I'm compiling certain extensions for PHP on dreamhost PS server.
I got an error and found that it happens when php4 headers are used instead of php5 headers.
running phpinfo shows the server runs php5. however php-v on the command line gives php4.
How can I make the compilation use php5 instead of php4 on my server? Is there an environment variable of some kind and if so how can I change it (new to linux)
You have to find out where on the box PHP 5 is installed. You might try locate phpize on your shell. The same directory should contain a php-config executable. The path might be found in the phpinfo() output. Check there for the Configuraiton cammand and in there for the --prefix parameter.
If there are multiple PHP isntallations incl. phpize you can compile extensions using da selected version by using the correct paths:
$ cd extension_source
$ /full/path/to/bin/phpize
$ ./configure --with-php-config=/full/path/to/bin/php-config
$ make
$ make install
How is it that php-ast is listed in phpinfo() but not when running $ php -m to list modules?
Working on installing phan, the static analyzer. I use MAMP Pro and have verified that $ which php returns the desired php version within MAMP. I have updated the php.ini file, and running phpinfo() displays AST as expected.
When I run vendor/bin/phan without the flag, I still get the warning that AST should be installed.
I have run it once with the flag to use the polypill parser, and phan works as expected.
Getting started with Phan (see also README for slightly different
instructions): https://github.com/phan/phan/wiki/Getting-Started
PHP-AST Project: https://github.com/nikic/php-ast#installation
Changing PHP: https://gist.github.com/irazasyed/5987693
Install autoconf to overcome related problem:
Note: Answers elsewhere using --with-config-file-path don't seem to be working for me as I get a list of valid PHP console commands and it is not one of them: PHP module is shown in phpinfo(), but not php -m
My best guess is that you need to install the ast extension first.
What I did is this
Install PEAR following the instructions in this post
It's basically two commands
curl -O https://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar
Note that I have updated the URL to use https
I've simply acknowledged the default config during installation of PEAR, hoping that it will not disturb MAMP in normal operation to have some extra directories.
Download ast from pecl.php.net, since I couldn't make pecl install ast work, maybe it works for you. Then you'll need to run sudo pear install [path-to-downloaded-ast.tgz], replacing the file path with your download location.
Edit php.ini like you already did, adding the extension.
Result should be this
$ php -m
[PHP Modules]
macOS Mojave 10.14.3
PHP 7.1.23
I tried to install PHP intl extension on my local server in order to use Prestashop.
I added extension=php_intl.so to etc/php.ini
When I try to install Prestashop I get Intl extension is not loaded.
$ php -m | grep intl
When I do $ php -m | grep intl, I get:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20160303/php_intl.so' - d
lopen(/usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20160303/php_intl.so, 9): image not found in Unknown on line 0
Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20160303/php_intl.so' - dlopen
(/usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20160303/php_intl.so, 9): image not found in Unknown on line 0
It seems that the file php_intl.so doesn't exist.
$ sudo pecl install intl
I also tried $ sudo pecl install intland I get:
make: *** [php_intl.lo] Error 1
ERROR:make' failed`
$ curl -s http://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 7.1
I also tried $ curl -s http://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 7.1 and it doesn't create the intl.so file.
How can I solve this problem?
Brew's PHP 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 all have INTL enabled by default.
Most probably, you're just using your Mac OS' bundles version of PHP.
ls -l $(which php)
to find out where the current PHP binary is located and whether it is symlinked to a Brew installation or not. In my case, for example:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 27 May 23 16:30 /usr/local/bin/php -> ../Cellar/php/7.3.5/bin/php
Meaning that my php is linked to Brew's 7.3.5 version.
If you are NOT using Brew's PHP, you'll see something like
-rwxr-xr-x 1 11169664 Mar 21 07:09 /usr/bin/php
Installing PHP through Brew
Find out whether you've already installed PHP:
brew list | grep php
If there is any output, and your version of PHP is present, go to step 2, or use step 1 to update PHP to the latest version.
1. Install Homebrew's PHP
brew install php#7.3
(or 7.2, 7.1). If Brew complains about not being able to find a formula, you might have messed with taps. Instead of php#7.3, you could try to supply the full path to the current php formula:
brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/master/Formula/php.rb
Still not working, check whether you are running a recent version of Homebrew brew --version.
Homebrew 2.1.3-31-geaf2370
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision fd1ef; last commit 2019-05-25)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 16d50; last commit 2019-05-26)
2. Link Homebrew's PHP
Now, to have php 'in your path', there are two options.
a) Either homebrew's version must be linked from its install location (/usr/local/bin/Cellar/php....) to a directory in your path (e.g., /usr/local/bin). To do this, run:
brew link --force php#7.3
If you are not able to link, this is typically caused by set permissions or System Integrity Protection. In the first case, try sudo chown "$USER":admin /usr/local/bin/php.
b) Or, add the /usr/local/opt/php#7.3 directory (opt-prefix) to your $PATH variable. E.g., for Bash:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/php#7.3/bin:/usr/local/opt/php#7.3/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
3. Validate installation
ls -l $(which php)
should show that php is linked to a Homebrew PHP installation in /usr/local/bin/Cellar.
php -v
should show the recently installed version of PHP. Try to restart your terminal if that's not the case.
php -i | grep -i intl
should show some information about the current install of intl.
If you're using webservers and/or PHP FPM, this is the time to restart those services. (Or restart your system, if you don't know how to do that and cannot figure out).
Possible issues
If you still get warnings about missing extensions (Unable to load dynamic library, etc.), then your php.ini is messed up.
Find the current location of php's ini
$ php -i | grep \.ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/etc/php/7.3
Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/etc/php/7.3/php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files => /usr/local/etc/php/7.3/conf.d
Additional .ini files parsed => /usr/local/etc/php/7.3/conf.d/ext-opcache.ini
Edit /usr/local/etc/php/7.3/php.ini and find the offending extension load (e.g., extension="myext.so"). Comment out those that cannot be found.
Homebrew permissions
Some argue that it's a good idea to chown /usr/local.
sudo chown -R "$USER":admin /usr/local
This will make installing things here, by hand and through Homebrew, a lot easier, but also a bit less secure too, since non-root processes are now allowed to write here too.
Your web-application is using a different version of PHP.
Make sure that it doesn't... The configuration of this depends on the used webserver. A first step would be to output the current PHP configuration in your web-application with <?php phpinfo();.
This explains steps for Apache.
Another way to get a webserver + PHP stack running quicly is using Laravel Valet.
Installing additional extensions
To install additional PHP extensions, use PEAR.
pear -V
should output the current PEAR and PHP version.
PEAR Version: 1.10.9
PHP Version: 7.3.5
Zend Engine Version: 3.3.5
Now, to install an extension, for example, PHP's yaml extension:
pear install yaml
I have seen a lot of answers about this problem and anyone helped me, but the last (of course). This is for XAMPP´s use.
Xcode is needed.
Download the version of php you use in xampp from php.net.
Extract it and open the extracted folder in a terminal using cd.
Change to subfolder ext/intl.
Run these commands to build the extension:
./configure --enable-intl --with-php-config=/Applications/XAMPP/bin/php-config --with-icu-dir=/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/
sudo make install (password required)
Delete all files you downloaded and also the extracted folders.
Add to php.ini file in xampp/etc folder line
Original link: https://community.apachefriends.org/viewtopic.php?p=255061&sid=27afc55649dfe6ea7b0824cb0bb8486b
Since php 7 it's not necessary load the extension php_intl.so, what do you need to do?, edit your php.ini and delete or comment the line that is loading the extension php_intl.so, after this reload your apache and try again.
There might be an issue with brew
You could try to use this as mentioned there:
brew tap kyslik/homebrew-php
brew install kyslik/php/php71-intl
i tried all but intl not working in mac so please uninstall xampp and install mamp it will work
So, on Pecl Official site ( https://pecl.php.net/package/intl ), it's clear that Intl package is not maintained anymore and has been superseded. Since PHP 5.3.0 you don't need to use Pecl to install intl extension, it's bundled with PHP.
But, it's missing on native instalation of PHP 7.1.24 on Mac OS Mojave.
if you wanna use only native apache and php pre-installed instead of using homebrew, do this:
Download PHP 7.1 from php.net, install XCode Command Line Tools, ICU (http://site.icu-project.org/), Autoconf, reinstall the developer tools header files, and finally install Intl extension using phpize.
Important: you'll have to disable SIP.
That's much the question. I have PHP 5.2.9 on Apache and I cannot upgrade PHP. Is there a way for me to enable SOAP in PHP 5.2.9? The PHP manual did not help at all when it said, "To enable SOAP support, configure PHP with --enable-soap ." How do I configure?
Getting SOAP working usually does not require compiling PHP from source. I would recommend trying that only as a last option.
For good measure, check to see what your phpinfo says, if anything, about SOAP extensions:
$ php -i | grep -i soap
to ensure that it is the PHP extension that is missing.
Assuming you do not see anything about SOAP in the phpinfo, see what PHP SOAP packages might be available to you.
In Ubuntu/Debian you can search with:
$ apt-cache search php | grep -i soap
or in RHEL/Fedora you can search with:
$ yum search php | grep -i soap
There are usually two PHP SOAP packages available to you, usually php-soap and php-nusoap. php-soap is typically what you get with configuring PHP with --enable-soap.
In Ubuntu/Debian you can install with:
$ sudo apt-get install php-soap
Or in RHEL/Fedora you can install with:
$ sudo yum install php-soap
After the installation, you might need to place an ini file and restart Apache.
In case that you have Ubuntu in your machine, the following steps will help you:
Check first in your php testing file if you have soap (client / server)or not by using phpinfo(); and check results in the browser.
In case that you have it, it will seems like the following image ( If not go to step 2 ):
Open your terminal and paste: sudo apt-get install php-soap.
Restart your apache2 server in terminal : service apache2 restart.
To check use your php test file again to be seems like mine in step 1.
As far as your question goes: no, if activating from .ini is not enough and you can't upgrade PHP, there's not much you can do. Some modules, but not all, can be added without recompilation (zypper install php5-soap, yum install php-soap). If it is not enough, try installing some PEAR class for interpreted SOAP support (NuSOAP, etc.).
In general, the double-dash --switches are designed to be used when recompiling PHP from scratch.
You would download the PHP source package (as a compressed .tgz tarball, say), expand it somewhere and then, e.g. under Linux, run the configure script
./configure --prefix ...
The configure command used by your PHP may be shown with phpinfo(). Repeating it identical should give you an exact copy of the PHP you now have installed. Adding --enable-soap will then enable SOAP in addition to everything else.
That said, if you aren't familiar with PHP recompilation, don't do it. It also requires several ancillary libraries that you might, or might not, have available - freetype, gd, libjpeg, XML, expat, and so on and so forth (it's not enough they are installed; they must be a developer version, i.e. with headers and so on; in most distributions, having libjpeg installed might not be enough, and you might need libjpeg-dev also).
I have to keep a separate virtual machine with everything installed for my recompilation purposes.
I would tring to update my php version to the version 5.4.
When I'm looking via /usr/local/bin/php -v in the console I see the version 5.4.3 and with php -v it tell me there is the version 5.3.10 installed.
How can I remove the older version?
As of early 2014, you are probably better of installing from http://php-osx.liip.ch/ builds as it contains most extensions. In case you really do need to compile your own, follow the original answer.
Original answer:
Mac comes with a preinstalled php you can easily overwrite.
This is a list of steps I take to update the php I have installed:
Xcode and it's Command line utilities (install form preferences) will give you a gcc compiler to build the php with
libjpeg, libpng etc. if you want to build with these.
Building and installing php:
Download the distribution from www.php.net/downloads.php
Untar the archive and point your console into the location
Now, having still the original old php installed, run php -i | head in the console. What you want is to configure your new php with these flags to ensure you have proper pcre support and everything works just fine.
In the php source directory you untarred, run the ./configure script with the flags you just got
Build php by running make and sudo make install afterwards. That will actually replace the original php distributed with OS X.
And dont forget to run make test...
Ex.: my workflow for building php
wget http://url_to/php_source.tar.gz
tar -zxvf php_source.tar.gz
cd php_source/
php -i | head
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-snmp # ... same flags as previous build
sudo make install
i am trying to setup a new symfony framework project on ubuntu by following the documentation. But all the commands mentioned in the docs starting with 'php' give out the following error.
The program 'php' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install php5-cli
bash: php: command not found.
But php is installed and running on the system! How do i get past this error ?
Thanks in advance.
There are several different PHP packages; probably the one that is installed is the PHP module for Apache, not the command-line (CLI) version invoked as php.
Just run the command like it says, and you should be fine.
Is php on your path? (does it start if you just type in 'php' at the prompt or do you need to specify a path?)
If so, then its possible that the path is hardcoded to look elsewhere for your PHP executable. Try grepping the scripts to see where its looking.
If php is NOT on your path then try adding it, e.g. if php is in /usr/local/bin (and /usr/local/bin is not currently on your path)
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin