We write a most of our websites in PHP and use MySQL database connections routinely. We are currently encountering a major performance issue on our dedicated server. When accessing our server it loads webpages very slowly and SSH'ing into the machine takes forever. We have restarted it a few times and after a few minutes that problem appears again.
Our web host (MidPhase) says that it could be related to a DOS attack and that they are going to place our dedicated server on CiscoGuard for 24hrs and check our server logs to verify if that is the case.
I'm concerned that we may have some poorly coded PHP scripts that are being exploited.
How would one check server wide for problems that could be caused by possibly PHP/MySQL injection exploits?
Thank you,
I would check access logs for unusual requests (specially those indicating SQL injection, or massive requests to the same urls), and also enabling MySQL's slow query log can be useful, since it will allow you to see any heavy query that can indicate either someone dumping your db, or your own code performing poorly on queries.
Consider modifying the slow query time value (default 10 seconds) to have a valuable log, and not empty / bloated with queries.
Using mtop to go over MySQL's performance in real-time may be helpfull too.
Assuming you use a LAMP setup, I would start with something like
$ top
$ ps aux
to see what process is using lots of resources. It could be php / mysql but it could also be a mail server or a spam filter (just an example, if you are running that on the same server).
I suggest simply going through any PHP, and making sure that queries are being escaped (or use binding), and also that you're filtering for possible XSS attacks.
I was thinking about web-security and then this thought popped into my head.
Say that there's this jerk who hates me and knows how to program. I am managing a nice website/blog with a considerable amount of traffic. Then that jerk creates a program that automatically request my website over and over again.
So if I am hosting my website on a shared hosting provider then obviously my website will stop responding.
This type of attacks may not be common, but if someone attempts something like that on my website i must do something about it. I don't think that popular CMS's like wordpress or drupal do something about this type of attacks.
My assumption is ;
If a user requests more than x times (let's say 50) in 1-minute, block that user. (stop responding)
My questions are;
Is my assumption ok ? If not what to do about it ?
Do websites like Google, Facebook, Youtube...[etc] do something about this type of attacks.
What you are facing is the DoS.[Denial of Service] Attack. Where one system tries to go on sending packets to your webserver and makes it unresponsive.
You have mentioned about a single jerk, what if the same jerk had many friends and here comes DDoS [Distributed DoS] Attack. Well this can't be prevented.
A Quick fix from Apache Docs for the DoS but not for the DDoS ...
All network servers can be subject to denial of service attacks that
attempt to prevent responses to clients by tying up the resources of
the server. It is not possible to prevent such attacks entirely, but
you can do certain things to mitigate the problems that they create.
Often the most effective anti-DoS tool will be a firewall or other
operating-system configurations. For example, most firewalls can be
configured to restrict the number of simultaneous connections from any
individual IP address or network, thus preventing a range of simple
attacks. Of course this is no help against Distributed Denial of
Service attacks (DDoS).
The issue is partly one of rejecting bad traffic, and partly one of improving the performance of your own code.
Being hit with excess traffic by malicious intent is called a Denial of Service attack. The idea is to hit the site with traffic to the point that the server can't cope with the load, stops responding, and thus no-one can get through and the site goes off-line.
But you can also be hit with too much traffic simply because your site becomes popular. This can easily happen overnight and without warning, for example if someone posts a link to your site on another popular site. This traffic might actually be genuine and wanted (hundred of extra sales! yay!), but can have the same effect on your server if you're not prepared for it.
As others have said, it is important to configure your web server to cope with high traffic volumes; I'll let the other answers speak for themselves on this, and it is an important point, but there are things you can do in your own code to improve things too.
One of the main reasons that a server fails to cope with increased load is because of the processing time taken by the request.
Your web server will only have the ability to handle a certain number of requests at once, but the key word here is "simultaneous", and the key to reducing the number of simultaneous requests is to reduce the time it takes for your program to run.
Imagine your server can handle ten simultaneous requests, and your page takes one second to load.
If you get up to ten requests per second, everything will work seamlessly, because the server can cope with it. But if you go just slightly over that, then the eleventh request will either fail or have to wait until the other ten have finished. It will then run, but will eat into the next second's ten requests. By the time ten seconds have gone by, you're a whole second down on your response time, and it keeps getting worse as long as the requests keep pouring in at the same level. It doesn't take long for the server to get overwhelmed, even when it's only just a fraction over it's capacity.
Now imagine the same page could be optimised to take less time, lets say half a second. Your same server can now cope with 20 requests per second, simply because the PHP code is quicker. But also, it will be easier for it recover from excess traffic levels. And because the PHP code takes less time to run, there is less chance of any two given requests being simultaneous anyway.
In short, the server's capacity to cope with high traffic volumes increases enormously as you reduce the time taken to process a request.
So this is the key to a site surviving a surge of high traffic: Make it run faster.
Caching: CMSs like Drupal and Wordpress have caching built in. Make sure it's enabled. For even better performance, consider a server-level cache system like Varnish. For a CMS type system where you don't change the page content much, this is the single biggest thing you can do to improve your performance.
Optimise your code: while you can't be expected to fix performance issues in third-party software like Drupal, you can analyse the performance of your own code, if you have any. Custom Drupal modules, maybe? Use a profiler tool to find your bottlenecks. Very often, this kind of analysis can reveal that a single bottleneck is responsible for 90% of the page load time. Don't bother with optimising the small stuff, but if you can find and fix one or two big bottlenecks like this, it can have a dramatic effect.
Hope that helps.
These types of attacks are called (D)DoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks and are usually prevented by the webserver hosting your PHP Application. Since apache is used the most, I found an article you might find interesting: http://www.linuxforu.com/2011/04/securing-apache-part-8-dos-ddos-attacks/.
The article states that apache has multiple mods available specifically created to prevent (D)DoS attacks. These still need to be installed and configured to match your needs.
I do believe that Facebook, Google etc. have their own similar implementations to prevent DoS attacks. I know for a fact that Google Search engine uses a captcha if alot of search requests are coming from the same network.
Why it is not wise to prevent DoS within a PHP script is because the PHP processor still needs to be started whenever a request is made, which causes alot of overhead. By using the webserver for this you will have less overhead.
As stated in another answer it is also possible to prevent common DoS attacks by configuring the server's firewall. Checking for attacks with firewall rules happens before the webserver is getting hit, so even less overhead there. Furthermore you can detect attacks on other ports aswell (such as portscans). I believe a combination of the 2 works best as both complement each other.
In my opinion, the best way to prevent DoS is to set the firewall to the lower level: at the entry of the server. By settings some network firewall config with iptables, you can drop packets from senders which are hitting too hard your server.
It'll be more efficient than passing through PHP and Apache, since them need to use a lot (relatively) of processus to do the checking and they may block your website, even if you detect your attacker(s).
You can check on this topic for more information: https://serverfault.com/questions/410604/iptables-rules-to-counter-the-most-common-dos-attacks
I'm trying to diagnose a server where the website is loading very slowly, but unfortunately my client has only provided me with FTP access.
I've got FTP access so I can upload PHP scripts, but can't set up any other server side tools.
I have access to phpMyAdmin, but not direct access to the MySQL server. It is also unfortunately a Windows server (and we've been a Linux shop for over a decade now).
So, if I wan to evaluate MySQL & disk speed performance through PHP on a generic server, what is the best way to do this?
There are already tools like:
https://github.com/raphaelm/php-benchmark or https://github.com/InfinitySoft/php-benchmark
But I'm surprised there isn't something that someone has already set up & configured to just run through and do some basic testing of a server's responsiveness.
Every time we evaluate a new server environment it's handy to be able to compare it to an existing one quickly to see if there are any anomalies. I guess I'd just hoped that someone else had written up a script to do this already. I know I have, but that was before Github when there was a handy place to post scraps of code like this.
You've probably already done this, but just in case... If I were in your shoes, the first thing I'd be looking at are the indexes on the mysql tables and the queries in the application. I've seen some sites get huge speed boosts just by fixing a join or adding a missing index.
Don't forget to check the code for performance issues or calls to sleep(). If you haven't yet, it may be helpful to get the code running locally so you can run it through xdebug.
This may seem like an obvious question but we have a PHP/MySQL app that runs on Windows 2008 server. The server has about 10 different sites running from it in total. Admin options on the site in question allow an administrator to run reports (through the site) which are huge and can take about 10mins in some cases. These reports are huge mysql queries that display the data on screen. When these reports are running the entire site goes slow for all users. So my questions are:
Is there a simple way to allocate server resources so if a (website) administrator runs reports, other users can still access the site without performance issues?
Even though running the report kills the website for all users of that site, it doesn't affect other sites on the same server. Why is that?
As mentioned, the report can take about 10 minutes to generate - is
it bad practice to make these kinds of reports available on the
website? Would these typically be generated by overnight scheduled tasks?
Many thanks in advance.
The load your putting on the server will most likely have nothing to do with the applications but the mysql table that you are probably slamming. Most people get around this by generating reports in down time or using mysql replication to have a second database which is used purely for reporting.
I recommend trying to get some server monitoring to see what is actually going on. I think Newrelic just released windows versions of its platform and you can try it out for free for 30 days i think.
There's the LOW_PRIORITY flag, but I'm not sure whether that would have any positive effect, since it's most likely a table / row locking issue that you're experiencing. You can get an idea of what's going on by using the SHOW PROCESSLIST; query.
If other websites run fine, it's even more likely that this is due to database locks (causing your web processes to wait for the lock to get released).
Lastly, it's always advisable to run big reporting queries overnight (or when the server load is minimal). Having a read replicated slave would also help.
I strongly suggest you install a replicated MySQL server, then running large administrator queries (SELECT only naturally) on it, to avoid the burden of having your website blocked!
If there's not too much transaction per second, you could even run the replica on a desktop computer remotely from your production server, and thus have a backup off-site of your DB!
Are 100% sure you have added all necessary indexes?
You need to have a insanely large website to have this kinds of problems unless you are missing indexes.
Make sure you have the right indexing and make sure you do not have connection fields of varchar, not very fast.
I have a database with quite a few large tables and millions of records that is working 24/7.
Has loads of activity and automated services processing it without issues due to proper indexing.
I'm maintaining an inherited site built on Drupal. We are currently experiencing "too many connections" to the database.
In the /includes/database.mysql.inc file, #mysql_connect($url['host'], $url['user'], $url['pass'], TRUE, 2) (mysql_connect() documentation) is used to connect to the database.
Should $new_link = TRUE be used? My understanding is that it will "always open a new link." Could this be causing the "too many connections"?
Editing core is a no no. You'll forget you did, upgrade the version, and bam, changes are gone.
Drupal runs several high-performance sites without problems. For instance, the Grammy Awards site switched to Drupal this year and for the first time the site didn't go down during the cerimony! some configuration needs tweaking on your setup. Probably mysql.
Edit your my.cfg and restart your mysql server (/etc/my.cfg in fedora, RH, centos and /etc/mysql/my.cfg on *buntu)
alternatively, to first try the change without restarting the server, login to mysql and try:
show variables like 'max_connections' #this tells you the current number
set global max_connections=some-number-here
Oh, and like another person said: DO. NOT. EDIT. DRUPAL. CORE. It does pay off if you want to keep your site updated, may cause inflexible headache and bring you a world of hurt.
MySQL, just like any RDBMS out there will limit the amount of connections that it accepts at any time. The my.cnf configuration file specifies this value for the server under the max_connections configuration. You can change this configuration, but there are real limitations depending on the capacity of your server.
Persistent connections may help reducing the amount of time it takes to connect to the database, but it has no impact on the total amount of connections MySQL will accept.
Connect to MySQL and use 'SHOW PROCESSLIST'. It will show you the currently open connections and what they do. You might have multiple connections sitting idle or running queries that take way too long. For idle connections, it might just be a matter of making sure your code does not keep connections open when they don't need them. For the second one, they may be parts of your code that need to be optimized so that the queries don't take too long.
If all connections are legitimate, you simply have more load than your current configuration allows for. If you MySQL load is low even with the current connection count, you can increase it a little and see how it evolves.
If you are not on a dedicated server, you might not be able to do much about this. It may just be someone else's code causing trouble.
Sometimes, those failures are just temporary. When it fails, you can simply retry the connection a few milliseconds later. If it still fails, it might be a problem and stopping the script is the right thing to do. Don't put that in an infinite loop (seen it before, terrible idea).
FYI: using permanent connections with Drupal is asking for trouble. Noone uses that as far as I know.
The new_link parameter only has effect, if you have multiple calls to mysql_connect(), during 1 request, which is probably not the case here.
I suspect it is caused by too many users visiting your site, simultaneously, because for each visitor, a new connection to the DB will be made.
If you can confirm that this is the case, mysql_pconnect() might help, because your problem is not with the stress on your database server, but the number of connections. You should also read Persistent database connections to see if it is applicable to your webserver setup, if you choose to go this route.
I'm wanting extra security for a particular point in my web app. So I want to lock the database (SQL Server 2005). Any suggestions or is this even necessary with SQL Server?
Edit on question:
The query is failing silently with no errors messages logged, and does not occur inside of a transaction.
Final Solution:
I never was able to solve the problem, however what I wound up doing was switching to MySQL and using a transactional level query here. This was not the main or even a primary reason to switch. I had been having problems with SQL Server and it allowed me to have our CMS and various other tools all running on the same database. Previous we had a SQL Server and a MySQL database running to run our site. The port was a bit on the time consuming however in the long run I feel it will work much better for the site and the business.
I suppose you have three options.
Set user permissions so that user x can only read from the database.
Set the database into single user mode so only one connection can access it
sp_dboption 'myDataBaseName', single, true
Set the database to readonly
sp_dboption 'myDataBaseName', read only, true
I never was able to solve the problem, however what I wound up doing was switching to MySQL and using a transactional level query here. This was not the main or even a primary reason to switch. I had been having problems with MSSQL and it allowed me to have our CMS and various other tools all running on the same database. Previous we had a MSSQL and a MySQL database running to run our site. The port was a bit on the time consuming however in the long run I feel it will work much better for the site and the business.