How to save a phpthumb output into a file? - php

I am trying to save PhpThumb output. As what I could find on-line was not sufficient or too complex, I would like to ask if any one knows how to it?
echo" '<'img src=".$thumb_src />";
So what I want to do is to save the img src into an Image.
(So far I was creating the thumbnails on the fly but it seems that google and my web server donĀ“t like it too much. Saving the thumbnails will ensure that in no time I will have all my thumbnails in real files and then I will use this function just for new content.)

From phpThumb's FAQ
The best way is to call phpThumb as an object and call RenderToFile() to save the
thumbnail to whatever filename you want. See /demo/phpThumb.demo.object.php for an example. The other way is to use the 'file' parameter (see /docs/phpthumb.readme.txt) but this parameter is deprecated and does not work in phpThumb v1.7.5 and newer.

Once you have generated the URL with this line you posted:
Pass it as a $_GET variable to another page, call it serveThumb.php:
if (!isset($_GET['img']))
header('Content-type: application/pdf');
echo file_get_contents($_GET['img']);
You might have to add your own validation to serveThumb.php. Now you can save the result of serveThumb.php as a JPG.
Alternatively, save the contents of the image as a JPG file.
if (!isset($_GET['img']))
$img = file_get_contents($_GET['img']);
file_put_contents("myImage.jpg", $img);


Programmatically (PHP) save image with no extension

I am trying to save to disk an image that is served to me via a JSON result. The returned JSON result property that I am interested in is this:
Which is the correct image. The problem is that, while the above URL does display the image, it does not allow me to download it, yet I can download it by right-clicking on it.
What I need to be able to do is, using my PHP code, save it to disk.
I have no issues saving results from other sites that give results that link to a direct image extension (.jpg, .gif or .png). But I have not been able to figure out how to programmatically download the image from the above URL.
Is it possible?
This is the code that I use, which works correctly on results that give a URL that has a correct image extension. The URL returned is loaded into the $largeimg variable.
$input = $largeimg;
$output = 'image.jpg';
file_put_contents($output, file_get_contents($input));
How do I achieve this?
file_get_contents() is able to accept raw URI arguments. Your code works perfectly for me, if modified in the way:
$input = '';
So, file_get_contents() can download the image directly. I think, the problem is your $largeimg variable.

Read multiple image files using php readfile

I am trying to read multiple image files from a folder (.htaccess protected) and display in a HTML page using php readfile().
The problem is I can see only the first image is read and the next is not shown in the browser. The code is as below
$image1 = 'files/com_download\256\50\www\res\icon\android\icon-36-ldpi.png';
$image2 = 'files/com_download\256\50\www\res\icon\android\icon-48-mdpi.png';
$imginfo = getimagesize($image1);
header("Content-type: ".$imginfo['mime']);
$imginfo = getimagesize($image2);
header("Content-type: ".$imginfo['mime']);
I could see the first image 'icon-36-ldpi.png' successfully read and displayed in the browser and the second image is not read and not displayed in the browser.
Am I missing something? Any advice please.
Sorry if I am doing stupid but the requirement is to read multiple image files and render in the browser like a grid view. I cannot use img tag because of security reasons.
You can't dump both images out at once. Why not make two images in your html so the browser makes two calls to your script. Then use a GET param to pass the filename you want to display.
Important Security Note
There is an attack vector which you open up when doing soething like this. Someone could easily view your source html and change the parameter to get your image script to output any file they want. They could even use "../../" to go up directories and search for well known files that exist. e.g. "../../../wp_config.php". Now the attacker has your wordpress database credentials. The correct way to prevent against this is to always validate the input parameter properly. For example, only output if the file name ends with ".jpg"

how to retrieve blob file to image in php?

I am using plupload to upload file in my php based website, with large file uploading the file becomes a file named 'blob' without any suffix. I know this is a binary file that contains the raw data, question is how to retrieve the data and save it back as an image file, say .png/.jpg or etc? I tried:
$imageString = file_get_contents($blogPath);
$image = imagecreatefromstring($imageString);
But it gives me some 'Data is not in recognized format...' error, any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Your call to imagecreatefromstring() should work just fine if your file_get_contents() is working. Use var_dump($imageString) to verify. Did you mean to name your variable $blobPath instead of $blogPath?
You don't need to load this image though. Just rename the file.
rename($blobPath, 'new/path/here.jpg');
I am storing the uploaded image files for late use, like attaching them to posts or products(my site is e-commerce CMS). I figured that my image file didn't get fully uploaded to the server, the image before upload is 6mb, but the blob file is just 192kb, so my best guess is that what get uploaded is just a chunk instead of the whole package, and yet that brought up another question: how should I take all the pieces and assemble them as one complete image file? As mentioned earlier, I am using plupload for js plugin and php as backend, the backend php code to handle uploading goes like this:
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $uploadFolder . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
Instead of doing that you should do this to display image to the browser
<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,'.base64_encode( $row['blob_image'] ).'"/>
I'm not sure what imagecreatefromsting does or how it encodes the image.
I looked at the documentation for that function; you're missing:
. 'EX4IJTRkb7lobNUStXsB0jIXIAMSsQnWlsV+wULF4Avk9fLq2r'
. '8a5HSE35Q3eO2XP1A1wQkZSgETvDtKdQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==';
$data = base64_decode($data); <--- this operation

PHP inside img src

Trying to see what actions can be performed with a PHP script that is being called via an image src like so:
<img src="" />
Now, I have tried to include the PHP header() function in script.php:
I have also tried to echo an image url expecting the img to display it, which it didn't:
echo '';
Are there any ways of doing such things with a PHP script that is being called in the img src attribute?
Are there any ways of doing such things with a PHP script that is being called in the img src attribute?
No. A resource that is used as a src for an img tag needs to output image data, nothing else.
There are some exceptions, eg. a header("location: ....") redirect, but the redirect needs to point to another valid image resource, not a web site as you show in your example.
Check out the readfile() as a way to output your image file from your script.php
Read more about it here in the manual:
where Example #1 gives an idea of how to set up the headers.
The manual also states that:
readfile() will not present any memory issues, even when sending large
files, on its own.
A URL can be used as a filename with this function
ps: This was the way Wordpress Multisite used to open user uploaded (e.g. images) files.
Your script.php should return the output of an image with the correct headers. For instance:
<img src="/html/img/script.php" />
// Script.php
$file = "tiger.jpeg";
$type = "image/jpeg";
header("Content-Type: $type");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));
You should keep in mind that the src tag should directly point to an image file. However, it is possible to use PHP to create an image, for exmaple by using the GD library:
So using:
<img src="" />
is possible, as long as script.php really outputs an image file, for example by using the example as described here:
I used this kind of processing in the past to overlay texts on JPG images for a broker website (e.g. new, sold, for rent, etc.).
Are there any ways of doing such things with a PHP script that is being called in the img src attribute?
Yes, but the PHP Script has to output image data only, as stated in various other answers.
With that being said, just read the image and output it to the stream with readfile
header('Content-Type: image/png');
I know I might be a couple years late to really help you, but the accepted answer just isn't true (anymore).

How to load dynamic image w/php gd library, w/o saving it on server or having src="script.php"?

I would like to generate a dynamic image from a script, and then have it load to the browser without being persistent on the server.
However, I cannot call this by setting the image's src="script.php", since that would require running the script that just generated the page and its data all over again, just to get the final data that will generate the graph.
Is there a way to do this that is similar to setting image's src="script.php", but which is called from within another script, and just sends the image without saving it? I need access to the data that is used in the generation of the markup, in order to create this dynamic image.
Or, if not, what is the easiest way to destroy the image once the page is loaded? a quick ajax call?
Is there any way to cache certain data for some limited time frame in order for it to be available to some other script?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as I'm having a really hard time finding the right solution to this...
You can inline the image into a <img> tag if you need to.
$final_image_data; // Your image data, generated by GD
$base64_data = base64_encode($final_image_data);
echo "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,{$base64_data}\" ... />";
That should work on all modern browsers, and IE8. Doesn't work well with some email clients tho (Outlook, for one).
Also, another solution I found is to store the image in a session variable which is then called from a php script in the image tag. This would allow a user specific image to be served, and then removed from memory by the script... This also avoids messy img src="" tags...
Hopefully that is helpful to someone.
Use a rewrite rule.
RewriteRule ^magicimage.jpg$ /myscript.php
Then simply echo your image data from gd, instead of writing it to disk -- which is as simple as not providing a filename to the appropriate image*() function
$im = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
// gd stuff...
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
//this outputs the content directly to the browser
//without creating a temporary file or anything
And finally, utilize the above
<img src="magicimage.jpg">
