So ....
There are obviously many questions that all have been asked about Singletons, Global State Variables, and all that great stuff. My question is,
If Singletons and Globals are So Bad, Why are they used so often?
The following examples are simply ones off the top of my head that I believe are used by a good chunk of people.
I give you a function from CodeIgniter that uses a psuedo-singleton function:
(system\codeigniter\Common.php Line 89)
* Class registry
* This function acts as a singleton. If the requested class does not
* exist it is instantiated and set to a static variable. If it has
* previously been instantiated the variable is returned.
* ......
function &load_class($class, $instantiate = TRUE)
static $objects = array();
// Does the class exist? If so, we're done...
if (isset($objects[$class]))
return $objects[$class];
By placing every object into a single registry, you can't use their load_class function to create multiple instances of anything. This is especially inconvenient when you want to use classes as data structures.
Also, because there is only one instance of all those classes, it leads into the argument against Global State. Which leads me to .....
The entire Wordpress System, which runs mainly on global variables. All of the data for looping through posts is strewn about in various globals.
(wp-includes\query.php Line 2644)
* Setup global post data.
function setup_postdata($post) {
global $id, $authordata, $day, $currentmonth, $page, $pages, $multipage, $more, $numpages;
$id = (int) $post->ID;
$authordata = get_userdata($post->post_author);
These are just two main examples of Frameworks that use Singleton/Globals as the basis for their entire system!
So .. is it just because these systems haven't caught up to OOP methodology? It just doesn't make sense when you have so many people telling you not to use Global Variables or Singletons, to make your entire system based on said practices.
There of course is the argument about backwards-compatibility with PHP4. I still think that there were ways to do OOP programming in PHP4, as classes were still available.
Because it's relatively easy to work with singletons, and working without takes much more detailed planning of your application's structure. I asked a question about alternatives some time ago, and got interesting answers.
People discourage the use of global variables because it increases the likeliness of bugs. It's so much easier to make a mistake somewhere if every function in your program accesses the same global variables, and it's much harder to debug. It's also much harder to test for.
I imagine they're still used so often because programmers are lazy. We don't want to spend time up-front making the code all organized and pretty, we just want to get the job done. It's so much easier to just write a global function/variable/whatever than to modularize it, and once you've started down that path it's too much of a pain to go back and refactor. Maybe that's the reason: They started out that way and simply never turned back.
Probably because of the Design Patterns book by the GoF. It's become too pervasive and people treat it as infallible.
Reasons in PHP4-based apps like WP or CI are partially due to PHP4's worse support of OOP constructs.
Globals and singletons are also simple: It requires much less thinking to slap something in a global than building it with proper OOP practices. It's simpler to access them too, just point the code at the name and that's it instead of needing to pass the object in from somewhere else.
One negative side effect of global state (global variables, singletons, etc.) is that it makes things much more difficult to unit test.
ps: In my experience wordpress in general has a pretty poor quality of code. I would not use it as a metric of anything...
If Singletons and Globals are So Bad,
Why are they used so often?
I think the gist of it is that Singletons make things easy. At least at first sight. I don't have enough experience with the matter to say anything more useful, however I found the following a good read:
Singleton Considered Stupid (Steve Yegge)
Global variables and singletons are popular because they are simple and convenient.
Dependency injection, the only reasonably convenient replacement for global things, is still rather unknown in the PHP-community.
The PHP-community often prefers simple hacks over proper solutions.
Many PHP-developers are quite clueless about programming and know barely enough to make their programs work.
In the process of cleaning a Singleton would represent hiding the dirt in the dark corner instead of cleaning.
It's so widely used because it does it's job of hiding problems very well.
It's a good thing for those who are to clean, but don't want to.
It's a bad thing for those who are up to actually clean something.
Consider Dependency Injection
if a Singleton is causing a problem you can't hide anymore.
I'm trying to find out why the use of global is considered to be bad practice in python (and in programming in general). Can somebody explain? Links with more info would also be appreciated.
This has nothing to do with Python; global variables are bad in any programming language.
However, global constants are not conceptually the same as global variables; global constants are perfectly harmless. In Python the distinction between the two is purely by convention: CONSTANTS_ARE_CAPITALIZED and globals_are_not.
The reason global variables are bad is that they enable functions to have hidden (non-obvious, surprising, hard to detect, hard to diagnose) side effects, leading to an increase in complexity, potentially leading to Spaghetti code.
However, sane use of global state is acceptable (as is local state and mutability) even in functional programming, either for algorithm optimization, reduced complexity, caching and memoization, or the practicality of porting structures originating in a predominantly imperative codebase.
All in all, your question can be answered in many ways, so your best bet is to just google "why are global variables bad". Some examples:
Global Variables Are Bad - Wiki Wiki Web
Why is Global State so Evil? - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Are global variables bad?
If you want to go deeper and find out why side effects are all about, and many other enlightening things, you should learn Functional Programming:
Side effect (computer science) - Wikipedia
Why are side-effects considered evil in functional programming? - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Functional programming - Wikipedia
Yes, in theory, globals (and "state" in general) are evil. In practice, if you look into your python's packages directory you'll find that most modules there start with a bunch of global declarations. Obviously, people have no problem with them.
Specifically to python, globals' visibility is limited to a module, therefore there are no "true" globals that affect the whole program - that makes them a way less harmful. Another point: there are no const, so when you need a constant you have to use a global.
In my practice, if I happen to modify a global in a function, I always declare it with global, even if there technically no need for that, as in:
cache = {}
def foo(args):
global cache
cache[args] = ...
This makes globals' manipulations easier to track down.
A personal opinion on the topic is that having global variables being used in a function logic means that some other code can alter the logic and the expected output of that function which will make debugging very hard (especially in big projects) and will make testing harder as well.
Furthermore, if you consider other people reading your code (open-source community, colleagues etc) they will have a hard time trying to understand where the global variable is being set, where has been changed and what to expect from this global variable as opposed to an isolated function that its functionality can be determined by reading the function definition itself.
(Probably) Violating Pure Function definition
I believe that a clean and (nearly) bug-free code should have functions that are as pure as possible (see pure functions). A pure function is the one that has the following conditions:
The function always evaluates the same result value given the same argument value(s). The function result value cannot depend on any hidden information or state that may change while program execution proceeds or between different executions of the program, nor can it depend on any external input from I/O devices (usually—see below).
Evaluation of the result does not cause any semantically observable side effect or output, such as mutation of mutable objects or output to I/O devices.
Having global variables is violating at least one of the above if not both as an external code can probably cause unexpected results.
Another clear definition of pure functions: "Pure function is a function that takes all of its inputs as explicit arguments and produces all of its outputs as explicit results." [1]. Having global variables violates the idea of pure functions since an input and maybe one of the outputs (the global variable) is not explicitly being given or returned.
(Probably) Violating Unit testing F.I.R.S.T principle
Further on that, if you consider unit-testing and the F.I.R.S.T principle (Fast tests, Independent tests, Repeatable, Self-Validating and Timely) will probably violate the Independent tests principle (which means that tests don't depend on each other).
Having a global variable (not always) but in most of the cases (at least of what I have seen so far) is to prepare and pass results to other functions. This violates this principle as well. If the global variable has been used in that way (i.e the global variable used in function X has to be set in a function Y first) it means that to unit test function X you have to run test/run function Y first.
Globals as constants
On the other hand and as other people have already mentioned, if the global variable is used as a "constant" variable can be slightly better since the language does not support constants. However, I always prefer working with classes and having the "constants" as a class member and not use a global variable at all. If you have a code that two different classes require to share a global variable then you probably need to refactor your solution and make your classes independent.
I don't believe that globals shouldn't be used. But if they are used the authors should consider some principles (the ones mentioned above perhaps and other software engineering principles and good practices) for a cleaner and nearly bug-free code.
They are essential, the screen being a good example. However, in a multithreaded environment or with many developers involved, in practice often the question arises: who did (erraneously) set or clear it? Depending on the architecture, analysis can be costly and be required often. While reading the global var can be ok, writing to it must be controlled, for example by a single thread or threadsafe class. Hence, global vars arise the fear of high development costs possible by the consequences for which themselves are considered evil. Therefore in general, it's good practice to keep the number of global vars low.
When working with web based applications, usually query results (or the results of complex calculations that require substantial computing power) that don't change frequently would be cached in memory, or in a file based data store.
When these results are likely to change for every request, but are consumed by a number of classes in your application, what would be the best way to go about caching this information for the duration of your request while keeping things SOLID?
The most straight forward solution I see, and what I'm implementing right now, is for every such instance checking if the result has already been calculated/retrieved, and if not, calculating it and storing it in a variable.
public function getSomething()
if( ! isset($this->something) )
$this->something = $this->calculateSomething();
return $this->something;
The problems I see with this approach are as follows:
I have to make sure that everywhere I require "something", I have access to the same object instance (or I could use static variables which would be even worse). This can be achieved by using dependency injection and making sure that every time I request an instance from that class, the same one is returned, but somehow I can't help but feel I am applying an okay solution to the wrong problem. Eventually my app will be filled with specific instance dependencies. I'm not even really sure if this is a bad thing or not, feel free to correct me.
My classes will be filled with these if statements that are all essentially doing the same thing. (checking if a variable has been set, and if not, setting it, and then return said variable.) Yikes!
I have spent the night looking for a better solution, but could not come up with anything but caching results for one request only (using the decorator pattern to keep my classes clean), which also felt wrong.
What would be an elegant way to solve this common problem and is there a known design pattern that I could implement to do so?
I seem to have found the answer to my own question.
The technique (or pattern, if you want to call it that) is called memoization.
This article by Edd Mann provides a good practical example on how one could implement it:
The code in this example is procedural but can easily be adapted for use in an object oriented environment.
All in all this is a pretty simple technique that could boost performance quite a bit in certain scenarios. I'm certainly glad I now have a word I can use when trying to explain this to someone else! :-)
I'm fairly new to OOP in PHP, I've made a couple of basic scripts but nothing impressive. All I've really taken from it is that it would probably be easier just make a collection of functions and include them.
The structure of classes seems to just confuse what was otherwise a simple process. And in collating everything into a class it doesn't really add any functionality.
So I'm clearly missing something. Could someone explain what functionality is added by creating classes
Classes are a notion of object-oriented design (and programming and analysis, respectively), where they are used to encapsulate data and methods.
Other object-oriented programming techniques may include features such as
information hiding,
data abstraction,
polymorphism and
From an article .. top-15-best-practices-for-writing-super-readable-code:
Object oriented programming can help you create well structured code. But that does not mean you need to abandon procedural programming completely. Actually creating a mix of both styles can be good.
In the real world, you'll often find many individual objects all of the same kind. There may be thousands of other bicycles in existence, all of the same make and model. Each bicycle was built from the same set of blueprints and therefore contains the same components. In object-oriented terms, we say that your bicycle is an instance of the class of objects known as bicycles. A class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created.
Finally, a short youtube video about the differences between the procedural and object-oriented programming paradigm ...
While it may at first look simpler to just use a set of functions and include them, classes have their strong points. Classes can store variables and those variables are there "later."
Here's an edited example from
$item_name = 'Widget 22';
$item_price = 4.90;
$item_qty = 2;
$item_total = ($item_price * $item_qty);
echo "You ordered $item_qty $item_name # \$$item_price for a total of: \$$item_total.";
class Item {
protected $name, $price, $qty, $total;
function __construct($name, $price) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->price = $price;
function calculate($qty) {
$this->total = number_format(($this->price * $qty), 2);
public function __toString() {
return "You ordered ($this->qty) '$this->name'" . ($this->qty == 1 ? "" : "s") .
" at \$$this->price, for a total of: \$$this->total.";
$widget22 = new Item("Widget 22", 4.90);
echo $widget22;
Another huge benefit is that you can make more of them. Say you want to calculate the price of another item and print it. Instead of having to duplicate all the fancy logic, you can just call new Item and be done.
A big advantage to OOP is code reuse. An example: Say you design a generic "Socket" class, which communicates with a server at a very low level. Then, I may come along and decide that I want to write an FTP class, which allows a user to download files while connected to an FTP server. I can "subclass" your Socket class and extend its functionality to support FTP, without rewriting your code.
Now, say John wants to write an HTTP class, to interact with HTTP servers. He, too, can subclass your Socket class to accomplish this, without rewriting the low level socket code.
Notice how in this example there was no duplication of socket code; both me and John shared it. Code duplication is bad because if there is an error in the duplicated code, the exact same bug may occur somewhere else in your code and you may not realize it.
More detailed information about classes can be found on Wikipedia.
Classes are a way to organize programs. Classes can be used to represent entities in the real world, or artifacts in our programming world, reducing the complexity of programs by allowing us to reason about them in terms of a higher granularity.
It is well-known in psychology that experts organize knowledge into "chunks" to allow them to reason more easily and quickly about their domain. Classes allow us to reason more easily and quickly about our programs.
In addition, classes allow us to group together the knowledge about an entity together with the methods/procedures/functions/operations that are naturally associated with that entity. Again, this provides a natural way to organize the information in our programs.
There are other advantages of classes, such as inheritance, but primarily classes are a cognitive way of organizing program structure to reduce the complexity.
Just a coupl months back I was posting similar questions about classes, I have been using PHP for a few years now and I really didn't see a need to use classes, they just complicated a simple process like you said, well I finally decided to jump in on the Class train and I am still learning but I am comfortable using them now and WOW I have a completely opposite way of thinking about them now, I think they are the best feature in PHP now!
I will admit they can be overkill for a small application but a large social network site like mine is far from small, it has hundreds of files and now that I am converting over to classes it is structured much better now and easiar to build, update, manage my code and other users could come in and understand my whole site a lot better now that it uses classes. Another great feature is you can break up all those functions you might have into seperate class files and use autoload() function to auto load the correct file only when the class is needed, this is great on a big project too. Classes make things more plug in play.
All I can say is it's kind of one of those things you need to dive into to see the REAL benefits of it.
I have thought exactly the same thing.
I have read a few books on OO-PHP, my favorite being PHP In Action.
Although when I read the books I thought "Hey, this is very useful and interesting information.", I have yet to use a significant amount of OO-PHP.
Simple needs like getting info from the server and JSON-ing it back really dont need OOP. Im sure it is "Best Practice", but for many people's needs it isn't practical. A few classes, like database connection, and similar data handling can be real time savers, but PHP is sometimes easier and quicker to be used only partially OO.
It would definitely be easy to code in procedural programming (that's what your simple process is called) if your website is small. But as your website grow, you will definitely need to sort things.
For example, you will need classes to act as templates for entities to the database. You might need classes to represent each page, and in a single file you might create multiple pages. Thus these are all advantages of OOP.
In another example you have like 40 over functions. You would want to group them together. Putting them in a class as static methods would definitely help. It'll clean things up so that in future when you come back to the same code, everything looks familiar to you.
I always thought the same thing until I started using classes--realizing that it is so much simpler and better.
You should create those functions that you're mentioning, but gather them all within a class. The functions can then within a class share the same variables, and therefore making it simpler when having to use the same functions multiple times.
The best example I can come up with now is connecting to a database.
Instead of having individual functions that connect, sends a query, fetching the results and closing the connection you could wrap all these functions within a class. This would allow you to communicate to the database multiple times using the same functions, without having to make loads of variables tailored for the specific use on the page.
If you're just writing procedural-style functions then slapping them together into a class you're not going to get many of the benefits of OOP. I think that the Open Closed Principle and the Dependency Inversion Principle describe some of the biggest benefits of OOP, which you wont get unless you intentionally design them into your code.
OOP isn't perfectly suited to everything, though. I think procedural programming is well suited to web development. It involves converting a (fairly) simple request into a bunch of HTML, which is a highly procedural task. If it's simpler to include a few functions, there's no point trying to shove an OOP shaped block into a procedurally shaped hole. However, I imagine that OOP would be the better option if the website was very complex.
All of the above poster have really good points. I would highly recommend the following books:
The OO Thought Process:
PHP5 Objects, Patterns & Practice:
OO Design Heuristics:
To manage complexity.
Edit: Maybe I shopuld elaborate a bit more.
Programs are complex entities and many ways have been proposed historically to tame their complexity.
Procedural programming, functions, structured programming, abstract data types and object-oriented programming are just models to help programmers manage the mental effort that is required to understand a program.
Object programming will not solve everything, and certainly for a small script it is overkill, but it works great for big applications or systems.
My original answer tries to summarize the full content of the humongous Code Complete book: do your best to manage complexity and make your programs understandable for you and your successors. It's great if you think that object programming will help you in this task, but it's even better that you question its convenience and try to find better ways.
In PHP, classes can, at the very least, save you a bunch of include statements. The lazy loading of the __autoload() function is very handy. Also, you can be confident that function names in different includes won't conflict.
To go beyond that, you can start to think of creating an API around a class. Functions which are needed only by other functions within the class can be marked private. And eventually, you should be able to ignore the actual code in your classes, and just think of them as API calls.
If I call Do::stuff($a, $b) I get this response.
And that's all you need to know. You can forget how it works "under the hood" inside the class.
And then, of course, there's classes with non-static functions. These can do various interesting things that normal functions can't.
This question already has answers here:
Stop using `global` in PHP
(6 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
function foo () {
global $var;
// rest of code
In my small PHP projects I usually go the procedural way. I generally have a variable that contains the system configuration, and when I nead to access this variable in a function, I do global $var;.
Is this bad practice?
When people talk about global variables in other languages it means something different to what it does in PHP. That's because variables aren't really global in PHP. The scope of a typical PHP program is one HTTP request. Session variables actually have a wider scope than PHP "global" variables because they typically encompass many HTTP requests.
Often (always?) you can call member functions in methods like preg_replace_callback() like this:
preg_replace_callback('!pattern!', array($obj, 'method'), $str);
See callbacks for more.
The point is that objects have been bolted onto PHP and in some ways lead to some awkwardness.
Don't concern yourself overly with applying standards or constructs from different languages to PHP. Another common pitfall is trying to turn PHP into a pure OOP language by sticking object models on top of everything.
Like anything else, use "global" variables, procedural code, a particular framework and OOP because it makes sense, solves a problem, reduces the amount of code you need to write or makes it more maintainable and easier to understand, not because you think you should.
Global variables if not used carefully can make problems harder to find. Let's say you request a php script and you get a warning saying you're trying to access an index of an array that does not exist in some function.
If the array you're trying to access is local to the function, you check the function to see if you have made a mistake there. It might be a problem with an input to the function so you check the places where the function is called.
But if that array is global, you need to check all the places where you use that global variable, and not only that, you have to figure out in what order those references to the global variable are accessed.
If you have a global variable in a piece of code it makes it difficult to isolate the functionality of that code. Why would you want to isolate functionality? So you can test it and reuse it elsewhere. If you have some code you don't need to test and won't need to reuse then using global variables is fine.
I agree with the accepted answer. I would add two things:
Use a prefix so you can immediately identify it as global (e.g. $g_)
Declare them in one spot, don't go sprinkling them all around the code.
Who can argue against experience, college degrees, and software engineering? Not me. I would only say that in developing object-oriented single page PHP applications, I have more fun when I know I can build the entire thing from scratch without worrying about namespace collisions. Building from scratch is something many people do not do anymore. They have a job, a deadline, a bonus, or a reputation to care about. These types tend to use so much pre-built code with high stakes, that they cannot risk using global variables at all.
It may be bad to use global variables, even if they are only used in the global area of a program, but let's not forget about those who just want to have fun and make something work.
If that means using a few variables (< 10) in the global namespace, that only get used in the global area of a program, so be it. Yes, yes, MVC, dependency injection, external code, blah, blah, blah, blah. But, if you have contained 99.99% of your code into namespaces and classes, and external code is sandboxed, the world will not end (I repeat, the world will not end) if you use a global variable.
Generally, I would not say using global variables is bad practice. I would say that using global variables (flags and such) outside of the global area of a program is asking for trouble and (in the long run) ill-advised because you can lose track of their states rather easily. Also, I would say that the more you learn, the less reliant you will be on global variables because you will have experienced the "joy" of tracking down bugs associated with their use. This alone will incentivize you to find another way to solve the same problem. Coincidentally, this tends to push PHP people in the direction of learning how to use namespaces and classes (static members, etc ...).
The field of computer science is vast. If we scare everyone away from doing something because we label it bad, then they lose out on the fun of truly understanding the reasoning behind the label.
Use global variables if you must, but then see if you can solve the problem without them. Collisions, testing, and debugging mean more when you understand intimately the true nature of the problem, not just a description of the problem.
Reposted from the ended SO Documentation Beta
We can illustrate this problem with the following pseudo-code
function foo() {
global $bob;
Your first question here is an obvious one
Where did $bob come from?
Are you confused? Good. You've just learned why globals are confusing and considered a bad practice. If this were a real program, your next bit of fun is to go track down all instances of $bob and hope you find the right one (this gets worse if $bob is used everywhere). Worse, if someone else goes and defines $bob (or you forgot and reused that variable) your code can break (in the above code example, having the wrong object, or no object at all, would cause a fatal error). Since virtually all PHP programs make use of code like include('file.php'); your job maintaining code like this becomes exponentially harder the more files you add.
How do we avoid Globals?
The best way to avoid globals is a philosophy called Dependency Injection. This is where we pass the tools we need into the function or class.
function foo(\Bar $bob) {
This is much easier to understand and maintain. There's no guessing where $bob was set up because the caller is responsible for knowing that (it's passing us what we need to know). Better still, we can use type declarations to restrict what's being passed. So we know that $bob is either an instance of the Bar class, or an instance of a child of Bar, meaning we know we can use the methods of that class. Combined with a standard autoloader (available since PHP 5.3), we can now go track down where Bar is defined. PHP 7.0 or later includes expanded type declarations, where you can also use scalar types (like int or string).
global $my_global;
$my_global = 'Transport me between functions';
Equals $GLOBALS['my_global']
is bad practice (Like Wordpress $pagenow)... hmmm
Concider this:
$my-global = 'Transport me between functions';
is PHP error But:
$GLOBALS['my-global'] = 'Transport me between functions';
is NOT error, hypens will not clash with "common" user declared variables, like $pagenow. And Using UPPERCASE indicates a superglobal in use, easy to spot in code, or track with find in files
I use hyphens, if Im lazy to build classes of everything for a single solution, like:
$GLOBALS['PREFIX-MY-GLOBAL'] = 'Transport me ... ';
But In cases of a more wider use, I use ONE globals as array:
$GLOBALS['PREFIX-MY-GLOBAL']['context-something'] = 'Transport me ... ';
$GLOBALS['PREFIX-MY-GLOBAL']['context-something-else']['numbers'][] = 'Transport me ... ';
The latter is for me, good practice on "cola light" objectives or use, instead of clutter with singleton classes each time to "cache" some data. Please make a comment if Im wrong or missing something stupid here...
Trying to improve my code's agility and loading time, I thought of doing this,
so that the functions would be required only if the class was instantiated.
class User
public function __construct()
Inside all_user_fns.php will reside all User class's functions.
Is that feasible (maybe in another way)? Does it have any advantages when it comes to speed?
To be honest this will be slower (you're having to do an additional include after all) although meaninglessly so. As such, if speed is really an issue look at one of the opcode caches such as the Alternative PHP Cache (APC)
Somewhat more concerning, it's going to make maintaining the code painful and will quite possibly cause issues when attempting to use visibility keywords such as private/protected/public depending on what IDE you're using.
If those functions exist just to modify and interact with user objects they they should be member functions of that class. That's the point of objects, to encapsulate and organize related functionality.
My guess: Won't have any noticeable impact on speed. Plus it makes your code harder to understand and maintain. I'd steer clear and look for other ways to speed things up.
I'd suggest moving the user functions to the User class itself as methods - it makes more sense and is more easily maintained. If you think maintenance is not an issue, let me know in 6 months and tell me how did that work you for you :)