Using foreach to create grid - php

I am creating a grid in GD and was wondering if this is the right way to do it.
I have 2 arrays. One contains all X values, the other contains all Y values.
foreach ($xpointsArray as $xvalue) {
foreach ($ypointsArray as $yvalue) {
// Draw point at coordinates $xvalue, $yvalue
I just think there must be a more elegant way to set this up, and I would like to further
access the points values without doing this every time.

What you're doing is correct. There's possibly some more elegant solutions using a single two dimensional array, but either way you have to iterate through two loops.
Additionally, using a two dimensional array you could reference specific points by $Array[$x][$y] to get a specific point.

foreach, while, for are nice and I personally would prefer them, but since you are asking, what about using array_walk()?
array_walk($array1, "print_sudoku_field", $array2);


Does array_values in PHP loop through all the items?

I want to know if inbuilt PHP array functions such as array_diff, array_keys or array_values (in comparison to array_walk) iterate through each item or do they have an internal algorithm through which they do the computation in one go?
This is important when I want to learn how to optimise PHP scripts which handle 100,000 items.
For e.g. this method:
public function narrowDown($BigArray, $Column, $regex)
# narrowDown to focus on columns with similar data
$Column = array_column($BigArray, $Column);
$Search = preg_quote($regex, '~');
$Matched = preg_grep('~'.$Search.'~', array_combine(array_keys($BigArray), $Column));
# recreate rows by intersecting with specified keys
return array_intersect_key($BigArray, $Matched);
This method finds out similar rows in a specified column by regex in a multi-dimensional array.
The array has 18 columns and 100,000 items. I was thinking what should be the best way to optimise such methods.
Feel free to also advise if I should shift to a different programming language.
Yes, they iterate through all items, also calls and their results are not cached in any way.
So if you will call array function twice with exactly same input, all the work will be done twice.

PHP Sort Complex Array

Instead of working with mysql data, I have created csv file that I plan to use as the source of data for content, etc.
And I have successfully been able to parse the csv and store it into a complex array, that has the following header row aka the keys for the arrays.
My current stage is to allow dynamic ajax sorting of the arrays.
I have two fields, that I am allowing sorting at the beginning, "Year" and "Title".
So I pass different url paramters, such as "yearasc" or "yeardesc" or "titleasc" or "titledesc".
Then try to sort for that.
So what I did reading a different so post, was to do this.
First I create new arrays that only store the key fields, I need for sorting.
Then based on what sort type, do a different array_multisort.
array_multisort($year, SORT_ASC, $all_rows);
But what I get is results that multiple dupplicate data.
But I wonder if having the first row, be the header row, which is required by the function I pass the data after any sorting to, is causing issues with array sorting.
For simple array sorting, existing functions makes sense and work fine.
But for complicated ones, it is just complex to even understand how to approach solving this problem.
Any suggestions, thoughts or ideas are appreciated and thanked.
Thank you!
I don't have the actual code that is probably going to help you, but I do have a suggestion as for how you can tackle this and make it work..
Keep it simple. First, create your own CSV with just 1 header (Year or Title ) that you want to sort on.
Write your code to sort on that.
Then, add the other one ( Title if you used Year before, or Year if you used Title before ) and sort on whichever you want.
Then, add one more header (say, Rated) that you don't want to sort on.
You should then be able to work with the original CSV.
I'd try to write simple methods and keep your processing to a minimum in each one.
I hope that helps. I realize its more philosophical of an answer, so it is hit or miss if it helps you get the job done. Just realize that this approach will, indeed, take a little more time to write - but the point behind it is that you're taking out all of the "noise" that's getting in your way first. It helps you look at only your problem first and solve that.
You can set a custom sort function to the array. Use asort() if you need to keep original array keys.
$sortfields = array('year', 'bleh');
function cmp($a, $b) {
global $sortfields;
foreach ($sortfields as $sortfield) {
$cmp = strcmp($a[$sortfield], $b[$sortfield]);
// if desc, invert sign of $cmp
if ($cmp !== 0)
return $cmp;
return 0;
usort($all_rows, "cmp");
The function usort() calls a user defined comparison function, which returns the same logic from strcmp function: 0 if equal, < 0 is $a is less than $b and > 0 if $a is greater than $b.
This function will compare each field set in $sortfields variable, if it find any comparison that is different (in the order set), it will immediately return the difference.

Indexing array with an array of keys Shorthand in PHP

Often I find myself with an array of keys to some other array and want to get the corresponding values. For example if I wanted to select a random subarray, the function array_rand($array) will return an array of random indices and I want to get the values. There are many examples other than this but the general problem (normally arising from functional programming style) is I have an array of keys and need the array of the corresponding values. Here is a wordy way of doing this but I was wondering if there were some shorter way to do this frequent task?
way 1:
$array_of_values = array();
foreach($array_of_indices as $index)
$array_of_values[] = $array_of_data[$index];
way 2:
function index_array($index) { return $array_of_data[$index]; }
$array_of_values = array_map("index_array", $array_of_indices);
way 3:
$array_of_values = array_intersect_key($array_of_data,
array_fill_keys($array_of_indices, ''));
I would expect that some single function to do this exists but after reading through the docs I couldn't find one. Anyone know a better way?
There is no function that will do this on its own, however there is a slightly simpler way than way 3
array_intersect_key($array_of_data, array_flip($array_of_keys));

Prefix filtering in php

How can I write a php program to find all arrays which share at least a single element in their prefixes. Let the prefixes are one fourth of the total elements in each array. Can anyone help me to code for that? I am a fresher in php. I need this to do a project regarding near duplicate detection.
You can use PHP's built in array function array_intersect
if(array_intersect($firstArray, $secondArray) == null)
//do not have any element common
//have at least one element common
you can create function of this code and pass all array's pairs to get result.

PHP Compare Two Arrays?

I'm trying to compare two entries in a database, so when a user makes a change, I can fetch both database entries and compare them to see what the user changed, so I would have an output similar to:
User changed $fieldName from $originalValue to $newValue
I've looked into this and came across array_diff but it doesn't give me the output format I need.
Before I go ahead and write a function that does this, and returns it as a nice $mtextFormatDifferenceString, can anyone point me in the direction of a solution that already does this?
I don't want to re-invent the wheel..
Since you require "from $originalValue to $newValue", I would go ahead and select the two rows, put them in assoc arrays, then foreach through the keys, saving the ones that aren't equal. Kind of like:
$fields = array_keys($row1);
$changedFields = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($row1[$field] != $row2[$field]) {
$changedFields[] = $field;
I realize you were asking about the existence of pre-built wheels but I felt the solution was pretty simple.
Although you didn't define what format you needed, but well-known diff algorithm is probably for you. Google for PHP diff algorithm and you'll find some suggestions I am sure.
You could get the changed values ($newValue) with array_diff_assoc and then just use the keys ($fieldName) to find the original value $originalValue and output it in anyformat you want
