how can I post back the data that are already in the text field?
if I miss one of the required field an error will prompt when i click the submit button.
How can I make an post back data in that form using php or javascript and make the cursor of the mouse directly located to the field that caused an error?

There is no automated ways in PHP to write back the informations of the fields so you just have to echo it back.
Let's say you've got a "username" field ( <input type="text" name="username" /> ) you just need to add this:
value="<?php echo isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : ''; ?>"
or if you like more:
value="<?php if(isset($_POST['username'])) echo $_POST['username']; ?>"
changed "" to ''

This sounds like basic form validation. I would recommend reading some of these tutorials or looking for some pre-built PHP form validation mechanisms.
Form validation using PHP
PHP/CSS Form validation
PHP Form Validation

Some frameworks such as CodeIgniter will do this for you if you use their own libraries. It's worth checking out such a framework as they provide a lot of other benefits. Of course it's not always possible to transfer an existing application but it's still useful to bear in mind for the future.

If I understand this correctly you want to keep whatever data the user has already entered, tell him what he did wrong and preferably focus on the bad field.
If so then here's a very basic example using a form with two fields where both need to be filled in to proceed.
if($_POST['form_action']=="submitted") {
//Check incoming data
if(empty($field1)) {
echo 'field1 is empty<br>';
elseif(empty($field2)) {
echo 'field2 is empty<br>';
else { //Everything ok - move to next page
header('Location: <next page>');
echo '<form name="mybo" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="field1" value="' . $field1 . '"><br>
<input type="text" name="field2" value="' . $field2 . '"><br>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value=" Enter ">
<input type="hidden" name="form_action" value="submitted">
//Focus on empty field
if(!empty($badField)) {
echo '<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
document.mybo.' . $badField . '.focus(); </SCRIPT>';

I think the Moav's answer is "philosophically" correct however if you want do that you can:
1) pass via GET or POST the text control id;
2) on the server check that error condition;
3) fill an hidden input field with that value on the page returns
4) if error that with JS you can do:
window.onload = init; // init stuff here
function init()
function checkForError()
var h = document.getElementById("error_field");
var v = h.value;
However, if you will do that for every error field there will be a post and this is
by a user perspective very it is better to adopt other approaches...

I would take a different approach:
Validation should be in JS, and as such you never loose data, as you don't submit.
Any wrong data that was submitted and caught on the server is due to someone trying to pass over your JS validation, which means he has criminal thoughts, usually.


Simple Captcha in PHP with rand()

I'm trying to make a simple captcha in PHP, but it does not work. The query is not currently executing. This is my current code:
$Random = rand(1, 100);
$Random2 = rand(1,100);
echo "Result: ".$Random." + ".$Random2." ?";
<input type="text" name="r_input"/><br />
$Cap = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['r_input']);
$Result = $Random+$Random2;
if(isset($_POST['myButton']) and trim($Var) and trim($Var2) and trim($Var3) and $Cap==$Result){
//My Query
When you use rand() to generate 2 values, and show those 2 values, and give the form for the user to enter the answer, ...
... the user enters the answer and submits back to the server ...
... the server gets the answer, and then GENERATES 2 NEW VALUES, that don't correspond to the answer given by the user.
Try using session variables to store the generated values in, and match against when the user submits the form!
$captcha_id = 'captcha_' . rand();
$_SESSION['$captcha_id']['val1'] = rand(1,1000);
$_SESSION['$captcha_id']['val2'] = rand(1,1000);
echo "
<form action='' method='post'>
<p>Result: {$_SESSION['$captcha_id']['val1']} + {$_SESSION['$captcha_id']['val2']} = </p>
<input type='hidden' name='captcha_id' value='{$captcha_id}' />
<input type='text' name='captcha_answer' />
if (
&& isset($_SESSION[$_POST['captcha_id']])
&& isset($_POST['captcha_answer'])
&& $_SESSION[$_POST['captcha_id']]['val1'] + $_SESSION[$_POST['captcha_id']]['val2'] == intval($_POST['captcha_answer'])
) {
unset($_SESSION[$_POST['captcha_id']]); // don't let this answer be reused anymore.
// do allowed stuff
Because $Random and $Random2 have a different value each time.
When you show the form for the first time, they may have the values $Random = 12 and $Random2 = 26. The User sees those, adds them up correctly and types in 38 (which is the correct answer for those two values). The answer is sent to the script again, the values of $Random and $Random2 are generated again (this time as $Random = 23 and $Random2 = 30 which equals 53) and the answer the user has sent is not correct any more.
So you would need to store those values in hidden fields and add these up, instead of the generated ones, like so:
<input type="hidden" name="rand_1" value="<?php echo $Random; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="rand_2" value="<?php echo $Random2; ?>">
if ($_POST['rand_1'] + $_POST['rand_2'] == $_POST['r_input']) {
// Query etc.
EDIT: As suggested by #nl-x you should use the Session variables instead of hidden fields to prevent abuse of the captcha:
$Random = $_SESSION['rand_1'] = rand(1, 100);
$Random2 = $_SESSION['rand_2'] = rand(1,100);
echo "Result: ".$Random." + ".$Random2." ?";
And check those values against the given result afterwards:
$Cap = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['r_input']);
$Result = $_SESSION['rand_1'] + $_SESSION['rand_2'];
if ($Result == $Cap) {
// ...
You never re-enter PHP mode after you output your form field:
<input type="text" name="r_input"/><br />
<?php // <----this is missing
$Cap = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['r_input']);
Pardon me, but you are not making a real captcha. The purpose of the captcha is to distinguish the human from the bots. I would highly suggest you to pick a image database, and randomize a function to call a image. Internally, i would check if the text/description of the image matches with what the user typed.
The only thing you will rand() is what image to load from your image database.
That's a not-healthy way to do it, and there are plenty of better ways to do this. But it's more closer to a captcha than just your current code.
There is also a lot of libraries and engines that can do the job for you.
I'm not a pro at PHP, or even programming at all, but i think you're going to the wrong side - your code won't block any... malicious actions at all, or whatever kind of action that you will try to prevent with the captcha.
Search google for the libraries. PhpCaptcha is one of them. And here is a very simple quickstart guide for phpcaptcha.
Here's a code example, extracted from PHPCaptch that I linked above.
At the desired position in your form, add the following code to display the CAPTCHA image:
<img id="captcha" src="/securimage/securimage_show.php" alt="CAPTCHA Image" />
Next, add the following HTML code to create a text input box:
<input type="text" name="captcha_code" size="10" maxlength="6" />
[ Different Image ]
On the very first line of the form processor, add the following code:
<?php session_start(); ?>
The following php code should be integrated into the script that processes your form and should be placed where error checking is done. It is recommended to place it after any error checking and only attempt to validate the captha code if no other form errors occured. It should also be within tags.
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/securimage/securimage.php';
$securimage = new Securimage();
This includes the file that contains the Securimage source code and creates a new Securimage object that is responsible for creating, managing and validating captcha codes.
Next we will check to see if the code typed by the user was entered correctly.
if ($securimage->check($_POST['captcha_code']) == false) {
// the code was incorrect
// you should handle the error so that the form processor doesn't continue
// or you can use the following code if there is no validation or you do not know how
echo "The security code entered was incorrect.<br /><br />";
echo "Please go <a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>back</a> and try again.";
Following the directions above should get Securimage working with minimal effort.
This code is included here as well.
Good luck!

Form to form with PHP

I am trying to create a multi steps form where user will fill the form on page1.php and by submitting can go to page2.php to the next 'form'. What would be the easiest way?
Here is my code:
<form id="pdf" method="post">
New project name:<input type="text" name="pr_name" placeholder="new project name..."><br/>
New project end date:<input id="datepicker" type="text" name="pr_end" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd..."><br/>
<textarea class="ckeditor" name="pagecontent" id="pagecontent"></textarea>
if ($_POST["pr_name"]!="")
// data collection
$prname = $_POST["pr_name"];
$prend = $_POST["pr_end"];
$prmenu = "pdf";
$prcontent = $_POST["pagecontent"];
//SQL INSERT with error checking for test
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO projects (prname, enddate, sel, content) VALUES(?,?,?,?)");
if (!$stmt) echo "\nPDO::errorInfo():\n";
$stmt->execute(array($prname,$prend, $prmenu, $prcontent));
// somehow I need to check this
if (data inserted ok) {
header("Location: pr-pdf2.php");
$sbmt_caption = "continue ->";
<input id="submitButton" name="submit_name" type="submit" value="<?php echo $sbmt_caption?>"/>
I have changed following Marc advise, but I don't know how to check if the SQL INSERT was OK.
Could give someone give me some hint on this?
thanks in advance
the solution as I could not answer to my question (timed out:):
Here is my final code, can be a little bit simple but it works and there are possibilities to check and upgrade later. Thanks to everyone especially Marc.
<form id="pdf" method="post" action="pr-pdf1.php">
New project name:<input type="text" name="pr_name" placeholder="new project name..."><br/>
Email subject:<input type="text" name="pr_subject" placeholder="must be filled..."><br/>
New project end date:<input id="datepicker" type="text" name="pr_end" placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd..."><br/>
<textarea class="ckeditor" name="pagecontent" id="pagecontent"></textarea>
include_once "ckeditor/ckeditor.php";
$CKEditor = new CKEditor();
$CKEditor->basePath = 'ckeditor/';
// Set global configuration (will be used by all instances of CKEditor).
$CKEditor->config['width'] = 600;
// Change default textarea attributes
$CKEditor->textareaAttributes = array(“cols” => 80, “rows” => 10);
// data collection
$prname = $_POST["pr_name"];
$prsubject = $_POST["pr_subject"];
$prend = $_POST["pr_end"];
$prmenu = "pdf";
$prcontent = $_POST["pagecontent"];
//SQL INSERT with error checking for test
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO projects (prname, subject, enddate, sel, content) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)");
// error checking
if (!$stmt) echo "\nPDO::errorInfo():\n";
// SQL command check...
if ($stmt->execute(array($prname, $prsubject, $prend, $prmenu, $prcontent))){
header("Location: pr-pdf2.php");
echo"Try again because of the SQL INSERT failing...";
$sbmt_caption = "continue ->";
<input id="submitButton" name="submit_name" type="submit" value="<?php echo $sbmt_caption?>"/>
Add the attribute action with the url you'd like to go to. In this case it'd be
<form id="pdf" method="post" action="page2.php">
EDIT: i missed you saying this method doesn't work. What part of it doesn't work?
You should keep the action to the same script, so the POST action is still performed and then redirect with header("Location: page2.php"); when the processing is done.
A basic structure like this will do it:
... process form data here ...
if (form data ok) {
... insert into database ...
if (data inserted ok) {
header("Location: form2.php");
... display page #1 form here ...
And then the same basic structure for each subsequent page. Always submit the form back to the page it came from, and redirect to the next page if everything's ok.
You're probably better off separating the php code from the form. Put the php code in a file called submit.php, set the form action equal to submit.php, and then add the line header('Location:'); to your code.
The easiest way is to post it to form2.php by giving the form the attribute action="page2.php". But there's a risk in that. It means that form2 must parse the posted data of form1. Also, if the data is wrong (verification) form1 must be shown instead of form2. This will make your code over complicated and creates dependencies between the two forms.
So the better solution (and quite easy as well) is to implement the post-redirect-get pattern.
You post to form1, verify all data and store it. If the data is ok, you redirect to form2. If the data is wrong, you just show form1 again.
Redirecting is done by a header:
// Officially you'll need a full url in this header, but relative paths
// are accepted by all browsers.
header('Location: form2.php');
Save already posted fields in hidden input fields, but don't forget to validate them every time user submits another step of the form as the user may change hidden inputs in source code.
<input type="hidden" name"some_name" value="submitted_value"/>
There are several ways handling the submitted data while jumping between steps.
You will find your reasons for /against writing data to session, database, whatever... after each step or not.
I did following approach:
The form includes always a complete set of input elements, but on page #1 the step-2-elements are hidden ... and other way round.
I built a 6-step-wizard this way. One large template, some JS /Ajax for validating input, additional hidden inputs that hold current step-ID and PHP deciding, which fields to show or hide.
The benfit in my opinion: Data can easily be saved completely, as soon as input is alright and complete. No garbage handling, if users abort after step 1.
I would store it all in a session array (or sub array)
a really rough example where I'm saving all the form names to an array (to be checked later of course):
foreach($_POST as $k => $v){

Checking view for PHP variables

This is how I've been checking to see if variables are set when returned to my view.
<label for="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" <?php if(isset($_POST['username'])) { echo "value=\"". $_POST['username'] . "\""; } ?> />
<?php if(isset($username_error)) { echo "<label>" . $username_error . "</label>"; } ?>
I feel like there could be a better approach, or even a shorter way to check and echo out these values?
When I deal with form submissions or possibly not initialized variables in PHP I do this:
$username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : '';
$username_error = usernameValid($username) ? true : false;
Then just echo out the username and do a quick if($username_error) to determine if you need to display the error. It's probably best to store if a submitted form field is valid or not and the error message separately.
You could build the HTML independently, loading your template with DOMDocument.loadHTML and adding the attributes conditionally (JavaScript-like) via the DOM. That has the advantage of highlighting your HTML structure without as many inline checks.
I'd suggest using a library or framework that does the hard work for you.
A PHP and jQuery form creation and validation library available?
HTML Form Library for PHP 5

Retaining values in forms fields when validation of data fails

I am having problems figuring out how to retain users data when the validation fails. I am somewhat new to PHP so I might be making some huge mistakes in my logic.
Currently if the validation fails all the fields are wiped clean and $_Post data is also gone.
Here is some code assuming the user enters an invalid email I want the Name field to be retained. This code is not working.
if($_POST['doSubmit'] == 'Submit') {
$usr_name = $data['Name'];
$usr_email = $data['Email'];
if (isEmail($usr_email)==FALSE){
$err = "Email is invalid.");
header("Location: index.php?msg=$err");
//do whatever with data
if (isset($_GET['msg'])) {
$msg = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['msg']);
echo "<div class=\"msg\">$msg</div><hr />";
if (isset ($_POST['Name'])){
$reusername = $_POST['Name'];}
else{$reusername = "NOTHING";}//to test
<form action="index.php" method="post" >
<input name="UserName" type="text" size="30" value="<?echo $reusername;?>">
<input name="Email" type="text" size="30">
<input name="doSubmit" type="submit" value="submit">
You can use AJAX to submit your form data to your PHP script and have it return JSON data that specifies whether the validation was successful or not. That way, your fields won't be wiped clean.
Another way is to send back the recorded parameters to the posting page, and in the posting page, populate the fields using PHP.
However, I think the first solution is better.
The edit makes your code clearer and so I noticed something. Your input field is called UserName in the HTML, but you are referring to Name in PHP. That's probably why it's not working. Is your field always being filled with the value NOTHING? Make sure the name of the input field and the subscript you are using in $_POST are the same.
Also, there's no need to redirect to another page (using header) if you have an error. Maintain an $errors array or variable to print error messages in the same page. But like I mentioned before, it's probably better to use the JSON approach since then you can separate your view layer (the html) from the PHP (controller layer). So you'd put your HTML in one file, and your PHP in another file.
Vivin had commented that my assumption regarding the header was incorrect and he was right in that. Further more it looks like what the OP is doing is essentially what i layed out below albeit in a less structured fashion. Further Vivin - caught what is likely the actual problem here - the html name and the array key $_POST do not match.
Its wiped clean because you are using header to redirect to another page. Typicaly you would have a single page that validates the data and if ok does something with it and returns a success view of some sort, or that returns an error view directly showing the form again. By using header youre actually redirecting the browser to another page (ie. starting up an entirely new request).
For example:
// myform.php
if(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'get')
include(''); // we load the actual view - the html/php file
$content = ob_get_clean();
print $content; // we print the contents of the view to the browser
elseif(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post')
$form = santize($_POST); // clean up the input... htmlentities, date format filters, etc..
if($data = is_valid($form))
process_data($data); // this would insert it in the db, or email it, etc..
$errors = get_errors(); // this would get our error messages associated with each form field indexed by the same key as $form
include(''); // we load the actual view - the html/php file
$content = ob_get_clean();
print $content; // we print the contents of the view to the browser
so this assumes that your always has the output of error messages coded into it - it just doesnt display them. So in this file you might see something like:
<label for="item_1">
<?php echo isset($error['item_1']) ? $error['item_1'] : null; ?>
Item 1: <input id="item_1" value="<?php echo $form['item_1'] ?>" />
Could do something similar to if failed then value=$_POST['value']
But vivin's answer is best. I don't know much about AJAX and wouldn't be able to manage that.
Ok, firstly header("Location: index.php?msg=$err"); is not really required. It's best practice not to redirect like this on error, but display errors on the same page. Also, redirecting like this means you lose all of the post data in the form so you can never print it back into the inputs.
What you need to do is this:
<input name="Email" type="text" size="30" value="<?php print (!$err && $usr_email ? htmlentities($usr_email, ENT_QUOTES) : '') ?>">
Here I'm checking whether any errors exist, then whether the $usr_email variable is set. If both these conditions are matched the post data is printed in the value attribute of the field.
The reason I'm using the function htmlentities() is because otherwise a user can inject malicious code into the page.
You appear to be processing the post on the same page as your form. This is an OK way to do things and it means you're nearly there. All you have to do is redirect if your validation is successful but not if it fails. Like this
if( isset( $_POST['number'] ) ) {
$number = $_POST['number'];
// validate
if( $number < 10 ) {
// process it and then;
header('Location: success_page.php');
} else {
$err = 'Your number is too big';
} else {
$number = '';
$err = '';
<form method="POST">
Enter a number less than 10<br/>
<?php echo $err ?><br/>
<input name="number" value="<?php echo $number ?>"><br/>
<input type="submit">

Post Back response from PHP to javascript

I'm new to forms and post data ... so I don't know how solve this problem!
I've a php page (page1) with a simple form:
<form method="post" action="/page2.php">
<input type="search" value="E-Mail Address" size="30" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Find E-Mail" />
How you can notice ... this form post the 'email' value to the page2. In the page2 there is a small script that lookup in a database to check if the email address exist.
$email = $_POST['email'];
$resut = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE email = $email");
/* do something */
//post back yes
//post back no
I don't know how make the post back in php! And how can I do to the post back data are read from a javascript method that shows an alert reporting the result of the search?
This is only an example of what I'm trying to do, because my page2 make some other actions before the post back.
When I click on the submit button, I'm trying to animate a spinning indicator ... this is the reason that I need to post back to a javascript method! Because the javascript function should stop the animation and pop up the alert with the result of the search!
Very thanks in advance!
I suggest you read up on AJAX.
Here's a PHP example on W3Schools that details an AJAX hit.
Hi i think you can handle it in two ways.
First one is to submit the form, save the data in your session, check the email, redirect
back to your form and display the results and data from session.
// store email in session to show it on form after validation
$_SESSION['email'] = $_POST['email'];
// put your result in your session
if ($results) {
$_SESSION['result'] = 'fine';
header(Location: 'yourform.php'); // redirect to your form
Now put some php code in your form:
// check if result is fine, if yes do something..
if ($_SESSION['result'] == 'fine) {
echo 'Email is fine..';
} else {
echo 'Wrong Email..';
More infos : Sessions & Forms
And in put the email value back in the form field
<input type="search"
value="<?php echo $_SESSION['email']; ?>"
name="email" />
Please excuse my english, it is horrible i know ;)
And the other one the ajax thing some answers before mine !
As a sidenote, you definitly should escape your data before using it in an SQL request, to avoid SQL injection
As you are using mysql_* functions, this would be done with one of those :
or mysql_real_escape_string
You would not be able to post in this situation as it is from the server to the client. For more information about POST have a look at this article.
To answer your question you would want to do something like this when you have done your query:
if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ //implies not 0
$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
//no results found
echo "no results were found";
The print_r function is simply printing all the results that the query would have returned, you will probably want to format this using some html. $data is just an array which you can print a single element from like this:
echo $data['email'];
I hope this helps!
echo " alert('Record Inserted ');"
echo " document.getElementByID('tagname').innerHtml=$result;"
include 'Your Html file name'
