I need to call a static function from an object using the Singleton design, but using a variable as the class name.
The best way, $class::getInstance();, is only available in PHP 5.3, and the other way I found, call_user_func(array($class, 'getInstance'));, results in the maximum execution time being breached. Does anyone know why this is happening, or of a way for this to work / a workaround?
I know that this is not the best way for things to be done, and the Singleton design pattern would not be my first choice, but unfortunately it's not up to me.
Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes :)
I include the rest of the code involved:
abstract class Library
protected function __construct(){}
final private function __clone(){}
final public static function &getInstance()
static $libs = array();
$lib = get_called_class();
if(!isset($libs[$lib])) $libs[$lib] = new $lib();
return $libs[$lib];
public function &loadLibrary($lib)
// Filter $lib, and load the library class file...
// Following only works in PHP 5.3
// return $lib::getInstance();
// Following results in maximum execution time being breached.
return call_user_func(array($lib, 'getInstance'));
$someLibrary =& loadLibrary('someLibrary');
class someLibrary extends Library
protected function __construct(){}
// Code...
Soulmerge make a valid point saying that get_called_class() is only in PHP 5.3, and therefore I must be using it, but alas, I just cheat my way round things as I usually do (Thanks to Chris Webb from http://www.septuro.com/ for the code - far too complex to be any of my own!).
class classTools
static $i = 0;
static $fl = null;
static function get_called_class()
$bt = debug_backtrace();
if(self::$fl == $bt[2]['file'].$bt[2]['line']) self::$i++;
else {
self::$i = 0;
self::$fl = $bt[2]['file'].$bt[2]['line'];}
$lines = file($bt[2]['file']);
preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)::'.$bt[2]['function'].'/', $lines[$bt[2]['line']-1], $matches);
return $matches[1][self::$i];
function get_called_class()
return classTools::get_called_class();
I shall go over all my code again, as there must be a loop somewhere. Back to the drawing board I go :(
You should start by determining what it is that takes you into an infinite loop. Does your constructor (someLibrary::__construct()) have any code that directly/indirectly calls Library::getInstance(), for example?
EDIT get_called_class() was introduced in PHP 5.3, so if your code actually works, you're already running 5.3
you could try to solve this with eval().
To get you an idea:
$theVar = "relvantClassName";
$someObject = eval($theVar::getInstance());
$result = $someObject->performAction();
Likely this has already been asked, but nevertheless, here goes. This may fall under best practice or security... I'm not really sure.
In my application, I am using a nested object, that is called in the __construct() function. Sort of like this:
class user {
public $userID = NULL;
public $someObject = NULL;
public function __construct() {
$this->userID = getThisUser();
$this->someObject = new objectBuilder($this->userID);
public function getThisUser() {
// ...
class objectBuilder {
public $buriedVar = NULL;
public function __construct($uid = NULL) {
if( !isset($uid) ) {
$this->buriedVar = setTheObject($uid);
} else {
$this->buriedVar = setTheObject(0);
public function setTheObject($id) {
// ...
return "random string";
$tom = new user();
Obviously terrible outline here, but the point is, I can then call $tom->someObject->buriedVar and it'll return "random string".
While looking for a way to nest classes, I noticed no one recommends this as a method for storing objects inside of another object. I'm curious of a few things:
1) Is this insecure?
2) Are the vars inside the nested object exclusive to the call made inside $tom->__construct(), or if I create another object using new objectBuilder() is it overwriting the one inside $tom->someObject? I haven't noticed this, but am not sure how to test for that entirely.
3) Is there something else I'm missing? A best practice reason not to instantiate an object inside a class? I've been using it for years and it works great for what I've done. Is it a speed thing?
1) Is this insecure?
Not inherently, no.
2) Are the vars inside the nested object exclusive to the call made
inside $tom->__construct(), or if I create another object using new
objectBuilder() is it overwriting the one inside $tom->someObject? I
haven't noticed this, but am not sure how to test for that entirely.
This is a fundamental question between class and object. Objects are instances of a class and there can be multiple. The only things that would be overwritten are static properties and methods. You could test it like this:
$obj1 = new objectBuilder();
$obj2 = new objectBuilder();
if ($obj1 !== $obj2) {
echo "objects are not the same\n";
if ($obj1->buriedVar !== $obj2->buriedVar) {
echo "nested objects are not the same either\n";
$obj3 = new objectBuilder(1);
if ($obj1->buriedVar != $obj3->buriedVar) {
echo "even the values of two different buried vars with different values are different.\n";
if ($obj1->buriedVar == $obj2->buriedVar) {
echo "counter-example: nested variables with the same values set are similar.\n";
It helps to know the difference between equality and identity (see this SO post).
3) Is there something else I'm missing? A best practice reason not to
instantiate an object inside a class? I've been using it for years and
it works great for what I've done. Is it a speed thing?
You touched on it briefly. What you should know is that this is not scalable and is difficult to test.
Imagine you're creating a website for dogs.
class Bio
public function __construct()
$this->dog = new Dog('Terrier');
class Dog
private $animal = 'dog';
private $noise = 'woof!';
private $breed;
public function __construct($breed=null)
public function setBreed($breed)
$this->breed = $breed;
What if you want to add a new breed? Well... That's easy enough:
class Bio
// ...
public function __construct($breed)
$this->dog = new Dog($breed);
// ...
Cool! You've solved everything.
One day you want to create a section for cats, because one of your best writers also loves cats, and you sense an untapped market.
Uh oh...
You can refactor the code, of course. But you wrote it a long time ago. Now you have to go in and figure out where everything went. No big deal.. A bit annoying but you fixed it!
But now you have another problem. Turns out that the same author wants to add different traits to the breed. You're surprised this hasn't come up sooner but, hey, it's probably a good thing to have.
Now you need to go in to the Dog object, and the Cat object, and add traits.
Every single time.
On. Every. Bio.
After some reconfiguring, you've created something monstrous like this:
$article1 = new Bio('Terrier', 'dog', ['independent']);
$article2 = new Bio('Persian', 'cat', ['flat-faced']);
//... and so on, and so on
The next time the author asks for something, you fire her and then tear your hair out in a mad rage.
Or, from the beginning, you use Dependency Injection.
class Bio
private $animal;
public function __construct(AnimalInterface $animal)
$this->animal = $animal;
interface Animal
public function getType();
public function setBreed($breed);
public function getBreed();
public function setTraits(array $traits);
public function getTraits();
abstract class AbstractAnimal implements AnimalInterface
private $breed;
private $traits = [];
abstract public function getType();
public function setBreed($breed)
$this->breed = $breed;
public function getBreed()
return $this->breed;
public function setTraits(array $traits)
$this->traits = $traits;
public function getTraits()
return (array)$this->traits;
class Cat extends AbstractAnimal
public function getType()
return 'cat';
class Dog extends AbstractAnimal
public function getType()
return 'dog';
This pattern requires little to no editing after it has been created.
Why? Because you are injecting the object to nest into the class, rather than instantiating it in the object.
$bio1 = new Bio($dog); $bio2 = new Bio($cat); can always stay like this. Now you just edit the $dog and $cat objects. The added benefit is that these objects can be used anywhere.
But what about utility classes?
(This is where testability comes in. If you haven't worked with unit testing, I recommend reading up on it in the link to PHPUnit below. I'm not going to dwell on how that works as it's off topic).
Dependency Injection is well and good if you have classes that require customization. But what about utility classes that just house various functions?
class Utils
public function add($a, $b)
return $a + $b;
You might think that you can call this function safely from the constructor. And you can. However, one day you might create a log method in your Utils class:
public function log($msg)
exec("cat '$msg' > /tmp/log.txt");
This works just fine. However, when you run tests, your /tmp/log.txt file complains. "Invalid permissions!". When this method is run via your website, log.txt needs to be writeable by www-data.
You could just chmod 777 /tmp/log.txt, but that would mean everyone who has access to your server can write to that log. Additionally, you may not want to always write to the same log when you're testing as when you're navigating through the web interface (Personally, I would find it confusing and cluttering).
PHPUnit and other unit testing services allow you to mock various objects. The problem is that you have classes calling Utils directly.
You have to find a way to manually override the constructor. Look at PHPUnit's manual to find out why this maybe isn't ideal.
So if you're not using Dependency Injection, what do you do?
PHPUnit suggests, amongst other fixes, moving this Utils object instantiation to another method and then stubbing/mocking that method in your unit test (I want to emphasize that this is after recommending Dependency Injection).
So the next best?
public function __construct()
private function init()
$this->utils = new Utils;
Now when you unit test, you can create a fake init method and it will be called as soon as the class is created.
In conclusion, the way you are currently instantiating classes is not scalable or easily testable in many real world situations. While it may be all right in limited situations, it is better to get used to the DI (Dependency Injection) pattern, because it will save you lots of headaches in the future.
I'm looking for more comfortable/more short version of Switch() statement in case of using multiple functions.
I'll give you one example: imagine 100-200 functions in one class, and you want to call only one of them by setting value to id in that class.
In my particular case, I have the following structure of PHP file:
class _main
function request($id)
case 0:
case 1:
// then we have 100-200 functions like this in switch.
function writeA()
function writeB()
$id = 1;
$x = new _main();
For some of you it may seem weird, but I don't want to have that much lines of code with case and break. For me, they are just making code more difficult to read.
(by the way, writing it 100 times will not making it fun for me too).
What could be the best,fast and comfortable method?
Can I store functions to array and then call them?
And will it affect performance? Will be Swicth() even faster?
Thank you :)
Perhaps there is a different way of thinking/coding and not only array/switch thing.
I can't say I would ever recommend this but if you really want that many methods within a single class and a singular function to route the calls through...
class MyClass
public $id;
public function callFunction()
$funcName = 'execute' . $this->id;
return $this->$funcName();
private function execute1()
echo 'execute1() Called.';
private function execute2()
echo 'execute2() Called.';
$c = new MyClass();
$c->id = 1;
execute1() Called.
I feel like there is most likely another way to approach this with more information utilising Interfaces and Abstract classes, but with the information to go off the above might suffice your requirement.
Edit: Sadly I don't have the time right now to come up with a detailed solution, and I don't really have enough information to go off but perhaps utilising interfaces is your best solution for your requirement. Below is a very quick example.
interface WritableInterface
public function write($data);
class VersionOneWriter implements WritableInterface
public function write($data)
return $data . '<br/>';
class VersionTwoWriter implements WritableInterface
public function write($data)
return $data . $data . '<br/>';
class MyMainClass
public function request(WritableInterface $writer, $data)
return $writer->write($data);
$c = new MyMainClass();
$w1 = new VersionOneWriter();
$w2 = new VersionTwoWriter();
echo $c->request($w1, 'DataString');
echo $c->request($w2, 'DataString');
Essentially when you call your request function you pass along a Writer class which implements the WritableInterface. Anything that implements that interface has to have a write() method.
Now when you pass your data across with your method, since you are also passing a writer along that can handle the data you can safely call ->write($data) within your request() method and the result will be dependent on the class you passed through.
If you ever need another method of writing you can just add create another class that implements your interface
Hopefully that made some sense, it was a bit of a ramble as I have to disappear for a bit. If you have any questions I'll try to check back when I have time.
The define() in this instance requires PHP7+ since I'm defining an array, but you could prior to PHP7 you could just use a standard array. $classMap = ['FirstClass', 'SecondClass'];
interface MyInterface {}
class FirstClass implements MyInterface {}
class SecondClass implements MyInterface {}
$requestParam = 1;
define('CLASS_MAP', array(
$classMap = CLASS_MAP[$requestParam]; // SecondClass
$class = new $classMap;
var_dump($class); // Dumps out: object(SecondClass)#1 (0) {}
I am trying to add functions to class from a separate file, I wonder if this could be possible!
$mClass = new MyClass();
$mClass->new_Functions[0](10); // Is there a way to have it in this form?
class myClass
private $Pvar = 5;
function __construct()
$arr = get_defined_functions();
$this->new_Functions = $arr['user'];
// trying to call the function with parameter 10
call_user_func(array($this, $this->new_Functions[0]), 10);
[additional.functions.php] file
function operate($y)
return $this->Pvar * $y;
----- Edited ------- as it wasn't clear!
"additional.functions.php" is a module and there will be multiple modules to be added to the application, and every module could have more than single function and modules could call one another!
additional.functions.php [module file]
function operate($y)
return $this->Pvar * $y;
function do-more($foo)
return $this->operate(20) + $foo;
another.functions.php [another module]
function do-another($foo)
return $this->do-more(30) - $foo;
function add($foo, $bar)
return $foo + $bar;
appreciate every participation, its been a while since I am trying to maneuver around with it!
Is this possible or should I give up!
It looks to me like you are looking for Traits, which are a new feature as of PHP 5.4.0. Using traits, you can have snippets of code "mixed in" to other classes, a concept known as "horizontal reuse".
If you are not looking for traits, it's possible that you could do what you wanted with Runkit, however I would suggest staying as far away from it as possible, if you are not genuinely interested in PHP internals as well.
In any event, whatever you are trying to do is very interesting
I got it to work with dependency injection. The pvar has to be public or create a __get method to return the private variable. I also used the function name because it seems cleaner to me to use it via name rather than it's position in the list but if you want to keep that then just put $key where you see $value from the line: $this->function_list[$value] = ...
function operate($y, $that)
return $that->Pvar * $y;
class Example {
public $function_list = array();
private $Pvar = 5;
public function __construct()
$list = get_defined_functions();
$that = $this;
foreach ($list['user'] as $key => $value) {
$this->function_list[$value] = function() use ($value, $that) {
print call_user_func_array($value, array_merge(func_get_args(), array($that )));
public function __get($key)
if (isSet($this->$key)) {
return $this->$key;
} else {
throw new \Exception('Key "'.$key.'" does not exist');
$Ex = new Example();
If you want to extend MyClass from your modules (and not to initialize it, like in your example code), than you could do it in a way like this:
namespace modules\MyModuleA;
class MyClassExtension
private $MyObject;
public function __construct(\MyClass $MyObject)
$this->MyObject = $MyObject;
public function doSomething($anyParameter)
return $this->MyObject->doSomethingElse($anyParameter * 5, 42, 'foo');
And MyClass:
class MyClass extends \Extensible
// some code
abstract class Extensible
private $extensions = [];
public function extend($extension)
$this->extensions[] = $extension;
public function __call($methodName, $parameters)
foreach ($this->extensions as $Extension) {
if (in_array($methodName, get_class_methods($Extension))
return call_user_func_array([$Extension, $methodName], $parameters);
throw new \Exception('Call to undefined method ' . $methodName . '...');
public function hasExtension($extensionName)
return in_array($this->extensions, $extensionName);
And put it all together:
$moduleNames = ['MyModuleA', 'MyModuleB'];
$MyObject = new \MyClass;
foreach ($moduleNames as $moduleName) {
$className = '\\modules\\' . $moduleName . '\\MyClassExtension';
$module = new $className($MyObject);
// Now you can call a method, that has been added by MyModuleA:
You should add an interface for the extension classes of course...
The problem is: What happens if any code in your application calls a method of $MyObject, that is not there, because the module has not been loaded. You would always have to check if ($MyObject->hasExtension('ModuleA')) { ... }, but, of course, the application shouldn't be aware of any module. So I would not design an application in such a way.
I would suggest to use traits (mix-ins). See PHP reference
If you can have another class in that file instead of file with functions
- the best solution will be Traits
or using inheritance
If you move that code to class you can avoid a lot of unnecessary code. I mean:
$arr = get_defined_functions();
$this->new_Functions = $arr['user'];
// trying to call the function with parameter 10
call_user_func(array($this, $this->new_Functions[0]), 10);
It'll be e.g.:
class myClass extends MyBaseClassWithMyAwesomeFunctions
private $Pvar = 5;
Maybe this approach helps you:
In the files with the additional functions, don't define named functions, but return a closure, that expects (at least) the object (instance of MyClass) as parameter:
// additional.functions.php
return function ($myObject) {
$Object->doSomethingElse(42, 'foo');
The client, that builds MyClass collects those functions from the files into the array:
$files = [
$initFunctions = [];
foreach ($files as $path)
$initFunctions[] = include $path;
$MyObject = new \MyClass($initFunctions);
The constructor then calls those functions:
class MyClass
public function __construct(array $additionalInitFunctions)
foreach ($additionalInitFunctions as $additionalInitFunction)
$additionalInitializerFunction($this); // you can also add parameters of course
This way the class keeps very well testable as well as the function files. Maybe this could help you in any way. You should never ever think about modifying the internal (private) state of an object directly from any code from outside of the class. This is not testable! Think about writing tests before you implement your code (called "test driven development"). You will see, it is not possible to test a class, if you allow any code outside of that class to modify the internal (private) state of the class instance. And you don't want to have this. If you change some internal implementation detail in your class without breaking the unit test of that class, you will anyways probably break some code in any of your additional.functions.php files and no test will tell you: "Hey: you've broken something right now".
I would like to know whether there's a way to chain methods on a newly created object in PHP?
Something like:
class Foo {
public function xyz() { ... return $this; }
$my_foo = new Foo()->xyz();
Anyone know of a way to achieve this?
In PHP 5.4+, the parser's been modified so you can do something like this
(new Foo())->xyz();
Wrap the instantiation in parenthesis, and chain away.
Prior to PHP 5.4, when you're using the
new Classname();
syntax, you can't chain a method call off the instantiation. It's a limitation of PHP 5.3's syntax. Once an object is instantiated, you can chain away.
One method I've seen used to get around this is a static instantiation method of some kind.
class Foo
public function xyz()
echo "Called","\n";
return $this;
static public function instantiate()
return new self();
$a = Foo::instantiate()->xyz();
By wrapping the call to new in a static method, you can instantiate a class with method call, and you're then free to chain off that.
Define a global function like this:
function with($object){ return $object; }
You will then be able to call:
with(new Foo)->xyz();
In PHP 5.4 you can chain off a newly instantiated object:
For older versions of PHP, you can use Alan Storm's solution.
This answer is outdated - therefore want to correct it.
In PHP 5.4.x you can chain a method to a new-call. Let's take this class as example:
<?php class a {
public function __construct() { echo "Constructed\n"; }
public function foo() { echo "Foobar'd!\n"; }
Now, we can use this: $b = (new a())->foo();
And the output is:
Further information may be found on the manual: http://www.php.net/manual/en/migration54.new-features.php
Well, this may be an old question but as with a lot of things in programming - eventually the answer changes.
Regarding PHP 5.3, no, you can't chain directly from the constructor. To expand on the accepted answer however, in order to properly accommodate for inheritance, you can do:
abstract class Foo
public static function create()
return new static;
class Bar extends Foo
public function chain1()
return $this;
public function chain2()
return $this;
$bar = Bar::create()->chain1()->chain2();
That will work just fine and will return you a new Bar() instance.
In PHP 5.4, however, you can simply do:
$bar = (new Bar)->chain1()->chain2();
Hopefully this helps someone stumbling across the question like I have!
It would be really helpful if they 'fix this' in a future release. I really appreciate the ability to chain (especially when populating collections):
I added a method to the base class of my framework called create() that can be chained off of. Should work with all descendant classes automatically.
class baseClass
public final static function create()
$class = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
return $class->newInstance(func_get_args());
public function __call($method, $args)
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('/^(?:Add|Set)(?<prop>.+)/', $method, $matches) > 0)
// Magic chaining method
if (property_exists($this, $matches['prop']) && count($args) > 0)
$this->$matches['prop'] = $args[0];
return $this;
Just for the sake of completeness (and for the fun of it...), since nobody seems to have mentioned the solution with the shortest (and least sophisticated) code.
For frequently used short-lived objects, especially when writing test cases, where you typically do lots of object creation, you may want to optimize for typing convenience (rather than purity), and sorta' combine Alan Storm's Foo::instantiate() factory method and Kenaniah's with() global function technique.
Simply make the factory method a global function with the same name as the class!. ;-o (Either add it as a convenience wrapper around the proper static Foo::instantiate() or just move it out there while nobody is looking.)
class Foo
public function xyz()
echo "Called","\n";
return $this;
function Foo()
return new Foo();
$a = Foo()->xyz();
I WOULDN'T DO THIS on production code. While kinda' sexy, this is an abuse on basic coding principles (like "principle of least surprise" (although this is actually rather intuitive syntax), or "don't repeat yourself", esp. if wrapping a real factory method with some parameters, which itself, BTW, is already an abuse of DRY...), plus PHP may change in he future to break code like this in funny ways.
Is there any way to redefine a class or some of its methods without using typical inheritance? For example:
class third_party_library {
function buggy_function() {
return 'bad result';
function other_functions(){
return 'blah';
What can I do to replace buggy_function()? Obviously this is what I would like to do
class third_party_library redefines third_party_library{
function buggy_function() {
return 'good result';
function other_functions(){
return 'blah';
This is my exact dilemma: I updated a third party library that breaks my code. I don't want to modify the library directly, as future updates could break the code again. I'm looking for a seamless way to replace the class method.
I've found this library that says it can do it, but I'm wary as it's 4 years old.
I should have clarified that I cannot rename the class from third_party_library to magical_third_party_library or anything else because of framework limitations.
For my purposes, would it be possible to just add a function to the class? I think you can do this in C# with something called a "partial class."
It's called monkey patching. But, PHP doesn't have native support for it.
Though, as others have also pointed out, the runkit library is available for adding support to the language and is the successor to classkit. And, though it seemed to have been abandoned by its creator (having stated that it wasn't compatible with PHP 5.2 and later), the project does now appear to have a new home and maintainer.
I still can't say I'm a fan of its approach. Making modifications by evaluating strings of code has always seemed to me to be potentially hazardous and difficult to debug.
Still, runkit_method_redefine appears to be what you're looking for, and an example of its use can be found in /tests/runkit_method_redefine.phpt in the repository:
runkit_method_redefine('third_party_library', 'buggy_function', '',
'return \'good result\''
runkit seems like a good solution but its not enabled by default and parts of it are still experimental. So I hacked together a small class which replaces function definitions in a class file. Example usage:
class Patch {
private $_code;
public function __construct($include_file = null) {
if ( $include_file ) {
public function setCode($code) {
$this->_code = $code;
public function includeCode($path) {
$fp = fopen($path,'r');
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($path));
$contents = str_replace('<?php','',$contents);
$contents = str_replace('?>','',$contents);
function redefineFunction($new_function) {
preg_match('/function (.+)\(/', $new_function, $aryMatches);
$func_name = trim($aryMatches[1]);
if ( preg_match('/((private|protected|public) function '.$func_name.'[\w\W\n]+?)(private|protected|public)/s', $this->_code, $aryMatches) ) {
$search_code = $aryMatches[1];
$new_code = str_replace($search_code, $new_function."\n\n", $this->_code);
return true;
} else {
return false;
function getCode() {
return $this->_code;
Then include the class to be modified and redefine its methods:
$objPatch = new Patch('path_to_class_file.php');
protected function foo(\$arg1, \$arg2)
return \$arg1+\$arg2;
Then eval the new code:
A little crude but it works!
For people that are still looking for this answer.
You should use extends in combination with namespaces.
like this:
namespace MyCustomName;
class third_party_library extends \third_party_library {
function buggy_function() {
return 'good result';
function other_functions(){
return 'blah';
Then to use it do like this:
use MyCustomName\third_party_library;
$test = new third_party_library();
//or static.
For the sake of completeness - monkey patching is available in PHP through runkit. For details, see runkit_method_redefine().
How about wrapping it in another class like
class Wrapper {
private $third_party_library;
function __construct() { $this->third_party_library = new Third_party_library(); }
function __call($method, $args) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->third_party_library, $method), $args);
Yes, it's called extend:
class sd_third_party_library extends third_party_library
function buggy_function() {
return 'good result';
function other_functions(){
return 'blah';
I prefixed with "sd". ;-)
Keep in mind that when you extend a class to override methods, the method's signature has to match the original. So for example if the original said buggy_function($foo, $bar), it has to match the parameters in the class extending it.
PHP is pretty verbose about it.
Zend Studio and PDT (eclipse based ide) have some built in refractoring tools. But there are no built in methods to do this.
Also you wouldn't want to have bad code in your system at all. Since it could be called upon by mistake.
I've modified the code from the answer by #JPhilly and made it possible to rename a the patched class to avoid errors.
Also, I've changed the regex that identifies the about-to-be-replaced function to fit cases where the replaced function doesn't have any class access modifiers in front of its name
Hope it helps.
class Patch {
private $_code;
public function __construct($include_file = null) {
if ( $include_file ) {
public function setCode($code) {
$this->_code = $code;
public function includeCode($path) {
$fp = fopen($path,'r');
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($path));
$contents = str_replace('<?php','',$contents);
$contents = str_replace('?>','',$contents);
function redefineFunction($new_function) {
preg_match('/function ([^\(]*)\(/', $new_function, $aryMatches);
$func_name = trim($aryMatches[1]);
// capture the function with its body and replace it with the new function
if ( preg_match('/((private|protected|public)?\s?function ' . $func_name .'[\w\W\n]+?)(private|protected|public|function|class)/s', $this->_code, $aryMatches) ) {
$search_code = $aryMatches[1];
$new_code = str_replace($search_code, $new_function."\n\n", $this->_code);
return true;
} else {
return false;
function renameClass($old_name, $new_name) {
$new_code = str_replace("class $old_name ", "class $new_name ", $this->_code);
function getCode() {
return $this->_code;
This is how I've used it to patch a Wordpress plugin:
$objPatch = new Patch(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/a-plugin/code.php');
$objPatch->renameClass("Patched_AClass", "Patched_Patched_AClass"); // just to avoid class redefinition
function default_initialize() {
echo 'my patched function';
$result = new Patched_AClass();
If the library is explicitly creating the bad class and not using a locater or dependency system you are out of luck. There is no way to override a method on another class unless you subclass.
The solution might be to create a patch file that fixes the library, so you can upgrade the library and re-apply the patch to fix that specific method.
You might be able to do this with runkit. http://php.net/runkit
You can make a copy of the library class, with everything the same except the class name. Then override that renamed class.
It's not perfect, but it does improve the visibility of the extending class's changes. If you fetch the library with something like Composer, you'll have to commit the copy to source control and update it when you update the library.
In my case it was an old version of https://github.com/bshaffer/oauth2-server-php. I modified the library's autoloader to fetch my class file instead. My class file took on the original name and extended a copied version of one of the files.
Since you always have access to the base code in PHP, redefine the main class functions you want to override as follows, this should leave your interfaces intact:
class third_party_library {
public static $buggy_function;
public static $ranOnce=false;
public function __construct(){
self::$buggy_function = function(){ return 'bad result'; };
function buggy_function() {
return self::$buggy_function();
You may for some reason use a private variable but then you will only be able to access the function by extending the class or logic inside the class. Similarly it's possible you'd want to have different objects of the same class have different functions. If so, do't use static, but usually you want it to be static so you don't duplicate the memory use for each object made. The 'ranOnce' code just makes sure you only need to initialize it once for the class, not for every $myObject = new third_party_library()
Now, later on in your code or another class - whenever the logic hits a point where you need to override the function - simply do as follows:
$backup['buggy_function'] = third_party_library::$buggy_function;
third_party_library::$buggy_function = function(){
//do stuff
return $great_calculation;
. //do other stuff that needs the override
. //when finished, restore the original function
As a side note, if you do all your class functions this way and use a string-based key/value store like public static $functions['function_name'] = function(...){...}; this can be useful for reflection. Not as much in PHP as other languages though because you can already grab the class and function names, but you can save some processing and future users of your class can use overrides in PHP. It is however, one extra level of indirection, so I would avoid using it on primitive classes wherever possible.
There's alway extending the class with a new, proper, method and calling that class instead of the buggy one.
class my_better_class Extends some_buggy_class {
function non_buggy_function() {
return 'good result';
(Sorry for the crappy formatting)