Why call mb_convert_encoding to sanitize text? - php

This is in reference to this (excellent) answer. He states that the best solution for escaping input in PHP is to call mb_convert_encoding followed by html_entities.
But why exactly would you call mb_convert_encoding with the same to and from parameters (UTF8)?
Excerpt from the original answer:
Even if you use htmlspecialchars($string) outside of HTML tags, you are still vulnerable to multi-byte charset attack vectors.
The most effective you can be is to use the a combination of mb_convert_encoding and htmlentities as follows.
$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8');
$str = htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
Does this have some sort of benefit I'm missing?

Not all binary data is valid UTF8. Invoking mb_convert_encoding with the same from/to encodings is a simple way to ensure that one is dealing with a correctly encoded string for the given encoding.
A way to exploit the omission of UTF8 validation is described in section 6 (security considerations) in rfc2279:
Another example might be a parser which
prohibits the octet sequence 2F 2E 2E 2F ("/../"), yet permits the
illegal octet sequence 2F C0 AE 2E 2F.
This may be more easily understood by examining the binary representation:
110xxxxx 10xxxxxx # header bits used by the encoding
11000000 10101110 # C0 AE
00101110 # 2E the '.' character
In other words: (C0 AE - header-bits) == '.'
As the quoted text points out, C0 AE is not a valid UTF8 octet sequence, so mb_convert_encoding would have removed it from the string (or translated it to '.', or something else :-).


Convert utf-8 back to one-byte binary in PHP

I have a lot of images which has been imported from SQL dump with utf-8 encoding. Thus, instead of "FF D8 FF E0" I see "C3 BF C3 98 C3 BF C3 A0" in the beginning of jpeg images.
I've tried iconv('utf-8', 'iso-8859-1', $data) but it not converts whole file (there is chars in utf-8 which can not be converted to iso-8859-1.
How I can to convert utf-8 simple to one-byte binary with unrespect to encoding?
The problem was because there are some representations of the same character in UTF-8, called "non-shortest" form. That characters can be converted mathematically, but iconv counts them as errorneous and not converts.
I've made a short function, which converts text of any utf-8 character to Unicode (UTF-16) codepoints array. And then remap some non-ASCII values to ASCII by simple table (for example 0x20ac is the same as 0x80, etc). You can found complete code and remapping table here: Converting UTF-8 with non-shortest characters to one-byte encoding

php unicode 16 bit

how can I append a 16 bit unicode character to a string in php
$test = "testing" . (U + 199F);
From what I see, \x only takes 8 bit characters aka ascii
From the manual:
PHP only supports a 256-character set, and hence does not offer native Unicode support.
You could enter a manually-encoded UTF-8 sequence, I suppose.
You can also type out UCS4 as byte sequence and use iconv("UTF-32LE", "UTF-8", $str); to convert it into UTF-8 for further processing. You just can't input the codepoint as a 32-bit code unit in one go.
Unicode characters don't directly exist in PHP(*), but you can deal with strings containing bytes represent characters in UTF-8 encoding. Here's one way of converting a numeric character code point to UTF-8:
function unichr($i) {
return iconv('UCS-4LE', 'UTF-8', pack('V', $i));
$test= 'testing'.unichr(0x199F);
(*: and ‘16-bit’ Unicode characters don't exist at all; Unicode has code points way beyond U+FFFF. There are 16-bit ‘code units’ in UTF-16, but that's an ugly encoding you're unlikely to meet in PHP.)
Because unicode is just multibyte and PHP only supports single byte you can create multibyte characters with multiple single bytes :)
$test = "testing\x19\x9F";
$test = "testing" . "\u199F";

Why can't I get rid of this  ?

Each line is a string
I was able to remove the  successfully using str_replace but not the HTML entity. I found this question: How to remove html special chars?
But the preg_replace did not do the job. How can I remove the HTML entity and that A?
I think I should have said this earlier: I am using DOMDocument::loadHTML() and DOMXpath.
Since this seems like an encoding issue, I should say that this is actually all separate strings.
Alright - I think I've got a handle on this now - I want to expand on some of the encoding errors that people are getting at:
This seems to be an advanced case of Mojibake, but here is what I think is going on. MikeAinOz's original suspicion that this is UTF-8 data is probably true. If we take the following UTF-8 data:
4 minutes
Now, remove the HTML entity, and replace it with the character it actually corresponds with: U+00A0. (It's a non-breaking space, so I can't exactly "show" you. You get the string: "4 minutes". Encode this as UTF-8, and you get the following byte sequence:
characters: 4 [nbsp] m i n ...
bytes : 34 C2 A0 6D 69 6E ...
(I'm using [nbsp] above to mean a literal non-breaking space (the character, not the HTML entity , but the character that represents. It's just white-space, and thus, difficult.) Note that the [nbsp]/U+00A0 (non-breaking space) takes 2 bytes to encode in UTF-8.
Now, to go from byte stream back to readable text, we should decode using UTF-8, since that's what we encoded in. Let us use ISO-8859-1 ("latin1") - if you use the wrong one, this is almost always it.
bytes : 34 C2 A0 6D 69 6E ...
characters: 4 Â [nbsp] m i n ...
And switch the raw non-breaking space into its HTML entity representation, and you get what you have.
So, either your PHP stuff is interpreting your text in the wrong character set, and you need to tell it otherwise, or you are outputting the result somehow in the wrong character set. More code would be useful here -- where are you getting the data you're passing to this loadHTML, and how are you going about getting the output you're seeing?
Some background: A "character encoding" is just a means of going from a series of characters, to a series of bytes. What bytes represent "é"? UTF-8 says C3 A9, whereas ISO-8859-1 says E9. To get the original text back from a series of bytes, we must know what we encoded it with. If we decode C3 A9 as UTF-8 data, we get "é" back, if we (mistakenly) decode it as ISO-8859-1, we get "é". Junk. In psuedo-code:
utf8-decode ( utf8-encode ( text-data ) ) // OK
iso8859_1-decode ( iso8859_1-encode ( text-data ) ) // OK
iso8859_1-decode ( utf8-encode ( text-data ) ) // Fails
utf8-decode ( iso8859_1-encode ( text-data ) ) // Fails
This isn't PHP code, and isn't your fix... it's just the crux of the problem. Somewhere, over the large scale, that's happening, and things are confused.
This looks like an encoding error - your document is encoded with UTF-8, but is being rendered as ASCII. Solving your encoding mis-match will solve your issues. You could try using utf8_decode() on your source before using DOMdocument::loadHTML()
Here's an alternative solution from the DOMdocument::loadHTML() documentation page.

Convert two string to the same byte length

I have 2 strings in my PHP code, 1 is a parameter to my method and 1 is a string from an ini file.
The problem is that they are not equal, although they have the same content, probably due to encoding issues. When using var_dump, it is reported that the first string's lenght is 23 and the second string's length is 47 (see the end of my question for the reason behind this)
How can i make sure they are both encoded the same way and have the same length in the end so comparison won't fail? Preferably, i would like them to be utf8 encoded.
For reference, this is an excerpt from the code:
static function getString($keyword,$file) {
$lang_handle = parse_ini_file($file, true);
foreach ($lang_handle as $key => $value) {
if ($key == $keyword) {
foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
var_dump("\t" . $subkey . " => " . $subvalue);
with the following ini:
header = "Kunden Login"
username = "Benutzername"
password = "Passwort"
forgot = "Passwort vergessen"
login = "Login"
When calling the method with getString("clientcockpit/login.php", "inifile.ini") the output is:
string 'clientcockpit/login.php' (length=23)
string '�c�l�i�e�n�t�c�o�c�k�p�i�t�/�l�o�g�i�n�.�p�h�p�' (length=47)
Your INI file seems to be in UTF16 encoding or similar, using two bytes to represent a single character. I guess that the strange characters in your string are actually NULL bytes (\0).
PHP's Unicode support is quite poor and I guess that parse_ini_file() does not support multibyte encodings properly. It will treat the file as if it was encoded using a "ASCII-compatible" single-byte encoding, just looking for special characters [ and ] to detect sections. As a result, the section keys will be corrupted: One byte actually belonging to [ or ] will be part of the section key:
UTF-16: [c] (3 characters, 6 bytes)
For UTF-16BE (big endian):
Bytes: 00 5B 00 63 00 5D (6 bytes)
ASCII: \0 [ \0 c \0 ] (6 characters)
For UTF-16LE (little endian):
Bytes: 5B 00 63 00 5D 00 (6 bytes)
ASCII: [ \0 c \0 ] \0 (6 characters)
Assuming ASCII, instead of reading c, parse_ini_file() will read \0c\0 if the source file encoding is UTF-16.
If you can control the format of your INI file, make sure to save it in UTF8 or ISO-8859-1 encoding, using your favorite text editor.
Otherwise you will have to read in the file contents using file_get_contents(), do the encoding conversion (eg. using iconv()) and pass the result to parse_ini_string(). The drawback here is that you will have to detect or hardcode the original file encoding.
If the mb multibyte extension is available on your PHP installation, you can use mb_detect_encoding() and mb_convert_encoding() to do the conversion dynamically.
Try this:
$lang_handle = parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($file), true);

Ensuring valid UTF-8 in PHP

I'm using PHP to handle text from a variety of sources. I don't anticipate it will be anything other than UTF-8, ISO 8859-1, or perhaps Windows-1252. If it's anything other than one of those, I just need to make sure the text gets turned into a valid UTF-8 string, even if characters are lost. Does the //TRANSLIT option of iconv solve this?
For example, would this code ensure that a string is safe to insert into a UTF-8 encoded document (or database)?
function make_safe_for_utf8_use($string) {
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, "UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,WINDOWS-1252");
if ($encoding != 'UTF-8') {
return iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $string);
else {
return $string;
UTF-8 can store any Unicode character. If your encoding is anything else at all, including ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252, UTF-8 can store every character in it. So you don't have to worry about losing any characters when you convert a string from any other encoding to UTF-8.
Further, both ISO-8859-1 and Windows-1252 are single-byte encodings where any byte is valid. It is not technically possible to distinguish between them. I would chose Windows-1252 as your default match for non-UTF-8 sequences, as the only bytes that decode differently are the range 0x80-0x9F. These decode to various characters like smart quotes and the Euro in Windows-1252, whereas in ISO-8859-1 they are invisible control characters which are almost never used. Web browsers may sometimes say they are using ISO-8859-1, but often they will really be using Windows-1252.
would this code ensure that a string is safe to insert into a UTF-8 encoded document
You would certainly want to set the optional ‘strict’ parameter to TRUE for this purpose. But I'm not sure this actually covers all invalid UTF-8 sequences. The function does not claim to check a byte sequence for UTF-8 validity explicitly. There have been known cases where mb_detect_encoding would guess UTF-8 incorrectly before, though I don't know if that can still happen in strict mode.
If you want to be sure, do it yourself using the W3-recommended regex:
if (preg_match('%^(?:
[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII
| [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte
| \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs
| [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte
| \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates
| \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3
| [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15
| \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16
)*$%xs', $string))
return $string;
return iconv('CP1252', 'UTF-8', $string);
With the mbstring library, you have mb_check_encoding().
Example of use:
mb_check_encoding($string, 'UTF-8');
However, with PHP 7.1.9 on a recent Windows 10 system, the regex solution now outperforms mb_check_encoding() for any string length (tested on 20,000 iterations):
10 characters: regex => 4 ms, mb_check_encoding() => 64 ms
10000 chars: regex => 125 ms, mb_check_encoding() => 2.4 s
Just a note: Instead of using the often recommended (rather complex) regular expression by W3C, you can simply use the 'u' modifier to test a string for UTF-8 validity:
if (preg_match("//u", $string)) {
// $string is valid UTF-8
Answer to "iconv is idempotent":
Neither is iconv - iconv is not idempotent.
A big difference between utf8_encode() and iconv() is that iconv may raise errors like this "Detected an incomplete multibyte character in input string", even with:
iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'.'//IGNORE', $str)
in the above code:
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($string, "UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,WINDOWS-1252");
You have to know mb_detect_encoding. It can answer about uft-8 even for invalid UTF-8 strings (badly formed UTF-8).
Have a look at http://www.phpwact.org/php/i18n/charsets for a guide about character sets. This page links to a page specifically for UTF-8.
