Pear PHP UML Class Diagrams [closed] - php

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to create graphical representations of existing code. I have tried to use VS.PHP (with Visual Studios 2010) but cant seem to generate class diagrams from this.
I have tried to use Pear's PHP UML package which has produced a lot of JavaDoc style documentation and an XMI document. From what I have read, this can be used to create class diagrams? If so, how?
Are there other "easier" alternatives?
Thanks in advance

You can use Enterprise Architect. It has an option to reverse engineer your code.


PHP Functions repository [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am wondering if you know any source where we can find premade functions in PHP ?
A sort of open-source repository where functions are tested and created taking in mind security and best practices. For example : generating mails, field escape functions, login, register, ... the classic stuff.
There are MANY such packages available at You autoload these into your PHP app using Composer, available at This is the newest, bestest way to developer PHP apps. Don't re-invent the wheel; use some of the great code available here.

Tools for generate sequence diagram(UML) from PHP class(files) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want a tool to help me generate sequence diagram from PHP class,
is there any tools?
free or open source software will be prefered. THX~~~
UPDATE: And it must has Mac supported.
I will prefer UML diagram.
You can draw the diagram with the flow.
If you want to generate sequence diagrams capturing execution flows for documentation and debugging you can use this tool :
you can use this tool to generate PlantUML sequence diagrams based on the execution flow of a PHP application:
it requires recording with the XDebug profiler, and can generate images too.

similar to docutils in PHP [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Just curious to know is there any document utility available in PHP which can perform something like docutils in python ?
A libary which can be very user friendly in terms of converting restructured text into HTML ?
phpDocumentor is quite outdated. Have a look at DocBlox (Github Repository) or
docblox merged with phpdocumentor and they now maintain phpdocumentor 2.
links that take you directly to the project:
github repo
Try phpDocumentor.

Codeigniter AOP [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a good implementation of AOP paradigm for Codeigniter PHP Framework.
What do you suggest me?
Aspect Oriented Programming is not very widespread in the PHP world yet. I'm not sure CI has any facility for this. Your best bet is likely to google AOP PHP to find an implementation.
Some libraries (including dead ones) (as part of their full stack)
Exar is pretty new, with a focus on performance and only depends on PHP itself.

asp to php translator [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for some asp to php translator.
I tried it is totally buggy.
please suggest me good think.
Thanks in advance.
There is no commercially available or open source product that will turn classic ASP pages into PHP.
I've heard of companies rolling their own ASP to PHP compiler internally, but it always relies on keeping yourself to a particular subset of each language and/or external features (PHP Extensions, ASP Components, etc.)
You will not find what you're looking for.
This is something else that I found:
Haven't tried it out. But translation is probably not a very robust solution.
