Dynamically generate classes at runtime in php? - php

Here's what I want to do:
$clsName = substr(md5(rand()),0,10); //generate a random name
$cls = new $clsName(); //create a new instance
function __autoload($class_name)
//define that instance dynamically
Obviously this isn't what I'm actually doing, but basically I have unknown names for a class and based on the name, I want to generate the class with certain properties etc.
I've tried using eval() but it is giving me fits over private and $this-> references...
Ok, obviously my short and sweet "here's what I want to do" caused massive strife and consternation amongst those who may be able to provide answers. In the hope of getting an actual answer I'll be more detailed.
I have a validation framework using code hints on the site I maintain. Each function has two definitions
function DoSomething($param, $param2){
function DoSomething_Validate(vInteger $param, vFloat $param2){
//return what to do if validation fails
I'm looking to add a validator for primary keys in my database. I don't want to create a separate class for EVERY table (203). So my plan was to do something like
function DoSomething_Validate(vPrimaryKey_Products $id){ }
Where the __autoload would generate a subclass of vPrimaryKey and set the table parameter to Products.
Happy now?

As of PHP 7.0, with a little creativity and knowledge of some lesser known PHP features, you can absolutely do this without resorting to eval or creating script files dynamically. You just need to use anonymous classes and class_alias(), like such:
spl_autoload_register(function ($unfoundClassName) {
$newClass = new class{}; //create an anonymous class
$newClassName = get_class($newClass); //get the name PHP assigns the anonymous class
class_alias($newClassName, $unfoundClassName); //alias the anonymous class with your class name
This works because anonymous classes are still assigned a name behind the scenes and put in the global scope, so you're free to grab that class name and alias it. Check out the second comment under the anonymous classes link above for more information.
Having said that, I feel like all the people in this question who are saying "Eval is always a very bad idea. Just don't use it ever!" are just repeating what they've heard from the hive mind and not thinking for themselves. Eval is in the language for a reason, and there are situations where it can be used effectively. If you're on an older version of PHP, eval might be a good solution here.
However, they are correct in that it can open up very large security holes and you have to be careful how you use it and understand how to eliminate the risks. The important thing is, much like SQL injection, you have to sanitize any input you put in the eval statement.
For example, if your autoloader looked like this:
spl_autoload_register(function ($unfoundClassName) {
eval("class $unfoundClassName {}");
A hacker could do something like this:
$injectionCode = "bogusClass1{} /*insert malicious code to run on the server here */ bogusClass2";
new $injectionCode();
See how this has the potential to be a security hole? Anything the hacker puts between the two bogusClass names will be run on your server by the eval statement.
If you adjust your autoloader to check the class name passed in (i.e. doing a preg_match to make sure there's no spaces or special characters, checking it against a list of acceptable names, etc.), you can eliminate these risks and then eval might be totally fine to use in this situation. If you're on PHP 7 or higher though, I recommend the anonymous class alias method above.

its funny, actually this is one of the few things where eval doesnt seem such a bad idea.
as long as you can ensure that no user input will ever enter the eval.
you still have downsides like when your using a bytecode cache that code wont be cached etc etc. but the security issues of eval are pretty much related to having user inputy in the eval, or to ending up in the wrong scope.
if you know what you are doing, eval will help you with this.
That said, in my opinion you are much better off when you no rely on type-hinting for your validation, but you have one function
// get_class($id) and other validation foo here

I know this is an old question and there are answers that WILL work, but I wanted to offer a few snippets that would answer the original question and I think offer a more expanded solution should someone end up here like I did when searching for an answer to this problem.
Create Single Dynamic Class
// Without properties
$myclassname = "anewclassname";
eval("class {$myclassname} { }";
// With a property
$myclassname = "anewclassname";
$myproperty = "newproperty";
eval("class {$myclassname} { protected \${$myproperty}; }";
As long as you properly escape your text, you could also add a function in there.
But what about if you want to dynamically create classes based on something that could itself be dynamic such as creating a class for each table in your database as the original question mentioned?
Create Multiple Dynamic Classes
// Assumes $dbh is a pdo connection handle to your MySQL database
$stmt=$dbh->prepare("show tables");
$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$handle = null;
$classcode = '';
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $key => $value) {
$classcode = "class {$value} { ";
$stmt2=$dbh->prepare("DESC $value");
$result2 = $stmt2->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach ($result2 as $key => $value) {
$classcode .= "public \${$value['Field']}; ";
$classcode .= "}";
This will dynamically generate a class for each table in a database. For each class, a property that is named after each column will ALSO get created.
Now it's been pointed out you shouldn't do this. As long as you control what's going on in the eval, the risk of security isn't a problem. BUT -- there's most likely a solution that makes more sense if you think deeply enough about it. I thought I had the perfect use case for dynamically creating new classes. Careful examination of the problem proved otherwise.
One potential solution -- use the stdClass for creating objects that are just data containers and don't need any methods.
Also -- as mentioned, you could use a script to manually generate lots of classes. In the case of classes mirroring your database tables, you could use the same logic I have above and instead of doing an eval, write that info to a file.

I think using eval() it's not a reliable solution, especially if your script or software will be distributed to different clients. Shared hosting providers always disable eval() function.
I'm thinking of a better aproach like this :
function __autoload( $class ) {
require 'classes/'.$class.'.php';
$class = 'App';
$code = "<?php class $class {
public function run() {
echo '$class<br>';
public function __call($name,$args) {
echo "$name ($args)<br>";
file_put_contents('classes/App.php' ,$code);
$a = new $class();
After finishing executing the code, you can delete the file if you want, I tested it and it works perfectly.

Using eval() is really a bad idea. It opens a large security hole. Just don't use it!

function __autoload($class) {
$code = "class $class {`
public function run() {
echo '$class<br>';
public function __call($name,$args) {
echo "$name ($args)<br>";
$app=new Klasse();
This might help to create a class at runtime.
It also creates a methor run and a catchall method for unknown methods
But better create Objects at runtime, not classes.

This is almost certainly a bad idea.
I think your time would be better spent creating a script that would create your class definitions for you, and not trying to do it at runtime.
Something with a command-line signature like:
./generate_classes_from_db <host> <database> [tables] [output dir]

Please read everyone else answers on how this is truly a very very bad idea.
Once you understand that, here is a small demo on how you could, but should not, do this.
$clname = "TestClass";
eval("class $clname{}; \$cls = new $clname();");

I have created a package that dynamically creates classes/interfaces/traits... and stores them into a file
you can then just include the created file to be able to use your class
package : https://packagist.org/packages/kanel/enuma

We can create class instance dynamically by following way
I also face this issue in Laravel 5.8 version and now it is working fine for me.
Give full path instead of the class Name
class TestController extends Controller
protected $className;
public function __construct()
$this->className = 'User';
public function makeDynamicInstance()
$classNameWithPath = 'App\\' . $this->className;
$classInstance = new $classNameWithPath;
$data = $classInstance::select('id','email')->get();
return $data;
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object
[items:protected] => Array
[0] => App\User Object
[fillable:protected] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => email
[2] => password
[3] => user_group_id
[4] => username
[5] => facebook_page_id
[6] => first_name
[7] => last_name
[8] => email_verified
[9] => active
[10] => mobile
[11] => user_type
[12] => alternate_password
[13] => salt
[14] => email_verification_token
[15] => parent_id
[hidden:protected] => Array
[0] => password
[1] => remember_token
[casts:protected] => Array
[email_verified_at] => datetime
[connection:protected] => mysql
[table:protected] => users
[primaryKey:protected] => id
[keyType:protected] => int
[incrementing] => 1
[with:protected] => Array
[withCount:protected] => Array
[perPage:protected] => 15
[exists] => 1
[wasRecentlyCreated] =>
[attributes:protected] => Array
[id] => 1
[email] => admin#admin.com
[original:protected] => Array
[id] => 1
[email] => admin#admin.com
[changes:protected] => Array
[dates:protected] => Array
[dateFormat:protected] =>
[appends:protected] => Array
[dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array
[observables:protected] => Array
[relations:protected] => Array
[touches:protected] => Array
[timestamps] => 1
[visible:protected] => Array
[guarded:protected] => Array
[0] => *
[rememberTokenName:protected] => remember_token


Setting Properties via Methods

I am new to OOP.
I am currently working on adding data to an object to then submit it to a database. I have created a method called setData to take two arguments, and then add those arguments into the object.
Inside my class, I use this
public function setData($value1, $value2) {
$this->$value1 = $value2;
Where on a form submit, that function is used to store data
$sites = new AddWebsites;
$sites->setData('name', $name);
$sites->setData('page_rank', $pr);
$sites->setData('pa', $pa);
$sites->setData('da', $da);
$sites->setData('tf', $tf);
$sites->setData('cf', $cf);
$sites->setData('keywords', $keywords);
$sites->setData('notes', $notes);
This will output the following data
AddWebsites Object
[name] => asdf.com
[page_rank] => 5
[pa] => 15
[da] => 25
[tf] => 14
[cf] => 62
[keywords] => Array
[0] => kw1
[1] => kw2
[2] => kw3
[3] => kw4
[4] => kw5
[notes] => asdf
I have been told that this is wrong, and will throw errors.
I was wondering if there is a better way to achieve this, if it is actually wrong, and if there is an easier way to do this.
With error reporting enabled, I have not run across anything that tells me what I am doing is wrong.
Thanks for your time.
It's wrong in pure OOP terms because you're using PHP's (somewhat unusual) ability to add arbitrary attributes to instantiated objects via your setData method.
What you should be doing - to achieve the goals of encapsulation and data validation - is something like this :
class AddWebsites {
private $name;
private $pageRank;
// etc
// Setters
public function setName(value) {
// you can put validation logic in here
this->name = value;
public function setPageRank(value) {
// you can put validation logic in here
this->pageRank = value;
// etc
// getters
public function getName() {
return this->name;
public function getPageRank() {
return this->pageRank;
This is using "Getters" and "Setters".
You could however have your members as public then you wouldn't need the getters
One of things i can notice is passing field name in function parameter is not an good idea. Reason behind that is if you by mistake pass wrong field name then php will create one more field for that object.
So if you are having multiple objects of same class some will have that field some will not. This leads to inconsistency.
So I feel this is not correct thing to do as you are not suppose to create properties of class pbject dynamically.
Ideal way is to have different getter and setter functions for each field and fields should be private in scope, so that you/developer will not not able to create new fields by mistake.

how can I read object values and atributes with php?

Ive been working with some code and I am recieving a var (I didnt work the entire code, so, I dont know how it was made), my problem is that I get something like this
AdminUserRoleDecorator Object (
[user:AdminUserRoleDecorator:private] => EssUserRoleDecorator Object (
[user:EssUserRoleDecorator:private] => User Object (
[topMenuItemsArray:User:private] => Array ( )
[employeeList:User:private] => Array ( )
[activeProjectList:User:private] => Array ( )
[empNumber:User:private] => [allowedActions:User:private] => Array ( )
[nextState:User:private] => [userId:User:private] => 1
[userTimeZoneOffset:User:private] => -6
To be honest, and It could sound like a very stupid question, I dont know how to read that, normally I get the atributes in the way $myobject->atribute , now this I really have no idea, any way I can access to this? for example, I want to get the userId, I see its there, with :user:private (which I also dont know what are they for).
If I try
for example, I get nothing back.
I tried $myobject->user
and I am getting this
Fatal error: Cannot access private property AdminUserRoleDecorator
I am working with symfony by the way.
From the answer I gave here, you can get some insight into objects with get_class_methods() (php reference) and get_class_vars(). On that post, I made up a function to help me learn more about class methods available:
function show_methods( $_a ) {
echo "<h3>Methods for ".get_class($_a)."</h3>";
$_a= get_class_methods($_a);
foreach( $_a as $method ) {
echo "\n";

How would I build a simple php hook system that works like this?

I am trying to figure out a way to build a hook system very similar to the one that Drupal uses. With Drupal you can simply name a function a certain way and it will automatically be invoked as a hook if the module is enabled.
I have looked at the other answers here on Stackoverflow, but none of them really give an answer of how to build this type of feature into a PHP application.
This is how drupal does it, and how you can do it.
Using string concatenation with name convention.
With function_exists() and call_user_func_array() you should be all set.
Here are the two internal drupal functions that make the trick (module.inc)
function module_invoke() {
$args = func_get_args();
$module = $args[0];
$hook = $args[1];
unset($args[0], $args[1]);
$function = $module .'_'. $hook;
if (module_hook($module, $hook)) {
return call_user_func_array($function, $args);
function module_hook($module, $hook) {
return function_exists($module .'_'. $hook);
Therefore, you only need to invoke
module_invoke('ModuleName','HookName', $arg1, $arg2, $arg3);
which will finally call
You could use PHP's get_defined_functions to get an array of strings of function names, then filter those names by some predefined format.
This sample from the PHP docs:
function myrow($id, $data)
return "<tr><th>$id</th><td>$data</td></tr>\n";
$arr = get_defined_functions();
Outputs something like this:
[internal] => Array
[0] => zend_version
[1] => func_num_args
[2] => func_get_arg
[3] => func_get_args
[4] => strlen
[5] => strcmp
[6] => strncmp
[750] => bcscale
[751] => bccomp
[user] => Array
[0] => myrow
It's kinda a sketchy technique when compared to a more explicit hook system, but it works.
I'm not familiar with Drupal internals, but it probably does it using Reflection:
You would include the PHP page that contains the hook functions, then use reflection to find functions or class methods that match a certain naming convention, then save function-pointers to call those functions when appropriate (such as events in a module's lifecycle).
Why not just use function exist? The developer could name the function in a certain way, and the hook codes just check that it exist then call them

How can I print out a single field in my multidimensional array?

So I do a print for my object: print_r ($objMailer);
And I get the following below:
mymailer Object
[_strRecipient:mymailer:private] =>
[_strBcc:mymailer:private] =>
[_strSubject:mymailer:private] =>
[_strEmail:mymailer:private] =>
[_arrData:mymailer:private] => Array
[full_name] => brian
[invitee_name] => test
[email] => test#testing.com
[captcha] => kqd2q9
[_arrAttachments:mymailer:private] =>
[_blnCaptcha:mymailer:private] => 1
[_arrErrors:mymailer:private] => Array
I need to echo/print out just the 'full_name' field? How can I go about doing this?
You can not trivially. As the print_r output shows that is within a private member.
You can either provide it from within your (?) mymailer object:
return $this->_arrData['full_name'];
or by using Reflection to make it accessible from the outside:
$refObj = new ReflectionObject($objMailer);
$refProp = $refObj->getProperty('_arrData');
$array = $refProp->getValue($objMailer);
echo $array['full_name'];
If you want to echo the value inside a method of mymailer class, you may use:
echo $this->_arrData['full_name'];
Since it's private you'll need to use a getter
The object you are referencing has an _arrData member variable which has private scope resolution, which means you cannot access it from outside the class. Chances are there is a public accessor which will allow you get the information you are after, but no way to tell unless you introspect the object itself.
I would suggest doing something like:
foreach (get_class_methods($mymailer) as $method) { echo 'M: ' . $method . '<br>'; } exit;
Then you can see the methods available to you, chances are there is a getData() method, with which you can do this:
$mailerData = $mymailer->getData();
There may even be a method to get the full name, something like this:

Setting the key of an object property that is an array

Just today I noticed a strange behavior in an object model that was previously working just fine (I have checked everything possible and nothing about its configuration has changed, so I am suspecting a change to PHP version and wondering if anyone else has experience anything similar)
Until recently, I could set the keys of object properties that were arrays manually. The specific implememation of this in one of my models was contained in a gallery class that looked like this:
public function __construct($gid){
$this->Photos = $this->getPhotos();
$this->AlbumCover = $this->getCover();
public function getPhotos(){
$sql = 'SELECT GalleryPhotoID FROM GalleryPhoto WHERE GalleryID = ?';
$params = array($this->GalleryID);
$allids = DatabaseHandler::GetAll($sql, $params);
$output = array();
foreach($allids as $id){
$gp = new GalleryPhoto($id['GalleryPhotoID']);
$output[$gp->GalleryPhotoID] = $gp;
return $output;
Irrelevant parts omitted.
Basically, I could set the array keys of the Gallery's Photos object to the individual photo's id in the database. This just made it easier to code for individual iteration and made the whole thing run smoother.
Now, no matter what I set that key to, automatic integers are generated when the foreach runs. I even tried typing a literal string in there, which theoretically should replace every iteration, but I still got incremented, automatic integers for the keys of the property Photos.
[Photos] => Array
[0] => GalleryPhoto Object
[GalleryID] => 9
[Caption] =>
[Orientation] => 0
[AlbumCover] =>
[DateAdded] => 2011-01-03 16:58:51
[GalleryPhotoID] => 63
[Thumbnail] =>
[Image] =>
[src] => http://..com/galleryImage/getImage/63
[1] => GalleryPhoto Object
[GalleryID] => 9
[Caption] =>
[Orientation] => 0
[AlbumCover] =>
[DateAdded] => 2011-01-03 16:58:51
[GalleryPhotoID] => 64
[Thumbnail] =>
[Image] =>
[src] => http://..com/galleryImage/getImage/64
Has the abillity to manually set keys within an object property that is an array been removed in some minor release and I am unaware of it? I have googled all over, looked through the PHP manual site and found no answer. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Is there a better approach I should consider? I only really went with this because it made it so much easier to implement a next/previous system via ajax requests back to the next logical id (keeping in mind that ids can be deleted between!)
I don't see anything wrong with what you have, and I've never experienced the behavior you describe. However, a quick solution could be to replace the assignment line with something like this:
$output[$id['GalleryPhotoID']] = $gp;
You could also echo $gp->GalleryPhotoID; to ensure that the GalleryPhotoID property can actually be accessed that way.
Lastly, you said you replaced the above line with something akin to:
$output['foobar'] = $gp;
and it still created a new entry, with integer keys, for each entry? If that's the case, then I think there may be something in the code you omitted that's causing the problem.
Facepalm all the way. The effluvium of New Year's must still be in my brain, else I would have noticed that the function I added to fetch the album cover thumbnail shuffled the array if there wasn't a photo with the AlbumCover property set!
private function getCover(){
foreach($this->Photos as $ind=>$p){
return $this->Photos[$ind];
shuffle($this->Photos); //this is the problem
return current($this->Photos);
I amended this to just make a local copy of the variable and shuffle that instead if no cover is set.
private function getCover(){
foreach($this->Photos as $ind=>$p){
return $this->Photos[$ind];
$Photos = $this->Photos;
return current($Photos);
I accepted and upvoted both the answer and the comment posted since your caveats lead me to my error. Thanks guys!
