Best method of passing/return values - php

The reason I am asking this question is because I have landed my first real (yes, a paid office job - no more volunteering!) Web Development job about two months ago. I have a couple of associates in computer information systems (web development and programming). But as many of you know, what you learn in college and what you need in the job site can be very different and much more. I am definitely learning from my job - I recreated the entire framework we use from scratch in a MVC architecture - first time doing anything related to design patterns.
I was wondering what you would recommend as the best way to pass/return values around in OO PHP? Right now I have not implement any sort of standard, but I would like to create one before the size of the framework increases any more. I return arrays when more than 1 value needs to get return, and sometimes pass arrays or have multiple parameters. Is arrays the best way or is there a more efficient method, such as json? I like the idea of arrays in that to pass more values or less, you just need to change the array and not the function definition itself.
Thank you all, just trying to become a better developer.
EDIT: I'm sorry all, I thought I had accepted an answer for this question. My bad, very, very bad.

How often do you run across a situation where you actually need multiple return values? I can't imagine it's that often.
And I don't mean a scenario where you are returning something that's expected to be an enumerable data collection of some sort (i.e., a query result), but where the returned array has no other meaning that to just hold two-or-more values.
One technique the PHP library itself uses is reference parameter, such as with preg_match(). The function itself returns a single value, a boolean, but optionally uses the supplied 3rd parameter to store the matched data. This is, in essence, a "second return value".
Definitely don't use a data interchange format like JSON. the purpose of these formats is to move data between disparate systems in an expected, parse-able way. In a single PHP execution you don't need that.

You can return anything you want: a single value, an array or a reference (depending on the function needs). Just be consistent.
But please don't use JSON internally. It just produces unnecessary overhead.

I also use arrays for returning multiple values, but in practice it doesn't happen very often. If it does, it's generally a sensible grouping of data, such as returning array('x'=>10,'y'=>10) from a function called getCoordinates(). If you find yourself doing lots of processing and returning wads of data in arrays from a lot of functions, there's probably some refactoring that can be done to put the work into smaller units.
That being said, you mentioned:
I like the idea of arrays in that to pass more values or less, you just need to change the array and not the function definition itself.
In that regard, another technique you might be interested in is using functions with variable numbers of arguments. It is perfectly acceptable to declare a function with no parameters:
function stuff() {
//do some stuff
but call it with all the parameters you care to give it:
$x = stuff($var1, $var2, $var3, $var4);
By using func_get_args(), func_get_arg() (singular) and func_num_args() you can easily find/loop all the parameters that were passed. This works very well if you don't have specific parameters in mind, say for instance a sum() function:
function sum()
$out = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $c = func_num_args(); $i++) {
$out += func_get_arg($i);
return $out;
//echoes 35
echo sum(10,10,15);
Food for thought, maybe you'll find it useful.

The only thing I'm careful to avoid passing/returning arrays where the keys have "special" meaning. Example:
// Bad. Don't pass around arrays with 'special' keys
$personArray = array("eyeColor"=>"blue", "height"=>198, "weight"=>103, ...);
Code that uses an array like this is harder to refactor and debug. This type of structure is better represented as an object.
Interface Person {
* #return string Color Name
public function getEyeColor();
This interface provides a contract that the consuming code can rely on.
Other than that I can't think of any reason to limit yourself.
Note: to be clear, associative arrays are great for list data. like:
// Good array
$usStates = array("AL"=>"ALABAMA", "AK"="ALASKA", ... );


PHP key => value array to method arguments (order?)

I think this is quite interesting!!! :).
What I've got?
In the application that I'm using on some level in some objects (doesn't really matter) I get an array, for example:
$array = array(
'argument_label' => 'value_label',
'argument_name' => 'value_name',
'argument_id' => 'value_id'
I don't have any impact on how and when this array is created. Next, I've got a method:
public function arrayArgument($array) {
$label = isset($array['argument_label']) ? $array['argument_label'] : 'default_label';
$name = isset($array['argument_name']) ? $array['argument_name'] : 'default_name';
$id = isset($array['argument_id']) ? $array['argument_id'] : 'default_id';
// Do something
return 'something';
I really hate it. There is no way of proper documentation for the method arguments (as PHPDocumentator work not so well with arrays), and those issets are driving me crazy. Additionally it is a nightmare for someone who will work with this code in the future, when I will already be a "retired nerd".
What I want?
I want to have a function like that:
public function notArrayArgument(
) {
// Do something
return 'something';
What I can do?
When I get array, I can change some code, and make my own method run. So I need some kind of solution to get from here:
$array = array(
'argument_label' => 'value_label',
'argument_name' => 'value_name',
'argument_id' => 'value_id'
To here:
notArrayArgument('value_id', 'value_label', 'value_name');
Or here:
notArrayArgument($array['argument_id'], $array['argument_label'], $array['argument_name']);
What are the problems?
This is not template like. The number of variables is always different, the names are always different, and sometimes some of them are passed, sometimes not.
It should work really fast...
Calling the method arguments in the right order. Array can be sorted, not sorted or random sorted, while the arguments inside method are always in the same order. The array should be reordered to match the method arguments order, and after that the method should be called.
What I came with?
I've got an idea using reflectionClass. I can check the names of method arguments, get them in order, reorder the array and try to call this method. But this is quite resource eating solution, as reflectionClass is not so fast I think.
Solution using extract? This would be great. But after extract, I need to use exact variables names in code. And I don't know them as every time they are different, and I need an universal approach.
NEW (thx to comment): call_user_func_array(). It is great, but it only works with indexed arrays, so this will be the last but not least step of the possible solution. As the order of arguments is still unknown...
Does this problem have a nice semantic, pragmatic solution?
I read my question once more, and I hope it is clear to understand. If not, please post a comment and I will do my best to describe the problem better.
Kudos for thinking about the maintainer, but I'd argue simplicity is just as important as nice semantics and pragmatism. Consider this: if you had to ask how to write such a pattern, what are the chances that it will be obvious to the reader? I'd much rather come across code where I can just think "Yep, that's clear" than "Oh cool that's a really intricate and clever way of setting array defaults".
With this in mind, it seems to me that an array is being used in a situation more suited to a class. You have an id, a label and a name, which surely represents an entity - exactly what classes are for! Classes make it easy to set defaults and provide PHPDoc on each of their properties. You could have a constructor that simply takes one of your existing arrays and array_merge()s it with an array of defaults. For the reverse conversion, conveniently, casting an object to an array in PHP results in an associative array of its properties.
Try to use classes as George Brighton mentioned.
If you can't for some legacy or library constraint, you will have to use reflection. Don't worry too much about the performance of reflection classes, a lot of frameworks use them to do the request routing.
You can use a function like:
function arrayArgument($object, $method, $array)
$arguments = [];
$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($object), $method);
foreach ($reflectionMethod->getParameters() as $parameter)
$arguments[] = isset($array[$parameter->name]) ? $array[$parameter->name] : $parameter->getDefaultValue();
call_user_func_array(array($object, $method), $arguments);
So you can do
$instance = new MyClass();
arrayArgument($instance, 'notArrayArgument', ['name' => 'myname']);

How a hash or mapping works in PHP

In the language of Perl, I define a hash as a mapping between one thing and another or an essential list of elements. As stated in the documentation..
A hash is a basic data type. It uses keys to access its contents.
So basically a hash is close to an array. Their initializations even look very similar.
If I were to create a mapping in Perl, I could do something like below for comparing.
my %map = (
A => [qw(a b c d)],
B => [qw(c d f a)],
C => [qw(b d a e)],
my #keys = keys %map;
my %matches;
for my $k ( 1 .. #keys ) {
$matches{$_} |= 2**$k for #{$map{ $keys[$k-1] }};
for ( sort keys %matches ) {
my #found;
for my $k ( 1 .. #keys ) {
push #found, $keys[$k-1] if $matches{$_} & 2**$k;
print "$_ found in ", (#found? join(',', #found) : 0 ), "\n";
a found in A,C,B
b found in A,C
c found in A,B
d found in A,C,B
e found in C
f found in B
I would like to find out the best method of doing this for performance and efficiency in php
If I understand correctly, you are looking to apply your knowledge of Perl hashes to PHP. If I'm correct, then...
In PHP a "Perl hash" is generally called an "associative array", and PHP implements this as an array that happens to have keys as indexes and its values are just like a regular array. Check out the PHP Array docs for lots of examples about how PHP lets you work with arrays of this (and other) types.
The nice thing about PHP is it is very flexible as to how you can deal with arrays. You can define an array as having key-value pairs then treat it like a regular array and ignore the keys, and that works just fine. You can mix and doesn't complain much.
Philosophically, a hash or map is just a way to keep discrete pieces of related information together. That's all most non-primitive data structures are, and PHP is not very opinionated about how you go about things; it has lots of built-in optimizations, and does a pretty solid job of doing these types of things efficiently.
To answer your questions related to your example:
1) As for simplicity (I think you mean) and maintainability, I don't think there's anything wrong with your use of an associative array. If a data set is in pairs, then key-value pairs is a natural way to express this type of data.
2) As for most efficient, as far as lines of code and script execution overhead goes...well, the use of such a mapping is a vanishingly small task for PHP. I don't think any other way of handling it would matter much, PHP can handle it by the thousands without complaint. Now if you could avoid the use of a regular expression, on the other hand...
3) You're using it, really. Don't over think it - in PHP this is just an "array", and that's it. It's a variable that holds an arbitrary amount of elements, and PHP handles multiple-dimensions or associativity pretty darn well. Well enough that it's almost never going to be the cause of any problem you have.
PHP will handle things like hash/maps behind the scenes very logically and efficiently, to the point that part of the whole point of the language is for you not to bother to try to think about such things. If you have relates pieces of data in chunks, use an array; if the pieces of data comes in pairs, use key-value pairs; if it comes by the dozen, use an "array of arrays" (a multidimensional array where some - or all - of it's elements are arrays).
PHP doesn't do anything stupid like create a massive overhead just because you wanted to use key-value pairs, and it has lots of built-in features like foreach $yourArray as $key => $value and the functions you used like array_keys() and array_values(). Feel free to use them - as core features they are generally pretty darn well optimized!
For what you are doing I would rather use sprintf:
$format = 'Hello %s how are you. Hey %s, hi %s!';
printf($format, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz');

indexed array foreach shorthand

$players = array(
new Player('psycketom'),
new Player('stackexchanger'),
new Player('max')
Usually, in order to get something out of every object within array, we have to use for / foreach.
foreach ($players as $player)
var_dump( $player->score );
But, since it's a repetitive task, is there a way to shortcut it to something along these imaginary lines(?):
var_dump( every( $players )->score );
every( $players )->score += 40;
Since I have not seen such a feature for php, is there a way to implement it?
I have asked the question using php as main language, but the language-agnostic and programming-languages stand for the second part of the question: what languages support such or at least similar shorthand?
So, you are correct that PHP does not support this "out of the box" (except kinda, see below). The first language I know of that does is Objective-C (well, at least the CoreFoundation library). NSArrays and other sets have methods to (in one line) instruct that a given method should be executed on all members; and even more cool (to me, at least) is the concept of "keypaths" and the support that NSArray and others has for them. An example; lets say you have an array of "people" who each have a parent, who in turn have a "name":
arrayOfNames = [peopleArray valueForKeyPath:""];
arrayOfNames is now an array of all the parents' names.
The closest thing PHP has is array_map, which you can use together with anonymous functions to very quickly whip something together.
edit anecdotal as it may be, one should remember that loop structures don't need their curly-braces if there is only one statement to execute; so any fancier solutions need to compete with this:
foreach($players as $p) $p->score += 40;
And I'll mention a deeper solution for those OOP fans out there... If you work with collection objects instead of arrays, the world is your oyster with stuff like this. The simplest concept that comes to mind is php's magic __call() method. How simple to iterate over your members and make that call for your users? For more controll, you can implement a few different strategies for iteration (one for transforms, one for filters, etc. Difference being what gets returned, essentially). So in theory you could create a few different iterator classes, and in your "main" collection class implement a couple methods to get one of them, which will be pre-initialized with the contents:
where transform() returns an instance of your "don't return the array" iterator, which uses the __call() technique.
The sky starts to open up at this point, and you can start to build filter iterators which take predicates and return another collection of a subset of the objects, and syntax like this is possible:
// send flyer to all parents with valid email address
$parentsPredicate = new Predicate('email');
You could do:
var_dump(array_map(function($el){return $el->score;}, $players));
array_walk($players, function($el) {$el->score += 40;});

Why would one want to pass primitive-type parameters by reference in PHP?

One thing that's always bugged me (and everyone else, ever) about PHP is its inconsistency in function naming and parameters. Another more recent annoyance is its tendency to ask for function parameters by reference rather than by value.
I did a quick browse through the PHP manual, and found the function sort() as an example. If I was implementing that function I'd take an array by value, sort it into a new array, and return the new value. In PHP, sort() returns a boolean, and modifies the existing array.
How I'd like to call sort():
$array = array('c','a','b');
$sorted_array = sort($array);
How PHP wants me to call sort():
$array = array('c','a','b');
$sorted_array = $array;
And additionally, the following throws a fatal error: Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference
I'd imagine that part of this could be a legacy of PHP's old days, but there must have been a reason things were done this way. I can see the value in passing an object by reference ID like PHP 5+ does (which I guess is sort of in between pass by reference and pass by value), but not in the case of strings, arrays, integers and such.
I'm not an expert in the field of Computer Science, so as you can probably gather I'm trying to grasp some of these concepts still, and I'm curious as to whether there's a reason things are set up this way, or whether it's just a leftover.
The main reason is that PHP was developed by C programmers, and this is very much a C-programming paradigm. In C, it makes sense to pass a pointer to a data structure you want changed. In PHP, not so much (Among other things, because references are not the same as a pointer).
I believe this is done for speed-reason.
Most of the time you need the array you are working on to be sorted, not a copy.
If sort should have returned a new copy of the array then for each time you call sort(); the PHP engine should have copied the array into new one (lowering speed and increasing space cost) and you would have no way to control this behaviour.
If you need the original array to be not sorted (and this doesn't happen so often) then just do:
$copy = $yourArray;

Equivalent of std::set in PHP?

What's the equivalent function in PHP for C plus plus "set" ("Sets are a kind of associative containers that stores unique elements, and in which the elements themselves are the keys.")?
There isn't one, but they can be emulated.
Here is a achieve copy before the link died.. all the contents
A Set of Objects in PHP: Arrays vs. SplObjectStorage
One of my projects, QueryPath, performs many tasks that require maintaining a set of unique objects. In my quest to optimize QueryPath, I have been looking into various ways of efficiently storing sets of objects in a way that provides expedient containment checks. In other words, I want a data structure that keeps a list of unique objects, and can quickly tell me if some object is present in that list. The ability to loop through the contents of the list is also necessary.
Recently I narrowed the list of candidates down to two methods:
Use good old fashioned arrays to emulate a hash set.
Use the SPLObjectStorage system present in PHP 5.2 and up.
Before implementing anything directly in QueryPath, I first set out designing the two methods, and then ran some micro-benchmarks (with Crell's help) on the pair of methods. To say that the results were surprising is an understatement. The benchmarks will likely change the way I structure future code, both inside and outside of Drupal.
The Designs
Before presenting the benchmarks, I want to quickly explain the two designs that I settled on.
Arrays emulating a hash set
The first method I have been considering is using PHP's standard array() to emulate a set backed by a hash mapping (a "hash set"). A set is a data structure designed to keep a list of unique elements. In my case, I am interested in storing a unique set of DOM objects. A hash set is a set that is implemented using a hash table, where the key is a unique identifier for the stored value. While one would normally write a class to encapsulate this functionality, I decided to test the implementation as a bare array with no layers of indirection on top. In other words, what I am about to present are the internals of what would be a hash set implementation.
The Goal: Store a (unique) set of objects in a way that makes them (a) easy to iterate, and (b) cheap to check membership.
The Strategy: Create an associative array where the key is a hash ID and the value is the object.
With a reasonably good hashing function, the strategy outlined above should work as desired.
"Reasonably good hashing function" -- that was the first gotcha. How do you generate a good hashing function for an object like DOMDocument? One (bad) way would be to serialize the object and then, perhaps, take its MD5 hash. That, however, will not work on many objects -- specifically any object that cannot serialze. The DOMDocument, for example, is actually backed by a resource and cannot be serialized.
One needed look far for a such a function, though. It turns out that there is an object hashing function in PHP 5. It's called spl_object_hash(), and it can take any object (even one that is not native PHP) and generate a hashcode for it.
Using spl_object_hash() we can build a simple data structure that functions like a hash set. This structure looks something like this:
$hashcode => $object
For example, we an generate an entry like so:
$object = new stdClass();
$hashcode = spl_object_hash($object);
$arr = array(
$hashcode => $object
In the example above, then, the hashcode string is an array key, and the object itself is the array value. Note that since the hashcode will be the same each time an object is re-hashed, it serves not only as a comparison point ("if object a's hashkey == object b's hashkey, then a == b"), it also functions as a uniqueness constraint. Only one object with the specified hashcode can exist per array, so there is no possibility of two copies (actually, two references) to the same object being placed in the array.
With a data structure like this, we have a host of readily available functions for manipulating the structure, since we have at our disposal all of the PHP array functions. So to some degree this is an attractive choice out of the box.
The most import task, in our context at least, is that of determining whether an entry exists inside of the set. There are two possible candidates for this check, and both require supplying the hashcode:
Check whether the key exists using array_key_exists().
Check whether the key is set using isset().
To cut to the chase, isset() is faster than array_key_exists(), and offers the same features in our context, so we will use that. (The fact that they handle null values differently makes no difference to us. No null values will ever be inserted into the set.)
With this in mind, then, we would perform a containment check using something like this:
$object = new stdClass();
$hashkey = spl_object_hash($object);
// ...
// Check whether $arr has the $object.
if (isset($arr[$hashkey])) {
// Do something...
Again, using an array that emulates a hash set allows us to use all of the existing array functions and also provides easy iterability. We can easily drop this into a foreach loop and iterate the contents. Before looking at how this performs, though, let's look at the other possible solution.
Using SplObjectStorage
The second method under consideration makes use of the new SplObjectStorage class from PHP 5.2+ (it might be in 5.1). This class, which is backed by a C implementation, provides a set-like storage mechanism for classes. It enforces uniqueness; only one of each object can be stored. It is also traversable, as it implements the Iterable interface. That means you can use it in loops such as foreach. (On the down side, the version in PHP 5.2 does not provide any method of random access or index-based access. The version in PHP 5.3 rectifies this shortcoming.)
The Goal: Store a (unique) set of objects in a way that makes them (a) easy to iterate, and (b) cheap to check membership.
The Strategy: Instantiate an object of class SplObjectStorage and store references to objects inside of this.
Creating a new SplObjectStorage is simple:
$objectStore = new SplObjectStorage();
An SplObjectStorage instance not only retains uniqueness information about objects, but objects are also stored in predictable order. SplObjectStorage is a FIFO -- First In, First Out.
Adding objects is done with the attach() method:
$objectStore = new SplObjectStorage();
$object = new stdClass();
It should be noted that attach will only attach an object once. If the same object is passed to attach() twice, the second attempt will simply be ignored. For this reason it is unnecessary to perform a contains() call before an attach() call. Doing so is redundant and costly.
Checking for the existence of an object within an SplObjectStorage instance is also straightforward:
$objectStore = new SplObjectStorage();
$object = new stdClass();
// ...
if ($objectStore->contains($object)) {
// Do something...
While SplObjectStorage has nowhere near the number of supporting methods that one has access to with arrays, it allows for iteration and somewhat limited access to the objects stored within. In many use cases (including the one I am investigating here), SplObjectStorage provides the requisite functionality.
Now that we have taken a look at the two candidate data structures, let's see how they perform.
The Comparisons
Anyone who has seen Larry (Crell) Garfield's micro-benchmarks for arrays and SPL ArrayAccess objects will likely come into this set of benchmarks with the same set of expectations Larry and I had. We expected PHP's arrays to blow the SplObjectStorage out of the water. After all, arrays are a primitive type in PHP, and have enjoyed years of optimizations. However, the documentation for the SplObjectStorage indicates that the search time for an SplObjectStorage object is O(1), which would certainly make it competitive if the base speed is similar to that of an array.
My testing environments are:
An iMac (current generation) with a 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo and 2G of 800mhz DDR2 RAM. MAMP 1.72 (PHP 5.2.5) provides the AMP stack.
A MacBook Pro with a 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo and 4G of 667mhz DDR2 RAM. MAMP 1.72 (PHP 5.2.5) provides the AMP stack.
In both cases, the performance tests averaged about the same. Benchmarks in this article come from the second system.
Our basic testing strategy was to build a simple test that captured information about three things:
The amount of time it takes to load the data structure
The amount of time it takes to seek the data structure
The amount of memory the data structure uses
We did our best to minimize the influence of other factors on the test. Here is our testing script:
* Object hashing tests.
$sos = new SplObjectStorage();
$docs = array();
$iterations = 100000;
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
//$doc = new stdClass();
$docs[] = $doc;
$start = $finis = 0;
$mem_empty = memory_get_usage();
// Load the SplObjectStorage
$start = microtime(TRUE);
foreach ($docs as $d) {
$finis = microtime(TRUE);
$time_to_fill = $finis - $start;
// Check membership on the object storage
$start = microtime(FALSE);
foreach ($docs as $d) {
$finis = microtime(FALSE);
$time_to_check = $finis - $start;
$mem_spl = memory_get_usage();
$mem_used = $mem_spl - $mem_empty;
printf("SplObjectStorage:\nTime to fill: %0.12f.\nTime to check: %0.12f.\nMemory: %d\n\n", $time_to_fill, $time_to_check, $mem_used);
$mem_empty = memory_get_usage();
// Test arrays:
$start = microtime(TRUE);
$arr = array();
// Load the array
foreach ($docs as $d) {
$arr[spl_object_hash($d)] = $d;
$finis = microtime(TRUE);
$time_to_fill = $finis - $start;
// Check membership on the array
$start = microtime(FALSE);
foreach ($docs as $d) {
$finis = microtime(FALSE);
$time_to_check = $finis - $start;
$mem_arr = memory_get_usage();
$mem_used = $mem_arr - $mem_empty;
printf("Arrays:\nTime to fill: %0.12f.\nTime to check: %0.12f.\nMemory: %d\n\n", $time_to_fill, $time_to_check, $mem_used);
The test above is broken into four separate tests. The first two test how well the SplObjectStorage method handles loading and containment checking. The second two perform the same test on our improvised array data structure.
There are two things worth noting about the test above.
First, the object of choice for our test was a DOMDocument. There are a few reasons for this. The obvious reason is that this test was done with the intent of optimizing QueryPath, which works with elements from the DOM implementation. There are two other interesting reasons, though. One is that DOMDocuments are not lightweight. The other is that DOMDocuments are backed by a C implementation, making them one of the more difficult cases when storing objects. (They cannot, for example, be conveniently serialized.)
That said, after observing the outcome, we repeated the test with basic stdClass objects and found the performance results to be nearly identical, and the memory usage to be proportional.
The second thing worth mention is that we used 100,000 iterations to test. This was about the upper bound that my PHP configuration allowed before running out of memory. Other than that, though, the number was chosen arbitrarily. When I ran tests with lower iteration counts, the SplObjectStorage definitely scaled linearly. Array performance was less predictable (larger standard deviation) with smaller data sets, though it seemed to average around the same for lower sizes as it does (more predictably) for larger sized arrays.
The Results
So how did these two strategies fare in our micro-benchmarks? Here is a representative sample of the output generated when running the above:
Time to fill: 0.085041999817.
Time to check: 0.073099000000.
Memory: 6124624
Time to fill: 0.193022966385.
Time to check: 0.153498000000.
Memory: 8524352
Averaging this over multiple runs, SplObjectStorage executed both fill and check functions twice as fast as the array method presented above. We tried various permutations of the tests above. Here, for example, are results for the same test with a stdClass object:
Time to fill: 0.082209110260.
Time to check: 0.070617000000.
Memory: 6124624
Time to fill: 0.189271926880.
Time to check: 0.152644000000.
Memory: 8524360
Not much different. Even adding arbitrary data to the object we stored does not make a difference in the time it takes for the SplObjectStorage (though it does seem to raise the time ever so slightly for the array).
Our conclusion is that SplObjectStorage is indeed a better solution for storing lots of objects in a set. Over the last week, I've ported QueryPath to SplObjectStorage (see the Quark branch at GitHub -- the existing Drupal QueryPath module can use this experimental branch without alteration), and will likely continue benchmarking. But preliminary results seem to provide a clear indication as to the best approach.
As a result of these findings, I'm much less inclined to default to arrays as "the best choice" simply because they are basic data types. If the SPL library contains features that out-perform arrays, they should be used when appropriate. From QueryPath to my Drupal modules, I expect that my code will be impacted by these findings.
Thanks to Crell for his help, and for Eddie at Frameweld for sparking my examination of these two methods in the first place.
In PHP you use arrays for that.
There is no built-in equivalent of std::set in PHP.
You can use arrays "like" sets, but it's up to you to enforce the rules.
Have a look at Set from Nspl. It supports basic set operations which take other sets, arrays and traversable objects as arguments. You can see examples here.
