Getting part of MySql row? - php

Is there any way to get just a part from MySql cell and ignore everything after predefined character?
For example, I have row with cell's "ID, LINK, PHONE". Inside LINK cell DB wrights links like Is there any way, to get just "" from this cell and ignore everything after slash, so I can echo it inside anchor tag?
Edit: To be absolutely clearly I'm posting the existing code:
if(mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass)) {
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS smsads(id bigint unsigned primary key auto_increment, link varchar(255), fromnum varchar(60))");
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM smsads ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
$http_link = $row->link;
if(strstr($http_link, 'http') === FALSE) $http_link = 'http://'.$http_link;
echo "<div id=\"banner\"><img src=\"{$http_link}\" /></div>";

should do the trick. It will return everything before the first slash character

A solution, on the PHP side, might be to use strpos and substr, to :
find the position of the character
and extract what comes before/after.
A bit like this, for instance :
$str = '';
$position = strpos($str, '/');
if ($position !== false) {
$before = substr($str, 0, $position);
$after = substr($str, $position+1);
var_dump($before, $after);
Which will get you :
string '' (length=10)
string 'mypicture.jpeg' (length=14)
If you know there will always be one (and only one) slash in your data, you can also use explode and list :
list($before, $after) = explode('/', $str);
var_dump($before, $after);
Which will give you the same output :
string '' (length=10)
string 'mypicture.jpeg' (length=14)
Another idea would be to do that on the SQL side -- if you need both fields, though, doing it on the PHP side is not a bad idea (both sides, PHP and SQL, are valid, actually).
EDIT after the comments.
What about something like this, for your loop :
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
$http_link = $row->link;
$position = strpos($http_link, '/');
if ($position !== false) {
$before = substr($http_link, 0, $position);
if(strstr($http_link, 'http') === FALSE) {
$http_link = 'http://'.$http_link;
$before = 'http://' . $before;
echo "<div id=\"banner\"><img src=\"{$http_link}\" /></div>";
For each line, you are getting the $row->link to the $http_link variable, like you did before.
Then :
you extract the part that comes before the '/' ; and use it for the a href tag, to link to the root of the website
you use the full URL from the DB, for the img src tag, to display the image
And you don't forget to add 'http://' if necessary to both URLs, like you did at the first place when you only had one.
Note : that code is not tested, but should give you a hint of a possible solution.
Hope this helps :-)

Something like this:
SELECT substring_index(substring_index('','/',3),'/',-1)
will work or full urls.
edit: added example for partial url:
select substring_index('','/',1);
In your case, replace
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM smsads ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
$res = mysql_query("SELECT link,substring_index(link,'/',1) host FROM smsads ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
This should work assuming your urls are always without the http:// part. (if they are with it, use the other example I provided).

Using substring on the LINK column on the database side or on the data once you have on the client side is an option, but depending on what you're doing here and how many rows you can expect in this table, I would consider breaking that field out into a separate column in your table so you only have to calculate it once at insert time. Then you can index it, easily block certain ones from being inserted, etc.
Going from there, depending on your needs, you may want to further normalize the LINK in order to store host and domain portions only once and having a key back to the path and filename. You can do all this, and then for convenience you can make a view to pull them all together for your application and users to use.


How can I str_replace partially in PHP in a dynamic string with unknown key content

Working in WordPress (PHP). I want to set strings to the database like below. The string is translatable, so it could be in any language keeping the template codes. For the possible variations, I presented 4 strings here:
$string = '%%AUTHOR%% changed status to %%STATUS_new%%';
$string = '%%AUTHOR%% changed status to %%STATUS_oldie%%';
$string = '%%AUTHOR%% changed priority to %%PRIORITY_high%%';
$string = '%%AUTHOR%% changed priority to %%PRIORITY_low%%';
To make the string human-readable, for the %%AUTHOR%% part I can change the string like below:
$username = 'Illigil Liosous'; // could be any unicode string
$content = str_replace('%%AUTHOR%%', $username, $string);
But for status and priority, I have different substrings of different lengths.
Question is:
How can I make those dynamic substring be replaced on-the-fly so that they could be human-readable like:
Illigil Liosous changed status to Newendotobulous;
Illigil Liosous changed status to Oldisticabulous;
Illigil Liosous changed priority to Highlistacolisticosso;
Illigil Liosous changed priority to Lowisdulousiannosso;
Those unsoundable words are to let you understand the nature of a translatable string, that could be anything other than known words.
I think I can proceed with something like below:
if( strpos($_content, '%%STATUS_') !== false ) {
// proceed to push the translatable status string
if( strpos($_content, '%%PRIORITY_') !== false ) {
// proceed to push the translatable priority string
But how can I fill inside those conditionals efficiently?
I might not fully am clear with my question, hence updating the query. The issue is not related to array str_replace.
The issue is, the $string that I need to detect is not predefined. It would come like below:
if($status_changed) :
$string = "%%AUTHOR%% changed status to %%STATUS_{$status}%%";
else if($priority_changed) :
$string = "%%AUTHOR%% changed priority to %%PRIORITY_{$priority}%%";
Where they will be filled dynamically with values in the $status and $priority.
So when it comes to str_replace() I will actually use functions to get their appropriate labels:
function human_readable($codified_string, $user_id) {
if( strpos($_content, '%%STATUS_') !== false ) {
// need a way to get the $status extracted from the $codified_string
// $_got_status = ???? // I don't know how.
// the status label replacement would take place here, I don't know how.
if( strpos($_content, '%%PRIORITY_') !== false ) {
// need a way to get the $priority extracted from the $codified_string
// $_got_priority = ???? // I don't know how.
// the priority label replacement would take place here, I don't know how.
// Author name replacement takes place now
$username = get_the_username($user_id);
$human_readable_string = str_replace('%%AUTHOR%%', $username, $codified_string);
return $human_readable_string;
The function has some missing points where I currently am stuck. :(
Can you guide me a way out?
It sounds like you need to use RegEx for this solution.
You can use the following code snippet to get the effect you want to achieve:
preg_match('/%%PRIORITY_(.*?)%%/', $_content, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 0) {
$human_readable_string = str_replace("%%PRIORITY_{$matches[0]}%%", $replace, $codified_string);
Of course, the above code needs to be changed for STATUS and any other replacements that you require.
Explaining the RegEx code in short it:
The starting of any regular expression.
Is a literal match of those characters.
The opening of the match. This is going to be stored in the third parameter of the preg_match.
This matches any character that isn't a new line.
This matches between 0 and infinite of the preceding character - in this case anything. The ? is a lazy match since the %% character will be matched by the ..
Check out the RegEx in action:

PHP: Separate Area Code from Phone number with MySQL Database

I want to separate the area code from a phone number string by using a area code mysql database.
For example the string is 0349152023.
The endresult should be 03491 52023.
To get the endresult, i want to split the string and search every digit in database.
For example 0 and then 3 and then 4 and then take the last found result.
The code i have at the moment is only to prepare the phone number string for futher actions:
$phone1 = preg_replace('/[oO]/', '0', $phone-string);
$phone2 = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $phone1);
Then i use str_split to cut the string in pieces:
$searchArray = str_split($phone2);
Thanks for your help.
You may build an array containing all the area codes.
Then you may write something like this:
foreach ($area_codes as $code) {
if (substr($phone, 0, strlen($code)) == $code) {
$phone_string = substr($phone, 0, strlen($code))." ".substr($phone, strlen($code));
You can obviously add a controller in order to verify if the area code was found or not.
step 1: select all area codes from db and put them into an array $areaCodes
step 2: iterate over $areaCodes as $code and check if the phonenumber starts with $code. if it does, create a string that has a whitespace between the code and the rest of the number
$phonenumber = '0349152023';
$preparedPhonenumber = '';
foreach($areaCodes as $code){
if(str_pos($phonenumber, $code) === 0){
// phonenumber starts with areacode
$phoneWithoutCode = substr($phonenumber, strlen($code));
$preparedPhonenumber = $code.' '.$phoneWithoutCode;
// if one of the areaCodes was 0349,
// the variable $preparedPhonenumber is now '0349 152023'
edit: you can shorten the amount of returned area codes from db by selecting only those that start with a certain string.
Let's assume the shortest area code in germany is 3 digits long (which i think is correct).
$threeDigits = substr($phonenumber,0,3);
$query = "SELECT * from areacodes
WHERE code like '".$threeDigits."%'
this will drastically shrink down the probable area codes array, therefore making the script faster.
edit 2: added order by clause in query so the above code will check for longer areacodes first. (the break; in the foreach loop is now obligatory!)
Hi Leonardo Gugliotti and Cashbee
i sort the areaCodes to get a better match. The php scripts works fine, but takes to long time to handle 5000 MySQL entries. Is it possible to make the foreach search directly in mySQL?
$sample_area_codes = array( '0350', '034', '034915', '03491', '0348', '0349', '03491', '034916', '034917',);
$phone_string = '0349152023';
foreach ($sample_area_codes as $code) {
$subString = substr($phone_string, 0, strlen($code));
if ($subString == $code) {
$phone = $subString." ".substr($phone_string, strlen($code));
if (!empty($phone)) {
echo $phone;
else {
echo "No AreaCode found.";
Output: 034915 2023, which is correct
A single probe (assuming INDEX(area_code)):
FROM AreaCodes
WHERE area_code < ?
ORDER BY area_code DESC
(Where you bind the $phone_number as a string into the ?)
I think you'd better split your database into a tree, making a table for each digit.
So the third digit could refer to the second, the fourth to the third, and so on until you reach the maximum lenght of the prefix. The last table should include the name of the area.
Following your example, supposing that the maximum lenght of the area code was five digits, the fifth_digit_table should have at least four fields like these:
10 records may have the same IDref, corresponding to the number "2" at the fourth position, linked to the previous "021" through the fourth_digit_table, the three_digit_table and so on; only one among these records, that with the Number field filled with "9", should have the Name "Haan"; the others, if there aren't any, should have the Name "Solingen".
I hope you will manage to speed up your script.

searching for a string while looping

I am trying to format another sites data to insert into my database. He wants to close his site, so is giving me his sites listings. But im having to format his data from his flatfile database, to go into my mysql database.
Im looping through his text file, and getting his values. Then formatting as needed before inserting them into my DB.
Because our sites use completely different storage formats and fields, im having a few problems with something.
My site has a designer field. His doesnt. so im trying to search through his description field to find a match within my designer table. If there is a match i want to get the designer ID to insert into the designer id field. But i cant get this code to work.
Could someone please suggest a fix? or if theres a better way to do this?
$fp = fopen('listings.txt','r');
if (!$fp) {echo 'ERROR: Unable to open file.'; exit;}
$loop = 0;
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = fgets($fp,1024); //use 2048 if very long lines
$field[$loop] = explode (' ', $line);
$get_designers = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dress_designers");
$row_designers = mysql_fetch_array($get_designers);
$totalRows_designers = mysql_num_rows($get_designers);
// Note our use of ===. Simply == would not work as expected
// because the position of 'a' was the 0th (first) character.
$mystring = strtolower($field[$loop][8]);
$findme = strtolower($row_designers['designer_name']);
$pos = strpos($mystring, $findme);
// Note our use of ===. Simply == would not work as expected
// because the position of 'a' was the 0th (first) character.
if ($pos === false) {
$designer = "Other";
} else {
$designer = "Siopa Rince";
} while ($row_designers = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_designers));
I only put "Siopa Rince" as a test. But this isnt working. If i take the text from the file, and paste it in the $mystring and put siopa rince in $findme... it works.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
OK... what about just entering the info as is? I tried a few different ways, but the result is returning null...
After i insert the data, ill use searches to join the required row to get an ID:
SELECT dress_test.dress_title, (
SELECT dress_designers.designer_id
FROM dress_designers
IN boolean MODE
) AS real_designer_id
FROM dress_test
Another version:
SELECT dress_test.dress_title, dress_designers.designer_name
FROM dress_test
JOIN dress_designers ON MATCH(dress_test.dress_title, dress_test.dress_desc) AGAINST
('dress_designers.designer_name' in boolean mode)
Any other suggestions??
Your first assignment to $row_designers uses mysql_fetch_array, while your second uses mysql_fetch_assoc
Instead of do { ... } while, why not just while () { ... }
Remove this line $row_designers = mysql_fetch_array($get_designers);
And turn your loop into...
while ($row_designers = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_designers)) {
// string search here
Everything else looks fine - if you're having troubles, check the values with either echo to print string or print_r to print arrays.

Isolate part of url with php and then print it in html element

I am building a gallery in WordPress and I'm trying to grab a specific part of my URL to echo into the id of a div.
This is my URL:
I want to isolate the id of the gallery which will always be a number(in this case its 1). Then I would like to have a way to print it somewhere, maybe in the form of a function.
You should better use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. Since it is the last string in your URL, you can use the following function:
function getIdFromUrl($url) {
return str_replace('/', '', array_pop(explode('-', $url)));
#Kristian 's solution will only return numbers from 0-9, but this function will return the id with any length given, as long as your ID is separated with a - sign and the last element.
So, when you call
echo getIdFromUrl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
it will echo, in your case, 1.
If the ID will not always be the same number of digits (if you have any ID's greater than 9) then you'll need something robust like preg_match() or using string functions to trim off everything prior to the last "-" character. I would probably do:
$parts = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (preg_match("/truck-gallery-(\d+)/", $parts['path'], $match)) {
$id = $match[1];
} else {
// no ID found! Error handling or recovery here.
Use the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable to get the path (Note that this is not the same as the host variable, which returns something like
Then break that up into a string and return the final character.
$path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$ID = $path[strlen($path)-1];
Of course you can do other types of string manipulation to get the final character of a string. But this works.

Random Link PHP

I'm trying to setup a random link at the bottom of all my pages. I'm using the code below, but want to make it so the current page is not included in the random rotation of links.
I need code to randomly select and display ONE of these links. The exception being, IF article1.php is currently being viewed, I want it to be excluded from the random selection. That way only links to OTHER articles are seen on any given article.
I would use array_rand with something like:
$links = array(array('url' => '', 'name'=>'google'),
array('url' => '', 'name' => 'hotmail'),
array('url' => '', 'name' => 'Hawkee'));
$num = array_rand($links);
$item = $links[$num];
printf('%s', $item['url'], $item['name'], $item['name']);
Where links makes it easier to build an array. Nevertheless, I think we miss some details about how you grab your links.
What is the mean of "current page"? because the simplest way to do, is just not add the page to the array.
And the use of array_rand avoids confusion with size of array and so.
Edit: I suppose you use a database, so you may have an sql request like:
SELECT myfieldset FROM `articles` WHERE id = 'theid';
So you know the id of the current article. Now you just have to build an array with some other articles with a query like:
SELECT id FROM `articles` WHERE id NOT IN ('theid') ORDER BY RAND LIMIT 5
And build the candidate array with those results.
Each time you randomly choose a URL to display, pop it off of the array and store it in a temporary variable. Then, on the next rotation make your selection and THEN push the previously used URL back into the array.
$lastUrl = trim(file_get_contents('last_url.txt'));
while($lastUrl == ($randUrl = $urls[rand(0, count($urls) - 1)])){}
file_put_contents('last_url.txt', $randUrl);
// ...
echo $randUrl;
Ensures that on each page load, you will not receive the previous URL. This, however is just an example. You would want to incorporate file locking, exception handling (perhaps) or an entirely different storage medium (DB, etc.)
To ensure the URL is not the same as the current, this should do the trick:
// get current URL
$currentUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
// randomize URLs until you get one that doesn't match the current
while($currentUrl == ($randUrl = $urls[rand(0, count($urls) - 1)])){ }
echo $randUrl;
Google "PHP get current URL", and you'll get considerably more detailed ways to capture the current URL. For example, conditions on whether or not you're use HTTPS, to append an 's' to the protocol component.
try the codes below :
$links = array(
$currentPage = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$count = 0;
$currentIndex = NULL;
foreach($links as $link) {
if(strpos($link, "/".$currentPage)>-1) $currentIndex = $count;
if($currentIndex) {
$random = mt_rand(0, sizeof($links) - 1);
} while($random==$currentIndex);
} else {
$random = mt_rand(0, sizeof($links) - 1);
$random_link = $links[$random];
