I am using php and mysql.
I am going to send 10k++ (ten thousands plus) emails to update my subscribers, and this is the first time I am going to send them. I will use php mail function, basically here is what I will do:
First get the data from database:
Select name, email FROM data
After that, using while loop to send the data:
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($exe)){
echo "success<br>";
} else {
echo "failed<br>";
echo "Sent all";
I include the if.. else statement, to ensure that each email is sent successfully. Is there anything I need to take care of? Will I have any problems when SENDING TO 10K++ users?
Is there a limit of numbers of emails that you are going to sent?
Please be aware of this note from the mail documentation:
Note: It is worth noting that the mail() function is not suitable for larger volumes of email in a loop. This function opens and closes an SMTP socket for each email, which is not very efficient.
For the sending of large amounts of email, see the » PEAR::Mail, and » PEAR::Mail_Queue packages.
No limit to the emails number, but there is the time limit of the PHP script. See the max_execution_time set in your php.ini, typically it's 20 or 30 seconds. If you don't know that, use phpinfo() to find it out.
Moreover, you should take some steps to prevent users from getting too much emails. You should mark them as sent, so they don't receive double posts if you accidentally start the script twice.
Other than that, you should note that php's mail function is inherently not optimized at all. You could try some libraries, like phpmimemessage or any other, which will allow you do to some caching, for example, among many other features.
You should build a queue of emails sent/failed, so you can try to resend failed attempts and avoid re-sending emails if something should go wrong.
Do not create a loop that tries to send 10k emails via mail()
Also, the most likely limit you'll hit will be that of the mail server of your ISP or host.
You may also want to look at setting up a "real" mailing list tool, such as mailman, or at least using alias groups (if possible).
Also, see the related questions on serverfault: https://serverfault.com/questions/67154/sending-an-email-to-about-10k-users-not-spam, where PHPlist is mentioned, along with others. And here - https://serverfault.com/questions/68357/whats-the-best-way-to-send-bulk-email.
You can use pear::Mail_Queue http://pear.php.net/package/Mail_Queue/
It will really do a good job.
I have about 50 000 application names and e mail addresses stored in a CSV. I want to send mails to all 50 000 e mail addresses and the name of the application will also be included in the mail. This requires the CSV to be uploaded first. I searched for a similar kind of a scenario but was unable to find an answer.
50,000 is a large distribution list. While you can do this yourself i would strongly suggest using some existing sofware to do it yourself, better still, a hosted solution.
If you do do this yourself, you MUST throttle the sending rate. Flat out, you'll send about 11,000-20,000 in an hour (estimate) but your target should be 2,000 per hour max. Otherwise you'll overload the mail queue, not be able to handle the bounces and quickly get yourself on a blacklist that takes you days to get off it. If you're on a shared hosting account - throttle back to 1,000 per hour (or clear it with your hosts first).
A common "free" solution is http://www.phplist.com (and they even offer a hosted version if this is a one-off). Hosted versions also offer more surely that the mail server won't get blocked by spam - there are several around, just google and check on prices.
If you are rolling your own, to enable throttling, upload to DB (see other answers) and also add a "sent" column, every minutee grab 10/20 that have not been sent, mark as sent and send them. Then wait another minute and repeat. You can do this via a cron or via a page refresh. (PHP List will handle this for you!)
But I'd strongly suggest a hosted solution or strucutred software than rolling your own for something this large.
Have a look at fgetcsv. After you figured out how to read the data, you'll have to send it. I'd not recommend using PHPs send function. Instead use a mail library.
There are functions available to parse the CSV file in PHP and after parsing you will get the data in an array of PHP variable. Take the array index in a loop and initiate the mail function with the data.
I'm about ready to unveil a "coming soon" page and one thing I need is a way for users to enter their email address for me to email once the site goes live. What is the best way to do this?
Should I store the emails in a DB and then run a PHP script to email them from my web host? Should I have the emails just kind of be collected and then emailed manually by me either locally or from the server? Is there another way I should do it?
Also, are there certain web-hosts that restrain the amount of emails you can send out, thus causing a problem for mass email.
The only "unknown" currently is how large of a response I'll get...only time will tell.
Thanks guys!
Store it in the database - Yes. It's no unlike storing any other piece of data.
Mass email at once - No
Mass email manually (or individually mail manually) - No
Do some web hosts limit how many you can send at once? - Yes
I don't know the "best" way but I know a really good way. We have built several mass emailing programs and the technique we incorporated was a throttling technique whereby we had a script that ran every three minutes and sent 20 emails at a time.
It keeps the server from choking and the mail queue from exceeding any of our hosts' mail limits.
Store the email addresses in a database and write a batch job that mail merges them into your message and sends them out as needed.
There are dozens of methods you can use for this kind of problem, but unfortunately there's no real way to pinpoint a solution for you, since there are a lot of variables.
If you only get 3 responses, then you might want to just manually email the users from your email client using BCC:. You've already got all the tools you need to do that, and setting up a script might be a waste of time. This isn't really a great long-term solution however.
For most moderate-sized web sites you would store the emails in a database, and use a mailing script to send them out. PHPMailer is a good tool to help with getting mail sent, and you can manage a decent amount of email addresses manually. Managing addresses manually can be a bit of a pain however, as you have to deal with unsubscribe links, script timeouts, bounced email, etc.
If you get up the tens of thousands of email addresses, you may want to start looking at a third-party mailing software or service that can do threaded sending. Looping through and sending email to 50,000 people via a PHP script can be slow, and take hours.
Basically you have to weigh the difficulty, time and cost of each method versus how much flexibility and power you think you're going to need.
To store emails in a db, and sending them out using a cronjob is a good way to solve the problem, if you have constrains regarding the amount of emails you're allowed to send within a period of time, you can handle it by keeping track of how many emails you've sent every time the cronjob runs.
Also, there are open source products to do this, such as phplist http://www.phplist.com/
Like Eric mentioned above, another option is to use a commercial service to manage your mailing list.
I use Mailchimp (http://www.mailchimp.com). They give you everything you need (signup forms, email templates, etc.), and are completely free unless your list grows to more than 500 subscribers.
Writing the emails to a database or a text/log file are both fine ways to store the emails.
Depending on how many emails you receive, you may want to write a program (PHP works) to send a separate email to each person. Don't send a mass email from your regular email client with everyone on a big To: line.
There are also commercial programs that manage mailing to lists of people (probably open source ones, too). Most of those commercial ones offer a free trial period.
I am currently writing a music blog. The administrator posts a new article every 2-3 days. Once the administrator posts an article, a mass email will be sent to around 5000 subscribers immediately.
What is the best way to implement the mass mail feature?
Does the following function work?
function massmail()
$content = '...';
foreach ($recipients as $r) {
$_content = $content . '<img src="http://xxx/trackOpenRate.php?id='.$r.'">';
mail($r, 'subject', $_content);
Another question: If all 5000 subscribers are using Yahoo Mail, will Yahoo treat it as a DDOS attack and block the IP address of my SMTP server?
First off, using the mail() function that comes with PHP is not an optimal solution. It is easily marked as spammed, and you need to set up header to ensure that you are sending HTML emails correctly. As for whether the code snippet will work, it would, but I doubt you will get HTML code inside it correctly without specifying extra headers
I'll suggest you take a look at SwiftMailer, which has HTML support, support for different mime types and SMTP authentication (which is less likely to mark your mail as spam).
I would insert all the emails into a database (sort of like a queue), then process them one at a time as you have done in your code (if you want to use swiftmailer or phpmailer etc, you can do that too.)
After each mail is sent, update the database to record the date/time it was sent.
By putting them in the database first you have
a record of who you sent it to
if your script times out or fails and you have to run it again, then you won't end up sending the same email out to people twice
you can run the send process from a cron job and do a batch at a time, so that your mail server is not overwhelmed, and keep track of what has been sent
Keep in mind, how to automate bounced emails or invalid emails so they can automatically removed from your list.
If you are sending that many emails you are bound to get a few bounces.
This is advice, not an answer: You are much, much better off using dedicated mailing list software. mailman is an oft-used example, but something as simple as mlmmj may suffice. Sending mass mails is actually a more difficult task than it actually appears to be. Not only do you have to send the mails, you also have to keep track of "dead" addresses to avoid your mail, or worse, your mailserver, being marked as spam.
You have to handle people unsubscribing for much the same reason.
You can implement these things yourself, but particularly bounce handling is difficult and unrewarding work. Using a mailing list manager will make things a lot easier.
As for how to make your mail palatable for yahoo, that is another matter entirely. For all its faults, they seem to put great stock in SPF and DomainKey. You probably will have to implement them, which will require co-operation from your mail server administrator.
You may consider using CRON for that kind of operation. Sending mass mail at once is certainly not good, it may be detected as spam, ddos, crash your server etc.
So CRON could be a great solution, send 100 mails at once, then wait a few minutes, next 100, etc.
Do not send email to 5,000 people using standard PHP tools. You'll get banned by most ISPs in seconds and never even know it. You should either use some mailing lists software or an Email Service Provider do to this.
Why don't you rather use phplist? It's also built on top of PHP Mailer and a lot of industry leaders are using it. I've used it myself a couple of times to send out bulk mails to my clients. The nice thing about phplist is that you can throttle your messages on a domain level plus a time limit level.
What we've also done with a couple of internal capture systems we've got was to push our user base to the mailling list and then have a cron entry triggering a given mail each day. The possibilities are endless, that's the awesome thing about open source!
Also the Pear packages:
PS: DO NOT use mail() to send those 5000 emails. In addition to what everyone else said, it is extremely inefficient since mail() creates a separate socket per email set, even to the same MTA.
Also have a look at the PHPmailer class. PHPMailer
You can use swiftmailer for it. By using batch process.
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()
->setSubject('Let\'s get together today.')
->setFrom(array('myfrom#domain.com' => 'From Me'))
->setBody('Here is the message itself')
->addPart('<b>Test message being sent!!</b>', 'text/html');
$data = mysql_query('SELECT first, last, email FROM users WHERE is_active=1') or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data))
$message->addTo($row['email'], $row['first'] . ' ' . $row['last']);
I already did it using Lotus Notus and PHP.
This solution works if you have access to the mail server or you can request something to the mail server Administrator:
1) Create a group in the mail server: Sales Department
2) Assign to the group the accounts you need to be in the group
3) Assign an internet address to the group: salesdept#DOMAIN.com
4) Create your PHP script using the mail function:
$to = "salesdept#DOMAIN.com";
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
It worked for me and all the accounts included in the group receive the mail.
The best of the lucks.
There is more into it aside from using a software. If you could create a bulk emailer program that sends intermittently. Say if you will send 5,000 recipients, create a loop that would send 38 lists per sending then pause for 10 seconds. I have an actual experience sending 500 manually per days for the past weeks and so far i have good results.
Another consideration are the content of your email. Nowadays it is a standard that you need to put your physical office address and the "unsubscribe" opt-out. These are factors that majority of recipient emails servers are checking. If you don't have these they will classify you as spammer.
Mailchimp is my best recommendation to use if you want a paid service provider in sending to your email subscriber NOT sending unsolicited or cold email marketing.
Hope it helps.
I have to made a page which will send Email to Newsletter subscribers. There is more then 14000 subscriber. I want to use php mail() function to send Email to them. But I'm afraid that it will not be able to send email to all subscribers for php 30sec max_execution_time limit. Its not possible to test how much Email can be sent by sending Test Email to subscribers. So I want to know how much Email can be sent with mail() function in 30 second max_execution_time limit.
Will be very helpful if you can answer me.
also another question - Is mysql execution time is also count in php?
Apache version 2.2.13 (Unix)
PHP version 5.2.11
The php max_execution_time setting is customizable. 30 seconds is the default but you can set it to 0 seconds for no execution time limit at all. Use set_time_limit().
If you do this, you should be able to send all your email.
Please be careful about sending more than one email to the same mail server per second. You don't want to get blacklisted.
You should run this from a cronjob or spawn a background task or use something else better suited to batch jobs.
You might get 14000 emails out in 30sec if your mailserver is fast enough, but what happens when you get a few more subscribers and it stops working properly?
Perhaps you can set a flag in the database for each user, then reset the flag as their email is sent by a background task. That will help to avoid duplicates and so on if there is a problem with the mail server.
That depends on so many variables that a single answer is not possible. Factors include:
The speed of the CPU
The bandwidth available from the sending system to the MTA
The MTA's capacity to accept emails
The only way to find out is to try it.
I had this exact problem a while back on one of my projects. The solution is to isolate the email sending from the actual site.
I coded a small class that would be called to send an email. It would be passed a templated email, which it would then store into the database in a mail queue. On the back end, I had a cron job that called a mailer script every X seconds. Script looks at the database queue for emails, grabs X number from the queue to attempt to send (ordered by timestamp in), then would attempt delivery. Assuming no errors were thrown, script would mark the message as sent. Next step would be to purge all emails from the queue that were sent and older than X days (kept for logging).
Hope that is helpful.
Seriously, if you want to send the same mail to ten people from your normal mailapp, do you normally create ten identical mails or do you just send the mail once adding the recipients to the send list?
Edit: If the answer is "I send it once", I think you should look in that direction here as well (it is even described how to send to multiple recipients at http://www.php.net/mail)
What is the most proper way to sending email of minimal 1000 or more in PHP? Any reliable email queuing technique that is capable to handle that?
You could just insert your emails into a Mail Queue database table, and have a separate process check the queue and batch send a certain number at once.
There's a tested solution for that: PEAR Mail_Queue
Works fine for me.
as mercutio suggested, i would insert a new record into a mail queue table for each email waiting to be sent and then use a separate process (like a CRON) to check the table periodically for any queued items.
if any emails are queued (and the email is not customised for each recipient) i would then group the emails by domain and send blocks together to reduce the total number of emails that have to be sent, i.e. if you have 1000 emails queued and 250 are to gmail accounts i would send the 250 in 25 blocks of 10 (remember to Bcc recipients to avoid them seeing each other).
to actually send the mail i would use PEAR mail over php's mail() function
after sending the email either delete record(s) from the queue or change a status flag to show it was sent and loop - i would also add a counter to keep track of emails that failed to send and remove them after x failed attempts
to overcome timeout issues i would either,(depending on the situation)
- set the set_time_limit() to x seconds and keep track of the script execution time (killing the script after (x-1) seconds)
- call the script from the command line to avoid timeouts
- set a limit to the number of emails the script could send in one execution
Sure, the database table might be an idea. But what about sending 1000 e-mails with a 2mb attachment? you'd have to take that into account as well. I had the problem myself, and I eventually resorted to writing the e-mail to the database, and the files to the filesystem. The e-mail script I used then read the database records, and tried to fetch the attachments to send.
Are you sure you need do this mail queuing yourself?
Just deliver all mail to the local machine's mail transfer agent (sendmail...) and let that take care of the queuing and sending. After all, that's what was designed for.
In other words: don't worry about it!
I created Emailqueue, which is a server that allows you to add emails to a queue so your app get relieved of the stress of the mailing, and also provides useful additional options, like the ability to program emails to be sent in the future, or setting per-email sending priorities. I think this might very well be what you're searching for.
Emailqueue is available here: https://github.com/tin-cat/emailqueue
And there is also a Docker version that allows you to set up a working Emailqueue server in just a few minutes, here: https://github.com/tin-cat/emailqueue-docker
I've generally relied on a hack.
I have a database list of email addresses and then use a meta-redirect to self with an increasing 'offset' parameter that specifies which row in the database I am up to. Server redirects cause problems because browsers assume that the time taken indicates an infinite loop.