Can I prevent IMAP from grabbing files over X mb using PHP? - php

I'm building a little script that will connect to an IMAP account and grab the content of the email and also the attachments. It works well for the most part, but when a really large file comes in, it causes the script to time out. Is there any way that I can check the file size before trying to grab it? I think that would be the simplest solution. Otherwise, I may have to upgrade to a server that has more memory.

Check out imap-fetch-overview() and imap-fetchstructure()
They look like they'll give you the size in bytes (depending on the server).

You can use imap_fetch_overview to retrieve information for one or more headers, including the size.


PHP get filesize of imap attachments

I am reading imap email with PHP and downloading attachments, using the core imap PHP functions. I am also connecting via the imap protocol (not POP). I would like to be able to know the filesize of attachments before I load them into memory, to reduce server resource usage.
For example I want a limit of 5mb per attachment, this way I can discard any attachments that are over the limit, before they consume any server resources. Finding the size of the email might help but the problem with that is I want the limit per attachment, not per email.
imap_fetchbody() is loading the attachment, which all works. I could probably read the size of the result of that function but that would mean loading the attachment into memory first.
This question is just over 3 years old with no real answer, I'm surprised.
Loading the email structure using imap_fetchstructure(); will reveal all the information you'll need for this task. I will assume you know how to obtain the particular email you want to check before using imap_fetchstructure();.
Anyway, the function will return a list of "parts". These parts are of the IMAP4 specification. The results are given in an array, and one of the array indices is called bytes which indicates the number of bytes for that part. There is another index called encoding which indicates the method of encoding for that part.
As Paul answered, Base64 encoding is generally about 33% larger than the original size which should be good enough to determine the original data length of the attachment.
I believe you can avoid the hassle of loading the data to memory by writing the data directly to a file handle by the use of the imap_savebody(); function. You can overcome the encoding issue by adding a stream filter to that file handle before calling imap_savebody();. This is achieved by the stream_filter_append(); function.
I may edit my answer and add some working PHP code when I have more time.
I realize this is an older post, but in case it helps, the difference in size is due to the attachments being base64-encoded, which results in a roughly 33% expansion of the data. From RFC3501: "[Body size is] A number giving the size of the body in octets. Note that this size is the size in its transfer encoding and not the resulting size after any decoding."

How to output a large image to the browser using PHP?

I have a very large image generated on the fly with PHP and outputted to the browser. (it's 5000px wide and 1000-2000px tall. It's a plot of the daily user activity on my site).
The problem is that nowadays the plot is too big and the PHP script gives memory exhausted errors (tough the generated PNG itself is quite small) and I can't get the image due to this.
Is there way to output this large image in multiple parts somehow using GD in PNG format?
(ps: the host where I run the site uses safe mode, so I can't modify the configuration and I think they're using the default PHP installation.)
EDIT1: It's an admin script. No users see it except me.
EDIT2: and example image can be seen here:
(I also have the option to group the tracks by IP address.)
Every user+IP pair has its own 24 hour track on the plot. And every green mark denotes an user activity. As you can see this image can be output track by track. And there is no need to output and generate the whole thing all once.
This website will be an online strategy game and I want to use this graph in the future to make detecting multiaccounts easier. (Users who are trying to get advantage by registering multiple accounts over those ones who only have 1.) But this is a different problem.
I'm using PHP script because I'm too lazy to export the requestlog from the database, download it and feed the data to a program that would make the plot for me. ;)
Set the memory limit to unlimited before processing the image.
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
It'd help to say how you're generating the image (GD library, ImageMagick) and how you're outputting it. Are you saving the file to a directory and then using readfile() to output it? If yes, fopen / fread / echo combination is about 50%-60% faster than using readfile() to output files to the browser. Are you using gzip compression? What's the time limit on php execution? What's the exact error message you're getting?

Get size of uncompressed data in zlib?

I'm creating something that includes a file upload service of sorts, and I need to store data compressed with zlib's compress() function. I send it across the internet already compressed, but I need to know the uncompressed file size on the remote server. Is there any way I can figure out this information without uncompress()ing the data on the server first, just for efficiency? That's how I'm doing it now, but if there's a shortcut I'd love to take it.
By the way, why is it called uncompress? That sounds pretty terrible to me, I always thought it would be decompress...
I doubt it. I don't believe this is something the underlying zlib libraries provide from memory (although it's been a good 7 or 8 years since I used it, the up-to-date docs don't seem to indicate this feature has been added).
One possibility would be to transfer another file which contained the uncompressed size (e.g., transfer both and but that seems fraught with danger, especially if you get the size wrong.
Another alternative is, if the server uncompressing is time-expensive but doesn't have to be done immediately, to do it in a lower-priority background task (like with nice under Linux). But again, there may be drawbacks if the size checker starts running behind (too many uploads coming in).
And I tend to think of decompression in terms of "explosive decompression", not a good term to use :-)
If you're uploading using the raw 'compress' format, then you won't have information on the size of the data that's being uploaded. Pax is correct in this regard.
You can store it as a 4 byte header at the start of the compression buffer - assuming that the file size doesn't exceed 4GB.
some C code as an example:
uint8_t *compressBuffer = calloc(bufsize + sizeof (uLongf), 0);
uLongf compressedSize = bufsize;
*((uLongf *)compressBuffer) = filesize;
compress(compressBuffer + sizeof (uLongf), &compressedSize, sourceBuffer, bufsize);
Then you send the complete compressBuffer of the size compressedSize + sizeof (uLongf). When you receive it on the server side you can use the following code to get the data back:
// data is in compressBuffer, assume you already know compressed size.
uLongf originalSize = *((uLongf *)compressBuffer);
uint8_t *realCompressBuffer = compressBuffer + sizeof (uLongf);
If you don't trust the client to send the correct size then you will need to perform some sort of uncompressed data check on the server size. The suggestion of using uncompress to /dev/null is a reasonable one.
If you're uploading a .zip file, it contains a directory which tells you the size of the file when it's uncompressed. This information is built into the file format, again, though this is subject to malicious clients.
The zlib format doesn't have a field for the original input size, so I doubt you will be able to do that without simulating a decompression of the data. The gzip format has a "input size" (ISIZE) field, that you could use, but maybe you want to avoid changing the compression format or having the clients sending the file size.
But even if you use a different format, if you don't trust the clients you would still need to run a more expensive check to make sure the uncompressed data is the size the client says it is. In this case, what you can do is to make the uncompress-to-/dev/null process less expensive, making sure zlib doesn't write the output data anywhere, as you just want to know the uncompressed size.

Upload progress using pure PHP/AJAX?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but as I can't seem to find a good answer, here I am, asking... again. :)
Is there any way, using only a mixture of HTML, JavaScript/AJAX, and PHP, to report the actual progress of a file upload?
In reply to anyone suggesting SWFUpload or similar:
I know all about it. Been down that road. I'm looking for a 100% pure solution (and yes, I know I probably won't get it).
Monitoring your file uploads with PHP/Javascript requires the PECL extension:
A good example of the code needed to display the progress to your users is:
Uber Uploader
If I'm not mistaken it uses JQuery to communicate with PHP.
You could also write it yourself, It's not that complex.
Add a hidden element as the first element of upload form, named UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER.
Poll a PHP script that calls uploadprogress_get_info( UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER )
It return an array containing the following:
time_start - The time that the upload began (unix timestamp),
time_last - The time that the progress info was last updated,
speed_average - Average speed in bytes per second,
speed_last - Last measured speed in bytes per second,
bytes_uploaded - Number of bytes uploaded so far,
bytes_total - The value of the Content-Length header sent by the browser,
files_uploaded - Number of files uploaded so far,
est_sec - Estimated number of seconds remaining.
Let PHP return the info to Javascript and you should have plenty of information.
Depending on the audience, you will likely not use all the info available.
If you have APC installed (and by this point, you really should; it'll be standard in PHP6), it has an option to enable upload tracking.
There's some documentation, and Rasmus has written a code sample that uses YUI.
If you're able to add PECL packages into your PHP, there is the uploadprogress package.
The simplest way would be to just use swfupload, though.
Is there any way, using only a mixture of HTML, JavaScript/AJAX, and PHP, to report the actual progress of a file upload?
I don't know of any way to monitor plain HTML (multipart/form-data) file uploads in webserver-loaded PHP.
You need to have access to the progress of the multipart/form-data parser as the data comes in, but this looks impossible because the ways of accessing the HTTP request body from PHP ($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and php://input) are documented as being “not available with enctype="multipart/form-data"”.
You could do a script-assisted file upload in Firefox using an upload field's FileList to grab the contents of a file to submit in a segmented or non-multipart way. Still a bunch of work to parse though.
(You could even run a PHP script as a standalone server on another port just for receiving file uploads, using your own HTTP-handling code. But that's a huge amount of work for relatively little gain.)
I'd recommend you to five FancyUpload a try it's a really cool solution for progress bar and it's not necesarely attached to php. Checkout also the other tools at
IMHO, this is the problem that Web browsers should solve. We have progress meter for downloads, so why not for uploads as well?
Take a look at this for example:

Generating ZIP files with PHP + Apache on-the-fly in high speed?

To quote some famous words:
“Programmers… often take refuge in an understandable, but disastrous, inclination towards complexity and ingenuity in their work. Forbidden to design anything larger than a program, they respond by making that program intricate enough to challenge their professional skill.”
While solving some mundane problem at work I came up with this idea, which I'm not quite sure how to solve. I know I won't be implementing this, but I'm very curious as to what the best solution is. :)
Suppose you have this big collection with JPG files and a few odd SWF files. With "big" I mean "a couple thousand". Every JPG file is around 200KB, and the SWFs can be up to a few MB in size. Every day there's a few new JPG files. The total size of all the stuff is thus around 1 GB, and is slowly but steadily increasing. Files are VERY rarely changed or deleted.
The users can view each of the files individually on the webpage. However there is also the wish to allow them to download a whole bunch of them at once. The files have some metadata attached to them (date, category, etc.) that the user can filter the collection by.
The ultimate implementation would then be to allow the user to specify some filter criteria and then download the corresponding files as a single ZIP file.
Since the amount of criteria is big enough, I cannot pre-generate all the possible ZIP files and must do it on-the-fly. Another problem is that the download can be quite large and for users with slow connections it's quite likely that it will take an hour or more. Support for "resume" is therefore a must-have.
On the bright side however the ZIP doesn't need to compress anything - the files are mostly JPEGs anyway. Thus the whole process shouldn't be more CPU-intensive than a simple file download.
The problems then that I have identified are thus:
PHP has execution timeout for scripts. While it can be changed by the script itself, will there be no problems by removing it completely?
With the resume option, there is the possibility of the filter results changing for different HTTP requests. This might be mitigated by sorting the results chronologically, as the collection is only getting bigger. The request URL would then also include a date when it was originally created and the script would not consider files younger than that. Will this be enough?
Will passing large amounts of file data through PHP not be a performance hit in itself?
How would you implement this? Is PHP up to the task at all?
By now two people have suggested to store the requested ZIP files in a temporary folder and serving them from there as usual files. While this is indeed an obvious solution, there are several practical considerations which make this infeasible.
The ZIP files will usually be pretty large, ranging from a few tens of megabytes to hundreads of megabytes. It's also completely normal for a user to request "everything", meaning that the ZIP file will be over a gigabyte in size. Also there are many possible filter combinations and many of them are likely to be selected by the users.
As a result, the ZIP files will be pretty slow to generate (due to sheer volume of data and disk speed), and will contain the whole collection many times over. I don't see how this solution would work without some mega-expensive SCSI RAID array.
This may be what you need:
This lib allows you to build a dynamic streaming zip file without swapping to disk.
Use e.g. the PhpConcept Library Zip library.
Resuming must be supported by your webserver except the case where you don't make the zipfiles accessible directly. If you have a php script as mediator then pay attention to sending the right headers to support resuming.
The script creating the files shouldn't timeout ever just make sure the users can't select thousands of files at once. And keep something in place to remove "old zipfiles" and watch out that some malicious user doesn't use up your diskspace by requesting many different filecollections.
You're going to have to store the generated zip file, if you want them to be able to resume downloads.
Basically you generate the zip file and chuck it in a /tmp directory with a repeatable filename (hash of the search filters maybe). Then you send the correct headers to the user and echo file_get_contents to the user.
To support resuming you need to check out the $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] value, it's format is detailed here and once your parsed that you'll need to run something like this.
$size = filesize($zip_file);
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) {
//parse http_range
$range = explode( '-', $seek_range);
$new_length = $range[1] - $range[0]
header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content");
header("Content-Length: $new_length");
header("Content-Range: bytes {$range[0]}-$range[1]");
echo file_get_contents($zip_file, FILE_BINARY, null, $range[0], $new_length);
} else {
header("Content-Range: bytes 0-$size");
header("Content-Length: ".$size);
echo file_get_contents($zip_file);
This is very sketchy code, you'll probably need to play around with the headers and the contents to the HTTP_RANGE variable a bit. You can use fopen and fwrite rather than file_get contents if you wish and just fseek to the right place.
Now to your questions
PHP has execution timeout for scripts. While it can be changed by the script itself, will there be no problems by removing it completely?
You can remove it if you want to, however if something goes pear shaped and your code get stuck in an infinite loop at can lead to interesting problems should that infinite loop be logging and error somewhere and you don't notice, until a rather grumpy sys-admin wonders why their server ran out of hard disk space ;)
With the resume option, there is the possibility of the filter results changing for different HTTP requests. This might be mitigated by sorting the results chronologically, as the collection is only getting bigger. The request URL would then also include a date when it was originally created and the script would not consider files younger than that. Will this be enough?
Cache the file to the hard disk, means you wont have this problem.
Will passing large amounts of file data through PHP not be a performance hit in itself?
Yes it wont be as fast as a regular download from the webserver. But it shouldn't be too slow.
i have a download page, and made a zip class that is very similar to your ideas.
my downloads are very big files, that can't be zipped properly with the zip classes out there.
and i had similar ideas as you.
the approach to give up the compression is very good, with that you not even need fewer cpu resources, you save memory because you don't have to touch the input files and can pass it throught, you can also calculate everything like the zip headers and the end filesize very easy, and you can jump to every position and generate from this point to realize resume.
I go even further, i generate one checksum from all the input file crc's, and use it as an e-tag for the generated file to support caching, and as part of the filename.
If you have already download the generated zip file the browser gets it from the local cache instead of the server.
You can also adjust the download rate (for example 300KB/s).
One can make zip comments.
You can choose which files can be added and what not (for example thumbs.db).
But theres one problem that you can't overcome with the zip format completely.
Thats the generation of the crc values.
Even if you use hash-file to overcome the memory problem, or use hash-update to incrementally generate the crc, it will use to much cpu resources.
Not much for one person, but not recommend for professional use.
I solved this with an extra crc value table that i generate with an extra script.
I add this crc values per parameter to the zip class.
With this, the class is ultra fast.
Like a regular download script, as you mentioned.
My zip class is work in progress, you can have a look at it here:
I hope i can help someone with that :)
But i will discontinue this approach, i will reprogram my class to a tar class.
With tar i don't need to generate crc values from the files, tar only need some checksums for the headers, thats all.
And i don't need an extra mysql table any more.
I think it makes the class easier to use, if you don't have to create an extra crc table for it.
It's not so hard, because tars file structure is easier as the zip structure.
PHP has execution timeout for scripts. While it can be changed by the script itself, will there be no problems by removing it completely?
If your script is safe and it closes on user abort, then you can remove it completely.
But it would be safer, if you just renew the timeout on every file that you pass throught :)
With the resume option, there is the possibility of the filter results changing for different HTTP requests. This might be mitigated by sorting the results chronologically, as the collection is only getting bigger. The request URL would then also include a date when it was originally created and the script would not consider files younger than that. Will this be enough?
Yes that would work.
I had generated a checksum from the input file crc's.
I used this as an e-tag and as part of the zip filename.
If something changed, the user can't resume the generated zip,
because the e-tag and filename changed together with the content.
Will passing large amounts of file data through PHP not be a performance hit in itself?
No, if you only pass throught it will not use much more then a regular download.
Maybe 0.01% i don't know, its not much :)
I assume because php don't do much with the data :)
You can use ZipStream or PHPZip, which will send zipped files on the fly to the browser, divided in chunks, instead of loading the entire content in PHP and then sending the zip file.
Both libraries are nice and useful pieces of code. A few details:
ZipStream "works" only with memory, but cannot be easily ported to PHP 4 if necessary (uses hash_file())
PHPZip writes temporary files on disk (consumes as much disk space as the biggest file to add in the zip), but can be easily adapted for PHP 4 if necessary.
