Extract primary key from MySQL in PHP - php

I have created a PHP script and I am lacking to extract the primary key, I have given flow below, please help me in how can i modify to get primary key
I am using MySQL DB, working for Joomla, My requirement is tracking the activity like insert/update/delete on any table and store it in another audit table using triggers, i.e. I am doing Auditing. DB's table structure: Few tables dont have any PK nor auto increment key
Flow of my script is :
I fetch out all table from DB.
I check whether the table have any trigger or not.
If yes then it moves to check for next table and so on.
If it does'nt find any trigger then it creates the triggers for the table, such that,
it first checks if the table has any primary key or not(for inserting in Tracking audit table for every change made)
if it has the primary key then it uses it further in creation of trigger.
if it doesnt find any PK then it proceeds further in creating the trigger without inserting any id in audit table
Now here, My problem is I need the PK every time so that I can record the id of any particular table in which the insert/update/delete is performed, so that further i can use this audit track table to replicate in production DB..
Now as I haave mentioned earlier that I am not available with PK/auto-incremented in some table, then what should I do get the particular id in which change is done?
please guide me...GEEKS!!!

If I understand your question right, you need a unique identifier for table rows that have no primary key and no other kind of unique identifier. That's not easy to do as far as I can see. Other databases have unique Row IDs, but mySQL does not. You could use the value of every column to try and identify the row, but that is far from duplicate-safe - there could be two or more rows containing the exact same values. So I'd say, without a unique identifier, this is something that simply cannot be done.
Some ideas in this SO question:
MySQL: is there something like an internal record identifier for every record in a MySQL table?


how to use the primary key of a table in database as a foreign key in table 2 while inserting the records from a single form simultaneously in php

I am fairly new to web development and currently working on a website using an MVC framework that can capture maintenance work conducted. I have managed to make the forms and it correctly displays any errors in filling the form and if there aren't any errors successfully inserts it into the database. What I would like to achieve is having the main table with the general details of the maintenance such as (date, time, technician, department, location, recommendations) and another table for which records what tasks were done during the maintenance such as sweeping, mopping, wiping the windows, cutting grass, etc. I have a single form that requires all the details required in both the tables to be filled. both tables will have primary keys that will be auto-increment. I would then like to simultaneously insert the data into the relevant tables only while inserting data into the tasks table I would like to have a foreign key to the main table for that particular record so it corresponds accordingly. How can I achieve this without manual input by the user if the primary key of the main table is an auto increment?
This isn't a big problem. It can't be done as a single query, but using transactions you can achieve an all-or-nothing result.
In pseudocode:
Validate data
Start a transaction
Insert data into main record
Get the last inserted ID
Insert one or more records into the child table, using the ID retrieved above
Commit the transaction (or roll back if some error occurred)
The exact mechanics vary between MySQLi and PDO, but the principle is the same.

Why postgres doesn't autoincrement the index?

I have created a table A having a id (serial) field.
I have created a seeding sql file, where I specify explicitly the id values, because I have also to populate related tables having foreign key that refers to this id field.
All the seeding sql script run fine.
But when it comes to perform a new insert in my table A (without specifying the id, serial, because I want it to be auto incremented) I get back a duplicate key error. Looks like that after the first seeding script. Postgres doesn't auto increment the index.
In fact, if I had inserted, let's say 3 records in the seeding phase, I'll get back three times the error from the subsequent inserts with id NULL, and then it starts inserting everything as expected. I.e. even if it report duplicate key error, it's incrementing the auto increment value each query sent.
How do you usually manage this?
You are facing this problem because "current value of your table sequence id is different". you can change it in your database.
If you are using pgadmin then go to your schema > sequences > yourtablename_id_seq > change current value.

Inserting mysql foreign keys and primary keys in a transaction.

Just looking for some tips and pointers for a small project I am doing. I have some ideas but I am not sure if they are the best practice. I am using mysql and php.
I have a table called nomsing in the database.
It has a primary key called row id which is an integer.
Then I have about 8 other tables referencing this table.
That are called nomplu, accsing,accplu, datsing, datplu for instance.
Each has a column that references the primary key of nomsing.
Withing my php code I have all the information to insert into the tables except one thing , the row id primary key of the nomsing table. So that php generates a series of inserts like the following.
INSERT INTO nomsing(word,postress,gender) VALUES (''велосипед","8","mask").
INSERT INTO nomplu(word,postress,NOMSING?REFERENCE) VALUES (''велосипеды","2",#the reference to the id of the first insert#).
There are more inserts but this one gets the point across. The second insert should reference the auto generated id for the first insert. I was this to work as a transaction so all inserts should complete or none.
One idea I have is to not auto generate the id and generate it myself in php. That way would know the id given before the transaction but then I would have to check if the id was already in the db.
Another idea I have is to do the first insert and then query for the row id of that insert in php and then make the second insert. I mean both should work but they don't seem like an optimal solution. I am not too familiar with the database transactional features but what would be the best approach to do in this case. I don't like the idea of inserting then querying for the id and then running the rest of the queries. Just seems very inefficient or perhaps I am wrong.
Just insert a row in the master table. Then you can fetch the insert id ( lastInserId when on PDO) and use that to populate your other queries.
You could use the php version as given by JvdBerg , or Mysql's LAST_INSERT_ID. I usually use the former option.
See a similar SO question here.
You could add a new column to the nomsing table, called 'insert_order' (or similar) with a default value of 0, then instead of generating one SQL statement per insert create a bulk insert statement e.g.
INSERT INTO nomsing(word,postress,gender, insert_order)
VALUES (''велосипед","8","mask",1), (''abcd'',"9","hat",2).....
you generate the insert_order number with a counter in your loop starting at one. Then you can perform one SELECT on the table to get the ids e.g.
SELECT row_id
FROM nomsing
WHERE insert_order > 0;
now you have all the IDs you can now do a bulk insert for your following queries. At the end of your script just do an update to reset the insert_order column back to 0
UPDATE nomsing SET insert_order = 0 WHERE insert_order > 0;
It may seem messy to add an extra column to do this but it will add a significant speed increase over performing one query at a time.

Problem with auto-incremented "id" column

My db table looks like this pic. http://prntscr.com/22z1n
Recently I've created delete.php page. it works properly but when i deleted 21th user next registered user gets 24th id instead of 21.
Is it possible to put newly registered users info to first empty row? (In this situation 21th row)
In my registration form, newly registering user can write names of existing users, and be friends with them after registration. For this friendship i have another table that associates id of newly registered user and existing user.
For this purpose i'm using mysql_insert_id during registration to get id for new user. But after deletion of 21th row during nex registration process mysql_insert_id gave me number 21. but stored in 24th row. And put to associations table 21 for new user. I wanna solve this problem
When you use an autoincrement id column, the value that the next entry will be assigned will not be reduced by deleting an entry. That is not what an autoincrement column is used for. The database engine will always increment that number on a new insert and never decrement that number on a delete.
A MySQL auto_increment column maintains a number internally, and will always increment it, even after deletions. If you need to fill in an empty space, you have to handle it yourself in PHP, rather than use the auto_increment keyword in the table definition.
Rolling back to fill in empty row ids can cause all sorts of difficulty if you have foreign key relationships to maintain, and it really isn't advised.
The auto_increment can be reset using a SQL statement, but this is not advised because it will cause duplicate key errors.
-- Doing this will cause problems!
To enforce your foreign key relationships as described in the comments, you should add to your table definition:
FOREIGN KEY (friendid) REFERENCES registration_table (id) ON DELETE SET NULL;
Fill in the correct table and column names. Now, when a user is deleted from the registration, their friend association is nulled. If you need to reassociate with a different user, that has to be handled with PHP. mysql_insert_id() is no longer helpful.
If you need to find the highest numbered id still in the database after deletion to associate with friends, use the following.
SELECT MAX(id) FROM registration_table;
Auto increment is a sequence key that's tracked as part of the table. It does not go back when you delete a row.
Easily, no. What you can do (but I don't suggest doing) is making an SQL function to determine the lowest number that isn't currently occupied. Or you can create a table of IDs that were deleted, and get the smallest number from there. Or, and this is the best idea, ignore the gaps and realize the database is fine.
What you want to do is achievable by adding an extra column to your table called something like user_order. You can then write code to manage inserts and deletions so that this column is always sequential with no gaps.
This way you avoid the problems you could have messing around with an auto_increment column.
It's not a good practice to reset auto_increment value, but if you really need to do it, so you can:
Run this query after every delete. Auto_increment value will not be set to 1, this will set the lowest possible value automatically.

How can we re-use the deleted id from any MySQL-DB table?

How can we re-use the deleted id from any MySQL-DB table?
If I want to rollback the deleted ID , can we do it anyhow?
It may be possible by finding the lowest unused ID and forcing it, but it's terribly bad practice, mainly because of referential integrity: It could be, for example, that relationships from other tables point to a deleted record, which would not be recognizable as "deleted" any more if IDs were reused.
Bottom line: Don't do it. It's a really bad idea.
Related reading: Using auto_increment in the mySQL manual
Re your update: Even if you have a legitimate reason to do this, I don't think there is an automatic way to re-use values in an auto_increment field. If at all, you would have to find the lowest unused value (maybe using a stored procedure or an external script) and force that as the ID (if that's even possible.).
You shouldn't do it.
Don't think of it as a number at all.
It is not a number. It's unique identifier. Think of this word - unique. No record should be identified with the same id.
As per your explanation provided "#Pekka, I am tracking the INsert Update and delete query..." I assume you just some how want to put your old data back to the same ID.
In that case you may consider using a delete-flag column in your table.
If the delete-flag is set for some row, you shall consider program to consider it deleted. Further you may make it available by setting the delete-flat(false).
Similar way is to move whole row to some temporary table and you can bring it back when required with the same data and ID.
Prev. idea is better though.
If this is not what you meant by your explanation; and you want to delete and still use all the values of ID(auto-generated); i have a few ideas you may implement:
- Create a table (IDSTORE) for storing Deleted IDs.
- Create a trigger activated on row delete which will note the ID and store it to the table.
- While inserting take minimum ID from IDSTORE and insert it with that value. If IDSTORE is empty you can pass NULL ID to generate Auto Incremented number.
Of course if you have references / relations (FK) implemented, you manually have to look after it, as your requirement is so.
Further Read:
Here is the my case for mysql DB:
I had menu table and the menu id was being used in content table as a foreign key. But there was no direct relation between tables (bad table design, i know but the project was done by other developer and later my client approached me to handle it). So, one day my client realised that some of the contents are not showing up. I looked at the problem and found that one of the menu is deleted from menu table, but luckily the menu id exist in cotent table. I found the menu id from content table that was deleted and run the normal insert query for menu table with same menu id along with other fields. (Id is primary key) and it worked.
insert into tbl_menu(id, col1, col2, ...) values(12, val1, val2, ...)
