Is there a good implementation of partial file downloading in PHP? - php

I'm writing a PHP script that allows the user to download a file. Basically the idea is to prevent the file being downloaded more than X times, since it is paid content, and the link should not be spread around.
Since the files will be pretty large, it should be good to implement resuming. I've read the standard, but it's pretty long and allows for some flexibility. Since I need to get it done quickly, I'd prefer a stable, tested implementation of this feature.
Can anyone point me to such a a script?

Seems that I found what I needed myself. So that other may benefit from this, here is the link:
And just in case the original page stops to work (the script is pretty old already), here is a copy of it:
The following byte serving code is (C) 2004 Razvan Florian. You may find the latest version at
function set_range($range, $filesize, &$first, &$last){
Sets the first and last bytes of a range, given a range expressed as a string
and the size of the file.
If the end of the range is not specified, or the end of the range is greater
than the length of the file, $last is set as the end of the file.
If the begining of the range is not specified, the meaning of the value after
the dash is "get the last n bytes of the file".
If $first is greater than $last, the range is not satisfiable, and we should
return a response with a status of 416 (Requested range not satisfiable).
$range='0-499', $filesize=1000 => $first=0, $last=499 .
$range='500-', $filesize=1000 => $first=500, $last=999 .
$range='500-1200', $filesize=1000 => $first=500, $last=999 .
$range='-200', $filesize=1000 => $first=800, $last=999 .
if ($first=='') {
//suffix byte range: gets last n bytes
if($first<0) $first=0;
} else {
if ($last=='' || $last>$filesize-1) $last=$filesize-1;
//unsatisfiable range
header("Status: 416 Requested range not satisfiable");
header("Content-Range: */$filesize");
function buffered_read($file, $bytes, $buffer_size=1024){
Outputs up to $bytes from the file $file to standard output, $buffer_size bytes at a time.
while($bytes_left>0 && !feof($file)){
$contents=fread($file, $bytes_to_read);
echo $contents;
function byteserve($filename){
Byteserves the file $filename.
When there is a request for a single range, the content is transmitted
with a Content-Range header, and a Content-Length header showing the number
of bytes actually transferred.
When there is a request for multiple ranges, these are transmitted as a
multipart message. The multipart media type used for this purpose is
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='GET' && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && $range=stristr(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']),'bytes=')){
$boundary='g45d64df96bmdf4sdgh45hf5';//set a random boundary
if($ranges && count($ranges)){
header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial content");
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
More than one range is requested.
//compute content length
foreach ($ranges as $range){
set_range($range, $filesize, $first, $last);
$content_length+=strlen("Content-type: application/pdf\r\n");
$content_length+=strlen("Content-range: bytes $first-$last/$filesize\r\n\r\n");
//output headers
header("Content-Length: $content_length");
//see for an discussion of x-byteranges vs. byteranges
header("Content-Type: multipart/x-byteranges; boundary=$boundary");
//output the content
foreach ($ranges as $range){
set_range($range, $filesize, $first, $last);
echo "\r\n--$boundary\r\n";
echo "Content-type: application/pdf\r\n";
echo "Content-range: bytes $first-$last/$filesize\r\n\r\n";
buffered_read ($file, $last-$first+1);
echo "\r\n--$boundary--\r\n";
} else {
A single range is requested.
set_range($range, $filesize, $first, $last);
header("Content-Length: ".($last-$first+1) );
header("Content-Range: bytes $first-$last/$filesize");
header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
buffered_read($file, $last-$first+1);
} else{
//no byteserving
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
header("Content-Length: $filesize");
header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
function serve($filename, $download=0){
//Just serves the file without byteserving
//if $download=true, then the save file dialog appears
header("Content-Length: $filesize");
header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
if($download) header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename_parts['basename']);
//unset magic quotes; otherwise, file contents will be modified
//do not send cache limiter header
$filename='myfile.pdf'; //this is the PDF file that will be byteserved
byteserve($filename); //byteserve it!

You should be using PEAR HTTP_Download. It is pretty easy to use and it allows download resuming just file:

Based on this:
(which you also could use)
I've made a small lib that does what PECL http_send_file extension does:
(which you also could use)
The lib resembles the http_send_file, but if you don't have the option of installing the PECL lib, you could use the http-send-file lib:

An alternative is to let the web server can handle http by redirecting to the file in question.
A PHP script can do any checks needed (security, authentication, validate the file, incrementing the download count) and any other tasks before calling header("Location $urltofile");
I tested this with apache. Interrupt/resume download works. The server's mime type configuration will determine client behavior. For apache, if defaults in mime.types are not suitable, configuration directives for mod_mime could go in a .htaccess file in the directory of the file to download. If really necessary, these could even by written by the PHP script before it redirects.

Perhaps instead of implementing web server in a web server (yo dawg!) you could use mod trigger before download in lighttpd or mod X-Sendfile available for both lighttpd and Apache2?


Apache does not work with HTTP_RANGE?

I wanted to create a .php file, that streams a video!
Now, the problem is, that it works, only if i use a normal readfile(), but then, you can not go back and forward in the video, so i searched on google, to find this code:
(basically, the HTTP_RANGE does not work, NEVER, i do not know why, when testing it, it always fires my die("lol?");, so it clearly does not support it for some reason)
(the die() function is left there on purpose, it will be taken out if it would work..)
(note that i changed "$size = filesize($file);" to "$size = filesize(".".$file);", because someone mentioned that this is required, and "filesize($file);" does not work for me anyways, it always fires an error)!
(and, the $file, shows the actual path for my file, nothing replaced, its how it looks in the original php of me!)
// Clears the cache and prevent unwanted output
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1);
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
$file = "/cdn4-e663/zw4su8jiy8skgvizihsjehj/2038tkusi9u848sui7zh/2q3z6hjk97ujduz/a1-cdn/9zw35jbmhkk47wi63uu7.mp4"; // The media file's location
$mime = "application/octet-stream"; // The MIME type of the file, this should be replaced with your own.
$size = filesize(".".$file); // The size of the file
// Send the content type header
header('Content-type: ' . $mime);
// Check if it's a HTTP range request
// Parse the range header to get the byte offset
$ranges = array_map(
'intval', // Parse the parts into integer
'-', // The range separator
substr($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], 6) // Skip the `bytes=` part of the header
// If the last range param is empty, it means the EOF (End of File)
$ranges[1] = $size - 1;
// Send the appropriate headers
header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
header('Content-Length: ' . ($ranges[1] - $ranges[0])); // The size of the range
// Send the ranges we offered
'Content-Range: bytes %d-%d/%d', // The header format
$ranges[0], // The start range
$ranges[1], // The end range
$size // Total size of the file
// It's time to output the file
$f = fopen($file, 'rb'); // Open the file in binary mode
$chunkSize = 8192; // The size of each chunk to output
// Seek to the requested start range
fseek($f, $ranges[0]);
// Start outputting the data
// Check if we have outputted all the data requested
if(ftell($f) >= $ranges[1]){
// Output the data
echo fread($f, $chunkSize);
// Flush the buffer immediately
else {
header('Content-Length: ' . $size);
// Read the file
// and flush the buffer
so, the die("lol?"); was added by me to see if the
/*function fires or not, and no, as it seems it returns FALSE every time..8/
so i wanted to ask you all, how can i fix this? i really want to use php to stream my video, because of security reasons, and because i like it, i already use this methode with images but its a different code(and working)!
I am using Apache 2.4 (Windows 10 - 64bit PC) with the latest version of PHP7, but it seems that apache does not support HTTP_RANGE? am i missing something, is there something i need to enable inside either the php.ini or the httpd.conf??
Thank you in advance, i hope someone can tells me what to do, because i really am stuck here, and i tried ALL examples of mp4 video streaming i could find on google, and none worked for me :/
There are 2 parts to this:
The request made by the browser/client. This must send appropriate request headers.
The response given by your server. This is done by your PHP script and must also send the appropriate response headers
When you try and stream your video (or whatever the content is) open the Network tab in your browser.
Look at the Request Headers (in Chrome this is under the Network tab). I've posted a screenshot below. Note that in the request there is a Range: parameter. If this is not present in the request, you'll have problems. This is what tells the PHP script on the server that you are doing a range request in the first place. If the server does not see this header in the request then it will just bypass the if statement and go into the die.
Note that the Range: request header is not normally included in requests by default, so unless you are specifying this, it will never work. If you don't see it in the Request Headers on your Network tab, it is not present, and you need to fix that.
You may also want to examine the response headers - which are totally different from the request headers. Again, these can be seen in the Network tab in your browser. See below for the appropriate headers that must be set:
Going back to the original question, none of it has anything to do with the response (which is what you were describing). The initial problem you are having is all to do with how you're making the request and the fact it does not contain a Range: header, when it must do so.

Unable to download a file with example script

I want to create xlsx file and send to the browser as an attachment, so the user downloads it immediately. I literally did copy-paste the code from this example.
But it doesn't work. I fixed the path in require_once, but the issue is somewhere else.
The xlsx file is generated corerctly - when I save ot on the server, I can open it. It is also sent to the browser - firebug's console shows some funny characters in output window. The headers are also correct.
But no Save as... dialog is shown. I did some basic checks based on google search results - I have no extra white space after ?>.
The only difference in my code is that I call php script from jQuery's $.post function with some additional arguments.
Could it be the reason why I can't download this file?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
PHP version: 5.4.20
PHPExcel version: 1.8.0
Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Linux/SUSE)
This question is also posted on codeplex.
You can't download files via an ajax request such as $.post for security reasons.
You could use a link that opens in a new window instead.
// If user click the download link
// The directory of downloadable files
// This directory should be unaccessible from web
// Replace the slash and backslash character with empty string
// The slash and backslash character can be dangerous
$file_name=str_replace("/", "", $_GET['filename']);
$file_name=str_replace("\\", "", $file_name);
// If the requested file is exist
// Get the file size
// Open the file
$fh=fopen($file_dir.$file_name, "r");
// Download speed in KB/s
// Initialize the range of bytes to be transferred
// Check HTTP_RANGE variable
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) &&
preg_match('/^bytes=(\d+)-(\d*)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $arr)){
// Starting byte
// Ending byte
// Check if starting and ending byte is valid
if($start>$end || $start>=$file_size){
header("HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable");
header("Content-Length: 0");
// For the first time download
if($start==0 && $end==$file_size){
// Send HTTP OK header
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
// For resume download
// Send Partial Content header
header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content");
// Send Content-Range header
header("Content-Range: bytes ".$start."-".$end."/".$file_size);
// Bytes left
// Send the other headers
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
// Content length should be the bytes left
header("Content-Length: ".$left);
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$file_name);
// Read file from the given starting bytes
fseek($fh, $start);
// Loop while there are bytes left
// Bytes to be transferred
// according to the defined speed
// Read file per size
echo fread($fh, $bytes);
// Flush the content to client
// Substract bytes left with the tranferred bytes
// Delay for 1 second
// If the requested file is not exist
// Display error message
echo "File not found!";
You can use this code for download you can edit extension and also speed

Where is the bottleneck in mjpeg broadcasting?

I'm streaming mjpeg with PHP just like this
//example /cli/watch.php?i=0&j=200
function get_one_jpeg($i) {
$path = "img";
//$f = fopen("$path/$i.jpg", "rb");
return file_get_contents("$path/$i.jpg");
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
# Used to separate multipart
$boundary = "my_mjpeg";
# We start with the standard headers. PHP allows us this much
//header("Connection: close");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0");
header("Cache-Control: private");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: -1");
header("Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=$boundary");
# From here out, we no longer expect to be able to use the header() function
print "--$boundary\n";
# Set this so PHP doesn't timeout during a long stream
# Disable Apache and PHP's compression of output to the client
#apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1);
#ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
# Set implicit flush, and flush all current buffers
#ini_set('implicit_flush', 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < ob_get_level(); $i++)
# The loop, producing one jpeg frame per iteration
$i = $_GET['i'];
$j = $_GET['j'];
while ($i <= $j) {
# Per-image header, note the two new-lines
print "Content-type: image/jpeg\n\n";
# Your function to get one jpeg image
print get_one_jpeg($i);
# The separator
print "--$boundary\n";
# Sleeping for 0.1 seconds for 10 frames in second
But if I set a big range of images, for example, from 0 to 300, in indefinite time browser just stop showing.
It's not a specific frame or moment of time, and shows in different browsers, so I think that the causer of it is Apache.
I tried it under Apache 2.2.9 and 2.2.21 and get the same result. Under IIS Express it works even worse.
What problem it can be?
Based only on the info given:
10 frames per second can be a little aggresive for mjpeg if the frame size/resolution is larger. Remember, this is not mpeg where parts of the frame that are static don't get sent. Here the entire frame/image is sent every time. I would first try lowering the frame rate to around 5. If the problem improves then you know the issue is data rate, somewhere/somehow. You might be able to improve your problem at 10 fps if your code buffered some frames first then read from the buffer. That way if a frame is slow to show up your code or browser don't choke. I think you also need to limit the time your code will wait for an image to show up before giving up and continuing with the next image. Hope this helps.
I'm not sure if this question is still valid, but even if it's not, there is no direct answer.
I assume you are getting "image corrupt or truncated" error. My code is almost identical and I faced the same issue when using usleep(..).
The root cause is the usleep(..) placement - it should be called before print($boundary), not after. When you place it after print, browser will thing that something is wrong since it expect image directly after boundary section. IN this code immediately after boundary is usleep(..) which hold the stream for 100ms and because of that browser think that something is wrong.
Change this code:
print "--$boundary\n";
To this one:
print "--$boundary\n";
And everything will be working fine.

Serve image with PHP script vs direct loading an image

I want to monitor how often some external images are loaded.
So my idea is instead of giving a uri directly like this:
I can create a PHP script which reads the image, so I built a PHP file and my HTML would look like this:
<img src="">
but I don't know how to read the image from disk and return it. Would I return a byte array or set the content type?
Kind regards,
Sending images through a script is nice for other things like resizing and caching on demand.
As answered by Pascal MARTIN the function readfile and these headers are the requirements:
The mime type of this content
Example: header('Content-Type: image/gif');
See the function mime_content_type
But beside the obvious content-type you should also look at other headers such as:
The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes)
Example: header('Content-Length: 348');
See the function filesize
Allows the connectio to be better used.
The last modified date for the requested object, in RFC 2822 format
Example: header('Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT');
See the function filemtime and date to format it into the required RFC 2822 format
Example: header('Last-Modified: '.date(DATE_RFC2822, filemtime($filename)));
You can exit the script after sending a 304 if the file modified time is the same.
status code
Example: header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
you can exit now and not send the image one more time
For last modified time, look for this in $_SERVER
Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged
Example: If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT
Is in $_SERVER with the key http_if_modified_since
List of HTTP header responses
To achieve something like this, your script will need to :
send the right headers, which depend on the type of the image : image/gif, image/png, image/jpeg, ...
send the data of the image
making sure nothing else is sent (no white space, no nothing)
This is done with the header function, with some code like this :
header("Content-type: image/gif");
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
or whatever, depending on the type of the image.
To send the data of the image, you can use the readfile function :
Reads a file and writes it to the
output buffer.
This way, in one function, you both read the file, and output its content.
As a sidenote :
you must put some security in place, to ensure users can't request anything they want via your script : you must make sure it only serves images, from the directory you expect ; nothing like serveImage.php?file=/etc/passwd should be OK, for instance.
If you're just willing to get the number of times a file was loaded each day, parsing Apache's log file might be a good idea (via a batch run by cron each day at 00:05, that parses the log of the day before, for instance) ; you won't have real-time statistics, but it will require less resources on your server (no PHP to serve static files)
I use the "passthru" function to call "cat" command, like this:
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
passthru('cat /path/to/image/file.jpg');
Works on Linux. Saves resources.
You must set the content type:
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
Then you load the image and output it like this:
Instead of changing the direct image url in the HTML, you can put a line in the Apache configuration or .htaccess to rewrite all the requests of images in a directory to a php script. Then in that script you can make use of the request headers and the $_server array to process the request and serve the file.
First in your .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.jpg$ serve.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.jpeg$ serve.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.png$ serve.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.gif$ serve.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.bmp$ serve.php [NC]
The script serve.php must be in the same directory as .htaccess. You will probably write something like this:
if (file_exists($filepath))
touch($filepath,filemtime($filepath),time()); // this will just record the time of access in file inode. you can write your own code to do whatever
case "gif":
header("Content-type: image/gif");
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
case "png":
header("Content-type: image/png");
case "bmp":
header("Content-type: image/bmp");
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filepath));
header("Last-Modified: Fri, 03 Mar 2004 06:32:31 GMT");
header( "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize("404_files.jpg"));
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
header("Last-Modified: Fri, 03 Mar 2004 06:32:31 GMT");
By Samer Mhana
(This script can be improved!)
Also, if you want to the user to see a real filename instead of your scriptname when the user RMC's on the image and selects "Save As", you'll need to also set this header:
header('Content-Disposition: filename=$filename');
You're probably better off examining your server access logs for this. Running all images through php might put a bit of load on your server.
I serve my images with readfile as well, but I have gone the extra mile both for security and extra functionality.
I have a database set up which stores the image id, its dimensions and file extension. This also means that images need to be uploaded (allowing optional resizing), so I only use the system for content and not images needed for the website itself (like backgrounds or sprites).
It also does a very good job at making sure you can only request images.
So, for serving the simplified workflow would be like this (cannot post production code here):
1) get the ID of the requested image
2) Look it up in the database
3) Throw headers based on the extension ("jpg" gets remapped to "jpeg" on upload)
4) readfile("/images/$id.$extension");
5) Optionally, protect /images/ dir so it cannot be indexed (not a problem in my own system as it maps URLS like /image/view/11 to something like /index.php?module=image&action=view&id=11)
There are a lot of good answers above, but none of them provide working code that you can use in your PHP app. I've set mine up so that I lookup the name of the image in a database table based off a different identifier. The client never sets the name of the file to download as this is a security risk.
Once the image name is found, I explode it to obtain the extension. This is important to know what type of header to serve based off the image type (i.e. png, jpg, jpeg, gif, etc.). I use a switch to do this for security reasons and to convert jpg -> jpeg for the proper header name. I've included a few additional headers in my code that ensure the file is not cached, that revalidation is required, to change the name (otherwise it will be the name of the script that is called), and finally to read the file from the server and transmit it.
I like this method since it never exposes the directory or actual file name. Be sure you authenticate the user before running the script if you are trying to do this securely.
$temp = explode('.', $image_filename);
$extension = end($temp); // jpg, jpeg, gif, png - add other flavors based off your use case
switch ($extension) {
case "jpg":
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
case "jpeg":
case "gif":
case "png":
header('Content-type: image/'.$extension);
die; // avoid security issues with prohibited extensions
header('Content-Disposition: filename=photo.'.$extension);
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
PHP 8 lets you use the match feature, which will further optimize the code by getting rid of the switch and ugly looking nested cases.

Downloading large files reliably in PHP

I have a php script on a server to send files to recipents: they get a unique link and then they can download large files. Sometimes there is a problem with the transfer and the file is corrupted or never finishes. I am wondering if there is a better way to send large files
$f = fopen(DOWNLOAD_DIR.$database[$_REQUEST['fid']]['filePath'], 'r');
print fgets($f, 1024);
I have seen functions such as
But I am not sure if they will work.
What is the best way to solve this problem?
Chunking files is the fastest / simplest method in PHP, if you can't or don't want to make use of something a bit more professional like cURL, mod-xsendfile on Apache or some dedicated script.
$filename = $filePath.$filename;
$chunksize = 5 * (1024 * 1024); //5 MB (= 5 242 880 bytes) per one chunk of file.
$size = intval(sprintf("%u", filesize($filename)));
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Content-Length: '.$size);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.basename($filename).'"');
if($size > $chunksize)
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
while (!feof($handle))
print(#fread($handle, $chunksize));
else readfile($path);
else echo 'File "'.$filename.'" does not exist!';
Ported from / NeedBee. Tested on 200 MB files, on which readfile() died, even with maximum allowed memory limit set to 1G, that is five times more than downloaded file size.
BTW: I tested this also on files >2GB, but PHP only managed to write first 2GB of file and then broke the connection. File-related functions (fopen, fread, fseek) uses INT, so you ultimately hit the limit of 2GB. Above mentioned solutions (i.e. mod-xsendfile) seems to be the only option in this case.
EDIT: Make yourself 100% that your file is saved in utf-8. If you omit that, downloaded files will be corrupted. This is, because this solutions uses print to push chunk of a file to a browser.
If you are sending truly large files and worried about the impact this will have, you could use the x-sendfile header.
From the SOQ using-xsendfile-with-apache-php, an howto : how-i-php-x-sendfile/
Best solution would be to rely on lighty or apache, but if in PHP, I would use PEAR's HTTP_Download (no need to reinvent the wheel etc.), has some nice features, like:
Basic throttling mechanism
Ranges (partial downloads and resuming)
See intro/usage docs.
We've been using this in a couple of projects and it works quite fine so far:
* Copy a file's content to php://output.
* #param string $filename
* #return void
protected function _output($filename)
$filesize = filesize($filename);
$chunksize = 4096;
if($filesize > $chunksize)
$srcStream = fopen($filename, 'rb');
$dstStream = fopen('php://output', 'wb');
$offset = 0;
while(!feof($srcStream)) {
$offset += stream_copy_to_stream($srcStream, $dstStream, $chunksize, $offset);
// stream_copy_to_stream behaves() strange when filesize > chunksize.
// Seems to never hit the EOF.
// On the other handside file_get_contents() is not scalable.
// Therefore we only use file_get_contents() on small files.
echo file_get_contents($filename);
For downloading files the easiest way I can think of would be to put the file in a temporary location and give them a unique URL that they can download via regular HTTP.
As part generating these links you could also remove files that were more than X hours old.
Create a symbolic link to the actual file and make the download link point at the symbolic link. Then, when the user clicks on the DL link, they'll get a file download from the real file but named from the symbolic link. It takes milliseconds to create the symbolic link and is better than trying to copy the file to a new name and download from there.
For example:
// validation code here
$realFile = "";
$id = "UserID1234";
if ($_COOKIE['authvalid'] == "true") {
$newFile = sprintf("", $id); //creates:
system(sprintf('ln -s %s %s', $realFile, $newFile), $retval);
if ($retval != 0) {
die("Error getting download file.");
$dlLink = "/downloads/hiddenfiles/".$newFile;
// rest of code
<a href="<?php echo $dlLink; ?>Download File</a>
That's what I did because Go Daddy kills the script from running after 2 minutes 30 seconds or so....this prevents that problem and hides the actual file.
You can then setup a CRON job to delete the symbolic links at regular intervals....
This whole process will then send the file to the browser and it doesn't matter how long it runs since it's not a script.
When I have done this in the past I've used this:
set_time_limit(0); //Set the execution time to infinite.
header('Content-Type: application/exe'); //This was for a LARGE exe (680MB) so the content type was application/exe
readfile($fileName); //readfile will stream the file.
These 3 lines of code will do all the work of the download readfile() will stream the entire file specified to the client, and be sure to set an infinite time limit else you may be running out of time before the file is finished streaming.
If you are using lighttpd as a webserver, an alternative for secure downloads would be to use ModSecDownload. It needs server configuration but you'll let the webserver handle the download itself instead of the PHP script.
Generating the download URL would look like that (taken from the documentation) and it could of course be only generated for authorized users:
$secret = "verysecret";
$uri_prefix = "/dl/";
# filename
# please note file name starts with "/"
$f = "/secret-file.txt";
# current timestamp
$t = time();
$t_hex = sprintf("%08x", $t);
$m = md5($secret.$f.$t_hex);
# generate link
$uri_prefix, $m, $t_hex, $f, $f);
Of course, depending on the size of the files, using readfile() such as proposed by Unkwntech is excellent. And using xsendfile as proposed by garrow is another good idea also supported by Apache.
header('Content-Type: application/zip'); // ZIP file
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
I'm not sure this is a good idea for large files. If the thread for your download script runs until the user has finished the download, and you're running something like Apache, just 50 or more concurrent downloads could crash your server, because Apache isn't designed to run large numbers of long-running threads at the same time. Of course I might be wrong, if the apache thread somehow terminates and the download sits in a buffer somewhere whilst the download progresses.
I have used the following snippet found in the comments of the php manual entry for readfile:
function _readfileChunked($filename, $retbytes=true) {
$chunksize = 1*(1024*1024); // how many bytes per chunk
$buffer = '';
$cnt =0;
// $handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fread($handle, $chunksize);
echo $buffer;
if ($retbytes) {
$cnt += strlen($buffer);
$status = fclose($handle);
if ($retbytes && $status) {
return $cnt; // return num. bytes delivered like readfile() does.
return $status;
I have had same problem,
my problem solved by adding this before starting session
This is tested on files of a size 200+ MB on a server that has 256MB memory limit.
header('Content-Type: application/zip');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file_name\"");
$file = #fopen($filePath, "rb");
while(!feof($file)) {
print(#fread($file, 1024*8));
