filename for class files: file.class.php or file.php? - php

i have seen a lot of coders choosing this filename convention:
is this a standard of naming class files?
just curious. so i know if i should follow it for all class files in the future.

There is no standard per se for naming class files, however file.class.php sends the message that it contains class files, opposed to file.php which may give the impression of a regular file.
My suggestion is to use one convention and be consistent with it.
A good point to note, as AJ, had stated, the *.php file extension is preferred over *.inc file extensions. Reason being that *.inc files are displayed on the client's browser as plain text and if you were to store any configuration files or private information (especially in relation to your database, yikes) it could potentially be accessed by anyone.

Actually this method of naming files came from developers who combines both procedural & OOPs in a same built. To differentiate procedural files and class files they did this. There is no standard convention. But I will suggest you to use filename.php and name the class as same as file name, just as Java convention. Keep only one class definition in a file.
#Derk: It can also be like this, there is no benefit of adding class. in file name ;)
function __autoload ($class) {
require_once $class . '.php';
$pizza = new pizza ();

I see this topic is over 10 years old, however, in my Delphi days, we named all class names starting with a T (e.g. TFiles). I am using the same technique for Php, THtml.php for the THtml class, etc. I also have one class per file.

More common is to capitalise class files.
so class Blah would be saved as Blah.php


I am having a error in namespace and "use" statement in php [duplicate]

This is what I have at hand:
namespace Entity;
class Person{
User file:
use Entity\Person;
$person = new Person;
Here, it fails if I don't include the Person.php file. If I include it, the everything works fine. Do I absolutely require to include the file even when using namespaces? If at all we need to include/require files, then how can namespaces be effectively used? Also, can we maintain folder structure by nesting namespaces?
The answer to your question is "yes and no".
Indeed the code implementing class Person has to be included, otherwise the class is not defined and cannot be used. Where should the definition come from, when the code is not included? The php interpreter cannot guess the classes implementation. That is the same in all programming languages, by the way.
However there is something called Autoloading in php. It allows to automatically include certain files. The mechanism is based on a mapping of class names to file names. So in the end it boils down to php searching through a folder structure to find a file whos name suggests that it implements a class currently required in the code it executes.
But don't get this wrong: that still means the file has to be included. The only difference is: the including is done automatically, so without you specifying an explicit include or require statement.
Yes, you need to include every file.
A very good example can be found here on effective usage of namespaces.
With PSR-0 autoloading, the namespace has to be the same as the folder in which the class is, file the filename has to be the same as the classname. This gives you very simple and effective autoloading with composer for example.

PHP - Symfony2.4 Can I have multiple classes in single file?

I am using Vzaar's PHP Library for uploading videos from my website to their server space.
Now point is - in their library there are some PHP files in which more than one class exists and no class with same file name exists in same file.
i.e. have a look at OAuth.php, there is no class with name OAuth in that file.
Question raised in my mind is
When I create any PHP class file, can I create multiple classes in side one file, and later I can use that file in my code or I can use that reusable code in other project as well.
Should creating such files is good practice?
If the class is of 15 to 20 lines long, then should I create a separate file or I should include that in one file only, like OAuth.php.
Please guide with exact reason, if I will get links of wiki where proper explanation is given, then it will be best.
Putting more than one class in one file in general is a bad practice, and in Symfony2 even more because of the way class autoloader works.
When autoloader is looking for Acme\DemoBundle\SomeClass class it expects it will be in Acme\DemoBundle\SomeClass.php file. So in case you have a second class in the same file it won't work.
Check also PSR standards for class autoloading.
Despite I don't like to define more than one class per file I would like to point it out that PSR-4 is not against this practice if the class scope is private.
Quoting Symfony2 coding standards resource (
Define one class per file - this does not apply to private helper
classes that are not intended to be instantiated from the outside and
thus are not concerned by the PSR-0 and PSR-4 autoload standards;
In this other example (Thanks to Xavi Montero) you can see that the class Psr4AutoloaderClassTest has a helper class MockPsr4AutoloaderClass defined in the same file. So in general you should not, but for a "private helper" it's okey.

Is it required to include the namespace file?

This is what I have at hand:
namespace Entity;
class Person{
User file:
use Entity\Person;
$person = new Person;
Here, it fails if I don't include the Person.php file. If I include it, the everything works fine. Do I absolutely require to include the file even when using namespaces? If at all we need to include/require files, then how can namespaces be effectively used? Also, can we maintain folder structure by nesting namespaces?
The answer to your question is "yes and no".
Indeed the code implementing class Person has to be included, otherwise the class is not defined and cannot be used. Where should the definition come from, when the code is not included? The php interpreter cannot guess the classes implementation. That is the same in all programming languages, by the way.
However there is something called Autoloading in php. It allows to automatically include certain files. The mechanism is based on a mapping of class names to file names. So in the end it boils down to php searching through a folder structure to find a file whos name suggests that it implements a class currently required in the code it executes.
But don't get this wrong: that still means the file has to be included. The only difference is: the including is done automatically, so without you specifying an explicit include or require statement.
Yes, you need to include every file.
A very good example can be found here on effective usage of namespaces.
With PSR-0 autoloading, the namespace has to be the same as the folder in which the class is, file the filename has to be the same as the classname. This gives you very simple and effective autoloading with composer for example.

Use '.class.php' extension for PHP classes?

Is it common practice to append use '.class.php' extension for PHP classes?
On here: there are some examples like this:
// Or, using an anonymous function as of PHP 5.3.0
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
include 'classes/' . $class . '.class.php';
which use a .class.php extension.
Should PHP code be written like this? I've never seen it before, is it something new? This is a kind of new feature in PHP so maybe it is?
EDIT: 'feature' was not a good word! Perhaps I should have asked whether it's some standard or convention.
It's not a feature, it's just a convention that you see come up every now and then. Whether to follow it or not is the choice of you and your team.
My personal opinion is that since the choice is arbitrary and this particular style contradicts with the PSR-0 autoloader specification you should pass because:
PSR-0 is more widely used, so all other things being equal it would be a better convention to follow
following the ".class.php" style means cannot take a PSR-0 compliant autoloader (there are many online) and use it without modifications
This is mostly used to assure its a class file the autoloader targets, you often have other .php files like templates, scripts like bootstrapping or config files that are .php files, but should never be interpreted as classes
It's not a feature as such, it's just a very simple, and practical way to keep your code organized and, more importantly, to avoid issues with autoloading.
Suppose you've got some class called User, and your site has a page, that is generated by a script: User.php. If you need an instance of the User class, the autoloader function will be called, and get User as an argument. When looking for a file simply called User.php, you might include a file, other than the class definition. That's why you can (and should) give class definition a little extra in their names. Then you can write your autoloader to look for [[class name]].class.php, neatly avoiding the User.php file.
That's the bottom line of it. There's -of course- also namespaces to consider, and that most modern way of all to keep your code organized: directories (set_include_path)
It is all for better understanding what this files all about. So, when you see filename.class.php, you know, this file contains Class filename.
There isn't any kind of special language support that gets triggered if you name your classes 'class.php'; it's just a convention, like whether you use spaces or tabs for indentation.
In one of the projects I worked on, classes where named *.inc.php, and templates *.tpl.php.
If I was coding php circa 1999, this would be an excellent convention to follow. You can name files whatever you want, but I recommend just naming them after the classname inside the file, with '.php' appended.
This is more of a personal preferences, but I would actually probably look into the PSR-0 standards which provide a standard way for you to name and namespace your classes to provide better compatibility with other peoples code in the same format.
In the PSR-0 standards PHP files are named after the class and put into folders related to the namespace.
I would recommend adopting this method over the .class.php method mentioned in the manual.

Including child class requires parent class included first

I have asked a similar question to this one already but I think it was badly worded and confusing so hopefully I can make it a bit clearer.
I am programming in a native Linux file system.
I have a class of HelpTopic:
class HelpTopic extends Help{}
And a class of Help:
class Help{}
Now I go to include HelpTopic:
And even though I do not instantiate HelpTopic with new HelpTopic() PHP (in a Linux file system) still reads the class signature and tries to load Help with HelpTopic.
I do not get this behaviour from a cifs file system shared from a Windows System.
My best guess is that there is some oddity with Linux that causes PHP to react this way but not sure what.
Does anyone have any ideas or solutions to this problem?
I have added my loading function to show what I am doing:
public static function import($cName, $cPath = null){
if(substr($cName, -2) == "/*"){
$d_name = ROOT.'/'.substr($cName, 0, -2);
$d_files = getDirectoryFileList($d_name, array("\.php")); // Currently only accepts .php
foreach($d_files as $file){
glue::import(substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.')), substr($cName, 0, -2).'/'.$file);
if(!$cPath) $cPath = self::$_classMapper[$cName];
self::$_classLoaded[$cName] = true;
if($cPath[0] == "/" || preg_match("/^application/i", $cPath) > 0 || preg_match("/^glue/i", $cPath) > 0){
return include ROOT.'/'.$cPath;
return include $cPath;
return true;
I call this by doing glue::inmport('application/models/*'); and it goes through including all the models in my app. Thing is PHP on a linux based file system (not on cifs) is trying to load the parents of my classes without instantiation.
This is a pretty base function that exists in most frameworks (in fact most of this code is based off of yiis version) so I am confused why others have not run into this problem.
And even though I do not instantiate HelpTopic with new HelpTopic() PHP still reads the class signature and tries to load Help with HelpTopic.
In order to know how to properly define a class, PHP needs to resolve any parent classes (all the way up) and any interfaces. This is done when the class is defined, not when the class is used.
You should probably review the PHP documentation on inheritance, which includes a note explaining this behavior:
Unless autoloading is used, then classes must be defined before they are used. If a class extends another, then the parent class must be declared before the child class structure. This rule applies to class that inherit other classes and interfaces.
There are two ways to resolve this problem.
First, add a require_once at the top of the file that defines the child class that includes the file defining the parent class. This is the most simple and straight-forward way, unless you have an autoloader.
The second way is to defione an autoloader. This is also covered in the documentation.
The ... thing ... you're using there is not an autoloader. In fact, it's a horrible abomination that you should purge from your codebase. It's a performance sap and you should not be using it. It also happens to be the thing at fault.
We don't have the definition of getDirectoryFileList() here, so I'll assume it uses either glob() or a DirectoryIterator. This is the source of your problem. You're getting the file list in an undefined order. Or, rather, in whatever order the underlying filesystem wants to give to you. On one machine, the filesystem is probably giving you Help.php before HelpTopic.php, while on the other machine, HelpTopic.php is seen first.
At first glance, you might think this is fixable with a simple sort, but it's not. What happens if you create a Zebra class, and then later need to create an AlbinoZebra that inherits from it? No amount of directory sorting is going to satisfy both the "load ASCIIbetical" and the "I need the Zebra to be first" requirements.
Let's also touch on the performance aspect of the problem. On every single request, you're opening a directory and reading the list of files. That's one hell of a lot of stat calls. This is slow. Very slow. Then, one by one, regardless of whether or not you'll need them, you're including the files. This means that PHP has to compile and interpret every single one of them. If you aren't using a bytecode cache, this is going to utterly destroy performance if the number of files there ever grows to a non-trivial number.
A properly constructed autoloader will entirely mitigate this problem. Autoloaders run on demand, meaning that they'll never attempt to include a file before it's actually needed. Good-performing autoloaders will know where the class file lives based on the name alone. In modern PHP, it's accepted practice to name your classes such that they'll be found easily by an autoloader, using either namespaces or underscores -- or both -- to map directory separators. (Meaning namespace \Models; class Help or class Models_Help would live in Models/Help.php)
Unfortunately most examples won't be useful here, as I don't know what kind of weird things your custom framework does. Take a peek at the Zend Framework autoloader, which uses prefix registration to point class prefixes (Model_) at directories.
