s',
$e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()), E_USER_ERROR);
echo '<pre>', var_dump($request_url), '</pre>';
My oAuth.php file looks like this:
* QuickBooks PHP DevKit
* Copyright (c) 2010 Keith Palmer / ConsoliBYTE, LLC.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
* #author Keith Palmer <keith#consolibyte.com>
* #license LICENSE.txt
* #package QuickBooks
class QuickBooks_IPP_OAuth
private $_secrets;
protected $_oauth_consumer_key;
protected $_oauth_consumer_secret;
protected $_oauth_access_token;
protected $_oauth_access_token_secret;
protected $_version = null;
protected $_signature = null;
protected $_keyfile;
const NONCE = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
const METHOD_GET = 'GET';
const METHOD_PUT = 'PUT';
const DEFAULT_VERSION = '1.0';
* Create our OAuth instance
public function __construct($oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret)
$this->_oauth_consumer_key = $oauth_consumer_key;
$this->_oauth_consumer_secret = $oauth_consumer_secret;
$this->_version = QuickBooks_IPP_OAuth::DEFAULT_VERSION;
$this->_signature = QuickBooks_IPP_OAuth::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE;
* Set the signature method
public function signature($method, $keyfile = null)
$this->_signature = $method;
$this->_keyfile = $keyfile;
* Sign an OAuth request and return the signing data (auth string, URL, etc.)
public function sign($method, $url, $oauth_token = null, $oauth_token_secret = null, $params = array())
print('got in: [' . $method . '], ' . $url);
print('<br /><br /><br />');
if (!is_array($params))
$params = array();
$params = array_merge($params, array(
'oauth_consumer_key' => $this->_oauth_consumer_key,
'oauth_signature_method' => $this->_signature,
'oauth_nonce' => $this->_nonce(),
'oauth_timestamp' => $this->_timestamp(),
'oauth_version' => $this->_version,
// Add in the tokens if they were passed in
if ($oauth_token)
$params['oauth_token'] = $oauth_token;
if ($oauth_token_secret)
$params['oauth_secret'] = $oauth_token_secret;
// Generate the signature
$signature_and_basestring = $this->_generateSignature($this->_signature, $method, $url, $params);
$params['oauth_signature'] = $signature_and_basestring[1];
print('BASE STRING IS [' . $signature_and_basestring[0] . ']' . "\n\n");
print('SIGNATURE IS: [' . $params['oauth_signature'] . ']');
$normalized = $this->_normalize($params);
print('NORMALIZE 1 [' . $normalized . ']' . "\n");
print('NORMZLIZE 2 [' . $this->_normalize2($params) . ']' . "\n");
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($url, '?')))
$url = substr($url, 0, $pos);
$normalized_url = $url . '?' . $normalized; // normalized URL
return array (
0 => $signature_and_basestring[0], // signature basestring
1 => $signature_and_basestring[1], // signature
2 => $normalized_url,
3 => $this->_generateHeader($params, $normalized), // header string
protected function _generateHeader($params, $normalized)
// oauth_signature="' . $this->_escape($params['oauth_signature']) . '",
$str = '';
if (isset($params['oauth_token']))
$str .= rawurlencode('oauth_token') . '="' . rawurlencode($params['oauth_token']) . '", ';
$nonce = rawurlencode(md5(mt_rand()));
$nonce_chars = str_split($nonce);
$formatted_nonce = '';
foreach($nonce_chars as $n => $chr)
if (in_array($n, array(8, 12, 16, 20)))
$formatted_nonce .= '-';
$formatted_nonce .= $chr;
$str .= rawurlencode('oauth_nonce') . '="' . $formatted_nonce . '", ' .
rawurlencode('oauth_consumer_key') . '="' . rawurlencode($params['oauth_consumer_key']) . '", ' .
rawurlencode(oauth_signature_method) . '="' . rawurlencode($params['oauth_signature_method']) . '", ' .
rawurlencode(oauth_timestamp) . '="' . rawurlencode($params['oauth_timestamp']) . '", ' .
rawurlencode(oauth_version) . '="' . rawurlencode($params['oauth_version']) . '", ' .
rawurlencode(oauth_signature) . '="' . $this->_escape($params['oauth_signature']) . '"';
return str_replace(array(' ', ' ', ' '), '', str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t"), ' ', $str));
protected function _escape($str)
if ($str === false)
return $str;
return str_replace('+', ' ', str_replace('%7E', '~', rawurlencode($str)));
protected function _timestamp()
//return 1326976195;
//return 1318622958;
return time();
protected function _nonce($len = 5)
//return '1234';
$tmp = str_split(QuickBooks_IPP_OAuth::NONCE);
//return 'kYjzVBB8Y0ZFabxSWbWovY3uYSQ2pTgmZeNu2VS4cg';
return substr(implode('', $tmp), 0, $len);
protected function _normalize($params)
$normalized = array();
foreach ($params as $key => $value)
// all names and values are already urlencoded, exclude the oauth signature
if ($key != 'oauth_secret')
if (is_array($value))
$sort = $value;
foreach ($sort as $subkey => $subvalue)
$normalized[] = $this->_escape($key) . '=' . $this->_escape($subvalue);
$normalized[] = $this->_escape($key) . '=' . $this->_escape($value);
return implode('&', $normalized);
protected function _generateSignature($signature, $method, $url, $params = array())
print('<pre>params for signing');
//if (false !== strpos($url, 'get_access'))
/*if (true)
print($url . '<br />' . "\r\n\r\n");
die('NORMALIZE MINE [' . $this->_normalize($params) . ']');
print('NORMALIZING [' . "\n");
print($this->_normalize($params) . "]\n\n\n");
print('SECRET KEY FOR SIGNING [' . $secret . ']' . "\n");
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($url, '?')))
$tmp = array();
parse_str(substr($url, $pos + 1), $tmp);
// Bad hack for magic quotes... *sigh* stupid PHP
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
foreach ($tmp as $key => $value)
if (!is_array($value))
$tmp[$key] = stripslashes($value);
$params = array_merge($tmp, $params);
$url = substr($url, 0, $pos);
//print('url [' . $url . ']' . "\n");
$sbs = $this->_escape($method) . '&' . $this->_escape($url) . '&' . $this->_escape($this->_normalize($params));
//print('sbs [' . $sbs . ']' . "\n");
// Which signature method?
switch ($signature)
case QuickBooks_IPP_OAuth::SIGNATURE_HMAC:
return $this->_generateSignature_HMAC($sbs, $method, $url, $params);
case QuickBooks_IPP_OAuth::SIGNATURE_RSA:
return $this->_generateSignature_RSA($sbs, $method, $url, $params);
return false;
// Pull the private key ID from the certificate
$privatekeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($cert);
// Sign using the key
$sig = false;
$ok = openssl_sign($base_string, $sig, $privatekeyid);
// Release the key resource
protected function _generateSignature_RSA($sbs, $method, $url, $params = array())
// $res = ...
$res = openssl_pkey_get_private('file://' . $this->_keyfile);
print('key id is: [');
$signature = null;
$retr = openssl_sign($sbs, $signature, $res);
return array(
0 => $sbs,
1 => base64_encode($signature),
$key = $request->urlencode($consumer_secret).'&'.$request->urlencode($token_secret);
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha1", $base_string, $key, true));
protected function _generateSignature_HMAC($sbs, $method, $url, $params = array())
$secret = $this->_escape($this->_oauth_consumer_secret);
$secret .= '&';
if (!empty($params['oauth_secret']))
$secret .= $this->_escape($params['oauth_secret']);
//print('generating signature from [' . $secret . ']' . "\n\n");
return array(
0 => $sbs,
1 => base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $sbs, $secret, true)),
$request['headers'] looks like this:
array(4) {
string(33) "sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com"
string(16) "application/json"
string(11) "APIExplorer"
string(306) "OAuth oauth_token="qyprdaiy37CxGCuB8ow8XK76FYii3rnRU4AIQrHsZDcVFNnV",oauth_nonce="189f7f21-6dd9-c136-e208-0f33141feea5",oauth_consumer_key="qyprdwX21R3klmiskW3AaYLnDRGNLn",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1462545676",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature="BIpYveqCxlfVT4Ps4qJypS%2BXHh8%3D""
The response looks like this:
message=ApplicationAuthenticationFailed; errorCode=003200; statusCode=401
SignatureBaseString: GET&https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com%2Fv3%2Fcompany%2F123145768959777%2Fquery&minorversion%3D4%26oauth_consumer_key%3DqyprdwX21R3klmiskW3AaYLnDRGNLn%26oauth_nonce%3D189f7f21-6dd9-c136-e208-0f33141feea5%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1462545676%26oauth_token%3Dqyprdaiy37CxGCuB8ow8XK76FYii3rnRU4AIQrHsZDcVFNnV%26oauth_version%3D1.0%26query%3DSELECT%2520%252A%2520FROM%2520ESTIMATE
The $request_url looks like this:
Am I forgetting to do something here? Or perhaps something is not correct somehow? I should be getting All Estimates from within the Quickbook Company with ID of 123145768959777, but all I'm getting is 401 Authorization Failure messages.
Am I forgetting to do something here? Or perhaps something is not correct somehow?
Yes, definitely. See below for specifics:
$headers = $oAuth->sign(null, ...
null is not a valid HTTP request method. Valid HTTP request methods are things like GET, POST, etc. Please refer to the HTTP spec and the OAuth spec.
$headers = $oAuth->sign(null, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
Why are you signing the server request URI? You should be signing the URL that you are sending your curl request to and not the URL the user is visiting on your own website.
$headers = $oAuth->sign(null, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'qyprdaiy37CxGCuB8ow8XK76FYii3rnRU4AIQrHsZDcVFNnV', 'wWcpmPffdPABp6LNNyYgnraTft7bgdygAmTML0aB');
You can not hard-code the OAuth access token and secret. They change every 6 months, and thus have to be stored in a database/file somewhere so that you can change them without editing your code every 6 months.
$request_url = implode('/', $request['url']) . '/query?query=' . str_replace('+', ' ', str_replace('%7E', '~', rawurlencode($request['query']))) . '&minorversion=4';
This is the URL you should be signing.
I should be getting All Estimates from within the Quickbook Company with ID of 123145768959777, but all I'm getting is 401 Authorization Failure messages.
If you need further help, it would make a lot of sense to post your actual HTTP requests and responses. There's not a lot anyone will be able to tell you without really seeing the requests being sent, and the responses being received.
Also... you realize that all of this hard work has already been done for you, using the library you've grabbed code from, right? e.g. You don't need to do any of what you're doing - it's just re-inventing the wheel. Just do:
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php';
$EstimateService = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Estimate();
$estimates = $EstimateService->query($Context, $realm, "SELECT * FROM Estimate STARTPOSITION 1 MAXRESULTS 10");
foreach ($estimates as $Estimate)
print('Estimate # ' . $Estimate->getDocNumber() . "\n");
Helpful links:
I am using codeigniter. I need to get all variables from a language file to an array.Is it possible?
Is there any method available like as follows?
$a = $this->load->language('editor');
I was tried $this->lang->language; But,This will return labels from another language files loaded.
$CI = & get_instance();
$arr = $CI->lang->language;
Or Use following library
Class My_language {
var $language = array();
* List of loaded language files
* #var array
var $is_loaded = array();
function __construct() {
log_message('debug', "Language Class Initialized");
function load($langfile = '', $idiom = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '') {
$langfile = str_replace('.php', '', $langfile);
if ($add_suffix == TRUE) {
$langfile = str_replace('_lang.', '', $langfile) . '_lang';
$langfile .= '.php';
if (in_array($langfile, $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) {
$config = & get_config();
if ($idiom == '') {
$deft_lang = (!isset($config['language'])) ? 'english' : $config['language'];
$idiom = ($deft_lang == '') ? 'english' : $deft_lang;
// Determine where the language file is and load it
if ($alt_path != '' && file_exists($alt_path . 'language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile)) {
include($alt_path . 'language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile);
} else {
$found = FALSE;
foreach (get_instance()->load->get_package_paths(TRUE) as $package_path) {
if (file_exists($package_path . 'language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile)) {
include($package_path . 'language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile);
$found = TRUE;
if ($found !== TRUE) {
show_error('Unable to load the requested language file: language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile);
if (!isset($lang)) {
log_message('error', 'Language file contains no data: language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile);
if ($return == TRUE) {
return $lang;
$this->is_loaded[] = $langfile;
$this->language = array();
$this->language = $lang;
return $this->language;
log_message('debug', 'Language file loaded: language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile);
return TRUE;
Call like this
$arr = $this->my_language->load('demo');
I know this is quite an old question, but I just want to give my solution for this problem since no answers has done the trick for this problem. (tested on codeigniter 3)
$foo = $this->lang->load('lang_file', 'english', true);
notice that the third parameter for load method determines whether to return the loaded array of translations. source: codeigniter 3 docs.
hope this helps
Yeah ofcourse its possible. You can do like this :
//load helper for language
//test is the language file in english folder
//fetch all the data in $var variable
//print $var
$var will return the array. :)
If you want to return language file data in Array than you need to pass the third parameter in load function.
$this->lang->load('header','hindi',true) // filename,language,true