WAMP - Put online while being offline? - php

If I'm on a local network is there a URL that I can type that will allow all users on the local network to view a local hosted website?
There is one feature called put online but I would need to be connected to the internet. Can it be done another way?
I know this question is off subject but I get fast responses here. and its somehow related :)

You can use either your local IP or your hostname on the network.
For the hostname to work, your network needs a DNS server that updates itself from DHCP, or has a static entry for your computer, or all the systems need to have NetBEUI running. If you can type "ping " in a command prompt/console window, and it shows it pinging your network IP, then it works.

they have to enter your ip

You could use your local network IP address to address your machine. But you have to configure your webserver to deliver the right content without a specific host name.


PHP server on PC

I want to make a php application and it must host in a computer and open from many branches of my schools using web.
I installed XAMPP on my pc server, and if i try to open the application in the same LAN network it works, but if i change the network it is not working.
The browser say that ip take large time to load and not open.
how can i config that problem please
You need to set up a static IP on your machine, then set your router to forward ports so that all requests that come to your router on a particular port would be forwarded to your machine. This should do for testing purposes, but if you want to host a website for example you will need to get a permanent static IP for your router, this usually costs money from your ISP(internet service provider). is your local IP address, you cannot access it from a different network. You can get your external IP address for example using whatismyip.com. Also, if you are behind a router, you have to open and forward the port which is used by your web server to your machine.

error when i used my ip address instead of localhost as URL

I have downloaded WAMP server and i have written a very very simple php code and saved it in
folder. I have tested it using chrome giving url as
And it worked fine. This uses a database stored in phpmyadmin. I found out my ip address from google When i give
as URL it gives me 404 not found
"The requested URL '/php_lear/eg2.php' was not found on this server"
Please help. I have no knowledge of ips and urls and very new to this field and yeah i have added this ip as allowed user in phpmyadmin. I actually want to use this in my android app.
The IP address you get from google is the IP address of your router. It does not point to your computer. As some ppl said, besides there is different ports to use in a connection and your WAMP installation is "listening" on the port 80 of your computer (
When you access to the you are accessing to the IP that your Internet Service Provider gives to your installation. So you need to access your router and redirect all the querys to the on port 80 to your port 80 and the IP of your computer in your local network.
The Public/Private IP confusion is a common misunderstanding.
Mike is correct. Due to how IP addressing works, there's a limited number of addresses. As a result, Network Address Translation was born (among other irrelevant things). The Public IP is what the world sees when it glances at your traffic. You want your Private IP, the one your router's DHCP has given you.
1) Open command prompt.
2) Issue the command "ipconfig" (without the quotes).
3) Find your "IPv4 Address". That's the one you want.
Additionally, follow Surt's suggestion to get everything working properly.

How can I access my localhost server from other computers?

I'm new to PHP, so I don't know how to explain it. I'm running WAMP on my computer and I would like to be able to access my localhost from another computer.
Is it possible? How can I do this?
This is provided that all machines are on the same network and that you have
administrative privileges on the machines (you'll have to edit some system files).
You can easily do this but it would have to be a manual process.
You have to create an entry in the hosts file -
On Windows machines is is located in %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
On UNIX like systems it is located in /etc/hosts
See the link for details on where your hosts file is located. It depends on the operating system.
The following will have to be done on every machine that you would like
to have access to your localhost machine.
Add a line at the very end of your hosts file similar to this : prathyash-localhost.com
The IP address (in the example above it is is the address of your localhost; Your computers IP address. The domain name (prathyash-localhost.com) is what is mapped
to the IP address.
After you save that file, whenever that computer points to prathyash-localhost.com, it will be directed to your IP address. Firewalls are still a barrier - however the other answers covered that so I will not repeat their contribution.
Depending on your situation, manually editing tens maybe hundreds of files might not be feasible. In this case, you might want to consult the networks administrator (he probably hangs around on Server Fault), and he may have a better solution for you.
This problem can be fixed as follows.This is for one using a wamp server or a similar local server.
first ensure that you have modified the httpd.conf.scroll until you find this line:
# onlineoffline tag - don't remove
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
If you have a smartphone turn on your wifi hotspot to connect with your pc and the one you want to connect with.
Open the command prompt in your pc and type ipconfig. Note down the ip4 address of your pc (eg. under wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection.
In the pc you want to connect to set "Obtain IP address automatically".
Before you connect ensure your wamp server is online.
Open the browser of the client pc and type the IP address noted down earlier.This should work just fine. In some cases you may be required to switch off your antivirus.
Yes if they are on the same network, simply target the computer's IP address and ensure anything on either computer that would block access to port 80 (firewalls) is off
#Shaun Hare explained it pretty good, however, if those computers are not in the same network (my case, when remote presentation is needed) you would also need to set port forwarding on your router and remote side would need router's public IP address.
Basically, remote side would enter in their browser and router would point that request (via port forwarding) to WAMP server installed at (for instance).
You can't. Bind the appropriate daemon to or an external interface and use the machine's IP address.
If it's for testing you could use a service like http://localhost.run/ or https://ngrok.com/ to temporarily put localhost on the internet.
Post forward port 80 on your router configuration. Start wamp. Now when your IP address is accessed from any external machine it will jump to the "www" folder and show the index file. If you are not able to do so, it means your firewall is blocking the request: Disable it and try again.
You could just tinker around the firewall. I found that the inbound and outbound rules were blocking all public network traffic (that is, all traffic to my router which is seen as public, even though it has a password) and proceeded to check the box to allow traffic on a public network (both inbound and outbound) for all the rules bearing the Apache name. Also, I did turn on the mySQL server, but that shouldn't do anything at all in this matter (though life has surprised me like this before where something insignificant turned out to be quite significant in the end, so I would do this as a last resort, but unlikely). Also, I think this should work at least over the same WiFi network (and I know that's a part of LAN, but just to clear up any ambiguity) since I only tested with my Android phone (oh how I wish I had a Windows Phone). Hope this of any use to anyone!

accessing php file on a computer from another computer via internet

i have php files on my computer and i can very well access those from IIS using eighter localhost or loop-back address . But now if i want to access the same file of php from another computer not in the LAN but in a different computer on the internet what should i do? i was thinking of IP address(static) as an option but then i was not successful in finding a way to do the same .
thanks in advance....
I don't completely understand your question. Is your problem
1) You don't have a static IP? Then:
There are services as "No-IP" where you can create redirects. At their site, you can create a free domain name (which is a static IP as well) such as yourdomain.no-ip.com. Then on your server computer you can run their tool. This tool updates the IP all the time so it will be always correct.
2) You don't know how to access the server from out of the LAN because the IP of your network is the same for all computers (if you're looking from the outside)? Then:
Check your router settings, normally at: There you will be able to define rules how to redirect requests from the outside. For http, you should redirect requests to port 80 to the IP of the server computer (note: you can even use an other port on the server computer)!

need to create an application that will work on the Internet also and local internet also

i need to make a website such that it can be accessed through the internet if internet is available otherwise when there is no internet then it should work properly on the local intranet also can this be achieved , i have built my site on php/mysql
if this can be achieved please tell me and direct me to some examples of how to achieve this
Google Gears?
If you have a local web server, why not just host everything from there instead of hosting it elsewhere, and set it up so incoming connections from the outside hit that machine as well.
Or set up a remote sync that will keep all files on the remote server and the local server sync'd up. Could change DNS upon internet outage and have it resolve to the local server?
This will depend on how your network is configured, there are two likely scenarios that I can think of:
Your web server is behind a router and port 80 is forwarded
Your web server has it's own IP address on the internet
In the first instance you shouldn't have to do anything unless you want to access the website using a URL (e.g. www.mywebserver.com) in which case you'll have to play some DNS tricks on the local network to get it to point to the local IP of the server instead of the actual internet IP. For example when accessed from the internet the dns record for www.mywebserver.com would point to where as the dns record for any machine on the local network would be something like
In the second case to my knowledge there is nothing you can do that will allow you to be able to access on the intranet (I could be wrong so if someone posts a solution in this case I'll update my answer).
So the answer to your question really depends on your network configuration, If you expand on that a little giving a more concrete answer will be a little easier.
