PHP Explode and Get_Url: Not Showing up the URL - php

its a little bit hard to understand.
in the header.php i have this code:
$ID = $link;
$url = downloadLink($ID);
I get the ID with this Variable $link --> 12345678
and with $url i get the full link from the functions.php
in the functions.php i have this snippet
function downloadlink ($d_id)
$res = #get_url ('' . '' . $d_id . '/go.html');
$re = explode ('<iframe', $res);
$re = explode ('src="', $re[1]);
$re = explode ('"', $re[1]);
$url = $re[0];
return $url;
and normally it prints the url out.. but, i cant understand the code..

It's written in kind of a strange way, but basically what downloadLink() does is this:
Download the HTML from<ID>/go.html
Take the HTML, and split it at every point where the string <iframe occurs.
Now take everything that came after the first <iframe in the HTML, and split it at every point where the string src=" appears.
Now take everything after the first src=" and split it at every point where " appears.
Return whatever was before the first ".
So it's a pretty poor way of doing it, but effectively it looks for the first occurence of this in the HTML code:
<iframe src="<something>"
And returns the <something>.
Edit: a different method, as requested in comment:
There's not really any particular "right" way to do it, but a fairly straightforward way would be to change it to this:
function downloadlink ($d_id)
$html = #get_url ('' . '' . $d_id . '/go.html');
preg_match('/\<iframe src="(.+?)"/', $html, $matches);
return $matches[1];


How to add missing http:// to an anchor in a string - PHP

I wrote a code which adds hyperlink to all plain text where it finds http:// or https://. The code works pretty well for and It converts these text into clickable hyperlink with correct address.
function convert_text_to_link($str)
$pattern = "/(?:(https?):\/\/([^\s<]+)|(www\.[^\s<]+?\.[^\s<]+))(?<![\.,:])/i";
return preg_replace($pattern, "<a href='$0' target='_blank'>$0</a>", $str);
$str = " is the biggest search engine. It's competitors are and";
echo convert_text_to_link($str);
But when my code sees, though it adds hyperlink to it but the href attribute also becomes There is no http:// prepended it. Therefore the link becomes unusable without the link http://localhost/myproject/ will go nowhere.
How can I add http:// to so that it should become
Here is your function. Try this.
function convert_text_to_link($str) {
$pattern = '#(http)?(s)?(://)?(([a-zA-Z])([-\w]+\.)+([^\s\.]+[^\s]*)+[^,.\s])#';
return preg_replace($pattern, '$0', $str);
You should try and check if this works:
window.location = window.location.href.replace(/^www./, 'https:');
might be you will get your solution.
I just got to know about some other approaches too, you can try them out as per your code and requirements:
The test here is case-sensitive. This means that if the string is initially this will change it to http://Http:// which is probably not what you want.
try regex:
if (!$str.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//))
$str = 'http://' + $str;
hope this helps.

Replacing Relative Links with External Links in PHP String

I am working with an editor that works purely with internal relative links for files which is great for 99% of what I use it for.
However, I am also using it to insert links to files within an email body and relative links don't cut the mustard.
Instead of modifying the editor, I would like to search the string from the editor and replace the relative links with external links as shown below
I have come up with the following but I am wondering if there is a better / more efficient way to do it with PHP
$string = 'A link, some other text, A different link';
preg_match_all('/<a[^>]+href=([\'"])(?<href>.+?)\1[^>]*>/i', $string, $result);
if (!empty($result)) {
// Found a link.
$baseUrl = '';
$newUrls = array();
$newString = '';
foreach($result['href'] as $url) {
$newUrls[] = $baseUrl . '/' . $url;
$newString = str_replace($result['href'], $newUrls, $string);
echo $newString;
Many thanks
You can simply use preg_replace to replace all the occurrences of files starting URLs inside double quotes:
$string = 'A link, some other text, A different link';
$string = preg_replace('/"(files.*?)"/', '"$1"', $string);
The result would be:
A link, some other text, A different link
You really should use DOMdocument for such job, but if you want to use a regex, this one does the job:
$string = '<a some_attribute href="files/something.pdf" class="abc">A link</a>, some other text, <a class="def" href="files/somethingelse.pdf" attr="xyz">A different link</a>';
$baseUrl = '';
$newString = preg_replace('/(<a[^>]+href=([\'"]))(.+?)\2/i', "$1$baseUrl/$3$2", $string);
echo $newString,"\n";
<a some_attribute href="https://www.someurl.comfiles/something.pdf" class="abc">A link</a>, some other text, <a class="def" href="" attr="xyz">A different link</a>

replace link with another

I'm struggling on replacing text in each link.
$reg_ex = "/(http|https)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/";
$text = '<br /><p>this is a content with a link we are supposed to click</p><p>another - this is a content with a link we are supposed to click</p><p>another - this is a content with a link we are supposed to click</p>';
if(preg_match_all($reg_ex, $text, $urls))
foreach($urls[0] as $url)
echo $replace = str_replace($url,'http://www.sometext'.$url, $text);
From the code above, I'm getting 3x the same text, and the links are changed one by one: everytime is replaced only one link - because I use foreach, I know.
But I don't know how to replace them all at once.
Your help would be great!
You don't use regexes on html. use DOM instead. That being said, your bug is here:
$replace = str_replace(...., $text);
^^^^^^^^--- ^^^^^---
you never update $text, so you continually trash the replacement on every iteration of the loop. You probably want
$text = str_replace(...., $text);
instead, so the changes "propagate"
If you want the final variable to contain all replacements change it so something like this...
You basically are not passing the replaced string back into the "subject". I assume that is what you are expecting since it's a bit difficult to understand the question.
$reg_ex = "/(http|https)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/";
$text = '<br /><p>this is a content with a link we are supposed to click</p><p>another - this is a content with a link we are supposed to click</p><p>another - this is a content with a link we are supposed to click</p>';
if(preg_match_all($reg_ex, $text, $urls))
$replace = $text;
foreach($urls[0] as $url) {
$replace = str_replace($url,'http://www.sometext'.$url, $replace);
echo $replace;

Struggling to use a regex function to find a link in a string

I am trying to extract a string from another string using php.
At the moment im using:
$testVal = $node->field_link[0]['view'];
$testVal = preg_replace("#((http|https|ftp)://(\S*?\.\S*?))(\s|\;|\)|\]|\[|\{|\}|,|\"|'|:|\<|$|\.\s)#ie", "'$3$4'", $testVal);
print "testVal = ";
print $testVal;
This seems to be printing my entire string at the moment.
Now what i want to do is: extract a web address if there is one and save it as a variable called testVal.
I am a novice so please explain what i am doing wrong. Also i have looked at other questions and have used the regex from one.
For #bos
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Desired Output
Well, you say you want to populate $testVal with the extracted web address, but you're using preg_replace instead of preg_match. You use preg_replace when you wish to replace occurrences, and you use preg_match (or preg_match_all) when you want to find occurrences.
If you want to replace URLs with links (<a> tags) like in your example, use something like this:
$testVal = preg_replace(
'<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="$1">$1</a>$2',
If you want to instead simply locate a URL from a string, try (using your regex now instead of mine above):
$testVal = $node->field_link[0]['view'];
if(!preg_match("#((http|https|ftp)://(\S*?\.\S*?))(\s|\;|\)|\]|\[|\{|\}|,|\"|'|:|\<|$|\.\s)#ie", $testVal, $matches)) {
echo "Not found!";
else {
echo "URL: " . $matches[1];
When you use preg_match, the (optional) third parameter is filled with the results of the search. $matches[0] would contain the string that matched the entire pattern, $matches[1] would contain the first capture group, $matches[2] the second, and so on.

Regex to deterime text 'http://...' but not in iframes, embeds...etc

This regex is used to replace text links with a clickable anchor tag.
My problem is, I don't want it to change links that are in things like <iframe src="http//... or <embed src="http://...
I tried checking for a whitespace character before it by adding \s, but that didn't work.
Or - it appears they're first checking that an href=" doesn't already exist (?) - maybe I can check for the other things too?
Any thoughts / explanations how I would do this is greatly appreciated. Main, I just need the regex - I can implement in CakePHP myself.
The actual code comes from CakePHP's Text->autoLink():
function autoLinkUrls($text, $htmlOptions = array()) {
$options = var_export($htmlOptions, true);
$text = preg_replace_callback('#(?<!href="|">)((?:https?|ftp|nntp)://[^\s<>()]+)#i', create_function('$matches',
'$Html = new HtmlHelper(); $Html->tags = $Html->loadConfig(); return $Html->link($matches[0], $matches[0],' . $options . ');'), $text);
return preg_replace_callback('#(?<!href="|">)(?<!http://|https://|ftp://|nntp://)(www\.[^\n\%\ <]+[^<\n\%\,\.\ <])(?<!\))#i',
create_function('$matches', '$Html = new HtmlHelper(); $Html->tags = $Html->loadConfig(); return $Html->link($matches[0], "http://" . $matches[0],' . $options . ');'), $text);
You can expand the lookbehind at the beginning of those regexes to check for src=" as well as href=", like this:
