Trim leading white space with PHP? - php

There seems to be a bug in a Wordpress PHP function that leaves whitespace in front of the title of the page generated by <?php echo wp_title(''); ?> I've been through the Wordpress docs and forums on that function without any luck.
I'm using it this way <body id="<?php echo wp_title(''); ?>"> in order to generate an HTML body tag with the id of the page title.
So what I need to do is strip that white space, so that the body tag looks like this <body id="mypage"> instead of this <body id=" mypage">
The extra white space kills the CSS I'm trying to use to highlight menu items of the active page. When I manually add a correct body tag without the white space, my CSS works.
So how would I strip the white space? Thanks, Mark
Part Two of the Epic
John, A hex dump was a good idea; it shows the white space as two "20" spaces. But all solutions that strip leading spaces and white space didn't.
And, <?php ob_start(); $title = wp_title(''); ob_end_clean(); echo $title; ?>
gives me < body id ="">
and <?php ob_start(); $title = wp_title(''); echo $title; ?>
gives me < body id =" mypage">
Puzzle. The root of the problem is that wp_title has optional page title leading characters - that look like chevrons - that are supposed to be dropped when the option is false, and they are, but white space gets dumped in.
Is there a nuclear option?
Yup, tried them both before; they still return two leading spaces... arrgg

Strip all whitespace from the left end of the title:
<?php echo ltrim(wp_title('')); ?>
Strip all whitespace from either end:
<?php echo trim(wp_title('')); ?>
Strip all spaces from the left end of the title:
<?php echo ltrim(wp_title(''), ' '); ?>
Remove the first space, even if it's not the first character:
<?php echo str_replace(' ', '', wp_title(''), 1); ?>
Strip only a single space (not newline, not tab) at the beginning:
<?php echo preg_replace('/^ /', '', wp_title('')); ?>
Strip the first character, whatever it is:
<?php echo substr(wp_title(''), 1); ?>
From the Wordpress documentation on wp_title, it appears that wp_title displays the title itself unless you pass false for the second parameter, in which case it returns it. So try:
<?php echo trim(wp_title('', false)); ?>



Just to throw in some variety here: trim
<body id="<?=trim(wp_title('', false));?>">

Thanks for this info! I was in the same boat in that I needed to generate page ids for CSS purposes based on the page title and the above solution worked beautifully.
I ended up having an additional hurdle in that some pages have titles with embedded spaces, so I ended up coding this:
<?php echo str_replace(' ','-',trim(wp_title('',false))); ?>

add this to your functions.php
add_filter('wp_title', create_function('$a, $b','return str_replace(" $b ","",$a);'), 10, 2);
should work like a charm


putting paragraph tags on content paragraphs

Im trying to put paragraph text around the paragraphs. This code pulls out the blockquotes from my Wordpress post and outputs everything else
$block2 = get_the_content();
$block2 = preg_replace('~<blockquote>([\s\S]+?)</blockquote>~', '', $block2);
echo '<p>'.$block2.'</p>';
But it only puts < p > tags around the fist paragraph and not the others
If I've understood this correctly, you could try splitting $block2 by newlines, looping through the resulting array and wrapping each element of the array in <p> tags as you have done.
Currently, your code wraps the entire content of $block2 in <p> tags, where I assume you wanted it to wrap the sections separated by newlines.
Example (I don't remember the exact syntax for PHP - sorry):
$split_block = split($block2, '\n');
for ($i in $split_block) {
$split_block[$i] = '<p>'.$split_block[$i].'</p>';
echo $split_block;

Is it possible to change original html text in php?

I am trying to make "manner friendly" website. We use different declination dependent on gender and other factors. For example:
You did = robili
It did = robilo
She did = robila
Linguisticaly this is very simplified (and unlucky) example! I would like to change html text in php file where appropriate. For example
<? php
html text of the page and somewhere is the word "robil"
<div>we tried to robil^i|o|a^</div>
<? php something ?>
Now I would like to replace all occurences of different tokens ^characters|characters|characters^ and replace them by one of their internal values according to "gender".
It is easy in javascript on the client side, but you will see all this weird "tokenizing" before javascript replace it.
Here I do not know the elegant solution.
Or do you have better idea?
Thanks for advice.
You can add these scripts before and after the HTML:
// start output buffering
html text of the page and somewhere is the word "robil"
<div>we tried to robil^i|o|a^, but also vital^si|sa|ste^, borko^mal|mala|malo^ </div>
$use = 1; // indicate which declination to use (0,1 or 2)
// get buffered html
$html = ob_get_contents();
// match anything between '^' than's not a control chr or '^', min 5 and max 20 chrs.
if (preg_match_all('/\^[^[:cntrl:]\^]{3,20}\^/',$html,$matches))
// replace all
foreach (array_unique($matches[0]) as $match)
$choices = explode('|',trim($match,'^'));
$html = str_replace($match,$choices[$use],$html);
echo $html;
This returns:
html text of the page and somewhere is the word "robil" we tried to
robilo, but also vitalsa, borkomala

Using PHP is there a way to detect if there are two uninterrupted occurrences of an element?

This is a difficult question for me to word correctly, but I am trying to dynamically insert an ASIDE [specifically, just a "special thanks" note] between paragraphs. Initially I decided to drop this after the second paragraph by using substr_count(). I am floating this block, so if all it had to deal with was textual content there was no issue word-wrapping it. However, if it ran adjacent to an image or a PRE or anything else, it got wonky.
Anyway, what I want to do is detect when there is the first occurrence of TWO adjacent paragraphs and insert my aside between those. I.e.:
<p> Here is the first paragraph. </p>
<aside> INSERT THIS HERE </aside>
<p> Here is the second paragraph. </p>
Thoughts are appreciated.
Update: the substr_count() I am currently using.
Because I got voted down for not showing the original code, I'll post it below. I am using Wordpress but this isn't a WP specific question, as I'm taking the_content() as the string, counting the occurrences of P, and inserting the custom field there. This is ultimately not what I want to do, but I want to count two concurrent P's and insert this field between. It may be formatted strangely, as of course when I c/p from my editor stuff was all over the place.
$thanks = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'thanks', true);
if (!$thanks) {
else {
$show_after_p = 0;
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);
if(substr_count($content, '<p>') > $show_after_p) {
$contents = explode("</p>", $content);
$p_count = 0;
foreach($contents as $content)
echo $content;
if($p_count == $show_after_p)
<aside class="thanks clearfix">
<?php echo '<span>Special thanks: </span>'.$thanks; ?>
<?php }
echo "</p>";
Why not JS?
Well, javascript could definitely do this, but if I can do this in PHP then yahtzee.
use regular expression and preg_replace - search for: (closing of P){whitespaces (if any)}(opening P) and change whitespaces to your text.
something like that:
$content = preg_replace('#</p>\s*<p#', "</p><aside> INSERT THIS HERE </aside><p", $content);
Kudos to Jerzy Zawadzki for the inspiration. If you refer to the original code I segmented the content at the P tags using explode(). Now I am using preg_split() as follows:
$contents == preg_split('#</p>\s*<p>#', $content); // Thanks Jerzy
$i = 0;
foreach ( $contents as $content ) {
echo $content;
if ( $i == $show_after_p ) { // this is set to 0 right now
// insert aside here
echo "<p>";
As far as I can tell, this busts up the content only at segments where there are concurrent paragraphs and no whitespace / images / other elements. At this first junction, I insert the aside. Then the content is appears as normal.

Cutting text in between destroys the design

I'm currently having an issue with my website. I count like 150 words and then cut it for displaying as an intro text on my website but this produces an issue.
When we have something like this in the text:
----> Reach 150 words here <------
It will print this in the front-page:
----> Reach 150 words here <------
and the unclosed <div> tag destroys the design as it is expected.
How can I overcome this issue? Can we like proccess unclosed tags and close them in the end?
Use php's strip_tags to remove the div from your copy, then add it back in afterwards.
For example;
$html = '<div>Content goes here</div>';
$stripped = strip_tags($html);
$excerpt_pos = strpos(' ', $stripped, 150);
<div><?php echo substr($stripped, 0, $excerpt_pos); ?></div>

RegExp to strip HTML comments

Looking for a regexp sequence of matches and replaces (preferably PHP but doesn't matter) to change this (the start and end is just random text that needs to be preserved).
fkdshfks khh fdsfsk
<div class='codetop'>CODE: AutoIt</div>
<div class='geshimain'>
<div class="autoit" style="font-family:monospace;">
<span class="kw3">msgbox</span>
to this OUT:
fkdshfks khh fdsfsk
<div class='codetop'>CODE: AutoIt</div>
<div class='geshimain'>
<div class="autoit" style="font-family:monospace;">
<span class="kw3">msgbox</span>
Are you just trying to remove the comments? How about
or the slightly better (suggested by the questioner himself):
But remember, HTML is not regular, so using regular expressions to parse it will lead you into a world of hurt when somebody throws bizarre edge cases at it.
preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', '', $html)
This PHP code will remove all html comment tags from the $html string.
A better version would be:
It matches html comments like these:
multi line html comment
<!-- single line html comment -->
and what is most important it matches comments like this (the other regex shown by others do not cover this situation):
<!-- this is my blog: <mynixworld.inf> -->
Although syntactically the one below is a html comment your browser might parse it somehow differently and thus it might have a special meaning. Stripping such strings might break your code.
<!--[if !(IE 8) ]><!-->
Do not forget to consider conditional comments, as
will remove them. Try this instead:
This will also remove downlevel-revealed conditional comments, though.
This won't remove downlevel-revealed or downlevel-hidden comments.
Ah I've done it,
With next:
/( )*<!--((.*)|[^<]*|[^!]*|[^-]*|[^>]*)-->\n*/g
Can remove multiline comments using test string:
fkdshfks khh fdsfsk
<div class='codetop'>CODE: AutoIt</div>
<div class='geshimain'>
<div class="autoit" style="font-family:monospace;">
<span class="kw3">msgbox</span>
<!-- --
> test
- -->
<!-- --
<- test <
- -->
test !<
- <!--
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var xxx = 'a';
Try the following if your comments contain line breaks:
Works in javascript and VBScript also as "." doesn't match line breaks in all languages
Here is my attempt:
This will also remove multi line comments and won't remove downlevel-revealed or downlevel-hidden comments.
I know that this is quite an old post, but I felt that it would be useful to add to this post in case anyone wants an easy to implement PHP function that directly answers the original question.
* Strip all the html comments from $text
* #param $text - text to modify
* #param string $new replacement string
* #return array|string|string[]|null
function strip_html_comments($text, $new=''){
$search = array ("|<!--[\s\S]*?-->|si");
$replace = array ($new);
return preg_replace($search, $replace, $text);
these code is also remove javascript code.
that's too bad :|
here's the example javascript code will be remove with this code:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var xxx = 'a';
function remove_html_comments($html) {
$expr = '/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/';
$func = 'rhc';
$html = preg_replace_callback($expr, $func, $html);
return $html;
function rhc($search) {
list($l) = $search;
if (mb_eregi("\[if",$l) || mb_eregi("\[endif",$l) ) {
return $l;
// Remove multiline comment
$mlcomment = '/\/\*(?!-)[\x00-\xff]*?\*\//';
$code = preg_replace ($mlcomment, "", $code);
// Remove single line comment
$slcomment = '/[^:]\/\/.*/';
$code = preg_replace ($slcomment, "", $code);
// Remove extra spaces
$extra_space = '/\s+/';
$code = preg_replace ($extra_space, " ", $code);
// Remove spaces that can be removed
$removable_space = '/\s?([\{\};\=\(\)\\\/\+\*-])\s?/';
$code = preg_replace ('/\s?([\{\};\=\(\)\/\+\*-])\s?/', "\\1", $code);
If you just want the text or text with specific tags you can handle this with PHP strip_tags it also delete HTML comment and you can save HTML tags you need like this:
$text = '<p>Test paragraph.</p><!-- Comment --> Other text';
echo strip_tags($text, ['p', 'a']);
the output will be:
<p>Test paragraph.</p> Other text
I hope it helps somebody!
You can achieve this with modern JavaScript.
function RemoveHtmlComments() {
let children = document.body.childNodes;
for (let child in children) {
if (children[child].nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) children[child].remove();
It should be safer than RegEx.
