Magic Method __set() on a Instantiated Object - php

Ok i have a problem, sorry if i cant explaint it clear but the code speaks for its self.
i have a class which generates objects from a given class name;
Say we say the class is Modules:
public function name($name)
$module = new ReflectionClass($name);
$instance = $module->isInstantiable() ? $module->newInstance() : "Err";
catch(Exception $e)
return $this;
The AddDelegate Method:
protected function addDelegate($delegate)
$this->aDelegates[] = $delegate;
The __call Method
public function __call($methodName, $parameters)
$delegated = false;
foreach ($this->aDelegates as $delegate)
$method = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($delegate), $methodName);
$function = array($delegate, $methodName);
return call_user_func_array($function, $parameters);
The __get Method
public function __get($property)
foreach($this->aDelegates as $delegate)
if ($delegate->$property !== false)
return $delegate->$property;
All this works fine expect the function __set
public function __set($property,$value)
foreach($this->aDelegates as $k=>$delegate)
if (property_exists($delegate, $property))
$delegate->$property = $value;
class tester
public function __set($name,$value)
Module::test("logger")->log("test"); // this logs, it works
echo Module::test("logger")->path; //prints /home/bla/test/ this is also correct
But i cant set any value to class log like this
Module::tester("logger")->path ="/home/bla/test/log/";
The path property of class logger is public so its not a problem of protected or private property access.
How can i solve this issue? I hope i could explain my problem clear.
A simple demonstration
Modules::Name("XML_Helper")->xmlVersion ="Hello"; // default is 333
$a = Modules::Name("XML_Helper")->xmlVersion; // now $a should contain "Hello"
echo $a; // prints 333
What i need is
Modules::Name("XML_Helper")->xmlVersion ="Hello"; // default is 333
$a = Modules::Name("XML_Helper")->xmlVersion; // now $a should contain "Hello"
echo $a; // prints Hello

I realise you already said that path is public, but it's still worth mentioning: If you're using PHP 5.3.0+, note this quirk of property_exists():
5.3.0 | This function checks the existence of a property independent of
In other words, if you check if (property_exists($delegate, $property)), you have no guarantee you have access to $delegate->$property for writing (or reading, for that matter, but you are trying to write).
As for actual troubleshooting: You could try checking if your if (property_exists($delegate, $property)) statement actually executes. If it doesn't, check the case of $property.
Sidenote: It's fairly hard to read the code you posted up, which makes it a bit of a pain to troubleshoot. Could you edit your post and indent it properly?

The path property of class logger is public so its not a problem of
protected or private property access.
That's your problem. From the docs:
__set() is run when writing data to inaccessible properties.
That suggests that __set() is not called for public properties.


PHP Magic __invoke upon object-property of a class

Consider this class arrangement - and in particular the magic function __invoke:
class Barman {
public function __construct() {
// .. .constructor stuff - whatever
public function makeDrink() {
return "vodka martini, shaken";
class Bar {
private $arr_barmen = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->arr_barmen['john'] = new Barman();
public function __invoke($barman_id) {
echo "I have been invoked";
return $this->arr_barmen[$barman_id];
public function aBarFunc($param) {
return "yes it worked ," .$param;
class Foo {
public $myBar;
public function __construct() {
$this->myBar = new Bar();
I want to write syntax like this
$company = new Foo();
Preferred result:
"vodka martini, shaken"
Actual result:
"Call to undefined method Foo::myBar()"
Invoking myBar() with the magic method should return a barman Object upon which you can call any of the barman's public methods
But now consider this (which does work)
$company = new Foo();
$myBar = $company->myBar;
$drink = $myBar('john')->makeDrink();
echo $drink;
// Result:
// I have been invoked
// vodka martini, shaken
So what's going on? I don't like that workaround - it's not sleek.
I need it to work this way:
Please help? :-)
I believe you can just add braces around it:
$company = new Foo();
$drink = ($company->myBar)('john')->makeDrink();
echo $drink; // vodka martini, shaken
This is being caused by an ambiguity in the call you're trying to make:
Because myBar is a property, the PHP interpreter isn't expecting it to be callable. It is parsing it as an attempt to call a method called myBar() which doesn't exist, and is thus throwing the error.
The direct way to resolve this is to clarify the ambiguity for the interpreter. You do this by adding curly braces around the property, as follows:
The code is now explicit that myBar is a property and should be accessed as such, but that it contains a value that is callable and that you wish to make that call.
This whole topic is complicated (slightly) by the fact that PHP 5.x and PHP 7.x behave differently with regard to how they default to handling these kinds of ambiguity. PHP 7 changed the defaults in order to correct some internal inconsistencies within the language. The result is that in situations like this where you have an ambiguity, if you want your code to work across both PHP 5.x and 7.x, you should always use the braces to explicitly define how you want it to work, regardless of whether your code works for you without them.
There is some documentation about this change in the PHP 7.0 upgrade notes, although the examples given don't cover your exact situation.
To attain chaining you have to return the Barman object in invoke.
class Barman {
public function __construct() {
// .. .constructor stuff - whatever
public function makeDrink() {
return "vodka martini, shaken";
class Bar {
private $arr_barmen = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->arr_barmen['john'] = new Barman();
public function __invoke($barman_id) {
echo "I have been invoked";
return $this->arr_barmen[$barman_id] = new Barman();
public function aBarFunc($param) {
return "yes it worked ," . $param;
class Foo {
public $myBar;
public function __construct() {
$this->myBar = new Bar();
// create a function with variable name to invoke the object
public function myBar($name) {
$mybar = $this->myBar;
return $mybar($name);
Thank you for the responses. I devised a cute workaround as follows:
class Barman {
public function __construct() {
public function makeDrink() {
return "vodka martini, shaken";
class Bar {
private $arr_barmen = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->arr_barmen['john'] = new Barman();
public function getBarman($barman_id) {
return $this->arr_barmen[$barman_id];
public function __invoke($barman_id) {
echo "I have been invoked \n";
return $this->arr_barmen[$barman_id];
class Foo {
private $_myBar;
public function __construct() {
$this->_myBar = new Bar();
// The fix
public function myBar($barman_id) {
return $this->_myBar->getBarman($barman_id);
$company = new Foo();
$drink = $company->myBar('john')->makeDrink();
echo $drink; // vodka martini, shaken
How it works?
Foo->myBar becomes private (Foo->$_myBar);
we create a public function with the name myBar inside Foo;
we create a "getBarman" fuction inside Bar which is called from Foo->myBar('john')
A few more steps - and now there's no ambiguity - Foo->myBar() IS always a function.

PHP Last Object of Method Chaining

In PHP using method chaining how would one go about supplying a functional call after the last method being called in the chain?
Also while using the same instance (see below). This would kill the idea of implementing a destructor.
The end result is a return value and functional call of private "insert()" from the defined chain properties (of course) without having to call it publicly, no matter of the order.
Note, if I echo (__toString) the methods together it would retrieve the final generated unique code which is normal behavior of casting a string.
Example below:
class object
private $data;
function __construct($name) {
// ... some other code stuff
private function fc($num) {
// some wicked code here
public function green($num) {
$this->data .= fc($num*10);
return $this;
public function red($num) {
$this->data .= fc($num*25);
return $this;
public function blue($num) {
$this->data .= fc($num*1);
return $this;
// how to get this baby to fire ?
private function insert() {
// inserting
file_put_content('test_code.txt', $this->data);
$tss = new object('index_elements');
$tss->blue(100)->green(200)->red(100); // chain 1
$tss->green(0)->red(100)->blue(0); // chain 2
$tss->blue(10)->red(80)->blue(10)->green(0); // chain 3
Chain 1, 2, and 3 would generated an unique code given all the values from the methods and supply an action, e.g. automatically inserting in DB or creating a file (used in this example).
As you can see no string setting or casting or echoing is taking place.
You could keep a list of things that needs to be initialised and whether they
have been so in this instance or not. Then check the list each time you use
one of the initialisation methods. Something like:
class O {
private $init = array
( 'red' => false
, 'green' => false
, 'blue' => false
private function isInit() {
$fin = true;
foreach($this->init as $in) {
$fin = $fin && $in;
return $fin;
public function green($n) {
$this->init['green'] = true;
if($this->isInit()) {
public function red($n) {
$this->init['red'] = true;
if($this->isInit()) {
public function blue($n) {
$this->init['blue'] = true;
if($this->isInit()) {
private function insert() {
echo "whee\n";
But personally I think this would be more hassle then it's worth. Better imo
to expose your insert method and let the user of you code tell when the
initialisation is finished. So something that should be used like:
If it's the case that it's impossible to predict what functions need to be called
you really do need to be explicit about it. I can't see a way around that. The reason
is that php really can't tell the difference between
$o1 = new A();
$o2 = $o1->stuff();
$o2 = (new A())->stuff();
In a language that allows overloading = I guess it would be possible but really
really confusing and generally not a good idea.
It is possible to move the explicit part so that it's not at the end of the call
chain, but I'm not sure if that would make you happier? It would also go against
your desire to not use another instance. It could look something like this:
class O {
public function __construct(InitO $ini) {
// Do stuff
echo "Whee\n";
class InitO {
public function red($n) {
return $this;
public function green($n) {
return $this;
public function blue($n) {
return $this;
$o = new O((new InitO())->red(10)->red(9)->green(7));
You can of course use just one instance by using some other way of wrapping
but the only ways I can think of right now would look a lot uglier.
Im with PeeHaa, this makes no sense! :)
Only chance to have something magically happen after the last chain was used (without being able to look into the future) is a Destructor/Shutdown function OR a manually cast/call to insert()
You can also decide to implement this statically without using objects.
class Object
private static $data;
public static function set($name)
// ... some other code stuff
private static function fc($num)
// some wicked code here
public static function green($num)
self::$data .= self::fc($num*10);
return new static;
public static function red($num)
self::$data .= self::fc($num*25);
return new static;
public static function blue($num) {
self::$data .= self::fc($num*1);
return new static;
// how to get this baby to fire ?
public static function insert()
// inserting
file_put_content('test_code.txt', self::$data);
//$tss = new object('index_elements');
$Object::set('index_elements')->blue(100)->green(200)->red(100)->insert(); // chain 1
$Object::set('index_elements')->green(0)->red(100)->blue(0)->insert(); // chain 2
$Object::set('index_elements')->blue(10)->red(80)->blue(10)->green(0)->insert(); // chain 3
Ok let's see a code example
// map dummy class
class map
// __call magic method
public function __call($name, $args)
return $this;
// now we chain
$map = new map;
// let's find me
->and('get water')
here we don't know what the last method would be and we need to trigger a kinda operation or event once we hit the end.
According to data structure we can call this the LIFO stack. (Last in first out)
so how did i solve this on PHP?
// i did some back tracing
... back to the __call function
function __call($name, $args)
$trace = debug_backtrace()[0];
$line = $trace['line'];
$file = $trace['file'];
$trace = null;
$getFile = file($file);
$file = null;
$getLine = trim($getFile[$line-1]);
$line = null;
$getFile = null;
$split = preg_split("/(->)($name)/", $getLine);
$getLine = null;
if (!preg_match('/[)](->)(\S)/', $split[1]) && preg_match('/[;]$/', $split[1]))
// last method called.
var_dump($name); // outputs: youShouldSeeMe
$split = null;
return $this;
And whoolla we can call anything once we hit the bottom.
*(Notice i use null once i am done with a variable, i come from C family where we manage memory ourselves)
Hope it helps you one way or the other.

Is it possible to use mixins in php

I came to know about mixins.So my doubt is, is it possible to use mixins in php?If yes then how?
Use Trait introduced in PHP 5.4
class Base {
public function sayHello() {
echo 'Hello ';
trait SayWorld {
public function sayHello() {
echo 'World!';
class MyHelloWorld extends Base {
use SayWorld;
$o = new MyHelloWorld();
which prints Hello World!
This answer is obsolete as of PHP 5.4. See Jeanno's answer for how to use traits.
It really depends on what level of mixins you want from PHP. PHP handles single-inheritance, and abstract classes, which can get you most of the way.
Of course the best part of mixins is that they're interchangeable snippets added to whatever class needs them.
To get around the multiple inheritance issue, you could use include to pull in snippets of code. You'll likely have to dump in some boilerplate code to get it to work properly in some cases, but it would certainly help towards keeping your programs DRY.
class Foo
public function bar( $baz )
return $result;
class Fizz
public function bar( $baz )
return $result;
It's not as direct as being able to define a class as class Foo mixin Bar, but it should get you most of the way there. There are some drawbacks: you need to keep the same parameter names and return variable names, you'll need to pass other data that relies on context such as func_get_args_array or __FILE__.
Mixins for PHP (PHP does not implement Mixins natively, but this library will help)
First google result for "php5 mixin":
First google result for "php mixin":
Short answer: yes, but not natively (yet, evidently, as #mchl notes). Check those out.
Longer answer: if you're using runkit, checkout runkit_method_copy(): "Copies a method from class to another."
I based mixins functionality on the blog entry found at
class Node
protected $__decorator_lookup = array();
public function __construct($classes = array())
foreach($classes as $class)
if (class_exists($class))
$decorator = new $class($this);
$methods = get_class_methods($decorator);
if (is_array($methods))
foreach($methods as $method)
$this->__decorator_lookup[strtolower($method)] = $decorator;
trigger_error("Tried to inherit non-existant class", E_USER_ERROR);
public function __get($name)
if ($this->__decorator_lookup[strtolower($name)])
return $this->__call($name);
public function __call($method, $args = array())
return call_user_func_array(array($this->__decorator_lookup[strtolower($method)], $method), $args);
trigger_error("Call to undefined method " . get_class($this) . "::$method()", E_USER_ERROR);
public function __clone()
$temp = $this->decorators;
$this->decorators = array();
foreach($temp as $decorator)
$new = clone($decorator);
$new->__self = $this;
$this->decorators[] = $new;
class Decorator
public $__self;
public function __construct($__self)
$this->__self = $__self;
public function &__get($key)
return $this->__self->$key;
public function __call($method, $arguments)
return call_user_func_array(array($this->__self, $method), $arguments);
public function __set($key, $value)
$this->__self->$key = $value;
class Pretty extends Decorator
public function A()
echo "a";
public function B()
$this->b = "b";
$a = new Node(array("Pretty"));
$a->A(); // outputs "a"
echo($a->b); // outputs "b"
As PHP clone is shallow, added __clone support.
Also, bear in mind that unset WON'T work (or at least I've not managed to make it work) within the mixin. So - doing something like unset($this->__self->someValue); won't unset the value on Node. Don't know why, as in theory it should work. Funny enough unset($this->__self->someValue); var_dump(isset($this->__self->someValue)); will produce correctly false, however accessing the value from Node scope (as Node->someValue) will still produce true. There's some strange voodoo there.

PHP get_called_class() alternative

I've got an Abstract PHP superclass, which contains code that needs to know which subclass its running under.
class Foo {
static function _get_class_name() {
return get_called_class();
//works in PHP 5.3.*, but not in PHP 5.2.*
static function other_code() {
//needs to know
echo self::_get_class_name();
class Bar extends Foo {
class FooBar extends Foo {
Bar::other_code(); // i need 'Bar'
FooBar::other_code(); // i need 'FooBar'
This would work if I called the function get_called_class() -- however, this code is going to be run in PHP version 5.2.*, so that function is not available.
There's some custom PHP implementations of get_called_class() out there, but they all rely on going thru the debug_backtrack(), parsing a file name & line number, and running a regex (as the coder is not aware that PHP 5.2 has reflection) to find the class name. This code needs to be able to be run with php, ie. not only from a .php file. (It needs to work from a php -a shell, or an eval() statement.)
Ideally, a solution would work without requiring any code to be added to the subclasses… The only potential solution I can see though is adding the following code to each subclass, which is obviously a disgusting hack:
class FooBar extends Foo {
static function _get_class_name() {
return 'FooBar';
EDIT: Wait, this doesn't even seem to work. It would've been my last resort. Can anybody think of something similar to this solution that'd get me the required functionality. Ie., I'm willing to accept a solution that requires me to add one function or variable to each subclass telling it what its class name is. Unfortunately, it seems that calling self::_get_class_name() from the superclass calls the parent class' implementation, even if the subclass has overridden it.
In reality it is often helpful to know the actual called (sub)class when executing a superclass method, and I disagree that there's anything wrong with wanting to solve this problem.
Example, my objects need to know the class name, but what they do with that information is always the same and could be extracted into a superclass method IF I was able to get the called class name. Even the PHP team thought this was useful enough to include in php 5.3.
The correct and un-preachy answer, as far as I can tell, is that prior to 5.3, you have to either do something heinous (e.g. backtrace,) or just include duplicate code in each of the subclasses.
Working solution:
function getCalledClass(){
$arr = array();
$arrTraces = debug_backtrace();
foreach ($arrTraces as $arrTrace){
if(!array_key_exists("class", $arrTrace)) continue;
if(count($arr)==0) $arr[] = $arrTrace['class'];
else if(get_parent_class($arrTrace['class'])==end($arr)) $arr[] = $arrTrace['class'];
return end($arr);
This is not possible.
The concept of "called class" was introduced in PHP 5.3. This information was not tracked in previous versions.
As an ugly work-around, you could possibly use debug_backtrace to look into the call stack, but it's not equivalent. For instance, in PHP 5.3, using ClassName::method() doesn't forward the static call; you have no way to tell this with debug_backtrace. Also, debug_backtrace is relatively slow.
The PHP/5.2 alternative to late static binding that keeps duplicate code to the minimum while avoiding weird hacks would be to create one-liners on child classes that pass the class name as argument:
abstract class Transaction{
public $id;
public function __construct($id){
$this->id = $id;
protected static function getInstanceHelper($class_name, $id){
return new $class_name($id);
class Payment extends Transaction{
public static function getInstance($id){
return parent::getInstanceHelper(__CLASS__, $id);
class Refund extends Transaction{
public static function getInstance($id){
return parent::getInstanceHelper(__CLASS__, $id);
var_dump( Payment::getInstance(1), Refund::getInstance(2) );
object(Payment)#1 (1) {
object(Refund)#2 (1) {
The solution is:
However, I don't know if this sentence works in static functions. Give it a try and tell me your feedback.
This hack includes the heinous use of debug_backtrace... not pretty, but it does the job:
function callerName($functionName=null)
$btArray = debug_backtrace();
$btIndex = count($btArray) - 1;
while($btIndex > -1)
return $matches[1];
$lines = file($btArray[$btIndex]['file']);
$callerLine = $lines[$btArray[$btIndex]['line']-1];
return $matches[1];
return $matches[1];
I have asked a question like this before, because I wanted a parent to have a factory method that was something like this
public static function factory() {
return new __CLASS__;
But it always returned the parent class, not the inherited one.
I was told that it is not possible without late static binding. It was introduced in PHP 5.3. You can read the documentation.
This function does the same job but works with instances too:
if (!function_exists('get_called_class')) {
function get_called_class() {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
if (self::$fl == $bt[1]['file'] . $bt[1]['line']) {
} else {
self::$i = 0;
self::$fl = $bt[1]['file'] . $bt[1]['line'];
if ($bt[1]['type'] == '::') {
$lines = file($bt[1]['file']);
preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)::' . $bt[1]['function'] . '/', $lines[$bt[1]['line'] - 1], $matches);
$result = $matches[1][self::$i];
} else if ($bt[1]['type'] == '->') {
$result = get_class($bt[1]['object']);
return $result;
class Foo {
private static $instance;
static function _get_class_name() {
return self::myNameIs();
static function other_code() {
//needs to know
echo self::_get_class_name();
class Bar extends Foo {
public static function myNameIs() {
self::$instance = new Bar();
return get_class(self::$instance);
class FooBar extends Foo {
public static function myNameIs() {
self::$instance = new FooBar();
return get_class(self::$instance);
Bar::other_code(); // i need 'Bar'
FooBar::other_code(); // i need 'FooBar'

Call private methods and private properties from outside a class in PHP

I want to access private methods and variables from outside the classes in very rare specific cases.
I've seen that this is not be possible although introspection is used.
The specific case is the next one:
I would like to have something like this:
class Console
final public static function run() {
while (TRUE != FALSE) {
echo "\n> ";
$command = trim(fgets(STDIN));
switch ($command) {
case 'exit':
case 'q':
case 'quit':
echo "OK+\n";
$out = ob_get_contents();
print("Command: $command");
This method should be able to be injected in the code like this:
Class Demo
private $a;
final public function myMethod()
// some code
// some other code
final public function myPublicMethod()
return "I can run through eval()";
private function myPrivateMethod()
return "I cannot run through eval()";
(this is just one simplification. the real one goes through a socket, and implement a bunch of more things...)
If you instantiate the class Demo and you call $demo->myMethod(), you'll get a console: that console can access the first method writing a command like:
> $this->myPublicMethod();
But you cannot run successfully the second one:
> $this->myPrivateMethod();
Do any of you have any idea, or if there is any library for PHP that allows you to do this?
Thanks a lot!
Just make the method public. But if you want to get tricky you can try this (PHP 5.3):
class LockedGate
private function open()
return 'how did you get in here?!!';
$object = new LockedGate();
$reflector = new ReflectionObject($object);
$method = $reflector->getMethod('open');
echo $method->invoke($object);
Updated to include examples of private function calls with parameters.
As of PHP 5.4, you can use the predefined Closure class to bind a method/property of a class to a delta functions that has access even to private members.
The Closure class
For example we have a class with a private variable and we want to access it outside the class:
class Foo {
private $bar = "Foo::Bar";
private function add_ab($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;
PHP 5.4+
$foo = new Foo;
// Single variable example
$getFooBarCallback = function() {
return $this->bar;
$getFooBar = $getFooBarCallback->bindTo($foo, 'Foo');
echo $getFooBar(); // Prints Foo::Bar
// Function call with parameters example
$getFooAddABCallback = function() {
// As of PHP 5.6 we can use $this->fn(...func_get_args()) instead of call_user_func_array
return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'add_ab'), func_get_args());
$getFooAddAB = $getFooAddABCallback->bindTo($foo, 'Foo');
echo $getFooAddAB(33, 6); // Prints 39
As of PHP 7, you can use the new Closure::call method, to bind any method/property of an obect to a callback function, even for private members:
PHP 7+
$foo = new Foo;
// Single variable example
$getFooBar = function() {
return $this->bar;
echo $getFooBar->call($foo); // Prints Foo::Bar
// Function call with parameters example
$getFooAddAB = function() {
return $this->add_ab(...func_get_args());
echo $getFooAddAB->call($foo, 33, 6); // Prints 39
The first question you should ask is, if you need to access it from outside the class, why did you declare it private? If it's not your code, the originator probably had a good reason to declare it private, and accessing it directly is a very bad (and largely unmaintainable) practice.
EDIT: As Adam V. points out in the comments, you need to make the private method accessible before invoking it. Code sample updated to include this. I haven't tested it, though - just adding here to keep the answer updated.
That having been said, you can use Reflection to accomplish this. Instantiate ReflectionClass, call getMethod for the method you want to invoke, and then call invoke on the returned ReflectionMethod.
A code sample (though I haven't tested it, so there may be errors) might look like
$demo = new Demo();
$reflection_class = new ReflectionClass("Demo");
$reflection_method = $reflection_class->getMethod("myPrivateMethod");
$result = $reflection_method->invoke($demo, NULL);
Here's a variation of the other answers that can be used to make such calls one line:
public function callPrivateMethod($object, $methodName)
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($object);
$reflectionMethod = $reflectionClass->getMethod($methodName);
$params = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2); //get all the parameters after $methodName
return $reflectionMethod->invokeArgs($object, $params);
I have these problems too sometimes, however I get around it through my coding standards. Private or protected functions are denoted with a prefix underscore ie
private function _myPrivateMethod()
Then i simply make the function public.
public function _myPrivateMethod()
So although the function is public the naming convention gives the notification that whilst public is is private and shouldn't really be used.
If you are able to added a method in the class where the method is defined, you can add method which uses the call_user_method() internally. This works also with PHP 5.2.x
class SomeClass {
public function callprivate($methodName) {
call_user_method(array($this, $methodName));
private function somePrivateMethod() {
echo 'test';
$object = new SomeClass();
Answer is put public to the method. Whatever trick you are going to do it wouldn't be understandable to fellow developers. For example they do not know that at some other code this function has been accessed as public by looking at the Demo class.
One more thing. that console can access the first method writing a command like:. How can this even be possible? Console can not access demo class functions by using $this.
I guess the reflectionClass is the only alternative if you really want to execute some private methods. Anyhow, if you just need read access to privat or protected properties, you could use this code:
class Demo
private $foo = "bar";
$demo = new Demo();
// Will return an object with public, private and protected properties in public scope.
$properties = json_decode(preg_replace('/\\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})|'.get_class($demo).'/i', '', json_encode((array) $demo)));
$name=new Update($request,$data);
class Update{
private $request;
private $data;
function __construct($request,$data){
echo "Can't do anything";
private function update_email(){
echo $this->request;
echo '\n';
foreach($this->data as $x){
echo $x."\n";
