I've found myself down a rabbit hole and would like advice. It looks like Mac OS X 10.5.8 comes bundled with a pre-configured version of Apache 2.2.11 (located in /usr/sbin), PHP 5.2.10 (located in /usr/bin) and subversion 1.4.4 (located in /usr/bin). I have installed MAMP for MySQL 5.0.41 (located in /Applications/MAMP/...) which comes with Apache 2.0.59 and PHP 5.2.6. The current version of MySQL is 5.1 (mysql.com). I have also installed the latest Subversion binaries 1.6.5 (they get located in /opt/subversion/...). This is becoming a mess. Ideally I would like to have one copy each of Apache, PHP, MySQL, and Subversion and have them all be the latest release and have them work together properly. Are there configuration pitfalls specific to the Mac that I need to watch for if I install the newest binaries of Apache in /usr/sbin, PHP5 in /usr/bin, subversion in /usr/bin, and Mysql in /usr/bin (or /usr/local/bin)? Am I just asking for trouble?
Do not install ANYTHING in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin. Those are managed by Apple and you can get yourself and your system in trouble when you start modifying stuff there. Other than a bit of wasted disk space, there's normally no problem with having more than one copy of things like Apache. Just accept it.
If you need newer or missing versions of open source packages, you might want to look into using MacPorts or Fink to supplement what's provided by Apple.
My personal preference is just not to do this development on my Mac at all, and instead run a Linux Virtual Machine using VMWare Fusion, VirtualBox or similar. One of thes nice things about VMWare Fusion 2 (not 3 though, bizarrely) is that you can run these virtual machines in headless mode, and simply SSH into them via terminal on your Mac.
The benefit to me here is that my VMs are able to very closely mirror the setup of my production machines, I'm able to closely control what software is actually installed on them, and if I need to work on a new machine I can simply copy the VM from one machine to another. I can also easily take snapshots of the VM at any point, and roll back to them if I do manage to muck something up.
Here's a good guide to using VMWare Fusion for doing development on OSX.
I have been developing for the LAMP stack on a Mac for bit over 4 years now. I have tried pretty much every flavor of the stack on the Mac.
Native: Not viable, because it's an old codebase.
MacPorts: I ran into trouble with OS X updates.
Self Compiled: Same as with the MacPorts, I ran into trouble with OS X updates.
MAMPP: I didn't like this package, yet this is a personal dislike. I kind of disliked it's freemium like style. The package is not easily configurable, except using the commercial configuration software.
XAMPP: I ended up sticking with XAMPP.
About XAMPP:
The XAMPP code base is rather up to date. With the Developer Package, you get all the tools necessary to compile additional extensions. Everything is configured in /Applications/XAMPP/etc/.
I started trying to create a website which uses PHP on an old computer (previously used by another programmer).
I wanted to test my PHP code without uploading it each time, so I downloaded Apache and installed it. I was starting to set Apache up when I discovered this computer already had Apache on it.
Now I had multiple versions of Apache, so I went into add/remove programs and got rid of Apache (which only showed up once in the list).
Unfortunately windows decided it would uninstall the old version and keep mine which was not functioning properly. Also for whatever reason it seemed to have kept a good few files from the old version, but not enough that I could actually use it in any way. I believe it just had some configurations files.
I thought I would copy my files from the new version into the old version and not replace anything so hopefully I would be able to run under the older configurations, but that didn't work.
At this point I just wanted to cut my losses, so I put all the versions of Apache in an archive so there was no way the computer could be using them. I also removed Apache from the windows startup and rebooted the computer after configuring one single version of the newer copy of Apache to supposedly run PHP.
The problem is upon startup I could immediately log in to localhost and apache was already running. Also when I opened Apache manually from the files I had left unzipped, it only gives me the option to start Apache (not an option to stop or restart implying it is not running) and when I click it, it says "The requested operation has failed!" which is less than helpful.
So anyway, I just want to be able to run PHP locally and now I don't feel like I can even successfully uninstall and start from scratch anymore. Does anyone know what I have to do to get this to work? Sorry for the long description, I wove such a tangled knot.
One way to solve is use a XAMP (Apache + MySQL + PHP) client like XAMPP http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html brings it all set up for you to use. The problem of conflict can be caused by any IDE (Netbeans for example) that already carries a version of Apache.
Try to configure config files of Apache case exist.
Assumption: Running Windows OS for development and linux for production environment.
My recommendation is to not mix the Windows and Linux worlds as while they can be made to behave after lots of work, it is usually more pain than good.
Instead, as a humble windows and linux user, download and install Virtualbox [https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads], a free open source virtualisation tool.
Then download a linux distribution of your choice and install that into a new virtual machine.
Configure the linux tools inside linux and leave your windows machine relatively untouched.
A useful linux service to install would be Samba - windows file sharing - you can use this to edit your code in windows using any IDE of your choice, while saving directly to linux and testing through linux. When happy, upload from the linux system (again like any other file uploader) and all will be well.
If you are deploying to a linux based environment in your production service then this will help you avoid common mistakes such as case-sensitivity trouble and many others.
Building and running this system is free and it will help teach you more about the linux environment you are deploying to also.
Equally, when you don't have the virtual machine booted, there's no services lying around exposing your computer to possible local network threats and consuming resources - as opposed to installing Apache on Windows where it will be using some resources all the time.
I've made a mess out of my MAMP setup. I used it all the time for WordPress and Drupal work, but now I want to try and learn Rails. After trying to get Rails installed, I now have 2 versions of MySQL competing with each other—and of course neither works anymore.
So: I'm wondering what the 'proper' way is to set this up so that they play nicely together.
Advice on setting up a 'proper' Mac OS development environment for PHP and Rails extremely welcome.
Using Homebrew and RVM is the only way I recommend setting up a Rails environment on OS X these days. Homebrew gives you a really easy way to install and upgrade applications like MySQL, and RVM makes installing and working with Ruby a breeze. As far as working with PHP and Apache, you should be able to use the Homebrew MySQL install with the existing MAMP setup, as long as you turn off MAMP's MySQL server.
The only other thing you may need to do is install Apple's Xcode developer tools in order to compile the various packages.
Like someone wrote in the comments I will take the VM approach anytime. Just run a linux distribution in a virtual machine with all the modules you need. You can even run/ test different environments. Easy to setup/ upgrade/ replace and you don't have to fiddle around your working os.
I run osx (working environment) and a debian server installation in a virtual box as my webserver (running apache, php, mysql, rails). I switched over from a MAMP configuration and it saved me alot of stress and work (Think about upgrading different MAMP components, really is a pain sometimes)
I have Windows 7 Enterprise and I want to run a web server on this computer and I wander what is the best web server would be in my case. I have several requirements to the web server.
It should be easy to install and set up the server. Just "click", "accept" and that's it.
It should support MySQL and PHP (with GET, POST, SESSION, and cookies).
I want to be able to install the server from CD or memory stick. In other words, I want to be able to download something on my CD and than use this CD to install the web server.
The server (software) should not occupy a lot of memory.
It should be possible to install the web server on Linux, Windows and MAC.
Install Z-WAMP. It has the latest versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP (with APC and phyMyAdmin). It's also portable so you can have it installed on a mem stick.
XAMPP is very simple to install and use.
Zend Server Community Edition is a fast and reliable PHP application stack. It is completely free, and you can use it in development, testing and production.
Eliminate wasted time spent on putting together your PHP stack piece by piece. Zend Server Community Edition includes everything you need, whether you’re using Windows, Linux or Mac OS X. The simple, native installers will set you up in minutes with:
Bytecode accelerator (Optimizer+)
Zend Data Cache
A certified PHP distribution
Zend Framework
Apache (or IIS integration)
MySQL (on Windows and Mac OS X)
Out-of-the-box connectivity to all common databases
Java code connectivity
Web-based PHP administrator console
Not quite sure if this is what you mean but take a look at AppServ it installs Apache, PHP and MySQL for you with one installation file.
If you combine requirement 1, 3 and 5 you make it extremely difficult.
There is not just one package that you can install on boot *nix and windows. Simply because they use a different Operating System with other drive mappings, libraries, etc.
But for Windows I recommend one of the XAMP/WAMP implementation (I'm not a Windows User). For Mac there is MAMP. On other *nix based systems I always used predefined packages or a manualy compiled amount of packages which does not meet your requirements.
Latest OSX has buildin PHP and Apache. You only have to enable Apache in your system pref panel. MySQL can be installed.
It's also possible to use XAMPP for osx. Can be installed from CD
As for Windows you can use WAMP or XAMPP. This package includes Apache, PHP and MySQL. Can be installed from CD.
Most Linux distro's have apache build in. And it's easy to configure PHP and MySQL for it. You can also use XAMPP for linux:
LAMP for linux
XAMPP for mac
and WAMP for win
Different gui almost the same thing easy to setup and configure.
The big advantages with WAMP are that you can easily switch PHP/Apache/MySQL version and toggle PHP settings + extensions, directly from the taskbar.
That's why I'm using it.
Note: Even though you can't download the latest PHP version from their site, it's very easy to install it yourself.
I've looked for other questions, but could not find any...
I have freshly installed my Mac with OSX 10.5. I need to learn Python/Django for a new job, so want to set it all up correctly, ready to develop and run from my browser using http://localhost/
I come from a PHP background and always used MAMP before. But I want to get everything working together... Apache, PHP, MySQL, Python, Django. Using MAMP is easy to install a local development server, but I want to get Python and Django running nicely too. So I can just start developing and also following tutorials on Python/Django.
Please give me some steps (with MAMP or not) to get a nicely working environment for Apache, PHP, MySQL, Python and Django. Thank you, all have great days!
Why not try the official installation instructions? Really all you need to do is install Django. You can use its built-in server (http://localhost:8000 by default) for testing:
./manage.py runserver
Your Mac should come pre-installed with Python 2.4 (or later) which is fine for Django 1.0.2.
10.5 comes with Apache installed by default System Preferences > Sharing > Web Sharing.
To enable Apache php module edit the Apache conf (/etc/Apache/httpd.conf) file and uncomment the php module line.
LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so.
Restart Apache after by disabling & enabling web sharing
Mysql package can be downloaded form the official website and is easy to install
The fastest way to get started with Django, will be to use TurnKey linux Django appliance.
Link: http://www.turnkeylinux.org/appliances/django
I also came from PHP a few months ago. I'm not sure if this will get moderated up or down because my answer changes your question:
Do not use MySQL and Apache for local development on your Mac. Use Sqlite3 and the development server that is bundled with Django - this allows for inline debugging, etc...
Sqlite3 is basically the same as MySQL except you need to use .schema instead of describe.
If you start having problems, get MacPython. This has helped me instantly solve problems faster than trying to work with the stock Python on Leopard.
Try to use pip instead of easy_install where possible.
When you are ready for real deployment, then you'll need MySQL/Apache/Nginx, etc... but those will be on a Linux system and you'll be better prepared at that point to make a good production installation than you are now. Getting a production-quality stack running on the Mac is more of a pain than it's worth.
BTW, when you do install Apache, use wsgi, not mod_python.
Okay. I'd just install MySQL from their site and stick with what's already on my Mac as of 10.5, then install Django and the Python MySQL driver. But since you like MAMP, install MAMP or XAMPP and read something like this which summarized says:
Mac OS X 10.5 comes with "Python 2.5.1, thus you won’t have to install it. You can verify this by running python in the Terminal."
Checkout Django cd $HOME/Code; svn co http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk django_trunk
Tell Python where Django is echo "$HOME/Code/django_trunk">/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/django.pth
Add django-admin.py to your PATH
Install the MySQLdb driver from sf.net this probably requires GCC which means you might want the set with Xcode from Apple's Dev Tools.
Do a source code edit
"At this point, edit the _mysql.c file
and comment out lines 37, 38 and 39 as
//#ifndef uint
//#define uint unsigned int
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
Verify the installation
I'd like to learn LAMP development for my own personal edification.
I tried setting up Ubuntu 8.10 "Hardy Heron" in Microsoft VPC, but I can't get the video to work above 800x600. Played with xorg.conf a million times but no joy. Can anyone recommend a good distro to work with that plays well with VPC? Any guidance on getting started with Apache and Perl/PHP would also be welcome.
I installed ubuntu 8.10 in a virtual machine on my Vista 64-bit laptop. I attempted the install with Virtual PC, VM Ware and Virtual Box from SUN. Virtual Box was the only vm software that I was successful with from the start. In the setup you choose that you are installing linux as your guest OS and everything works without spending your evening sifting through blogs trying to get install to work.
Firstly, if your goal is to learn LAMP development, I'd start by just downloading the WAMP stack for windows from http://www.wampserver.com/en/ or one of it's competitors. The "Linux" part of LAMP programming isn't likely to be a major part of your learning experience. Avoiding running a VM will be much less resource intense on your development workstation and avoid having issues with suspend/resume and disk IO contention.
Secondly, any linux should work, under virtualbox or msvpc. All the modern desktop virtualization systems emulate a full system, so it's just a matter of configuration and getting the right drivers. Like others said, virtualbox is more open source friendly so give that a shot.
Finally, I don't usually run X on my development VM's, since it just eats unnecessary resources. Just use putty on the host and ssh in to a VM running in console mode.
Not entirely the answer to your question, but I think it attacks your goal more directly.
If you're not wedded to VPC, a quick way to start might be to download the free VMWare Player at
and then you can try any of many, many distros prepackaged for VMWare here:
The appliances at the second link should work out of box, so you don't have to fiddle with X conf files, which is probably not the topic of your research. As a bonus, you may be exposed to distros you normally wouldn't know about.
Edit: Here's an appliance with Ubuntu 8.10:
This is largely a matter of preference. As has been mentioned, Ubuntu is a good choice. I tend to prefer debian as it is a bit less cutting edge (and therefor more stable). But it's not as easy a platform to learn as Ubuntu.
As has also been pointed out, I would recommend VirtualBox as Virtual PC doesn't support non-MS operating systems.
I use Ubuntu 8.10 and Mono.
However, to get the graphics to work properly, you need the
kernel parameter.
I use Scientific Linux 5.2 (which is just a rebranded RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.2) and it works fine. I also have had success with many flavors of Ubuntu. I run all of my machines under VMWare Server and have successfully used them with both the 1.0.x versions and the 2.0.x versions of VMWare server.
Does it have to be Microsoft Virtual PC? Virtual Box is much more open-source friendly and I used it with no problems to display higher resolutions of the guest OS.
Check Bitnami stacks. They are ISO live disks images. You just need to attach the iso to the boot cd of the vistual machine. There is a LAMP stack based on Ubuntu.
If you like how it works, there is an option to install to a virtual disk.
I was able to get VMWare Server (free) to work fine with Ubuntu without much hassle (display, etc works out of the box). Install VMWare tools on the VM (they make it for linux) and you'll get a more seamless experience. My specific configuration:
VMWare Server 2.0
Host OS: Windows XP Pro, SP 3
Guest OS: KUbuntu 0804