I have this php code
$jsonArray = array();
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$jsonArray[] = array('id'=>$row['ID'],'client'=>$row['CLIENT']);
echo json_encode($jsonArray);
And this js
function autosearchLoadServers()
var toAppend = "";
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
toAppend += '<option value = \"' + data[i].id + '\">' + data[i].client + '</option>';
The problem is that i get only undefined values. How can this be? The values are in the JSON, i checked using firebug in mozilla so there has to be something with the data variable but i can't understand what. I tried different ways and no results.
Try specifying the datatype in the post call like this:
var toAppend = "";
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
toAppend += '<option value = \"' + data[i].id + '\">' + data[i].client + '</option>';
}, "json");
FYI, I am working on localhost with wampserver, using PHP and AJAX, trying to display the JSON data rows (which are around 1526). and the problem is i am not able to display the rows which are based on the search conditions.
Output of print_r($result_array); in console output as below. here in below pic don't worry for console error this error is becoz of PHP array used in parsing JSON. This output i used to test weather my server PHP file is working correctly or not but it is working correctly.
After that i checked my encoding function, for which output of echo json_encode($result_array); i am getting red console error for some search condition and in other search condition i am able to display results correctly.
For example, below two images
I am not able to figure out what is happening to my code.
File search.php
// send a JSON encoded array to client
$sqlFlag = 0;
function queryDelimiter(){
global $sqlFlag;
if ($sqlFlag == 0){
$sqlFlag = 1;
return ' WHERE ';
return ' AND ';
$selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_main_lead_info";
if(isset($_POST['lead_status']) and strlen(trim($_POST['lead_status'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."LeadStatus = '".$_POST['lead_status']."'";
if(isset($_POST['lead_owner']) and strlen(trim($_POST['lead_owner'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."LeadAddedBy = '".$_POST['lead_owner']."'";
if(isset($_POST['company_name']) and strlen(trim($_POST['company_name'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."Company = '".$_POST['company_name']."'";
if(isset($_POST['tech_area']) and strlen(trim($_POST['tech_area'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."TechArea = '".$_POST['tech_area']."'";
if(isset($_POST['firm_size']) and strlen(trim($_POST['firm_size'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."FirmSize = '".$_POST['firm_size']."'";
if(isset($_POST['firm_type']) and strlen(trim($_POST['firm_type'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."FirmType = '".$_POST['firm_type']."'";
if(isset($_POST['country_name']) and strlen(trim($_POST['country_name'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."Country = '".$_POST['country_name']."'";
if(isset($_POST['state_name']) and strlen(trim($_POST['state_name'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."State = '".$_POST['state_name']."'";
if(isset($_POST['city_name']) and strlen(trim($_POST['city_name'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."City = '".$_POST['city_name']."'";
if(isset($_POST['start_date']) and strlen(trim($_POST['start_date'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."LastContactDate >='".$_POST['start_date']."'";
if(isset($_POST['end_date']) and strlen(trim($_POST['end_date'])) > 0){
$selectSQL .= queryDelimiter()."NextContactDate <= '".$_POST['end_date']."'";
$selectSQL .= " ORDER BY FirstName ASC, LastName ASC, Lead_Id ASC";
$result_array = array();
$result = $conn -> query ($selectSQL);
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
array_push($result_array, $row);
// print_r($result_array);
echo json_encode($result_array);
// $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_main_lead_info as M, tbl_campaign_info as C";
File loadtable.js
// This is script to load table based on filter section
$(document).ready(function() {
// Campaign Submit Info
$('[name="search_submit"]').click(function(e) {
// GET the admin and user id value
var adminvalue = $('#filterformpost').find('[name="adminvalue"]').val();
var useridvalue = $('#filterformpost').find('[name="useridvalue"]').val();
var lead_owner = $('#filterformpost').find('#lead_owner_select option:selected').val();
var lead_status = $('#filterformpost').find('#lead_status_select option:selected').val();
var company_name = $('#filterformpost').find('#company_name_select option:selected').val();
var tech_area = $('#filterformpost').find('#tech_area_select option:selected').val();
var firm_size = $('#filterformpost').find('#firm_size_select option:selected').val();
var firm_type = $('#filterformpost').find('#firm_type_select option:selected').val();
var country_name = $('#filterformpost').find('#country_name_select option:selected').val();
var city_name = $('#filterformpost').find('#city_name_select option:selected').val();
var state_name = $('#filterformpost').find('#state_name_select option:selected').val();
var start_date = $('#filterformpost').find('#start_date_search').val();
var end_date = $('#filterformpost').find('#end_date_search').val();
// console.log('adminvalue: '+adminvalue)
// console.log('useridvalue: '+useridvalue)
// console.log('lead_owner: '+lead_owner)
// console.log('country_name: '+country_name)
// console.log('State: '+state_name)
type: "POST",
url: "./server/search.php",
data: {
"lead_owner": lead_owner,
"lead_status": lead_status,
"company_name": company_name,
"tech_area": tech_area,
"firm_size": firm_size,
"firm_type": firm_type,
"country_name": country_name,
"city_name": city_name,
"state_name": state_name,
"start_date": start_date,
"end_date": end_date
beforeSend: function() {
'<img src="tenor.gif" width="40" height="40"/>'
// console.log(data)
console.log("Data Length: "+data.length)
if(data.length == 0){
$("#filterRecords").html('No results fetched');
var result = $.parseJSON(data);
// console.log(result)
// Pagination code start
// Pagination code end
$("#pagination").attr('style', 'display:block;');
paginate_json_data(result, adminvalue, useridvalue)
function paginate_json_data(userDetails, adminvalue, useridvalue) {
adminvalue = adminvalue
useridvalue = useridvalue
userDetails = userDetails
var table = '';
table = $("<table></table>");
$('#pagination').html('<div id="nav-numbers" class="col nav"></div>');
$('#number_of_rows').html('<p1>Total number of leads fetched: ' + userDetails.length + '</p1>');
$('#button-prev-next').html('<button class="col PreviousButton" id="PreValue"><i class="ion-skip-backward"></i> Previous</button><button class="col NextButton" id="nextValue">Next <i class="ion-skip-forward"></i></button>');
var max_size = userDetails.length;
var sta = 0;
var elements_per_page = 10;
var limit = elements_per_page;
// #####################################
// #####################################
table.append('<thead><th>#</th><th>Name</th><th>Company</th><th>Website</th><th>Designation</th><th>Email</th><th style="width: 150px;">Phone</th><th>City</th><th>State</th><th>Country</th><th>Lead Status</th></thead>');
table.append('<tbody id="myTable"></tbody>');
goFun_Modified(sta, max_size);
function goFun_Modified(sta, limit) {
for (var i = sta; i < limit; i++) {
var tab = '<tr><td>' + (i+1) + "\n" + '</td><td>' + "<a target='_blank' href=./lead/index.php?lead_id=" + userDetails[i].Lead_Id + " </a>" + userDetails[i].FirstName + ' ' + userDetails[i].LastName + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Company + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Website + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Designation + "\n" + '</td><td>' + "" + userDetails[i].Email + "" + "\n" + '</td><td style="width: 150px;" >' + userDetails[i].Phone + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].City + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].State + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Country + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].LeadStatus + "\n" + '</td></tr>';
} // Function ended
$('#nextValue').click(function() {
// checks if it's the last page
if (currentPage < maxPage) {
} else {
alert("End of page");
$('#PreValue').click(function() {
// checks if it's the first page
if (currentPage > 0) {
} else {
alert("Start of page")
var number = Math.round(userDetails.length / elements_per_page);
for (i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
$('.nav').append('<button class="nav-numbers btn" id=' + i + '>' + (i+1) + '</button>');
$('.nav button').click(function() {
var start = $(this).text()-1;
// $(this).css({"background-color": "#e67e22", "color": "#ffffff"});
limit = 10 * (parseInt(start) + 1) > max_size ? max_size : 10 * (parseInt(start) + 1)
goFun_Modified(start * 10, limit);
let $self = $(this);
// gets index of button relative to it's siblings
// https://api.jquery.com/index/
currentPage = $self.index();
// saves all the paging buttons for reusing, instead of calling $() every time
let $pagingBtn = $('#nav-numbers .btn');
let maxPage = $pagingBtn.length - 1;
let currentPage = 0;
$('.nav button')[0].click()
// #####################################
// #####################################
// #####################################
// #####################################
table.append('<thead><th>#</th><th>Name</th><th>Company</th><th>Website</th><th>Designation</th><th>Email</th><th>Phone</th><th>City</th><th>State</th><th>Country</th><th>Lead Status</th></thead>');
table.append('<tbody id="myTable"></tbody>');
goFun(sta, limit);
function goFun(sta, limit) {
for (var i = sta; i < limit; i++) {
var tab = '<tr><td>' + (i+1) + "\n" + '</td><td>' + "<a target='_blank' href=./lead/index.php?lead_id=" + userDetails[i].Lead_Id + " </a>" + userDetails[i].FirstName + ' ' + userDetails[i].LastName + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Company + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Website + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Designation + "\n" + '</td><td>' + "" + userDetails[i].Email + "" + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Phone + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].City + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].State + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].Country + "\n" + '</td><td>' + userDetails[i].LeadStatus + "\n" + '</td></tr>';
$('#nextValue').click(function() {
var next = limit;
if (max_size >= next) {
def = limit + elements_per_page;
limit = def
if (limit > max_size) {
def = max_size;
goFun(next, def);
// checks if it's the last page
if (currentPage < maxPage) {
} else {
alert("End of page");
$('#PreValue').click(function() {
var pre = limit - (2 * elements_per_page);
if (pre >= 0) {
limit = limit - elements_per_page;
goFun(pre, limit);
// checks if it's the first page
if (currentPage > 0) {
} else {
alert("Start of page")
var number = Math.round(userDetails.length / elements_per_page);
for (i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
$('.nav').append('<button class="nav-numbers btn" id=' + i + '>' + (i+1) + '</button>');
if(i == number){
$('.nav button').click(function() {
var start = $(this).text()-1;
limit = 10 * (parseInt(start) + 1) > max_size ? max_size : 10 * (parseInt(start) + 1)
goFun(start * 10, limit);
let $self = $(this);
// gets index of button relative to it's siblings
// https://api.jquery.com/index/
currentPage = $self.index();
// saves all the paging buttons for reusing, instead of calling $() every time
let $pagingBtn = $('#nav-numbers .btn');
let maxPage = $pagingBtn.length - 1;
let currentPage = 0;
$('.nav button')[0].click()
// #####################################
// #####################################
Try add content-type specs to http header:
header("Content-Type: application/json");
and set UNICODE feature in json_encode:
echo json_encode($result_array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
In my dynamic dropdown list, how would I change the option value ='" + data[i].toLowerCase() + to be a value of different column from database table? My PHP is returning two jsonencode values, "ID" and "Outcome." JSQuery works when it is just "Outcome" return but not when both "ID" and "Outcome." I have tried.
options += '"<option value ="+ value[i] + "'>" + data[i] + "</option>";
Below is my code.
$(document).ready(function () {
$.getJSON("getOutcome.php", success = function(data, value)
var options = "";
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
options += '"<option value ="+ value[i] + "'>" + data[i] + "</option>";
$("#slctOutcome").change(); //<-Here
$.getJSON("getProxies.php?outcome=" + $(this).val(), success = function(data)
var options = "";
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
options += "<option value ='" + data[i].toLowerCase() + "'>" + data[i] + "</option>";
You have to return in your values from php in json array so you can use it like data[i].id and data[i].outcome, Or you can use $ajax instead of $getJSON and you use the succes function to display result.
The below is the json result I got in the console. But, appending it to my dropdown, shows only Physics,Chemistry and test subject. How to get Biology also.
{"id":"9","subject_name":"test subject"}
Below is my ajax code
type: 'POST',
// url:'<?php echo base_url()."SchoolAdmin/delete_electricUsage";?>',
url: '<?php echo base_url('SchoolAdmin/getclass_id'); ?>',
data: { class_std : class_std},
success: function (result) {
var listItems= "";
listItems+= "<option value='" + 'select' + "'>" +'Select' + "</option>";
for (var i = 0; i < result[0].length; i++){
listItems+= "<option value='" + result[0][i].id+ "'>" + result[0][i].subject_name + "</option>";
Below is my controller function,
public function getclass_id()
$school_id = $this->session->userdata('school_id');
$sess_id = $this->session->userdata('userid');
$user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
foreach ($cid as $r)
echo json_encode($data);
Here is my model,
public function getclass_id($class_id,$school_id)
return $this->db->select('id')->from('class_table')->where('standard',$class_id)->where('school_id',$school_id)->
//echo $this->db->last_query();
public function getSubject($cid,$school_id)
return $this->db->select('id,subject_name')->
Your result is an array of arrays. You need to loop everything!
Biology is in result[1], but you're only looping result[0]
You could do it manually, like this:
for (var i = 0; i < result[0].length; i++){
listItems+= "<option value='" + result[0][i].id+ "'>" + result[0][i].subject_name + "</option>";
for (var i = 0; i < result[1].length; i++){
listItems+= "<option value='" + result[1][i].id+ "'>" + result[1][i].subject_name + "</option>";
Or, in one go:
for (var j = 0; j < result.length; j++){
// loops through all result arrays;
for (var i = 0; i < result[j].length; i++){
// loops the `j`th result for entries;
listItems+= "<option value='" + result[j][i].id+ "'>" + result[j][i].subject_name + "</option>";
this is my code to show values in list box.
type: "POST",
data: queryvalue,
url: "inputaction.php",
success: function (data) {
switch (action) {
case "GetMake":
var select = $("#promake");
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
select.append('<option value="' + data[i].id + '">' + data[i].make + '</option>');
i get the result of lot of undefined values in select field. and i have attached an console result in image file, in console output is correct how to rectify this problem.
Console Output
Page Output
$type = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['type']);
$make = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST['make']);
$query = "select * from assetmodel where typeid = '".$type."' AND makeid = '".$make."' ORDER by model ASC";
$result = RunQuery($query, $conn);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
$re = array(
'id' => $row['id'],
'model' => $row['model']
echo json_encode($re);
this is my action page
You have to use "JSON.parse":
var select = $("#promake");
var parse = JSON.parse(json);
for (var i = 0; i < parse.length; i++)
select.append('<option value="' + parse[i].id + '">' + parse[i].make + '</option>');
decode the json in success
success: function (data) {
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
switch (action) {
case "GetMake":
var select = $("#promake");
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
select.append('<option value="' + data[i].id + '">' + data[i].make + '</option>');
You have to specify the dataType as json
type: "POST",
data: queryvalue,
url: "inputaction.php",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
switch (action) {
and set the MIME type of your response to application/json before sending the data:
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($re);
Simple fix in client-side is as below. Just a condition check inside your loop.
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
if (typeof data[i].id != "undefined" && typeof data[i].make != "undefined" ) {
select.append('<option value="' + data[i].id + '">' + data[i].make + '</option>');
If you want to have clean data from DB itself, you have to repair your query. That will eliminate the root cause.
Right Im using php to generate a json file
header('Content-type: application/json');
include 'includes/db/connect.php';
$category = $_REQUEST['catname'];
$sql = "SELECT `CDID`, `CDTitle`, `CDYear`, `pubID`, `CDPrice` FROM `tiptop_cd` INNER JOIN tiptop_category ON tiptop_cd.catID=tiptop_category.catID WHERE catDesc = '{$category}'";
$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
$returned[] = $row;
echo json_encode($returned);
and I want my php page to use a select box that gets the categories from the database
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM tiptop_category");
// echo "<table>";
echo "<select id=\"catname\">";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
<option name="<?=$row['catDesc']?>"><?=$row['catDesc']?></option>
echo "</select>";
now im trying to use this ajax to output my data
<script type="text/javascript">
var catname = "Classical";
type: "GET",
url: "./json.php?catname=" + catname,
accepts: "json",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data, status, jqXHR){
error: function(jqXHR, status, HTTPerror){
function someFunction(data){
var list = "<ul>";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
list += "<li><ul>";
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
list += "<li>" + data[i][j] + "</li>";
list += "</ul></li>";
list += "</ul>";
<div id="wrapper">
but all i get is an empty bulleted list
From how the db query looks like, you should get a list of associative arrays, which are encoded as objects:
var list = "<ul>";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
list += "<li><ul>";
for(var key in data[i])
list += "<li>" + data[i][key] + "</li>";
list += "</ul></li>";
list += "</ul>";