PHP Architecture: How do I do that? - php

I need some help understanding internal workings of PHP.
Remember, in old days, we used to write TSR (Terminate and stay resident) routines (Pre-windows era)? Once that program is executed, it will stay in memory and can be re-executed by some hot-key (alt- or ctrl- key combination).
I want to use similar concept in web server/applications. Say, I have common_functions.php which consists of common functions (like Generate_City_Combo(), or Check_Permission() or Generate_User_Permission_list() or like) to all the web applications running on that apache/php server.
In all the modules or applications php files, I can write:
require_once(common_functions.php) ;
which will include that common file in all the modules and applications and works fine.
My question is: How does php handle this internally?
Say I have:
Two applications AppOne and AppTwo.
AppOne has two menu options AppOne_Menu_PQR and AppOne_Menu_XYZ
AppTwo has two menu options AppTwo_Menu_ABC and APPTwo_Menu_DEF
All of these four menu items call functions { like Generate_City_Combo(), or Check_Permission() or Generate_User_Permission_list() } from common_functions.php
Now consider following scenarios:
A) User XXX logs in and clicks on AppOne_Menu_PQR from his personalized Dashboard then s/he follows through all the screens and instructions. This is a series of 8-10 page requests (screens) and it is interactive. After this is over, user XXX clicks on AppTwo_Menu_DEF from his personalized Dashboard and again like earlier s/he follows through all the screens and instructions (about 8-10 pages/screens). Then User XXX Logs off.
B) User XXX logs in and does whatever mentioned in scenario A. At the same time, user YYY also logs in (from some other client machine) and does similar things mentioned in scenario A.
For scenario A, it is same session. For Scenario B, there are two different sessions.
Assume that all the menu options call Generate_User_Permission_list() and Generate_Footer() or many menu options call Generate_City_Combo().
So how many times will PHP execute/include common_functions.php per page request? per session? or per PHP startup/shutdown? My understanding is common_functions.php will be executed once EVERY page request/cycle/load/screen, right? Basically once for each and every interaction.
Remember functions like Generate_City_Combo() or Generate_Footer() produces same output or does same thing irrespective of who or when is calling.
I would like to restrict this to once per Application startup and shutdown.
These are just examples. My actual problem is much more complex and involved. In my applications, I would like to call Application_Startup() routines just once which will create ideal environment (like all lookup and reference data structures, Read-Only-Data, Security-Matrix, Menu-options, context sensitive business execution logic etc..). After that all the requests coming to server need not spend any time or resources to create environment but can instantly refer "already-created-environment".
Is this something feasible in PHP? How? Could you point me to someplace or some books which explains internal working of PHP?
Thanks in advance.

PHP processes each HTTP request in a completely separate frame of execution - there is no persistent process running to service them all. (Your webserver is running, but each time it loads a PHP page, a separate instance of the PHP interpreter is invoked.)
If the time it takes for your desired persistent areas to be generated is significant, you may wish to consider caching the output from those scripts on disk and loading the cached version first if it is available (and not out of date).

I would say that you are likely prematurely optimizing, but there is hope.
You very frequently want multiple copies of your compiled code in memory since you want stability per request; you don't want separate requests operating in the same memory space and running the risk of race conditions or data corruption!
That said, there are numerous PHP Accelerators out there that will pre-compile PHP code, greatly speeding up include and require calls.

PHP(in almost all cases) is page oriented. There is no Application_Startup() that will maintain a state across HTTP requests.
You can sometimes emulate this by loading/unloading serialized data from a database or $_SESSION, but there is overhead involved. Also, there are other cases where a memcached server can optimize this as well, but you typically can't use those with you typical virtual hosting services like cPanel.
If I had to build an app like you are talking about I would serialize the users choices into the session, and then save whatever needs to persist between sessions in a database.
There are several ORM modules for PHP like Doctrine which simplify object serialization to a database.

I'm necromancing, here, but with the advent of PThread, it seems like there may be the possibility of a stab in the direction of an actual solution for this, rather than just having to say, in effect, "No, you can't do that with PHP."
A person could basically create their own multi-threaded web server in PHP, just with the CLI tools, the socket_* functions and PThreads. Just listen on port 80, add requests to a request queue, and launch some number of worker threads to process the queue.
The number of workers could be managed based on the request queue length and the operating system's run queue length. Every few seconds, the main thread could pass through a function to manage the size of the worker pool. If the web request queue length was greater than some constant times the operating system's run queue length and the number of workers was less than a configured maximum, it could instantiate another worker thread. If the web request queue length was less than some other (lower) constant times the OS's run queue length and the number of workers was greater than a configured minimum, it could tell one of the worker threads to die when it finishes its current request. The constants and configured values could then be tuned to maximize over all throughput for the server. Something like that.
You'd have to do all your own uri parsing, and you'd have to piece together the HTTP response yourself, etc., but the worker threads could instantiate objects that extend Threaded, or reuse previously instantiated Threaded objects.
Voila - PHP TomCat.


How to process multiple parallel requests from one client to one PHP script

I have a webpage that when users go to it, multiple (10-20) Ajax requests are instantly made to a single PHP script, which depending on the parameters in the request, returns a different report with highly aggregated data.
The problem is that a lot of the reports require heavy SQL calls to get the necessary data, and in some cases, a report can take several seconds to load.
As a result, because one client is sending multiple requests to the same PHP script, you end up seeing the reports slowly load on the page one at a time. In other words, the generating of the reports is not done in parallel, and thus causes the page to take a while to fully load.
Is there any way to get around this in PHP and make it possible for all the requests from a single client to a single PHP script to be processed in parallel so that the page and all its reports can be loaded faster?
Thank you.
As far as I know, it is possible to do multi-threading in PHP.
Have a look at pthreads extension.
What you could do is make the report generation part/function of the script to be executed in parallel. This will make sure that each function is executed in a thread of its own and will retrieve your results much sooner. Also, set the maximum number of concurrent threads <= 10 so that it doesn't become a resource hog.
Here is a basic tutorial to get you started with pthreads.
And a few more examples which could be of help (Notably the SQLWorker example in your case)
Server setup
This is more of a server configuration issue and depends on how PHP is installed on your system: If you use php-fpm you have to increase the pm.max_children option. If you use PHP via (F)CGI you have to configure the webserver itself to use more children.
You also have to make sure that your database server allows that many concurrent processes to run. It won’t do any good if you have enough PHP processes running but half of them have to wait for the database to notice them.
In MySQL, for example, the setting for that is max_connections.
Browser limitations
Another problem you’re facing is that browsers won’t do 10-20 parallel requests to the same hosts. It depends on the browser, but to my knowledge modern browsers will only open 2-6 connections to the same host (domain) simultaneously. So any more requests will just get queued, regardless of server configuration.
If you use MySQL, you could try to merge all your calls into one request and use parallel SQL queries using mysqli::poll().
If that’s not possible you could try calling child processes or forking within your PHP script.
Of course PHP can execute multiple requests in parallel, if it uses a Web Server like Apache or Nginx. PHP dev server is single threaded, but this should ony be used for dev anyway. If you are using php's file sessions however, access to the session is serialized. I.e. only one script can have the session file open at any time. Solution: Fetch information from the session at script start, then close the session.

How to fire off multiple PHP scripts in the background?

this side of PHP is rather new to me.
I am interested in firing off a large number (25-50) separate processes from a parent script. I would like for the parent script to not wait for these other scripts to complete AND I would like for these other scripts to run in parallel.
Each script would run for a specified amount of time calling a webservice.
Can anyone give me some direction with this? I'm not asking for a coded answer specifically, but I just need some guidance.
Much thanks.
It really depends on what you want to achieve. #Julien's forking method could work, but this is not preferable if your web service calls are data intensive. I am not saying that forking is bad on the contrary it works, but with the ammount of different wev services you want to call you should have a way manage things better.
Another thing that you can do is base this on cronjobs. For example if you're calling these webservices for some users in your app create a queue - a DB table that you add records that need to be processed. If you are using Cake use the Cake Shells. Then set up cronjobs that call a the shells that processes these records every now and then. Divide all services is separate queues - at least for those that are very different in logic. This way you will also divide your risk because if there is a failure in one of the web service calls you would not jeopardise all in some way. Have separate logging abilities for each queue which will enable you to quickly track down problems. With consuming web services very often problems are external to your application.

Commercial PHP script, long running processes. daemons vs. cronjobs?

I'm putting together my first commercial PHP application, it's nothing really huge as I'm still eagerly learning PHP :)
Right now I'm still in the conceptual stage of planning my application but I run into one problem all the time, the application is supposed to be self-hosted by my customers, on their own servers and will include some very long running scripts, depending on how much data every customer enters in his application.
Now I think I have two options, either use cronjobs, like for example let one or multiple cronjobs run at a time that every customer can set himself, OR make the whole processing of data as daemons that run in the background...
My question is, since it's a self-hosted application (and every server is different)... is it even recommended to try to write php that starts background processes on a customers server, or is this more something that you can do reliably only on your own server...?
Or should I use cronjobs for these long running processes?
(depending on the amount of data my customers will enter in the application, a process could run 3+ hours)
Is that even a problem that can be solved, reliably, with PHP...? Excuse me if this should be a weird question, I'm really not experienced with PHP daemons and/or long running cronjobs created by php.
So to recap everything:
Commercial self-hosted application, including long running processes, cronjobs or daemons? And is either or maybe both also a reliable solution for a paid application that you can give to your customers with a clear conscience because you know it will work reliable on all kinds of different servers...?
PS: Sorry, I forgot to mention that the application targets only Linux servers, so everything like Debian, Ubuntu etc etc.
Short answer, no, don't go for background process if this will be a client hosted solution. If you go towards the ASP concept (Application Service Provider... not Active Server Pages ;)) then you can do some wacky stuff with background processes and external apps connecting to your sql servers and processing stuff for you.
What i suggest is to create a strong task management backbone and link that to a solid task processing infrastructure. I'll recommend you read an old post i did quite some time ago regarding background processes and a strategy i had adopted to fix long running processes:
Start & Stop PHP Script from Backend Administrative Webpage
Happy reading...
I realize that my old post is far from easy to understand so here goes:
You need 2 models: Job and JobQueue, 2 controller: JobProcessor, XYZProcessor
JobProcessor is called either by a user when a page triggers or using a cronjob as you wish. JobProcessor::process() is the key that starts the whole processing or continues it. It loads the JobQueues and asks the job queues if there is work to do. If there is work to do, it asks the jobqueue to start/continue it's job.
JobQueue Model: Used to queue several JOBS one behind each other and controls what job is currently current by keep some kind of ID and STATE about which job is running.
Job Model: Represents exactly what needs to be done, it contains for example the name of the controller that will process the data, the function to call to process the data and a serialized configuration property that describe what must be done.
XYZController: Is the one that contains the processing method. When the processing method is called, the controller must load everything it needs to memory and then process each individual unit of work as fast as possible.
Call of index.php
Index.php creates a jobprocessor controller
Index.php calls the jobprocessor's process()
JobProcessor::Process() loads all the queues and processes them
For each JobQueue::Process(), the job queue loads it's possible Jobs and detects if one is currently running or not. If none is running, it starts the next one by calling Job::Process();
Job::Process() creates the XYZController that will work the task at hand. For example, my old system had an InvoicingController and a MassmailingController that worked hand in hand.
Job::Process() calls XYZController::Prepare() so that it loads it's information to process. (For example, load a batch of emails to process, load a batch of invoices to create)
Job::Process() calls XYZController::RunWorkUnit() so that it processes a single unit of work (For example, create one invoice, send one email)
Job::Process() asks JobProcessingController::DoIStillHaveTimeToProcess() and if so, continues processing the next element.
Job::Process() runs out of time and calls XYZController::Cleanup() so that all resources are released
JobQueue::Process() ends and returns to JobController
JobController::Process() is about to end? Open a socket, call myself back so i can start another round of processing until i don't have anything to do anymore
Handle the request from the user that start in position #1.
Ultimately, you can instead open a socket each time and ask the processor to do something, or you can queue a CronJob to call your processor. This way your users won't get stuck waiting for the 3/4 work units to complete each time.
Its worth noting that, in addition to running daemons or cron jobs, you can kick off long running processes from a web request (but note that it must run outside of the webserver process group) and of course asynchronous message processing (which is essentially a variant on the batch approach).
All four of these approaches are very different in terms of how they behave, how concurrency and timing are managed. The factors which make them all different are the same ones you omitted from your question - so it's not really possible to answer.
Unfortunately all rely on facilities which are very different between MSWindows and POSIX systems - so although PHP will run on both, if you want to sell your app on both platforms it's going to need 2 versions.
Maybe you should talk to your potential customer base and ask them what they want?

what does threading mean when it comes to programming?

i read somewhere that php has threading ability called pcntl_fork(). but i still dont get what it means? whats its purpose?
software languages have multithreading abilities from what i understand, correct me if im wrong, that its the ability for a parent object to have children of somekind.
From wikipedia: "In computer science, a thread of execution is the smallest unit of processing that can be scheduled by an operating system. It generally results from a fork of a computer program into two or more concurrently running tasks."
Basically, having threads is having the ability to do multiple things within the same running application (or, process space as said by RC).
For example, if you're writing a chat server app in PHP, it would be really nice to "fork" certain tasks so if the server gets hung up processing something like a file transfer or very slow client it can spawn a thread to take care of the file transfer while the main application continues to transfer messages between clients without delay. Last time I'd used PHP, the threading was clunky/not very well supported.
Or, on the client end, while sending said file, it would be a good idea to thread the file transfer, otherwise you wouldn't be able to send messages to the server while sending the file.
It is not a very good metaphor. Think of a thread like a worker or helper that will do work or execute code for you in the background while your program could possibly be doing other tasks such as taking user input.
Threading means you can have more than one line of execution within the same process space. Note that this is different than a multi-process paradigm as processes will not share the same memory space.
This wiki link will do a good job getting you up to speed with threads. Having said that, the function pcntl_fork() in PHP, appears to create a child process which falls inline with the multi-process paradigm.
In layman's terms, since a thread gives you more than one line of execution within a program, it allows you to do more than one thing at the same time. Technically, you're not always doing these things simultaneously as in a single core processor, you're really just time-slicing so it appears you're doing more than one thing at a time.
A pretty straight-forward use of threads is how connections to a web server are handled. If you didn't have multiple threads, your application would listen for a connection on a socket, accept the connection when a client requested a connection, and then would process whatever page the client asked for. This seems well and good until you have a page that takes 5 seconds to load and you have 2 clients connecting at the same time. One of the clients will sit and wait for the server to accept their connection for ~5 seconds, because the 1st client is using the only line of execution to serve the page and it can't do that and accept the 2nd connection.
Now if you have multiple threads, you'll have one thread (i.e. the listener thread) that only accepts connections. As soon as the connection is accepted by the listener thread, he will pass the connection on to another thread. We'll call it the processor thread. Once the connection is passed on to the processor thread, the listener thread will immediately go back to waiting for a new connection. Meanwhile, the processor thread will use it's own execution line to serve the page that takes 5 seconds. In the scenario above, the 2nd client would have it's connection accepted immediately after the 1st client was handed to the 1st processor thread and an additional 2nd processor thread would be created to handle the request from the 2nd client. This would typically allow you to serve both clients the data in a little over 5 seconds while the single-threaded app would take ~10 seconds.
Hope this helps with your understanding of application threading.
Threading mean not to allow sequential behavior inside your code, whatever is your programming language..

load balancing in php

I have a web service running written in PHP-MYSQL. The script involves fetching data from other websites like wikipedia,google etc. The average execution time for a script is 5 secs(Currently running on 1 server). Now I have been asked to scale the system to handle 60requests/second. Which of the approach should I follow.
-Split functionality between servers (I create 1 server to fetch data from wikipedia, another to fetch from google etc and a main server.)
-Split load between servers (I create one main server which round robin the request entirely to its child servers with each child processing one complete request. What about MYSQL database sharing between child servers here?)
I'm not sure what you would really gain by splitting the functionality between servers (option #1). You can use Apache's mod_proxy_balancer to accomplish your second option. It has a few different algorithms to determine which server would be most likely to be able to handle the request.
Apache/PHP should be able to handle multiple requests concurrently by itself. You just need to make sure you have enough memory and configure Apache correctly.
Your script is not a server it's acting as a client when it makes requests to other sites. The rest of the time its merely a component of your server.
Yes, running multiple clients (instances of your script - you don't need more hardware) concurrently will be much faster than running the sequentially, however if you need to fetch the data synchronously with the incoming request to your script, then coordinating the results of the seperate instances will be difficult - instead you might take a look at the curl_multi* functions which allow you to batch up several requests and run them concurrently from a single PHP thread.
Alternately, if you know in advance what the incoming request to your webservice will be, then you should think about implementing scheduling and caching of the fetches so they are already available when the request arrives.
