I am uploading a zip file there but it says Error connecting to the server and I have changed the php.ini memory_limit = 9024m
There are a few places that might cause this upload issue.
I would suggest looking at your PHP.ini file to make sure that the setting there is correct.
Check the apache side as well.
With regards to increasing moodle upload sizes here is the doc: Moodle Doc
Edit 1: Error connecting to server is the default Moodle error it prints when your upload file is either too big or takes too long to upload, thus your connection times out.
I am developing a web application which will allow the administrator to upload a file and its max size is 500M.
I have changed the post_max_size = 500M and upload_max_filesize = 500M from 32M but the funny thing is that it does not allow me to upload files greater than 32M still.
I have restarted the server and everything and still cant get to upload a large file.
Is there any other setting i should change to allow me to upload the file?
I am not going to process the file in memory but move it to the tmp folder and than process from there with move_uploaded_file so memory_limit i am assuming that is not going to be affected.
It is a simple form and as i recall if the limit is exceeded in the $_FILES superglobal array i should see something in the error element of the array but instead i get an empty array.
EDIT: I am modifying the php.ini settings but from phpinfo i am still getting the sizes of 32MB. And the php error log says that obviously i am exceeding 32MB
Can you please help me out.
Chech phpinfo() on a web page, see which php.ini is loaded. You could be editing the wrong file.
Sometimes different ini files get loaded for command line and apache server use
I fount out what the problem is:
I am using MAMP as a developing server and MAMP has templates which override the original every time the server starts (a stupid thing IMO) so you need to change the template for it to take effect!
The template can be found under /Applications/Mamp Pro/Contents/Resources
And there many php ini files for every version will be found.
Hope this helps to the next one!
I am playing with plupload 2.1.3 and can't get it to complete an upload using their custom example. I get a 103, unable to move uploaded file. If I look in the upload directory I see the file I tried to upload listed as test.png.part. My php.ini lists /tmp as my upload_tmp_dir.
From this I gather that the permissions are correct (I even set everything to 777 temporarily -- go difference).
This is a fairly newly configured server so it may not be related to plupload.
You have to check your PHP configurations on php.ini file.
If your upload is constantly being interrupted you either need to increase the maximum upload size or the time before your PHP script times out. Check this variables:
You can either increase in your PHP configuration file or increase in your script using the ini_set function. Check the manual for more details. PHP Manual
I am trying to download this template on Joomla 3.2 extension manger :
but every time I upload it, it gives me this error:
There was an error uploading this file to the server.
I have read articles about "increase the upload max size in the php.ini file".
I have tried to find this file in the administrator files section in Joomla, but it is "not found".
So how can I fix this problem? It has not happened for this template only, it has happened for several. So I am almost sure it is due to the upload size.
Edit your php.ini and increase *upload_max_filesize* and *post_max_size*; then restart your web server.
If you don't know where is your php.ini, create a php file to discover: echo php_ini_loaded_file();
The returned path is where your php.ini is located.
Well, seems like you have a permission error and not size limit. Try to change permissions of the temp Joomla folder (you can see/configure it on Global Configuration > System).
If you are using XAMPP , php.ini file will be located in c:\XAMPP\php folder. Find the file and increase file upload size there.
If you are using WAMP, You can find ini file in /wamp/bin/php directory.
The location may vary from one OS to another.
You can follow this link:
You can call in your script ini_set function and change values, which have been stored in php.ini (any changes has affected only for current script, but not for global settings)
ini_set('post_max_size', "%value in MiB for example 16M%")
ini_set('upload_max_filesize', "%value in MiB for example 16M%")
You can read more about it at php.net
If you can't resolve the PHP limitation easily, an alternative is to FTP the installation file to the /tmp folder and in Extension Manager -> Install, use the "Install from Directory" option instead.
Had the same issue for the longest time, none of the answers helped. Found that if you are using GoDaddy, and go to your CPanel, scroll down to Software, then choose PHP version, switch to PHP Options, there you can change your upload file size. Hope this helps, took me forever to find it.
Some people might be having a issue with the memory allocation portion of php.ini file "memory_limit" the default for me was 128mb and i was attempting to upload nearly 300mb and it hit that roadblock. After changing the default value to 512mb and restarting the server i was able to get past this limit.
How to change post_max_size and upload_max_filesize in a local installation of Joomla 3 in XAMPP
You can check the php setting in two places – site’s backend under system information – go to php information. Or on browser go to localhost and click on phpinfo. You’ll find the post and upload part under “Core” heading.
Go to c:\xampp\php\
Find the file php.ini
Open php.ini in notepad
Find post_max_size and change value to 20M
Find upload_max_filesize and change value to 20M
Save the file
Logout out of your site backend.
Turn off apache and mysql on xampp and quit
Restart xampp as administrator
Turn on apache and mysql
Open browser and go to localhost
Open phpinfo and search for upload_max_filesize and post_max_size.
Confirm that changes are registered.
This can also happen with the following suhosin setting:
suhosin.upload.disallow_binary = On
Setting it to off temporarily allows you to upload zip files
If you use CPanel, search for PHP version (in the Software section) and click on it, then click on 'switch to PHP Options', the options will display then look for 'upload_max_filesize' and click on the value to change it. Do the same for 'post_max_size'.
I have a web, and running well on my localhost.
After I Upload on my godaddy hosting, My web got a bug. the conclusions is, I MUST change the memory_limit on the php.ini file, BUT cant find php.ini on FTP manager.
I have tried to:
Find the way for change to the Classing FTP manager.
Create / upload php.ini file from local and not work.
My Questions is : How I can Fix this? I Must change php.ini file.
does anyone have experience like me?
Create php.ini file with your desired setting and upload it in your root folder of server. It will take effect with this new setting.
You can't edit the php.ini file of godaddy server, but you can upload your own copy of your php.ini with your new setting.
This new setting will be available only to you. Other websites will not be affected with this new setting.
Previously I faced the same issue, but after doing this my problem was resolved.
Go to your CPanel
Select PHP version
Click on the link Switch to PHP options
Edit your configuration
don't forget to click save
You can also follow this screencast
As pointed out by #Jason, for most shared hosting environments, having a copy of php.ini file in your public_html directory works to override the system default settings. A great way to do this is by copying the hosting company's copy. Put this in a file, say copyini.php
system("cp /path/to/php/conf/file/php.ini /home/yourusername/public_html/php.ini");
Get /path/to/php/conf/file/php.ini from the output of phpinfo(); in a file. Then in your ini file, make your amendments
Delete all files created during this process (Apart from php.ini of course :-) )
To check whether your php.ini file takes effect, open a plain text editor and create a file called phpinfo.php. Insert the following line:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Save this file to the root of your Web site and then browse to yourdomain.com/phpinfo.php to test the settings.
You need to create your own php5.ini file and upload it to your root directory. Using GoDaddy (as I do) you do not have control over the web/conf/ folder to make any changes to their version. Be sure if you're using PHP5 to name your file php5.ini or php.ini for PHP4. Upload it to your root folder, then restart your page, then check using phpinfo() to see if the directory of your php file has changed correctly.
For more information, check this link out.
if you don't have a good copy of your php5.ini file in your home directory (a predicament that I recently found myself in), you'll need to follow a little multi-step process to make your changes.
Create a little code snippet to look at the output of the phpinfo() call. This is simple, and there are multiple web-sites that describe this process.
Examine the output of phpinfo() for the row which contains Configuration File (php.ini) Path. Mine was in /usr/local/lib, but your's may be a different path (depends on hosting level purchased).
GoDaddy will NOT simply copy this file into your home directory for you --as silly as that sounds! But, you can write a little php program to copy this php.ini file into your home directory. The guy at
has a drop-box with this code snippet, if you care to use it. Just
take care to modify two things:
a. change the path you read 'from' to match the path you uncovered in Step 2.
b. change the output file-name to something of your choosing. You're going to re-name this file in a later step anyway. Let's call our copied file Foo.ini (but it can be anything).
Rename Foo.ini to .user.ini (for most GoDaddy account types).
Create a new php.ini file with your desired settings and upload it to public_html folder of your Godaddy Hosting Account.
By default, Godaddy doesn't allow to edit it's existing php.ini file. However, you can always upload your own copy of your php.ini file with your own settings.
Below is an example of a simple php.ini file with some custom values:
max_execution_time 600
memory_limit 128M
post_max_size 32M
upload_max_filesize 32M
I had this exact problem with my GoDaddy account.
I am running the Linux hosting with cPanel
follow these steps and you should be fine if you are running the same hosting as me:
first, go to you Manage Your Hosting -> Manage
then you will see a section called Files, click on File Manager
you can select the Document Root for: yourwebsite.com then click GO
this should bring you right away in the public_html folder
in that folder, you can add a file (by clicking the +File in top left corner), call it phpinfo.php
right click that new file, and select edit :
right this in it and save changes:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
it the same public_html folder, add another file called php.ini
edit this one too, right those lines:
max_execution_time 600
memory_limit 128M
post_max_size 32M
upload_max_filesize 32M
now, go back to your Manage Your Hosting -> Manage, look for PHP Process
click Kill Process, this will allows a refresh with your new settings. you are good to go
side note: you can see your new settings by navigating to yourwebiste.com/phpinfo.php
I found a guide to reload the php5.ini file or load a new one right away. You will need to access your Godaddy hosting panel where you will find the option "system process" do a restart there and it will load the php5.ini or php.ini file right away.
2 external guides to assist you:
For some hosting accounts, I'm on Ultimate Classic Linux, the file name you need to use is .user.ini.
It's an older question, but if anyone has a problem with setting this, their documentation is outdated. I made a copy of the php.ini file named php5.ini and now it works.
Follow below if you use godaddy shared hosting..
its very simple:
we need to access root folder of the server via ftp, create a "php5.ini" named file under public_html folder... and then add 3 stupid lines... also "php5" because I'm using php5.4 for 1 of my client. you can check your version via control panel and search php version. Adding a new file with php5.ini will not hamper anything on server end, but it will only overwrite whatever we are commanding it to do.
steps are simple:
go to file manager..
click on public_html..
a new window will appear..
Click on "+"sign and create a new file in the name: "php5.ini" ... click ok/save. Now right click on that newly created php5.ini file and click on edit... a new window will appear... copy paste these below lines & click on save and close the window.
memory_limit = 128M
upload_max_filesize = 60M
max_input_vars = 5000
Not php.ini file, but a way around it. Go to GoDaddy's
Files > Backup > Restore a MySQL Database Backup
Choose your file and click Upload. No timeouts. Rename the DB if needed, and assign a user in
Databases > MySQL Databases