how to run a batch file in php under xampp on windows - php

I'm trying to write a little php to update an svn repo on a server running xampplite under windows. (This is a development server, not a production one.)
Here's my php:
// I also tried exec() & putting the svn command in directly
update.bat is sitting in the same folder as the php script
Here's the content of update.bat:
svn up c:\path\to\my\repo
When I run the batch file by itself, it works. When I run it via php, I get this printed to the browser:
C:\path\to\script\folder>svn up c:\path\to\my\repo
which looks good, but the project isn't updated.

Adding the username and password to the batch made the difference. Here's the new update.bat:
svn up --username <usr> --password <pwd> c:\path\to\the\repo

Try this tip on

The other option is to manually compile the php svn extension (there's no Windows DLL), but you also need the svn libraries first.


Running wp-cli commands through SSH with phpseclib

I am automating installing multiple WordPress blogs on a server. Basically, I need to run multiple wp-cli commands.
Using phpseclib and doing exec(), doesn't work...
When I do something like:
$ssh->exec('wp core download');
I will just get:
/usr/bin/env: php: No such file or directory
Even though I can run it fine, in a normal ssh session...
If I try and $ssh->write the command out and do '\n' it doesn't seem to do anything. Even if I just try to do a simple command like: touch foo.txt
Although that test "touch" command will work with exec...
The system is Ubuntu 14.04...
Any ideas?
I have to connect via SSH from PHP to do this for multiple domains on a server, as new customers come on.
The path to PHP probably needs to be defined. When you SH in with the regular SSH client it's probably running any number of Bash initialization files.
In light of this I have two thoughts.
Try to use a PTY. eg.
echo $ssh->read();
More info:
Are you doing $ssh->read('[prompt]'); after doing the write("command\n")? You may need to read the stream to get the command to actually be run.

Git pull “permission denied” when using shell_exec in PHP

I'm trying to make a hook on bitbucket, that executes a php file, and this file executes the pull command:
shell_exec('/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git pull');
The pull command works fine on the SSH console, but the PHP returns the error:
Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository
The command --version shows the path to git is right, whoiami returns the same user on both, so I don't know if it is a permission issue.
What can be going wrong?
Edit: An additional issue: the alias I added for git don't work on PHP, only the full path as above. Via terminal it works just fine. Maybe it's the same reason why the key don't work in php.
Edit 2: $PATH is different on both.
When you run this command within a PHP script you are not running the command as yourself:
shell_exec('/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git pull');
The reason it works from the terminal console is you run the command as yourself from the console. But on a web server, you are not the user running the command. Remember: When you run PHP on a web server, it is a an Apache module. Meaning the web server user—which could be www-data, root or even apache on some systems—is running the PHP script which then runs the shell_exec command.
So it would never work as you have it setup. Perhaps you can kludge something together that would allow a key-pair to be used by the web server for these purposes, but that seems like a security risk waiting to happen.

Apache/PHP + LibreOffice

I've installed the LibreOffice RPMS (have tried both 3.5.3 and 3.4.6) on my CentOS machine, and I'm trying to make PHP run a shell script that calls LibreOffice. In the shell script, it runs executes this line:
/opt/libreoffice3.4/program/soffice --headless -convert-to $extension.pdf "$1" -outdir $folder
However, this command will cause the following message to appear:
./ line 8: /opt/libreoffice3.4/program/soffice: Permission denied
The line itself is fine. If I echo it and run it manually in SSH, it works fine. This is most likely because I'm running it as a different user (note: not as the user that installed it, and not as root), with different permissions.
Desperate as I was, I've already tried chmodding the entire libreoffice folder to 777, and tried to make the 'apache' user the owner. No luck there. Would anyone have a clue as to why it's not letting apache run it, and how I can solve this?
As an alternative to running from the command line, have you considered running UNO (the Open/Libre Office alternative to COM) with the PUNO PHP wrapper. That way, you don't need to worry about permissions
See also Universal Network Objects (UNO): there are Python, Java, etc. bridges for use it. There are applications for simplify the use for convertions, see Docvert and JODConverter (jODconverter and pyODconverter).
All of then can be called as web-service or exec by PHP.

Using PHP to write git hooks

I want to use PHP writing git hooks but have some problem.
I use Windows 7 LAMP packet and git bash.
So, if I run the next script (pre-commit hook) through git shell:
it works fine and there is 123 on the screen. But if I use:
git commit
I have the next error:
error: cannot spawn .git/hooks/pre-commit: No such file or directory
So, what the problem is?
I rarely work on Windows systems but it might have something to do with either making sure the pre-commit file is executable by every user (per Phil's comment), or something to do with git invoking a php command.
Looks like this problem may exist elsewhere but not easily reproduceable.
It's janky, but it might work if you create a new file somewhere with a php extension and invoke that file from the pre-commit hook.
C:/WebServers/usr/local/php5/php C:/path/to/123.php
<?php echo 123 ?>

Accessing kd Debugger via php

I work at a small computer shop, and we have to analyze windows minidumps all the time. My idea was to install the Windows Debugging Tools on a windows PC and use apache/PHP as an interface to it. That way I could just set up an HTML upload form that would accept the minidump file, run it through KD, then spit out the output.
It nearly works. I created a special user just for apache so I could assign it write privaleges to C:\symbols, and I use the following code:
$kdScript = "\"\\Program Files\\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\\kd.exe\" -c \"!analyze -v;Q\" -y srv*c:\symbols* -z ";
$kdScript .= $_FILES["myFile"]["tmp_name"];
$output = `$kdScript`;
The problem I'm having is that the symbols are not downloaded as they should be. I've verified apache is running as the user I think it is by calling "whoami" from inside backticks. I've verified that I can run the windows version of wget from within backticks, so I have access to the network. I can file_put_contents() into a new file under C:\symbols, so I have file creation permissions.
Also, I tried having PHP simply output the command to the browser so I could copy and paste it into a terminal. I was able to run a command prompt as my apache user via "runas", paste the command from PHP's output into the prompt, and it worked as expected, downloading all the symbols it needed to C:\symbols. Of course, I had to point it to a dump file NOT in the PHP temp directory, but this shouldn't make a difference.
What could be the problem? Just as a side note, all of this is local on a trusted pc in a company that has a total of 3 employees/owners. Security for this project is irrelavent.
Not sure what your exact problem is, but the symbol server client code is finicky and not very debuggable, it took us lots of tinkering to implement our version of this. You can always direct folks there or use it yourself:
