Tracking file complete download - php

I have a file hosting site and users earn a reward for downloads. So I wanted to know is there a way I can track whether the visitor downloaded whole file so that there are no fake partial downloads just for rewards.
Thank You.

If you could monitor the HTTP response codes returned by your web server and tie them back to the sessions that generated them, you would be in business.
A response code of 206 shows that the system has delivered some of the information but not all of it. When the final chunk of the file goes out, it should not have a response code of 206.
If you can tie this to user sessions by putting the session code inside the URL, then you could give points based on a simple log aggregation.

I implemented a similar solution on a file hosting website.
What you want to do is use the register_shutdown_function callback that allows you to detect the end of execution of a php script regardless of the outcome.
Then you want to have your file in a non-web accessible location on your server(s), and have your downloads go through php: idea being that you want to be able to track how many bytes have been passed to the client.
Here's a basic way of implementing (eg:)
register_shutdown_function('shutdown', $args);
$file_name = 'file.ext';
$path_to_file = '/path/to/file';
$stat = #stat($path_to_file);
//Set headers
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Length: '.$stat['size']);
header('Connection: close');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$file_name);
//Get pointer to file
$fp = fopen('/path/to/file', 'rb');
function shutdown() {
$status = connection_status();
//A connection status of 0 indicates no premature end of script
if($status == 0){
//Do whatever to increment the counter for the file.
There are obviously ways to improve, so if you need more details or another behaviour, please let me know!


Download abuse with php Content-Disposition: attachment and readfile

I'm having a download abuse issue with php Content-Disposition: attachment and readfile. It seems that my problem is with readfile, because although this script works, whether or not the client closes their browser, readfile reads the entire contents of the mp4, setting up the possibility of abuse with scripts initiating the download and immediately closing the progress. Something, somewhere, is running a script which clicks this link hundreds of times per second, running my php script and immediately cancelling their download, but my server is preparing that entire file to be offloaded each time.
Here's the script I'm running, when the user/abuser clicks a download link:
// get MP4 address
$MP4Address = $_GET["MP4Address"];
// We'll be outputting a MOV
header( 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' );
$filename = basename($MP4Address);
// Name file
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');
// Source file
I suspect that readfile is the culprit here, but without it, the client will receive an empty file. There must be a more modern, proper way of doing this, but I'm not sure what it could be.
Unless you've called ignore_user_abort(true) PHP should get the signal that the connection has been aborted and cease execution. But it's possible that once you're inside the readfile() call PHP is not able to watch for that signal since it's busy doing low-level IO.
I would say you've got 2 options, the first being to simply write some code to detect and block the person that's abusing your service. You downloads are already backed by a PHP script, so adding in a bit of checking and filtering should be relatively simple.
The other would be to replace the readfile() call with a bit of [admittedly less efficient] code that should give PHP some breathing space to look for user aborts.
function read_file($filename, $chunksize=4096) {
if( ! $fh = fopen($filename, 'rb') ) {
throw new \Exception('Failed to open file');
while($chunk = fread($fh, $chunksize)) {
echo $chunk;

Readfile is best solution to download external files?

I need to get a remote file and give it to user without saving it to my server disk (for hiding original URL) and found a lot of posts about download external files with various functions like file_get_contents or readfile. Already I'm using this one:
function startDownload($url){
//get filename from url
//first flush clear almost output
//final clear
//set headers
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $name . "\"");
//send file to client;
//exit command is important
else JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('URL_NOT_FOUND'), 'error');
And that's working but there is a problem! For a file with 200 MB size it takes ~ 10 seconds to start download in client browser. I think it's because readfile first downloads whole file to my server buffer and then give it to user. Is that right?
And is it possible to make it faster? for example download be started before fetch ended or it isn't possible technically?
In fact I don't know that this method is optimised or not. Any technical advice would be appreciated.
Note :
I know that this function should be changed for big files and that's not my concern now.
I consider to buy the external server in the same datacenter to make this download faster.
Target is that [File server] be separate than the file [online shop].
I tested curl method that mentioned by #LawrenceCherone. It worked nicely but when moved it to my project the result was the same as readfile (white screen for a few seconds).
So suspect to readfile() function. Separate my previous code to a single PHP file and result was amazing! Download starts immediately.
So I think my guess wasn't right and problem was not related to readfile function.
After a little search found a minor modification. I added below line :
while (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean();
before the :
And now download starts before whole file fetched in my server.

Is it possible to send a header from a PHP file, that does absolutely nothing

On a page where I offer music sample downloads, I have several <a> tags whose href points to a PHP file. Various data included as GET vars allow the proper file to be downloaded. Normally the PHP will respond with typical download headers followed by a readfile(). (the code for that is below, FYI). This results in a clean download (or download / play dialog box on some browsers). By "clean", I mean the download is completed with no disturbance in the visitors page.
However, in the unlikely event that the requested file is unavailable, I don't know what to do. I know it should not happen, but if it does I would like the download link to simply do NOTHING. Unfortunately since it is an <a> tag referencing a PHP file, doing nothing results in the browser clearing the page, with the URL of the PHP file in the address bar. Not a good visitor experience! So I'd like way to avoid disturbing the page and doing NOTHING if there is is an errant request. I'll use javascript to alert the visitor about what went wrong, but I can't have the errant file request clear the page!
I thought I'd had a solution by issuing a header('Location: #'); when the script detected an impossible file download. But after a few seconds the browser cleared the page and put up a message indicating the page "redirected you too many times." (indeed, my script log fills up with over 100 entries, even though i only clicked the tag once.)
So far the only solution I have that works (works in the sense of NOT disturbing the visitors page if an "unavailable" file is requested) is to point my download headers at a "dummy" file. An actual "silence.mp3" or "nosong.mp3" file. But is there a way to call a header() that does nothing to the calling page? Simply calling exit or exit() won't work (the visitor page is redirected a blank.)
Not that it matters, but this is the code I normally call in response to the d/l request...
function downloadFile($path) {
$path_parts = pathinfo($path);
$ext = strtolower($path_parts["extension"]); // don't need this.
$fsize =fileExists($path);
if ($fsize == 0)
header('Location: #'); // this doesn't work!!! (too many redirectcts)
//$dlname = $path_parts['filename'] . "." . strtolower($path_parts["extension"]);
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Disposition: filename=\"" . $path_parts["basename"]."\"");
header("Content-Type: application/x-file-to-save");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
if($fsize) header("Content-length: $fsize");
$bytesRead = readfile($path);
return $bytesRead;
If you are using HTTP/1.x with a standard anchor tag, without JavaScript or other client-side interception. An HTTP/1.0 204 No Content status header will cause the user-agent to simply seem like nothing happened when clicking a link that returns a 204 status header.
HTTP/1.0 204 No Content
The server has fulfilled the request but there is no new information
to send back. If the client is a user agent, it should not change its
document view from that which caused the request to be generated. This
response is primarily intended to allow input for scripts or other
actions to take place without causing a change to the user agent's
active document view. The response may include new metainformation in
the form of entity headers, which should apply to the document
currently in the user agent's active view.
This is also compatible with the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
I recommend using output buffering to ensure no other content is being sent by your application by mistake. Additionally there should be no need to send a Content-Length header.
function downloadFile($path) {
if (!is_file($path) || !($fsize = filesize($path))) {
header('HTTP/1.0 204 No Content');
$path_parts = pathinfo($path);
header('Cache-Control: public');
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . $path_parts['basename'] . '"');
header('Content-Type: application/x-file-to-save');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Content-length: ' . $fsize); //fsize already validated above.
return readfile($path);
Performing the file checks before creating the links is the simplest way to do this.
If I understand your request correctly you have files that you wish to allow a client to download, and links to PHP scripts that download certain files.
The problem with your implementation is that when the file is empty, the PHP script still must load and change the content of the clients page(from the action of loading the script), which is the incorrect behavior (correct being no action at all).
Since you are using tags on the main download page, really the only way to not change the content of the page in the case of a missing file is to compute the content of the tags in advance. With a simple PHP function you could check the contents of a list of files and their directories, and then generate links for the ones that exist, and blank links for the ones that do not.
Overall, I think separating the functionality of checking whether a file exists and actually downloading the file to a client is the only way to allow the functionality you desire.

Let the user to download video/audio file only by password

I try to create the shop where user could buy the video/audio files. The files will be placed at another remote server (Debian). I can't figure out how to let downloading for particular user only. I could calculate the control sum somehow by IP and the link will be something like this:
But how to check this on the remote server? I don't know is the good idea to read whole movie file with PHP script.
Basically two methods are possible.
File system:
You could use the file system, create a password protected folder for each user and copy all their files to it, or better, if you use Linux, use symbolic links (ln -s).
Or you could stream files through PHP while it checks access. I don't think that's a real problem. PHP doesn't need to do much if it just pushes through raw data.
$total = filesize($filepath);
$blocksize = (2 << 20); //2M chunks
$sent = 0;
$handle = fopen($filepath, "r");
// Push headers that tell what kind of file is coming down the pike
header('Content-type: '.$content_type);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);
header('Content-length: '.$filesize*1024);
// Now we need to loop through the file and echo out chunks of file data
// Dumping the whole file fails at > 30M!
while($sent < $total) {
echo fread($handle, $blocksize);
$sent += $blocksize;
(code is short, no error checks, no password check, no file closure, etc)
It does depend on what kind of password system you have, and what you're allowed to do on your server.

Correctly setting headers so a file can be downloaded via a proxy using PHP

I'm finding it difficult to phrase this question correctly, let me try to explain our problem...
We have an intranet running on Ubunutu box with Apache2/PHP 5.2.4. We have a bit of PHP code that reads a file from a directory that is not publically accessible and output it to the screen (code below):
$file_path = '/home/path/to/filename.gif';
$output = FALSE;
//File Information
$path_parts = pathinfo($file_path);
$file_size = filesize($file_path);
$file_ext = (isset($path_parts['extension'])) ? strtolower($path_parts['extension']) : null;
$file_name = $path_parts['basename'];
//Sets up the headers
if($file_size > 0){
header('Content-Length: ' .$file_size);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$file_name.'"');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
//Reads the File
if($file_size > 0){
$handle = fopen($file_path, "r");
$output = fread($handle, $file_size);
//Outputs the File
echo $output;
Inside our network when, browsing to the page that uses this code, the file is downloaded perfectly and quickly...
However, when accessing this page via our Cisco ASA/Proxy/VPN (not sure what to call it) this code locks up the browser, but does eventually download the file...
After a bit of experimenting, after taking out the headers and just echoing the contents of the file to the browser, it prints no problem. However as soon as I add the lines with the headers back into the code it causes the hanging again, but only when accessed via this box..
Anybody come across this problem before or have any idea what we can try to move forward?
Thanks for any advice...
Have you tried eliminating the content-size header entirely? The proxy may be taking that as a firm promise and if the data you're sending ends up being a different size, the proxy may wait for those last few "missing" bytes to show up.
Just as an aside, you should use [readfile()][1] instead of the fopen()/fread()/echo construct you have now.
As it stands now, you're slurping the contents of the entire file into memory and then echoing out. For large files and multiple requests, you'll kill the server with memory starvation. readfile will automatically stream the file in smaller chunks so that memory usage is minimal.
Your proxy obviously have problems with the Content-Type: application/octet-stream. Try setting it to the real MIME-type of each file. You can use the Fileinfo module to find out which MIME-type a certain file is, like this:
//You may need to specify the location of your system's magic file
//See for more info
$finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
$mimetype = $finfo->file($file_path);
