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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm interested in this field,but I'm only familiar with PHP so far.
If not,can you recommend a tiny but not so bad project that's easy enough to learn?
Take a look at Program O:
This is the description of the project:
Program O is an AIML engine written in PHP with MySQL. Here you can
find support, help, bot add-ons, a brilliant and friendly community, and of course the Program O download files.
And this mini tutorial for creating Neural Networks in PHP:
This site could be interesting for you as well:
I notice many people dislike the idea of working with AI with PHP, but since most of the websites are in PHP, it will be a very interesting start to bring AI to them.
PHP Artificial intelligence links.
This is a github project and the project is beautifully active. download and use. But documentation is not complete
PHP-ML - Machine Learning library for PHP
There are two projects based on the ALICE project. They are Program E which isn't really developed any longer, and Program O which is. You can find them both on SourceForge
Program O
Program E
Update: Program O is now on GitHub and is still developed. Program E is still orphaned and still located at sourceforge.
PHP is mostly a web-based technology as far as I know.
AI work is typically done in other languages (e.g., Lisp). But that doesn't mean you can't port the ideas to something else like PHP.
But Google found this - first hit on "PHP artificial intelligence".
There are some other samples like spam detection (bayesian networks) or OCR (using newral networks). And i'm sorry guys, php is used also in a server side scripting language and also can be converted into desktop GUI applications with PHP-GTK.
Check this php samples:
I'm also searching in this topic, but I'm looking for some kind of simple implementation of rule=based programming in PHP and I just found this in Google.
Php probably won't be the best technology for AI but there's a library for neural networks which I used to implement on a website. It's quite simple but maybe it will help you.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I made a simple Website which I want now to display also on the mobil devices.
So I want to make a App which only opens a browser without displaying the tab bar and the url bar.
I want to do this for android and for iOS.
Does anyone knows good tools for that or can I programm this also with Html as a Web app??
I don't know a lot about IOS, but in Android you can create shortcuts of website pages in your homescreen and it might work.
About what you are asking, you can both use some cross-platform tool, like Cordova. (I posted the most famous, I'm not here to explain which cross-platform tool is the best one, there are enough questions for this). Btw with Cordova you can build your own application using html, css, js.
Now, if you want something native, simply check a tutorial on how to create a webapplication(android official guide).
It's pretty simple and doesn't require that much skill.
Note#1: I think I have to tell you an economic note: publishing is not free, for example IOS costs around 100$/year. So consider if you really want do build an app only displaying a website. It's a more common and (imho) a best way of doing things, building a complete application with all buy, ... tools. Usually people dislike webapp if they can see the exact same thing with the mobile browser.
Usually apps gives something more than a simple website.
Note#2: I don't know if Apple allows you to build an app showing only a website, you should inform
Note#3: you should move your question, this community is for code, if you want some hint look for google or other platforms, there are a lot of "how to" on the net :)
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Closed 8 years ago.
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we have developed e-learning web site for one of our customer.
recently he asked he need SCORM feed.
i dornt know whether my system is compatible with scrom.
do any body know any opensource php tool or lib to generate scrom from existing data.
The first thing you need to determine is whether your site would be considered a learning management system or a piece of content. The SCORM implementation varies considerably based of what you are trying to develop. Check out for a good explanation of SCORM and how it works.
I have tried Chamilo 1.9.6 and works well with SCORM 1.2 and 2004. This was used as evaluation tool (test) with up to 90 questions.
Have a look at Moodle project - SCORM module: It's open source, but I do not know, it the SCORM related code is easy to use outside Moodle. comes with open source edition containing SCORM module.
Or try Chamilo, it is maybe better fork of dokeos.
Drupal has a limited support for SCORM, too.
Good reputation has eFront.
Ilias is certified for SCORM 2004.
TinyLMS is interesting project - JavaScript only.
Also get idea from
Don't forget Chamilo!!
You can try a demo at
Chamilo supports SCORM is also a claroline/dokeos fork
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Closed 7 years ago.
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i have a customer that want to build site of unique bid like :
i want to build it in LAMP environment.
i do not have an experience in bid sites
my question is :
what important issues do i need to take in advance while building site like this.
is there any open source existing system , that i can use ?
Important factors are causality between bids, bid closing and time being accurate across all systems.
"is there any open source operating existing system , that i can use ?" leads me to believe you need to read up a bit on web development. The question doesn't make sense in the context that you use it ... because L in LAMP is Linux.
L - Linux operating system
A - Apache web server
M - MySQL Database
P - PHP/Perl/Python
There are many permutations of this setup such as WAMP, LAMM and others. I would also suggest you look at things like Google App Engine or some hosted rails solution to ease the amount of administration then migrate if it is a success.
If you want an existing system, things like Drupal Auction exist. Might not be robust, but you can probably find others for other frameworks/CMS
You're trying to plan the whole thing from the OS upwards? If you are unsure what OS to use, I'd suggest you don't manage the hosting side of things until you are a bit more proficient in systems administration. There are crap loads of 'how tos' on building up a LAMP server though.
By 'bid site' do you mean like eBay? Just an auction site? How will members manage payments? How many auctions are you expecting (For selecting the right DBMS for the site)? What language will you use? There are a lot of things to think over before jumping into a potentially large project like this.
Hope that helps
is there any open source operating existing system , that i can use ?
EDIT to reflect change in OP
perhaps you want something like this: (note: not free)
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was reading somewhere that sometimes PHP is simply not fast enough and that compiled code has to sometimes "do the heavy lifting"
What is the api in C++ to do this?
You can add functions/classes to PHP, programmed in C (and you can wrap a C++ class from C, if I remember correctly from an article I read some time ago), which might allow you to do some things faster -- if programmed well : no need for interpretation of PHP code ; only execution of machine code, which is generally way faster.
To do that, you'll have to develop a PHP extension.
There are not that many resources available on the Internet about that, but these one might help you to start :
Extension Writing Part I: Introduction to PHP and Zend
Extension Writing Part II: Parameters, Arrays, and ZVALs
Extension Writing Part III: Resources
And, specifically about the C++ part, this one might help too :
Wrapping C++ Classes in a PHP Extension
If you are really interested by the subject, and ready to spend some money on it, you could also buy the book Extending and Embedding PHP (some pages are available as preview on Google Books too) ; I've seen a couple of times that it was the book to read when interested on this subject (In fact, I've bought it some time ago, and it's an interesting read)
By the way, the author of that book is also the author of the first four articles I linked to ;-)
You can actually execute compiled applications without any sort of API:
$output = exec('/path/to/yourapp');
Beyond that, you could always write a PHP extension. There's a good guide on the subject here:
swig, the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator can help you wrapping (existing) c++ into a php module.
SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is used with different types of languages including common scripting languages such as Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and Ruby.
Well you have not defined what you are trying to do, but if you need to the C++ interface, then look at the ext directory in the source code to understand how to write a PHP extension that you can then load and use from your PHP scripts.
A couple of links that may help:
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a LAMP (PHP) web app which need to interface with programs on an IBM 3270 mainframe (via Microsoft SNA Server). One solution I'm looking at is screen-scraping via 3270. (I'm integrating the present with the past!)
Many years ago, I wrote C code which used HLLAPI as the basis for such a task.
Is HLLAPI still the best way to approach this task?
If so, would I be best off just writing a C app to undertake the work necessary and exec() this C app from php?
Are there any open source HLLAPI providers for Linux? (In the past I used commercial solutions such as Cleo.)
I haven't used it but maybe look at which says has a version:
s3270 is a displayless version for
writing screen-scraping scripts
I'm currently trying to do a similar thing but with a command line Python script.
I open a pipe to the s3270 (on Windows the exe name is ws3270) to connect to the server and send all commands.
Read carefully those part of the documentation for scripting:
While I have no experience with 3270, I would expect that finding and calling on an outside application or library is your best bet. PHP is not an all-purpose tool, hacking into a non-web communications protocols is best left to languages like C or Java that can handle that well.
Screen scraping 3270 applications is a perfectly valid way of getting at data. Many of these applications haven't changed for years, or decades in some cases. Sometimes there is simply no API or other programmatic way of getting at the necessary data.
Nighthawk: You could always learn CORBA, that monstrosity of a system was designed to let C programs talk to remote COBOL systems or random stuff written in PL/I or something.
But seriously, if the old app has no API, 3270 screen scraping is fine. There's a lot of similarities between 3270 screens and HTML forms (unlike character mode terminals).