Here's the situation:
I'm using jquery.validate.js to validate my forms, but I need to add a server-side validation layer. jQuery Validate uses class names within form-elements to determine what it should do -- I want to fetch those class names into PHP so that I can perform the same validations on the server-side.
I'm hoping to do something like this:
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) {
$class=array(...// get this #key element class name list with jQuery
$error=...// based on the class names, perform specific PHP validations
return true;
return false;
Question is, can I do this? Can I fetch element class names w/ jQuery and pass them to PHP?
You could get jQuery to send the class names along with the form - HOWEVER this leads to serious security issues. Seeing as everything posted to your server is really done by your users browsers, your users will have the ability to then change your validation rules and as such bypass them, and that would make your entire purpose here useless. I would instead suggest the following.
Make a function in php to take in the name of a form element and return appropriate class names. When generating each form element for the form, call this function to get the class names (and then applying the jQuery validation). When you read your form in your PHP code - use the same function to get the class names and then you know which validation rules to apply in your server side php code.
Hope it made sense.
Never trust the client(browser)!
You should never allow anything on the client to dictate to the server how to test the validity of posted information.
This is a very bad idea.
function validate()
var params = {
var1: {key:$('#field1').get(0).className, value:$('#field1').get(0).value},
var2: {key:$('#field2').get(0).className, value:$('#field2').get(0).value},
$.post('http://host/validate_script.php', params, onValidate);
function onValidate(data)
hope this will help... sure it's a simple way and you can do it more formalized.
serializeArray will convert your form data to JSON:
var json = $('#formid').serializeArray();
Typically you can send the entire JSON string to the server which can take it from there.
As mentioned above, you can use AJAX and JSON to pass the values to PHP. This will, however, not provide more secure validation than your regular JS validation (since your PHP will still depend on your JS)
If you choose to use this method, here are some improvements to the script provided previously by Evgeniy Savichev
<script type="text/javascript">
params = {
elementName : {
className : $('elementId').attr('class'),
elementValue : $('elemenetId').val()
anotherElement : {
$.post('http://host/validate_script.php', params, onValidate);
function onValidate(data)
However a better solution is to automatically generate and validate your form elements. The Zend Framework has a great class for doing so. I've included a simplified version of how something could look in case you decide to write your own script.
I hope this can be of some help to you
$elements = array(
'email-field' => array('email', 'required'),
'integer' => array('integer')
$error = false;
foreach($elements as $elementName => $validators) {
if (array_key_exists($elementName, $_POST)) {
foreach ($elements[$elementName] as $validator ) {
switch($validator) {
case 'email':
if (filter_input(FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, $elementValue)) {
$error = true;
case 'integer':
// etc
default :
} else {
if ( in_array('required', $validators) ) {
$error = true;
if ( $error ) {
// etc
I have some php codes, and there is a condition which declare type of ajax. Now I want to know, should I write all php codes for each request separately? In other word, should I write all php codes twice (almost repeatedly) for both methods?
if(!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) && strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) === "xmlhttprequest")
// I'm ajax
$arr = array('key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2');
echo json_encode($arr);
} else {
// I'm not ajax
$arr = array('key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2');
$_SESSION["arr"] = arr;
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); // redirect to previous page
So, as you see, I have to write all PHP code twice. One time for regular request and one time for ajax request. In reality there is a lot of codes, Maybe 1000 lines of code that I have two write them again for ajax requests (while they are almost identical). Is this a normal way?
Also I want to know, is there any succinct approach? Actually I like to use a approach which needs to php code just one time for both requests ...!
I would create a class to handle those request and put common code right into a method used by both contexts:
// file: class.handler.php
class contextHandler() {
public function handleHttp() {
// What ever has to be done in this context
$_SESSION["arr"] = arr;
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
public function handleAjax() {
// What ever has to be done in this context
echo json_encode($arr);
private function handleGeneral() {
// put common code here
$arr = array('key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2');
In your code you could then use that class:
include 'class.handler.php';
$handler = new contextHandler();
strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) === "xmlhttprequest"
} else {
This has of course to be adjusted to your concrete needs but offers a nice and clean way of reusing code and generating small and readable code.
I'm relatively new to CodeIgniter and this may be an obvious answer, but I am unable to find anything in the documentation.
I know how to use form_validation->run() to validate a form and run some code when it is submitted successfully. What if I wanted to do something with a form that did not require any sort of validation? Is there a form->run() equivalent that returns true when a user submits the form? Something like:
public function update($id)
// do some stuff after user has submitted form
I don't think there exists such method, but you can do it manually
For example:
if ( ! isset($_POST['something'])) // OR $this->input->post('something');
return false //maybe?
//$something = $_POST['something'];
return true //maybe?
A statement like this should work. You just need to check if any post data exists.
if ($_POST)
// do something
How do I get the CodeIgniter form validation to validate the $_SESSION if there is no passed form data? I tried manually setting the $_REQUEST variable, but it doesn't seem to work.
i.e. I have a function search in the controller which validates the form input passed, and either returns you to the previous page with errors, or else moves you onto the next page. But I want this function to also work if you previously filled out this page, and the info is stored in the $_SESSION variable.
function search () {
$this->form_validation->set_rules("flightID", "Flight Time", "required|callback_validFlightID");
$this->form_validation->set_rules("time", "Flight Time", "required|callback_validFlightTime");
$this->setRequest(array("flightID", "time"));
// adding session check allows for inter-view navigation
if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
// some application logic here
$this->load->view("seats", $data);
} else {
$this->logger->log($_REQUEST, "request");
// redirect back to index
function setRequest () {
// make sure none of the parameters are set in the request
foreach ($vars as $k) {
if (isset($_REQUEST[$k])) {
foreach ($vars as $k) {
if (isset($_SESSION[$k])) {
$_REQUEST[$k] = $_SESSION[$k];
You can store the form post info in a session using the following codeigniter functions
$formdata = array(
'flightID' => $this->input->post('flightID'),
'time' => $this->input->post('time')
and the information can be retrieved with the following
form_validation works directly with $_POST, so use that instead of $_REQUEST.
What you're trying to do is setting Post values manually which is not natively
supported by CodeIgniter. So what we're doing first is extending the core.
Create a new file (MY_Input.php) and paste the following contents into it:
class MY_Input extends CI_Input{
function set_post($key, $value)
$_POST[$key] = $value;
That's a very basic implementation of your purpose but it's enough to test around. You might want to extend it to make it fit your needs (f.e. allowing the input of arrays).
So now. In your controller you can check if something has been posted by a user. If not you'll be just setting the post variable manually with your new method of the Input class.
class Some_Controller extends CI_Controller{
public function index()
// The user hasn't filled out a field?
// Let's set the postfield to the value of a session key
$this->input->set_post('a_key', $this->session->userdata('mystoredkey'));
After having set your postfield manually, it can be handled by the form validation library as it is meant to be.
That should be your way to go :)
You can really do some pretty things if you're not afraid of hacking the core. Many people are, don't be one of them!
Happy coding
when creating an XMLrequest in a php file having a code which goes something like this... I am using a MVC ( model-view-controller structure ) and this is a controller php file..
Controller_Institute extends Controller_Default{
function register(){
try {
case 'GET':
$content = $this->render('institute_registration_confirm');
case 'POST':
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM password WHERE pass='".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass'])."'");
$content = $this->render('institute_registration');
$content = $this- >render("message",array('msg'=>'Your password is incorrect'));
$institute = R::dispense('institute');
$institute- >import($_POST,'name,latitude,state,longitude,address,phone,year,url');
$id = R::store($institute);
catch(exception $e){
//If there was an error anywhere, go to the error page.
$content = $this->render('error',array('exception'=>$e));
$page = $this->render('default',array('content'=>$content));
return $page;
i am sending the ajax request from within the function ... so when the ajax sends back the request , it gets caught in the switch case... and then the response text becomes the function return value replacing the actual text... any idea how to prevent the xml response from getting into the switch case...? the institute_registration is the view file and i am including that file in my framework and then triggering the ajax function from within that file to check whether the password ( to enable registration form ) is correct or not...
Given the limited information and pseudo-code, I recommend setting up a stand-alone page called say... "ajax.php" that is stand alone and doesn't base it's return value on the request method. The pages that use AJAX will need to either POST or GET from this page depending.
If you determine whether or not regular output vs AJAX output is returned via request method, then you are limiting yourself in 2 ways. The first is you will not be able to do 1 or the other on your web pages (GET vs POST) instead of both. Also, the second, when it comes to the AJAX, you will not be able to run GET & POST AJAX requests, and yes, you can do both with AJAX:
I want to make a class in OOP PHP to validate forms. However, I've having trouble structuring this.
Initially I thought of creating individual functions for each type of validation (check length of submitted data, check whether it's a number or not, etc), then another function to check whether data passed the validation tests and pass errors into an array.
I'm getting stuck though as my code is becoming very long and difficult to manage- I'm pretty new, so how would you approach this problem?
As i was reading through your post, a question came into my mind about what you write:
Why, instead of validating a form, dont you validte your model's objects?
I mean, in an OOP way of looking things your model´s object (or domain objects) are the ones who knows what data is valid or not for each of their attributes.
Not doint that, and pushing that logic into the UI makes your design fragile, UI dependant and harder to maintain. If you add a new attribute to one of your model's object, you'll have to modify the form validator as well.
If you go with Objects Validation, the idea is that an object cannot be created in an invalid state. If you try to modify it with invalid data, an exception will be thrown.
This makes easy to work with forms. The only think you have to do is populate your objects and watch for exceptions thrown in that process.
This is only an idea to get you started and see another way of solving this problem.
Regarding your question about Forms Validation, as the other guys said, it is always better not to reinvent the wheel and go for an existing, proven, validation framework.
However, if you are curious about it, here is one of the many ways you can do it:
Let's go through the things you need: you are talking about a form that needs to be validated with one or more validation functions. Then you talk about a function that tells you whether the form passed the validation or not, and as a result you got the list of errors found during the validation phase.
As you talk about OOP, the way to go is to give each concept or idea of your problem domain (the domain of form validation) entity via a class that represents it that model the behavior they have.
So, it is natural to think about a FormValidator class with a list of ValidationRule instances, where each one colaborates in the validation process. This validation process is done by calling the validate function of the FormValidator. Also, each ValidationRule will give, as result of calling it´s own validate method an instance of the ValidationRuleResult class, that tells whether the validation was successful or not, along with an error message and additional data (if needed) about the validation. Once all the validation rules were evaluated, the validate method of the FormValidator class will return an instance of ValidationResult class, that summarizes all the validation results of the rules evaluated providing the list of errors found.
To get this down to earth, here is the sample model we're talking about:
A sample implementation
Disclaimer: please bear in mind that, as any design, it may contains flaws. The following is intended to help you to solve your problem, not to be a complete solution.
class FormValidator {
private $_validationRules;
function __construct() {
$this->_validationRules = array();
// Registers a new validation rule
function addRule($aValidationRule) { $this->validationRules[] = $aValidationRule; }
// Validates $aForm, evaluating each of the $_validationRules defined
function validate($aForm) {
$aValidationResult = new ValidationResult();
foreach($this->_validationRules as $aValidationRule) {
$aValidationRuleResult = $aValidationRule->validate($aForm);
return $aValidationResult;
abstract class ValidationRule {
private $_fieldName;
// The form's field name to be validated
function __construct($aFieldName) {
$this->_fieldName = $aFieldName;
function fieldName() { return $this->_fieldName; }
// Returns an instance of ValidationResult describing the result of evaluating the ValidationRule in $aForm.
abstract public function validate($aForm);
class ValidationResult {
private $_validationRuleResults;
function __construct() {
$this->_validationRuleResults = array();
// Registers a validation rule result
function addResult($aValidationRuleResult) {
$this->_validationRuleResults[] = $aValidationRuleResult;
// Returns the list of the error messages of the validation rule results that did't passed
function errorsFound() {
$errors = array();
foreach($this->validationRuleResults as $aValidationResult) {
if ($aValidationResult->passed()) continue;
$errors[] = $aValidationResult->errorMessage();
return $errors;
// Tells whether all the validation rule results passed or not
function validationPassed() {
foreach($this->validationRuleResults as $validationResult) {
if ($validationResult->passed() == false) return false;
return true;
class ValidationRuleResult {
private $_passed, $_error_message;
function __construct($passed) {
$this->_passed = $passed;
$this->_error_message = '';
// Tells whether the form passed this validation rule or not
public function passed() { return $this->_passed; }
public function
// The error message should be empty if passed to avoid confusion
public function errorMessage { return $this->passed() ? '' : $this->_error_message; }
public function setErrorMessage($anErrorMessage) { $this->_error_message = $anErrorMessage; }
You can create a validation rule this way:
class NotEmptyValidationRule extends ValidationRule {
public function validate($aForm) {
$fieldName = $this->fieldName();
$fieldValue = $aForm[$fieldName];
$passed = !empty($fieldValue);
$result = new ValidationRuleResult($passed);
if (!$passed) {
$result->setErrorMessage("$fieldName cannot be empty");
return $result;
Some things to note:
Im assuming that $aForm is an associative array of field name / value
You can note that if a validation rule passes, the result is not used (as the ValidationResult class works only on those results that didn't pass). Remember that this is a sample only for the purpose of helping you, is not a complete solution.
$rule = new NotEmptyValidationRule('name');
$validator = new FormValidator();
$aForm = $__POST['myForm'];
$validationResult = $validator->validate($aForm);
if ($validationResult->validationPassed()) {
$errorsFound = $validationResult->errorsFound();
// do something with the $errorMessage
$errorMessage = array_join('<br/>', $errorsFound);