How can I use QuickForm to add disabled select options? - php

I have code using QuickForm that creates a select widget with the following:
$form->addElement( 'select', 'state_id', 'State:', statesArray() );
statesArray() queries the database to get the states available and returns an associative array with the ids linked to the state names. I'm using a similar technique throughout the solution.
What I'd like to do is prepend this array with two options that are disabled, so that by default the select menu says something like "Please select a state" followed by a dash, both of which are disabled. If I weren't using QuickForm, the select would have the following as the first two options:
<option value="" disabled="disabled">Select a State</option>
<option value="" disabled="disabled">-</option>
Both options are disabled, and if the user leaves the option on the first value, the select widget submits an empty value which is made invalid by the form checking code.
Is there a way to do this with QuickForm?

OK, after digging much deeper into the QuickForm documentation, I figured this out. The solution is to not populate the select widget with an array, but to build the select element manually add this to the form.
Originally, I had this:
function dbArray( $tableName, $fieldName ) {
$query = <<< EOT
SELECT `id`, `$fieldName`
FROM `$tableName`
ORDER BY `$fieldName`
$link = connectToDatabase();
$result = mysql_query( $query, $link );
while ( $rec = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) );
$array[$rec['id']] = $rec[$fieldName];
return $array;
function statesArray() {
return dbArray( 'states', 'name' );
$form = new HTML_QuickForm( 'account', 'POST' );
$form->addElement( 'select', 'state_id', 'State:', statesArray() );
I did a version where array( 'none' => 'Please select a State' ) was prepended to the dbArray call before returning the array to the calling code, but this didn't make the option disabled. Adding a rule to confirm that the choice is numeric was the workaround ($form->addRule( 'state_id', 'You must select a state.', 'numeric' )). But I still didn't like that it was selectable. Here's the solution I found.
function statesSelect() {
$select = HTML_QuickForm::createElement( 'select' );
$select->addOption( 'Select a State', '', array( 'disabled' => 'disabled' ) );
$select->addOption( '-', '', array( 'disabled' => 'disabled' ) );
$statesArray = dbArray( 'states', 'name' );
foreach ( $statesArray as $id => $name ) {
$select->addOption( $name, $id );
return $select;
$form = new HTML_QuickForm( 'account', 'POST' );
$form->addElement( statesSelect() );
$form->addRule( 'state_id', 'You must select a state.', 'required' );
I hope this helps someone else. :)

Techinically, the best solution would be to use optgroup, but browsers usually won't default to this value, but instead to the first option in the select group.
Why not have your Select State have a value of "None" (similar to your given old-school solution) and have leave it enabled, then have the widget return the form as invalid if they leave it blank? Is this outside of the scope of QuickForm?
I think most users don't notice if something is enabled or disabled, and the only benefit of disabling is to make it un-selectable.
Is your goal geared toward validating the input? If so, why not just add some javascript between the form and QuickForm to check if the user has selected a disabled (or value="Null") element before submitting it?
Obviously I need to read the QuickForm documentation to get the full picture, but based on what I can get from your example, you could just add Please Choose State => None to the state_array and then have whatever form validator you plan to use not accept "None" as a valid input.


FormField for Varchar to a <select> + other as free text

For a standard Varchar (or Text) db field I'd like to replace this with a set of fixed options - but still allow "other" to be selected and for the user to enter a string of their choice.
class MyDataObject extends DataObject {
static $db = array(
'MyVarchar' => "Varchar",
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
'Choose an option or enter text',
array(1 => 'Option1',2 => 'Option2')
return $fields;
So I'm looking for something to use as SomeField and the user will see a drop down with the values Option1, Option2 and Other. If Option1 or 2 is selected then this is saved into MyVarchar. If Other is selected then it would allow specifying the text directly of MyVarchar as normal.
I'm hopeful there is, as in the case of other answers I've received, a pre-existing module for this.
I've found basically what I was after...
Thank you Leapfrognz!

YiiBooster Select2Row Data/Tag Issues

so I've been trying to get select2Row to work for me forever and I just can't seem to get a hang of it. What I'm trying to do is provide the user with Tags that list a school/university name, while at the same time storing the value of said tag when I save the form. I've noticed that I cannot use both data and tags, else my drop down wont populate so that's not an option. Tags only seem to want text, rather than text and matching values. Any ideas?
<div class="row">
echo $form->select2Row($model, 'school_id', array(
<?php echo $form->error($model,'school_id'); ?>
And here is the function for schoolNames
public function getSchoolNames()
$schools = array();
$result = $this->findAllBySQL("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM School");
foreach($result as $school){
$schools[] = $school->name;
return $schools;
I've tried using this instead, but the tags won't populate
public function getSchools()
$query = "SELECT id,name FROM School";
$results = $this->findAllBySQL($query);
return CHtml::listData($results, 'id', 'name');
So at the moment, select2Row is generating a list of tags using getSchoolNames() and that all works fine, except once you submit the form using those tags you'll get this
Please fix the following input errors:
School must be an integer.
Sorry for all the trouble, I'm still a little new to this. I'm sure the answer is probably right in front of me. Thanks either way =)
try this:
echo $form1->select2Row($model, 'school_id', array(
'data' => School::model()->schoolNames,
'multiple' => 'multiple',
'options' => array(
"width" => '70%',

How to filter the rows of a gridview in yii using radio buttons

I used the below code to create two radio buttons(approved messages and rejected messages) in Yii framework
<?php echo CHtml::activeRadioButtonList($model, 'Approved', array('Approved Messages', 'Rejected Messages'), array('labelOptions'=>array('style'=>'display:inline'),'separator'=>'')) ?>
Now I have to filter and display all the rows in CGridView of the table where column 'approved' has value=1 when I click on "approved messages" radio button and all the rows in CGridView of the table where column 'Approved' has value=0 when I click on "rejected messages" radio button. How can I do this
I used a drop down for this, the values are Yes and No. Just translate the approved column into text using the following code:
'name' => 'approved',
'value' => '($data->approved ? "Yes" : "No")',
'filter' = >CHtml::dropDownList('Approved', '',
' '=>'All',
This link is where I got this info:
I googled using cgridview filter example
Alright, lets put in the radio buttons instead of all the dropdowns haha.
I assume you have your view set up something like this:
// view/index.php (or similar)
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
// I like moving stuff like this out of the way.
// But maybe it's smarter to put it in your model instead?
Next for the controller.
// MessageController.php (or similar)
public function actionIndex()
$model = Message::model();
// All we need to do is to assign the incoming value to the model we are using...
if ( isset( $_GET['Message']['Approved'] )){
$model->approved = $_GET['Message']['Approved'];
$this->render('index', ['model'=>$model]);
// Oh yeah the filter. I just copied your code.
public function approvedFilter(){
return CHtml::activeRadioButtonList(
Message::model(), 'approved', array(0,1),
This code has been tested, but I made some last minute changes, so sorry if it blows up!
And I still think a simple 'approved:boolean' is much cleaner. ;)

Conditional fieldgroups/fieldsets in Drupal 7

Background: In Drupal 7, I have created a form with CCK (aka the Field UI). I used the Field group module to create a fieldgroup, but I need it to be conditional, meaning it will only display depending on a previous answer.
Previous research: To create a conditional field, you can use hook_form_alter() to edit the #states attribute like so:
function MYMODULE_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'person_info_node_form') {
// Display 'field_maiden_name' only if married
$form['field_maiden_name']['#states'] = array(
'visible' => array(
':input[name="field_married[und]"]' => array('value' => 'Yes'),
However, there seems to be no way to use the States API for fieldgroups. One thing to note is that, while fields are stored in $form, fieldgroups are stored in $form['#groups'] as well as in $form['#fieldgroups']. I don't know how to distinguish between these, and with this in mind, I have tried to apply a #states attribute to a fieldgroup in the same manner as above. However, it only produces server errors.
Question: Is there a way to make a fieldgroup display conditionally using the States API or some alternative approach?
you have to use the hook_field_group_build_pre_render_alter()
Simply :
function your_module_field_group_build_pre_render_alter(&$element) {
$element['your_field_group']['#states'] = array(
'visible' => array(
':input[name="field_checkbox"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),
This works perfecly. If the group A is in an another group, do this
$element['groupA']['groupB']['#states'] etc....
You may need to add an id attribute if none exists:
$element['your_field_group']['#attributes']['id'] = 'some-id';
$element['yout_field_group']['#id'] = 'some-id';
Here's the simplest solution I came up with. There are essentially 2 parts to this: (1.) programmatically alter the display of the form, and (2.) use the GUI to alter the display of the content.
(1.) First, I used hook_form_alter() to programmatically create the conditional fieldset and add existing fields to it. The code is shown below.
function MYMODULE_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'FORM_ID_node_form') {
// programmatically create a conditional fieldset
$form['MYFIELDSET'] = array( // do NOT name the same as a 'Field group' fieldset or problems will occur
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Conditional fieldset'),
'#weight' => intval($form['field_PARENT']['#weight'])+1, // put this fieldset right after it's "parent" field
'#states' => array(
'visible' => array(
':input[name="field_PARENT[und]"]' => array('value' => 'Yes'), // only show if field_PARENT == 'Yes'
// add existing fields (created with the Field UI) to the
// conditional fieldset
$fields = array('field_MYFIELD1', 'field_MYFIELD2', 'field_MYFIELD3');
$form = MYMODULE_addToFieldset($form, 'MYFIELDSET', $fields);
* Adds existing fields to the specified fieldset.
* #param array $form Nested array of form elements that comprise the form.
* #param string $fieldset The machine name of the fieldset.
* #param array $fields An array of the machine names of all fields to
* be included in the fieldset.
* #return array $form The updated form.
function MYMODULE_addToFieldSet($form, $fieldset, $fields) {
foreach($fields as $field) {
$form[$fieldset][$field] = $form[$field]; // copy existing field into fieldset
unset($form[$field]); // destroy the original field or duplication will occur
return $form;
(2.) Then I used the Field group module to alter the display of the content. I did this by going to my content type and using the 'Manage display' tab to create a field group and add my fields to it. This way, the fields will appear to be apart of the same group on both the form and the saved content.
Maybe you can try to look at the code of this module to help you find an idea.

set the attributes in PHP 5

In my Zend framework I have two row one rows contains state dropdown with label state and the other contains a text box with label other state. Below is the code:
'state' => array('select', array(
'required' => true,
'decorators' => $elementDecorators,
'label' => 'State:',
'multiOptions' => $values["state"]
'other_state' => array('text', array(
'required' => true,
'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'decorators' => $elementDecorators,
'label' => 'Other State:',
'class' => 'other_state',
Here the other state is set as required. I need it required only when the user select "Other" value from the state drop down.
Client Side:
jQuery solution:
Showing your HTML output would have been a help here. But the following will add the attribute required if other is selected - this will also enable the input and disable it so the user can only enter something in other state, if they select other:
if ($(this).val() == "other"){
$("#other_state").attr("required", "required");
else {
$("#other_state").attr("disabled", "true");
See a demo here
The above will do the validation on the clients side - with jQuery, however if the user has javascript turned off, it would allow the user to select other and leave other_state blank!
Server Side:
Zend solution:
What you should also do is add some validation to the zend_form. However, you can't add them the normal way - if you added a validator to say other_state can't be empty - you would have an error when a state is selected and you want it to be empty.
In your form class you could override the isValid call to add your custom validation, see the discussion here: There is another example on how to do this here
/* override the isValid function of Zend_Form
/* to set a required field based on a condition
public function isValid($value) {
// Check the key exists in the stack, and if its set to other:
if (array_key_exists('state', $value) && $value['state'] == 'other') {
// It is so make sure other_state is a required field:
