I am using CodeCharge Studio to finish a large PHP application. This question isn't really CCS related, but a bit more general. I have a web form that is supposed to allow CRUD capabilities with a certain SQL Server table, but the Inserts keep failing without throwing any errors. What would be the best way to debug this?
When I'm having trouble with dynamically generated SQL queries, I typically echo out the query and try running that query on the console for the DB. Or alternatively, you could write a simple PHP function that writes out strings to a file, and that way you don't have to display the query directly on your page, but instead in a log file.
See what the actually query is and then try doing that query directly on the DB. Then you know whether it's a PHP issue or a DB issue.
Then go from there, depending on the outcome.
If the query looks OK, double check that the user running the query has insert rights to the database.
I've been caught out by that before.
You can monitor all sql queries in mysql as shown in this site, once you enable logging, run the query manually and see why its failing..this should be good starting point.
In addition to what's mentioned before, I can add my recent discovery:
So you can output and debug your variable, even if it's a complex script with redirects, where simple echo would not help.
You should try using FirePHP and log all the SQL to your Firebug:
An Example would be:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table"
if (!mysql_query($sql)) {
// In un successfull log to FireBug
FB::error($data, "SQL error: ".mysql_error());
You can also implement the FB::error call from your own function, so you can later deactivate this behaviour modifying your function:
function log_error($data, $msg){
//dont forget to deactivate in case the application goes live!
FB::error($data, $msg);
if (!mysql_query($sql)) {
// In un successfull log to FireBug
log_error($data, "SQL error: ".mysql_error());
Most of the database connection classes in CodeCharge have a 'debug' flag which will automatically write all the page's database commands at the top of the page.
For example, in an old PHP project of mine, 'Common Files' the file 'db_mysql.php' (line 27):
public $Debug = 0; ## Set to 1 for debugging messages.
Change to '1' and publish that file. Load the web page. Change back and re-publish when done.
I've used this in CCS for PHP and ASP projects, and is likely in the other languages (not sure if or where to find in .NET projects).
I'd like to debug some PHP code, but I guess printing a log to screen or file is fine for me.
How should I print a log in PHP code?
The usual print/printf seems to go to HTML output not the console.
I have Apache server executing the PHP code.
A lesser known trick is that mod_php maps stderr to the Apache log. And, there is a stream for that, so file_put_contents('php://stderr', print_r($foo, TRUE)) will nicely dump the value of $foo into the Apache error log.
error_log(print_r($variable, TRUE));
might be useful
You can use error_log to send to your servers error log file (or an optional other file if you'd like)
If you are on Linux:
file_put_contents('your_log_file', 'your_content');
error_log ('your_content', 3, 'your_log_file');
and then in console
tail -f your_log_file
This will show continuously the last line put in the file.
You need to change your frame of mind. You are writing PHP, not whatever else it is that you are used to write. Debugging in PHP is not done in a console environment.
In PHP, you have 3 categories of debugging solutions:
Output to a webpage (see dBug library for a nicer view of things).
Write to a log file
In session debugging with xDebug
Learn to use those instead of trying to make PHP behave like whatever other language you are used to.
Are you debugging on console? There are various options for debugging PHP.
The most common function used for quick & dirty debugging is var_dump.
That being said and out of the way, although var_dump is awesome and a lot of people do everything with just that, there are other tools and techniques that can spice it up a bit.
Things to help out if debugging in a webpage, wrap <pre> </pre> tags around your dump statement to give you proper formatting on arrays and objects.
<div> some html code ....
some link to test
dump $tpl like this:
<pre><?php var_dump($tpl); ?></pre>
And, last but not least make sure if debugging your error handling is set to display errors. Adding this at the top of your script may be needed if you cannot access server configuration to do so.
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
Good luck!
You can also write to a file like this:
$logFilePath = '../logs/debug.text';
// if you want to concatenate:
if (file_exists($logFilePath)) {
// for timestamp
$currentTime = date(DATE_RSS);
// echo log statement(s) here
echo "\n\n$currentTime - [log statement here]";
$logFile = fopen($logFilePath, 'w');
fwrite($logFile, ob_get_contents());
Make sure the proper permissions are set so php can access and write to the file (775).
If you don't want to integrate a framework like Zend, then you can use the trigger_error method to log to the php error log.
Simply way is trigger_error:
trigger_error("My error");
but you can't put arrays or Objects therefore use
You can use the php curl module to make calls to http://liveoutput.com/. This works great in an secure, corporate environment where certain restrictions in the php.ini exists that restrict usage of file_put_contents.
This a great tool for debugging & logging php: PHp Debugger & Logger
It works right out of the box with just 3 lines of code.
It can send messages to the js console for ajax debugging and can replace the error handler.
It also dumps information about variables like var_dump() and print_r(), but in a more readable format.
Very nice tool!
I have used many of these, but since I usually need to debug when developing, and since I develop on localhost, I have followed the advice of others and now write to the browser's JavaScript debug console (see http://www.codeforest.net/debugging-php-in-browsers-javascript-console).
That means that I can look at the web page which my PHP is generating in my browser & press F12 to quickly show/hide any debug trace.
Since I am constantly looking at the developer tools for debugger, CSS layout, etc, it makes sense to look at my PHP loggon there.
If anyone does decide to us that code, I made one minor change. After
function debug($name, $var = null, $type = LOG) {
I added
$name = 'PHP: ' . $name;
This is because my server side PHP generates HTML conatining JavaScript & I find it useful to distinguish between output from PHP & JS.
(Note: I am currently updating this to allow me to switch on & off different output types: from PHP, from JS, and database access)
I use cakephp so I use:
$this->log(YOUR_STRING_GOES_HERE, 'debug');
You can use:
echo '<script>console.log("debug log")</script>';
You can use
or if you want to print that statement in an log you can use
AddLog("anypage.php","string: ".$string,ERR_DEBUG_LOW);
Here is php code:
$query = Container::get('db_connection')
$query->bind('szSort', $searchcol, DatabaseTypes::NVARCHAR(100))
->bind('szKeyWord', $searchstr, DatabaseTypes::NVARCHAR(100))
->bind('partnerid', $partnerid, DatabaseTypes::INT)
->bind('hideDisabled', $hideDisabled, DatabaseTypes::INT)
->bind('hideDemo', $hideDemo, DatabaseTypes::INT)
$hideByLimitedAccountManagerUserID, DatabaseTypes::NVARCHAR(100))
I need to see exact values of the params passed into the storing procedure. There is no way I can debug or alter source code. Google Chrome (or any other browser) seems to be only one option. I also got access to the appropriate database. Can I capture those values somehow using built-in Chrome functionality or some advanced features of SQL Management Studio?
P.S. I am not php dev, not at all.
The simplest way to see variables in PHP is using the var_dump(); and exit;
Use it before your code.
For example:
var_dump($searchcol); exit;
I am using Birt 4.5 and PHP/MYSQL.
I am able to run birt reports with php. I have enabled tomcat and copied 'birt-runtime-4_5_0/WebViewerExample' to tomcat/webapps and renamed it to birt.
So I can run birt viewer with php;
$fname = "report/test.rptdesign&__showtitle=false";
$dest = "http://localhost:8081/birt/frameset?__report=";
$dest .= $fname;
header("Location: $dest" );
Above code is working fine. But report connectstring already saved in test.rptdesign file.
I want to remove DB login credentials from test.rptdesign file and assign it while report open with PHP.
I have tried with report parameters. But all the parameters will display on browser address-bar.
Is there any secure way to do this? This is very important when we need to change the database location. It is very hard to change the data source of each and every .rptdesign file.
Thank You,
I don't believe using report parameters to handle a database connection is the right way. In addition to the address-bar problem you mentionned, it will cause unexpected issues: for example you won't be able to use this database to feed the dataset of another report parameter.
With Tomcat the best approach is to externalize the database connection in a connection pool: easy, robust, and reports might run significantly faster.
Alternatively the datasource can be externalized in a BIRT library (.rptlibrary) and shared across all report-designs: thus only the library needs to be updated when the database location is changing.
I agree with Dominique that sending the database parameters via the query is most likely an inappropriate solution - and you've not given any explanation of whether this is a requirement of the system.
But it is quite trivial to proxy the request via PHP and decorate the URL with the required parameters, something like...
$_GET['__showtitle']=$_GET['__showtitle'] ? $_GET['__showtitle'] : 'false';
$_GET['__report']=$fname; // NB this should be NULL in your code!
$url="http://localhost:8081/birt/frameset?" . $qry;
// if its simply returning HTML, then just....
$fin=fopen($url, 'r');
while ($l=fgets($fin)) {
print $l;
If the returned content contains relative links the you'll need to rewrite the output stream. If the content type is unusual or you want to project other headers (e.g. for caching) to the browser, then you'll need to use Curl, capture the headers and relay them.
Hi all am using Titanium studio for Desktop Development in PHP,
when i tried to connect with sqlite3 it shows an error msg as
uncaught exception with message unable to open databasefile
where the code supplied is
$db = new SQLite3('sample.db');
and another trouble is I was unable to acess $_GET, $_POST, and $_REQUEST in php Desktop Development using Titanium
I was pulling my hair with this. Seems like you can use PDO connections for mysql and also use SQLite3 for SQLite. (at least for SKD 1.2.0.RC4 , not sure on any other previous versions)
Check what the phpinfo(); function returns, try to find this string "sqlite3 SQLite3 support => enabled". If you phpinfo returns this, it means you can use the SQLite3 class.
If it does work, take a look here http://www.php.net/manual/en/sqlite3.open.php and let us know how it goes for you. For me this worked just fine and I can open, insert and select without problems. Try to use at first a full path for your db just for testing.
As for the $_GET, $_POST, and $_REQUEST, you are right, they are not available unless you load php pages with get params in the same string ("login.php?user=me&pass=secret"), in that case, the $_GET variable does become available. Not the best way to go but its an option. You can also create a data class and use it for holding and passing data among php pages, during your execution time.
You should use Titanium.Database.open to open db:
var db = Titanium.Database.open("Path to your db");
This is a bit of an oddity for me. PHP is my forte, and I can normally figure out any issue I encounter.
I have a custom framework that I have been using for years. I have taken it upon myself to rewrite it, and I'm doing everything essentially the same that I was before. The problem lies in the following construct:
function ModPages_GetPage() {
$page = ModPages_GetPageByName($_GET['page_name']);
if($page != false) {
} else {
ErrorMessage('Invalid Page', 'The selected page could not be found.');
function ModPages_GetPageByName($page_name = null) {
$db = new Database;
$query = '
FROM pages
WHERE page_name = "'.CleanStr($page_name).'"
AND page_enabled = "yes"
$page = $db->GetRow($query);
return $page;
This code is being called with 'home' for the value of $_GET['page_name']. The call to ModPages_GetPageByName() is working fine, but the value of $page in ModPages_GetPage() isn't getting set. Matter of fact, any debugging statements thrown in after that call are failing to display anything.
I have display_errors set to on, and error_reporting set to E_ALL. I get a couple notices from my Database class, but that's it.
Running the script at a shell fails to produce any errors. When using strace, I do see the process spits out an 'exit_group(255)'.
This one has me quite baffled. I could sure use some direction on this.
I would think it's your query, shouldn't you just return the page name instead of star? as star (*) would return an array which is probably being passed back as the value? just my guess.
$query = '
FROM pages
WHERE page_name = "'.CleanStr($page_name).'"
AND page_enabled = "yes"
if you do a print_r on the $page return I would think it should be an array
$page = $db->GetRow($query);
echo "Page:<pre>".print_r($page,true)."</pre><br />\n";
Then maybe return something like this
return $page['page_name_field'];
ok before we get to a solution can we first make sure that before setting the $page variable, first just echo $_GET['page_name'] to see if there is a value being received.
Does your script stop right after your database call, or just doesn't display any output?
If the first is true, then it looks like a fatal error. With E_ALL, it should be displayed, are you sure both display_errors and error_reporting are as you say at that point, and that the GetRow function doesn't alter them in any way? If so, maybe there's something in the Apache error log (PHP errors are sometimes logged there).
If the latter is true I'm thinking about an exception being thrown in a method that is being called, and caught in a higher level function. To check this you can put the database call (ie: the point where things go wrong) inside a try/catch block and see if you reach the catch block.
I would try following:
replace $_GET with $_REQUEST (maybe your form is using POST?)
do a print_r to check contents of your variables.
use mysql_error to view any errors, or print your mysql query in your browser, copy/paste it in phpmyadmin, is it returning anything? error.. data?
something similar happend to me once, my framework was encoded in ANSI and my calling php file was UTF8+BOM... I changed everything to UTF8+BOM and it worked.
try also different browser, I know it might not be a browser problem, but it might be that your script is cached somewhere.
are you using some caching? like eaccelerator?
Are those functions in a class? If so, you will need $page = $this->ModPages_GetPageByName().
Also I would echo out the argument and the sql statment in ModPages_GetPageByName(). This way you can verify that it isn't a SQL error.
I can't say for sure why your code isn't working, but I can make some suggestions that might help in locating the error.
The first thing I notice is you don't check that $db actually contains a valid database. I don't know the details of your Database object but I'm assuming there's some mechanism in there for checking if it's actually connected to the database. You should use that to determine if the database is connected before running queries on it.
$db = new Database ();
if ($db -> isConnected ())
$query = 'SELECT * (etc etc etc)';
// ...
// Put some kind of DB connection error notification or throw an exception here
Just on a stylistic note, you don't need to store the results of your DB lookup before returning it, unless you're planning on doing some processing on the result before returning it. You can just return the lookup directly. Of course that's just a stylistic choice, but it saves a line or two :)
return ($db->GetRow($query));
After you run your getpage function, I'd strongly recommend var_dump()ing the result. Even if your function returned NULL, you'll still see this in the var_dump. If in doubt, dump it out :). I'd also recommend installing xdebug to make the var_dump output more readable.
$page = ModPages_GetPageByName($_GET['page_name']);
var_dump ($page);
I would also strongly recommending var_dumping your query before you execute just to make absolutely sure that you're running the query you think you're running. Copy and paste the outputted query into sqlyog or phpmyadmin or whatever you use for interactive access to your database and make sure it returns what you think it should return.
Other things to check, is the page you're trying to return actually set page_enabled='yes'? Does the page_enabled column actually store the value as 'yes', or is it a bool or an integer or something else? Is magic quotes enabled or disabled? If they're in one state when you think they're in the other they can cause confusion. Are errors actually being reported to the browser? Add a line at the top of your script that's guaranteed to fail just to make sure, like an attempted foreach on an integer. If you don't see an error, then maybe error reporting isn't configured properly. I know those are obvious questions but I also know how easy it is to overlook the obvious if you're not getting what you expect out of a query.
Are you sure $page is not set, or is it just that your debug instructions don't print anything? Try logging to a file or a database instead; maybe your code triggered output buffering or something like that.
Also, you are calling ModPages_GetPageByName before declaring it. That is usually okay, but might not be in special circumstances (e.g. when the code is wrapped in an if block). Try swapping the two.
Also, check your environment and disable opcode caching and other possible error sources. APC for example can call the old version of the script long after you changed the PHP file.
While some of you have put extra effort into responding to this, nobody has been able to see the full picture, even given the details I have provided. I have been unable to trace the issue back to its source, but have moved on to a different project.