I'm writing a construct in PHP where a parser determins which function to call dynamically, kind of like this:
// The definition of what to call
$function_call_spec = array( "prototype" => "myFunction",
"parameters" => array( "first_par" => "Hello",
"second_par" => "World"));
// Dispatch
$funcPrototype = $function_call_spec["prototype"];
$funcPrototype(); // Here we call function 'myFunction'.
This is all fine and dandy. But now comes the next step, passing the parameters, which I don't really know if it's possible the way I want to do it. It never stops amazing me however what script languages can do these days, so here goes:
One could pass the parameters to the function like this:
// Here we call function 'myFunction' with the array of parameters.
$funcPrototype( $function_call_spec["parameters"] );
However, I want to declare 'myFunction' properly with clear arguments etc:
function myFunction( $first_par, $second_par )
The question then follows - Is there any way to pass parameters to a function dynamically simply by looping through the parameter array?
To clarify, I don't want to do it like this:
$funcPrototype( $function_call_spec["parameters"]["first_par"],
$function_call_spec["parameters"]["second_par"] );
Because this requires my code to statically know details about myFunction, which goes against the whole idea.
Instead I would want to do it in some way like this maybe:
// Special magic PHP function which can be used for invoking functions dynamically
InvokeFunction( $funcPrototype, $function_call_spec["parameters"] );
Which then results in myFunction being called and all parameters in the array gets passed to each individual parameter variable in the prototype.
Any comments are welcome.
PS: None of the code in this post has been tested for typos etc.
You should use call_user_func_array which can call any function or method and takes parameteres from an array.
Alternatively you can use ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs, but there's no benefit over call_user_func_array unless you already use this class for someting else (like checking whether function you call accepts appropriate number and types of arguments).
call_user_func_array($funcPrototype, $function_call_spec["parameters"]);
You might want to create a wrapper that names the function to your preference, such as:
function InvokeFunction($function, $args = array()) {
return call_user_func_array($function, (array)$args);
With this function you can call it in 3 different ways:
$return = InvokeFunction('doStuff');
$return = InvokeFunction('doStuff', $single_arg);
$return = InvokeFunction('doStuff', $multiple_args);
call_user_func_array() is the best choice if you don't need to enforce the contract, otherwise use ReflectionFunction.
When you use create_function(), your arguments are not evaluated until runtime. Pretty sweet.
I am currently working on a project on the Codeigniter MVC framework. I have created an authentication library to suite the project with several functions. I will be checking and validating data in my controller and then passing the data into one of these functions. For example my register function takes about 5 parameters at the moment, but should I pass these in as strings or should I pass them in as an array? Is there a set rule or is this personal preference?
It's personal preference. If you are passing the parameters to a function, it can be easier to pass them in an array if there are quite a few parameters. Also, passing the parameters in an array means you don't have to pass them to a function in a specific order as you must do when passing each parameter to a function individually.
function myFunc($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4, $param5) { ... }
For the above, you must pass all params in the exact order...
myFunc('Something', '', 'Something Else', '', '');
An easier way is to pass the parameters in an array...
function myFunc($array) { ... }
The $array can contain all or some of the parameters in any order...
$array { 'param1' => 'Something', 'param3' => 'Something Else' ... }
You just have to make sure your function addresses missing parameters gracefully if you are passing them via an array...
if (empty($array['param1'])) return false; // or whatever should happen
Well it's up to you, but with an array you have to check yourself that proper indices were set to proper types. With individual parameters (and possibly type hints) php will do this for you. Also individual parameters work better with IDE.
add_filter('wp_list_pages_excludes', 'gr_wp_list_pages_excludes');
function gr_wp_list_pages_excludes($exclude_array) {
$exclude_array=array_merge($id_array, $exclude_array);
return $exclude_array;
I'm a newbie to wordpress. The above code works fine. But I need to pass additional argument, say $mu_cust_arg to the function gr_wp_list_pages_excludes. How can I make use of it via apply_filters, or any other methods?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can indeed add multiple arguments to a filter/action, you just need to tell WordPress how many arguments to expect
Example, which won't work:
add_filter('some_filter', function($argument_one, $argument_two) {
// won't work
apply_filters('some_filter', 'foo', 'bar'); // won't work
It will fail with an error that too many arguments was provided.
Instead, you need to add this:
add_filter('some_filter', function($argument_one, $argument_two) {
// works!
$arugment_one; // foo
$arugment_two; // bar
}, 10, 2); // 2 == amount of arguments expected
apply_filters('some_filter', 'foo', 'bar');
Because WP doesn't accept closures as callbacks (at least, certainly not for add_filter()) the short answer is "you can't". At least, not in a tidy way.
There are a couple of options here, depending on what you are doing. The first is the best, but you may not be able to use it:
Write a wrapper function that calls your function:
function gr_wp_list_pages_excludes_1 ($exclude_array) {
$custom_arg = 'whatever';
gr_wp_list_pages_excludes_1($exclude_array, $custom_arg)
This will only work if you are always passing the same custom argument in a given situation - you would write one of these wrapper functions for each different situation, and pass the name of the wrapper function to add_filter(). Alternatively, if you want it to be truly dynamic, you would need to...
Use a global variable: (Ref: Variable scope, $GLOBALS)
function gr_wp_list_pages_excludes($exclude_array) {
global $gr_wp_list_pages_excludes_custom_arg;
$exclude_array=array_merge($id_array, $exclude_array);
return $exclude_array;
Using this approach means that you can pass any data you like into the function by assigning it to $gr_wp_list_pages_excludes_custom_arg in the global scope. This is generally regarded as bad practice and heavily frowned upon, because it makes for messy and unreadable code and leaves the memory space littered with extra variables. Note that I have made the variable name very long and specific to the function to avoid collisions - another problem with using global variables. While this will work, only use it if you absolutely have to.
Very simple!
add_filter('filter_name','my_func',10,3); //three parameters lets say..
echo apply_filters('filter_name',$a,$b,$c);
I am writing a unit test for a method using PHPUnit. The method I am testing makes a call to the same method on the same object 3 times but with different sets of arguments. My question is similar to the questions asked here and here
The questions asked in the other posts have to do with mocking methods that only take one argument.
However, my method takes multiple arguments and I need something like this:
$this->equalTo($arg1, $arg2, arg3....argNb),
$this->equalTo($arg1b, $arg2b, arg3b....argNb),
$this->equalTo($arg1c, $arg2c, arg3c....argNc)
This code doesn't work because equalTo() validates only one argument. Giving it more than one argument throws an exception:
Argument #2 of PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEqual::__construct() must be a numeric
Is there a way to do a logicalOr mocking for a method with more than one argument?
In my case the answer turned out to be quite simple:
->with(/* first set of params */);
->with(/* second set of params */);
The key is to use $this->at(n), with n being the Nth call of the method. I couldn't do anything with any of the logicalOr() variants I tried.
For others who are looking to both match input parameters and provide return values for multiple calls.. this works for me:
->withConsecutive([$argA1, $argA2], [$argB1, $argB2], [$argC1, $argC2])
->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls($retValue1, $retValue2, $retValue3);
Stubbing a method call to return the value from a map
$map = array(
array('arg1_1', 'arg2_1', 'arg3_1', 'return_1'),
array('arg1_2', 'arg2_2', 'arg3_2', 'return_2'),
array('arg1_3', 'arg2_3', 'arg3_3', 'return_3'),
Or you can use
->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls('return_1', 'return_2', 'return_3'));
if you don't need to specify input arguments
In case someone finds this without looking at the correspondent section in the phpunit documentation, you can use the withConsecutive method
[$arg1, $arg2, $arg3....$argNb],
[arg1b, $arg2b, $arg3b....$argNb],
[$arg1c, $arg2c, $arg3c....$argNc]
The only downside of this being that the code MUST call the MyMockedMethod in the order of arguments supplied. I have not yet found a way around this.
I am currently working on a mashup that incorporates many data feeds. In order to display ALL of the feeds that the user wants on one page, I am currently using if statements to cross-check with the MySQL database like this:
$var being the result of a call to mysqli_fetch_array
and then including code relevant to the function (e.g. weather) underneath, and then another "if" statement for another feed, so on so on. The problem is that there will be many feeds, and having all these "if" statements will be slow and redundant.
Is there any way to optimize this PHP code?
Another solution might be to map the "type" to a custom function using associative arrays.
e.g. (pseudo code)
function handle_wheater_logic() {
// ... your code goes here
function handle_news_logic() {
// .. your code goes here
$customFunctions = array("wheater" => "handle_wheater_logic", "news" => "handle_news_logic");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_...) {
call_user_func ($customFunctions[$row["type"]])
This would eliminate the need to use a lot of if statements. You might as well do the "type to function" mapping in a configuration file or maybe just store the name of the custom function to call for each "type" in a database table - that's up to you.
You can, of course also pass parameters to custom function. Just checkout the documentation for call_user_func[_array].
Try this:
$methods = array(
"weather" => function() {
// code
"otheroption" => function() {
Just use then $var["type"] as a index in the array to get the function:
You can obviuosly, for better readbility do something similar:
$methods = array(
"weather" => "wheater_function",
"otheroption" => "other_function"
and then call the functions this way:
To be even more object oriented we can obviously store in the array objects implementing a particular interface, or store object redifining the __call() magic method and use it like functions.
You can use a switch statement.
A good solution for eliminating a lot of if statements and a huge switch statement just checking for one condition, would be to implement a design pattern such as the Strategy pattern.
This way you will have the code for each type separated, which makes it easier to overview and manage.
Here's an example of an implementation http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/gilf/archive/2009/11/22/applying-strategy-pattern-instead-of-using-switch-statements.aspx
Even if you won't implement this strictly it will give you some ideas on how to solve this elegantly.
Create an array that associates a function to each feed type:
$actions = array("weather" => "getWeather",
"news" => "getNews");
Then use call_user_func to call the correct one:
Polymorphysm for the rescue.
inteface FeedInterface {
public function retrieve($params);
class FeedWeather implements FeedInterface {
public function retrieve($params) {
//retrieve logic for weather feed
class FeedSports implements FeedInterface {
public function retrieve($params) {
//retrieve logic for sports feed
With use of PHP class autoloading, each of above declarations can be in a separate file, possibly namespaced as well. Then your feed retrieval code could look like this:
$class = 'Feed'.$var["type"];
$feed = new $class;
That's overly simplified and would need some additional code for error handling, discovery of non-existing classes and such, but the idea should be clear.
Using either an If Statement or a Switch statement will be faster than you care about. It might look ugly and be cumbersome to maintain but it will be fast.
I have a function in CodeIgniter which populates a list of days. I called it init_days(). I call this function using ajax and output the returned values into a div using jQuery.
This function does not take any arguments; I load the default values in from a model and work from there. (This function loads a couple of days into a list, starting from the current day (today). I load the current day/month/year/.. in from my model).
However, since this list will have to be manipulated (to show, for example, the next month). In this case, I suppose I'd have to pass arguments to my function.
Now, I don't really want to have one function to initiate the list (init_days()), and then another function, lets call it populate_days(), which takes arguments but essentially does the same thing, just with manipulated values.
Is there a way to check whether or not I'm passing values to my function? That way I could just keep my function the way it is and add a check for arguments. Or perhaps I'm making this more difficult than it is (as usual :( ) and there's an easier way? Thanks a lot!
If you have a set amount of arguments, you could just give them default values
function init_days($start = '', $end = '') {
if (!empty($start) && !empty($end)) {
//got both vars. do something with it here
You could also use func_get_arg() if you're working with variable numbers of parameters. So your method will work with or without arguments