Mediawiki: Invalid Edit Token - php

I use the API with HTTP POST to create a wiki page in a Mediawiki (1.14):
I require an edit token
It works, I get a fresh token (example: d96d72fae5e6c43b0b9f63d82ace366)
I send the HTTP POST for creating a new site with my new token (sth. similar to "d96d72fae5e6c43b0b9f63d82ace366+\"
I get an error message "Invalid Token"
I don't understand why I get this message, because I send a freshly created token in my POST request.
Any idea?

Did you URL-encode the terminating characters of your token? You have to convert the +\ to %2B%5C. Your POST request should look something like (minus the line breaks):


{"error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Invalid redirect_uri"}

Firstly, this is my Instagram URL after the login:$MYCLİENTİD&redirect_uri=https://localhost:4000/İnstagram/Insta.php/&response_type=code&scope=user_profile,user_media
And this is the error that page shows me:
{"error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Invalid redirect_uri"}
When I try to get user token from Instagram, I get that error.
I've tried to change the redirect_uri=(Valid OAuth Redirect URIs), but the error is the same as before.
I could not find this documented anywhere, but through trial and error, I found that the redirect_uri had to:
Use https
Be publicly accessible (e.g. localhost and specifying a port number won't work)
Not include parameters (I found they were getting stripped out, which would cause a redirect_uri mismatch when I later requested an access token)
I had the same problem and I solved it as following:
I first went here:
(remember to change your instagram app id in the below URL)
Then I set my Client OAuth Settings, Deauthorize and Data Deletion Requests as "https://localhost:3000/".
That worked for me.
Actually, for me, it was because my URI was not exactly the same as requested by the app. I forgot to add "/" at the end.
Go to -> Client OAuth Settings and put there not just https://localhost:5000, but exact authentication endpoint used in your application (https://localhost:5000/auth or else)
Actually, it does work with localhost, but it is very tedious.
First, you need to have https enabled (which from what I can see from your request you seem to have).
[I don't know if this is mandatory] you need to create a test app* from your main app (
Set the redirect OAuth URI to something like https://localhost:4000/auth/ and update also all other URIs in .../instagram-basic-display/basic-display/ settings.
Finally, don't forget to use the client-id(or app-id) of the test app in your request, which is different than your parent app
I wish you good luck ;)
*IMPORTANT: app-id and app-secret are different in test app!
As per documentation
Construct the Authorization Window URL below, replacing {app-id} with
your Instagram app’s ID (from the App Dashboard > Products > Instagram
Basic Display > Instagram App ID field) and {redirect-uri} with your website URL that you provided in Step 2 ("Valid OAuth Redirect URIs").
The URL must be exactly the same.
Syntax & Example as below<instagram_app_id>&redirect_uri=<my-website>&scope=user_profile,user_media&response_type=code,user_media&response_type=code

Yii2 OpenId Connect error - yii2-authclient returns 400 error "Token not provided" when I try to getUserAttributes()

I'm implementing OpenId Connect into my Yii2 app using the yii2-authclient library. I can login and exchange the code for a token with no problems. I've followed most of the code examples on the web and set a successCallback function that gets called once a user successfully logs in. It looks like this:
public function successCallback(ClientInterface $client)
$attributes = $client->getUserAttributes();
This code gets called, but calling getUserAttributes() results in the following error:
Exception – yii\authclient\InvalidResponseException
Request failed with code: 400, message:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Token not provided"}
The logs on the id server show a blank client and user, with an error of invalid_token.
I took a close look at the request I make and I see an access_token element. Any ideas what the problem might be? I can provide more information if necessary.
I figured it out. The problem was that the yii2-authclient library was sending the token as a GET parameter and the ID server was expecting it as a POST param. I upgraded the yii2-authclient library and that solved the problem since a recent change sends the parameter as POST instead of GET.

PP_E_RPS_CERT_NOT_FOUND error when querying Outlook API

I am trying to retrieve the contents of my calendar using the Outlook REST API, but I am getting weird error responses.
The code is based on the example code supplied by Microsoft in
I have created an application and specified it want access to and changed the scope in the testcode, Constants::SCOPE, to include this scope.
After succesfully retrieving a token I can verify that the application requests and sets the correct privileges. After that I try to retrieve the events in my calendar as described at the documentation:
I use the Advanced REST client add-on for Chrome to create a GET request with the following specs:
Authorization: Bearer [token]
Prefer: outlook.timezone=Europe/Berlin
The response I get is a 401 status code with the following content for the X-Ms-Diagnostics header:
2000010;reason="ErrorCode: 'PP_E_RPS_CERT_NOT_FOUND'. Message: 'Certificate cannot be found. Certificate required for the operation cannot be found.%0d%0a Internal error: spRPSTicket->ProcessToken failed. Failed to call CRPSDataCryptImpl::UnpackData:Certificate cannot be found. Certificate required for the operation cannot be found.%0d%0a Internal error: Failed to decrypt data. :Failed to get session key. RecipientId=293577. spCache->GetCacheItem returns error.:Cert Name: (null). SKI: d6c3dacffd2b3fba2fb3d6c2b0fcd78680a3acd1...'";error_category="invalid_msa_ticket"
The Www-Authenticate header specifies 'error="invalid_token"' while the token was just received.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
I think another thing you might be able to check out is the scope when you request the v2 endpoint. for V2 endpoint, the scope is different between Graph API and outlook api. you need to specify scope as "" instead of Graph scope.
I hope it will help.
Basically, the message means that the token you're trying to use is not valid for the operation.
I went through this. This is how I've solved:
I use the suggested scopes here (I was creating an event):
To get the authorization code I used this URL schema:[YourClientID]&scope=[ScopeYouNeed]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=[YourRedirectURI]
Then I get the refresh & the access token. And now it's working!
You need to just change the URL from to

Why would an auth token work for the explorer but not in a php app?

I'm working on getting a fb auth working on my site. I have code in already to get the token and store it in a session variable. On a new page I have this:
echo $_SESSION['facebook_access_token']
That puts out a long auth token that I can paste into this site :
I paste the string in to the top Access token box and can access the fields that I asked permissions for in an earlier step.
Back to the code, I pass this line:
$response = $fb->get('/me?fields=id,name','$_SESSION["facebook_access_token"]');
and get the following:
Invalid OAuth access token.' in /{web root}/facebook/src/Facebook/Exceptions
Now what the heck is going on here? How can I troubleshoot this?

google OAUTH2 exchange authorization code for acces token "invalid request"

I'm getting google api authorization code from this page on my server
the same page on my hosting to test
after adjusting client id, secret and redirect uri.
$data =file_get_contents(''.$code.'&client_secret={secret}&redirect_uri={my web page}&grant_type=authorization_code');
but i get an error so i'm trying to paste the full url to the browser address bar after getting authorization code from that page like this (the same auth code I get from this page{authorization code}&redirect_uri=mywebpage.php&client_id={my client id}&client_secret={secret code}&grant_type=authorization_code
but the result is
"error" : "invalid_request"
how to solve this and exchange the authorization code for access token
You're sending the parameters in a GET request to the authorization endpoint (, but you must send them in a POST request to the token endpoint (
