Zendframework Routing Issue [duplicate] - php

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PHP Zend Route Config.ini - similar patterns
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have been setting my routes in my application.ini file which works for all the ones i have setup. The problem is when there are multiple actions within that controller and i try to use the routes in other actions.
For instance i have created the following in my application.ini for paging and column sorting
resources.router.routes.search.route = "search/:page/:col/:sort/:limit/"
resources.router.routes.search.defaults.controller = search
resources.router.routes.search.defaults.page = 1
resources.router.routes.search.defaults.col = time
resources.router.routes.search.defaults.sort = default
resources.router.routes.search.defaults.limit = 50
resources.router.routes.search.reqs.page = \d+
resources.router.routes.search.reqs.col = \w+
resources.router.routes.search.reqs.sort = \w+
resources.router.routes.search.reqs.limit = \d+
The above works when I'm on the default action of that page like
Would bring up the second page of the results. But if I try the same on another action,
It just shows a blank page. I tried creating its own settings in the ini and that did not work. I've run across this problem before but usually just gave up and separated things into different controllers but i would rather have different actions.
Any help would be much appreciated.

search/:page/:col/:sort/:limit/ doesn't match www.mywebsite.com/search/action/2. Your route is looking for search/ followed by a digit (\d) that represents the page number; however, you're requesting search/ followed by the string action. I would suggest adding another parameter to your route: search/:action/:page/:col/:sort/:limit, defaulting action to index.
Requesting the first page of the default action stays the same (search). Requesting page 2 of the default route will now be search/index/2/, but you can now specify a different action (search/action/2).


Use hyphen(-) instead of slash(/) or underscore( _ ) in Routes

I'm Using Codeigniter 3.x , Using routes.php I want to create dynamic routes, for example I have a class name Class1.
I want output url
But using hyphen(-) is not working
If I put a slash(/), it works,
$route['(:any)/Student-Search'] = "search";
it returns
and using underscore (_) also work.
$route['(:any)_Student-Search'] = "search";
But I want to use hyphen(-), if I put it, it will go to 404 error page, I used these four solutions but not work for me.
$route['(:any)-Student-Search'] = "search";
$route['([a-zA-Z]+)-Student-Search'] = "search";
$route['([a-zA-Z-0-9]+)-Student-Search'] = "search";
$route['(.*)-Student-Search'] = "search";
And if i hardcode the value in route
$route['Class1-Student-Search'] = "search";
Then it also working
You trying to create a dynamic routes which is not possible in codeigniter if you see the following flow chart of codeigniter you understand what i mean.
also you can see this chart in codeigniter official website
when you try to redirect or call some url it's work like this
Every request first goes to route there for you can't make it dynamic
Here is my solution, it is working for me, do like this.
$route['(:any)-Student-Search'] = "search";
then in your link button, hopefully in your view, href the link like this.
href="/<?php echo $row->classname; ?>-Student-Search"
the point is that not only you have to make your routes, also suffix it in your href link also the same way.

Reroute with extra parameter for multi language sites in Codeigniter

In my codeigniter webapp, I'm using multi language site. Default and in english like these:
www.xxx.com (default)
www.xxx.com/en (english)
And I have a controller where I want to re-route specific calls say potato and tomato to vegie like these:
www.xxx.com/potato/param => www.xxx.com/vegie/param
www.xxx.com/tomato/param => www.xxx.com/vegie/param
So far, I have managed to reroute with default language url using like this in my route.php:
$route['potato/(.+)$'] = 'vegie/$1';
$route['tomato/(.+)$'] = 'vegie/$1';
But I doesn't work for the english site. I did like this, and not working:
$route['en/potato/(.+)$'] = 'en/vegie/$1';
$route['en/tomato/(.+)$'] = 'en/vegie/$1';
Anyone can help me for this? Thanks.
First, create new function to manage the english version, ex: function vegie_en()
then route to it
$route['en/potato/(:any)'] = 'vegie_en/$1';
I have found the problem. I have this in my route.php which makes it rerouting wrongly if there's prefix en/:
$route['en/(.+)$'] = '$1';
I moved this to the end of the route.php and it working very fine now.
I had faced same problem in my project. I fixed it by removing the 'en' and put $2 as for dynamic value.
So in your case, this will work.Please try this given below code.
$route['en/potato/(.+)$'] = 'vegie/$2';
$route['en/tomato/(.+)$'] = 'vegie/$2';

How to create custome route in laravel 4 for url friendly?

I am using laravel 4 routing for create friendly url for my project. I want to get url with this format:
http://www.mywebsite.com/post/post-slug-content-123 . post-slug-content is my slug, and 123 is my post id.
my route:
It not work because laravel detect "post" is my {name} variable, and "slug" is my {id} variable, but i want "post-slug-content" is {name} and 123 is {id}. Any idea ???
using - wont work and which - will it consider breaking in post-slug-content-123
if your url is http://www.mywebsite.com/post/post_slug_content-123
or http://www.mywebsite.com/post/postSlugContent-123 try using
because you have multiple - and it will consider it as a separate URL
Or you may try
1: Route::get('post/{nameId}','postController#detail'); where both your name and id is present, further you could break them in your postController.
2: Route::get('post/{name}/{id}','postController#detail'); this will work fine
or use stackoverflow kind id followed by name
3: Route::get('post/{id}/{name}','postController#detail');
you can also use http://www.mywebsite.com/post/post-slug-content_123 as said by #itachi
4: Route::get('post/{name}_{id}','postController#detail');
Further reference for passing parameters Here.

PHP routing with Codeigniter (Titles in URL for SEO)

I have some questions concering routing with Codeigniter. What I´m doing now is the following:
$route['articles/(:num)'] = 'articles/view/$1'; // $1 will contain an ID
This means that example.com/articles/123 will work perfectly and load an article with an ID of 123. But I also want to have the possiblilty to add the aticle´s title to the URL (for SEO). Example: example.com/articles/123/article-title
What I want is pretty much the same thing as Stack Overflow: stackoverflow.com/questions/123/the-title
How can I do that?
I´m also wondering how Stack Overflow works. If I go to stackoverflow/questions/111 the title will automatically be added to the url. Is that done with php redirect()?
I have done something similar in the past; I can't find it know but IIRC (it was months ago) You can use a route like you did, and also add a more specific one, like
$route['articles/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'articles/view/$1/$2';
$route['articles/(:num)'] = 'articles/view/$1';
As you can see, both map to the same method, which is kind of "overloaded"; you can make up for a missing parameter by using a default value:
function articles($id,$slug = FALSE)
{ }
and simply ignore the second parameter in your article retrieval.
As for adding the title you can:
have a "slug" field in your database, created when the article is saved. You can use the comfortable url_title($title,'dash',TRUE) function (in the url helper), which takes the $title, uses the dash as separator, and make it all lowercase;
use the above function and convert the title of the article (after you retrieved it from the database) "on-the-fly"; just check on the article() method if the 2nd parameter isn't false and you'll know if you need to create the slug or not;
As for how to show the slug even when using an url without it you can make, as you guessed, a redirect, but since both routes point to the same method it won't change anything for you.
Oh, uhm, beware of loops while calling the redirect, check carefully ;)
I suggest you to create a slug field into your table and complete it with the url you want to use as id.
Let me explain.
You have this table
when you save an article into your db you can dinamically create a slug, for example:
id: 1
title: My first post
slug: 1-my-first-post
then you can use the slug (in this case 1-my-first-post) ad id for the page, you can call it:
obviusly you need to handle it in your db slect
As we discussed on the comments.
You can create a route several times and with different parameters each, like:
I would create a function with a redirect, adding or not the title to it.
Hope it helps.

urls with item title

I was used to putting id's in the URL to map to an item in the database:
but what if I want to get the name of the hotel with an id of 1 and put it in the URL and replace spaces with hyphens?
I am using Kohana and there is the concept of routing (which is pretty much present in all MVC frameworks), but I can't seem to get it working
How do I go about doing this?
Since I know nothing about kohana, I am going to present a possible PHP answer.
Could you pass the id through the URL and request it with PHP, and if you're passing the name of the hotel, have that correspond to the item in the database with the hotel-name as its field?
For this purpose I use special field in db table named url :)
So for example /controller/open/urladress will look for url field with 'urladress' inside to open :D
I don't think you can change uri on fly)
In the controller you could search the database for the name. I am used to Kohana 2.3.4 with ORM so this is how I would do it:
// first you need to replace all hyphens with spaces
$name = str_replace('-', ' ', $parameter);
// search your db for the hotel by name
$hotel = ORM::factory('hotel')->where('name', $name)->find();
// check to make sure it is loaded
if ( ! $hotel->loaded)
// Do something i.e. 404 page or let them know it wasn't found
This would let you specify by name. You could also add a check to see if the parameter was integer or not and search by id if it was.
