PHP Calculations inside string creation - php

I want to to create a string in php, but within the creation of the string I want to do a small calculation, here is an example of what I am trying but does not work.
$eggs = 2;
$breakfast = 'I ate '. $eggs-1 . ' eggs for breakfast today!';
Using PHP like this gives me a unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING error.

You need to add brackets:
$breakfast = 'I ate '. ($eggs-1) . ' eggs for breakfast today!';


PHP line parsed into separate objects

I have a line of code in my wordpress widget that outputs from an RSS feed:
<?php echo $entry->title ?>
and when displayed it looks like:
$220,000 :: 504 Freemason St, Unit 2B, Norfolk VA, 23510
$274,900 :: 1268 Bells Road, Virginia Beach VA, 23454
What is the easiest way to break this up into different objects?
For example, I'd like to have the price, street name, and city state zip in different objects. The problem is that some of the addresses have unit numbers and it's complicating things. Below is an example of how I would like it to work:
<?php echo $entry->price ?>
<?php echo $entry->street ?>
<?php echo $entry->citystatezip ?>
504 Freemason St, Unit 2B
Norfolk VA, 23510
1268 Bells Road
Virginia Beach VA, 23454
Here is a very crude regex that seems able to parse your string. I'm not the best with regexes, but it seems to work.
/^(\$(?:\d{1,3},?)*) :: (\d* [\w\s,\d]*), ([\w\s]* \w{2}, \d{5})$/
Use this with preg_match; the 1st group is the price, the 2nd is the address, and 3rd is the city/state/zip.
$ptn = '/^(\$(?:\d{1,3},?)*) :: (\d* [\w\s,\d]*), ([\w\s]* \w{2}, \d{5})$/';
if(preg_match($ptn, $entry->title, $match) === 1){
$price = $match[1];
$street = $match[2];
$citystatezip = $match[3];
What you need is a regular expression , check
Use f.e. array explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit ] ) which will give you array with strings if you use correct delimiter
The code below will fill your $entry object as required:
$string = '$274,900 :: 1268 Bells Road, Virginia Beach VA, 23454';
$pricePart = explode('::', $string);
$addressPart = explode(',', $pricePart[1]);
$entry = new stdClass();
$entry->price = trim($pricePart[0]);
if ( count($addressPart) == 3 ) {
$entry->street = trim($addressPart[0]);
$entry->citystatezip = trim($addressPart[1]) . ', ' . trim($addressPart[2]);
} else {
$entry->street = trim($addressPart[0]) . ', ' . trim($addressPart[1]);
$entry->citystatezip = trim($addressPart[2]) . ', ' . trim($addressPart[3]);
Updated answer to handle the unit bit
Update: changed array names, I hate $array.. names.. even if its just a mockup
(Note: this code isn't the prettiest, but its ment to give a base to work on. It should be cleaned up and improved a bit)

Syntax and Variables in PHP

I'm having some trouble with writing some syntax. I want to echo this
'location_1' => $location_1,
However, it is not as simple as it seems. When I write the echo statement the integer 1 must be the variable $z. Here is the code I attempted to write
echo "'location_' . $z . '' =>' . ${'location_' . $z} . ','";
This is what it outputted
'location_' . 1 . '' =>' . something . ','
$location_1 is equal to the string something. I'm lost at how to do this the right way. Any guides on describing how this syntax works would be a major help too so I can understand it completely.
You can just write variables directly into double quoted strings see
echo "'location_$z' => \$location_$z,";
You might want to also read the rest of the strings doc
This is the link to the echo documentation (see the examples, I think they described well how it works)
You can break it into two lines and get the expected output.
For example:
$var_location = "$". "location". $z;
echo "'location_" . $z . "' =>'" . $var_location . "','";
One way is: echo "'location_{$z}' => \$location_{$z},";
Edit: Is this what you meant?
$z = 1;
$location_1 = 'something';
echo "'location_$z' => " . ${'location_'. $z} . ',';
which produces: 'location_1' => something,
Why don't you store these variables inside an array for easier access. Something like:
$locations = array('location_id' => 'location_name');
Here's one way:
echo "'location_$z' => \$location_$z,";
You need to escape the $ symbol. The double quotes represent the thing to echo in this case, whereas the single quotes actually get echoed.

How do I split a Wordpress title at the – in PHP?

I am working on my Wordpress blog and its required to get the title of a post and split it at the "-". Thing is, its not working, because in the source its &ndash and when I look at the result on the website, its a "long minus" (–). Copying and pasting this long minus into some editor makes it a normal minus (-). I cant split at "-" nor at &ndash, but somehow it must be possible. When I created the article, I just typed "-" (minus), but somewhere it gets converted to – automatically.
Any ideas?
I think I found it. I remember that I have meet the similar problem that when I paste code in my post the quote mark transform to an em-quad one when display to readers.
I found that is in /wp-include/formatting.php line 56 (wordpress ver 3.3.1), it defined some characters need to replace
$static_characters = array_merge( array('---', ' -- ', '--', ' - ', 'xn–', '...', '``', '\'\'', ' (tm)'), $cockney );
$static_replacements = array_merge( array($em_dash, ' ' . $em_dash . ' ', $en_dash, ' ' . $en_dash . ' ', 'xn--', '…', $opening_quote, $closing_quote, ' ™'), $cockneyreplace );
and in line 85 it make an replacement
// This is not a tag, nor is the texturization disabled static strings
$curl = str_replace($static_characters, $static_replacements, $curl);
If you want to split a string at the "-" character, basically you must replace "-" with a space.
Try this:
$string_to_be_stripped = "my-word-test";
$chars = array('-');
$new_string = str_replace($chars, ' ', $string_to_be_stripped);
echo $new_string;
These lines splits the string at the "-". For example, if you have my-word-test, it will echo "my word test". I hope it helps.
For more information about the str_replace function click here.
If you want to do this in a WordPress style, try using filters. I suggest placing these lines in your functions.php file:
add_filter('the_title', function($title) {
$string_to_be_stripped = $title;
$chars = array('-');
$new_string = str_replace($chars, ' ', $string_to_be_stripped);
return $new_string;
Now, everytime you use the_title in a loop, the title will be escaped.

Switch gettext translated language with original language

I started my PHP application with all text in German, then used gettext to extract all strings and translate them to English.
So, now I have a .po file with all msgids in German and msgstrs in English. I want to switch them, so that my source code contains the English as msgids for two main reasons:
More translators will know English, so it is only appropriate to serve them up a file with msgids in English. I could always switch the file before I give it out and after I receive it, but naaah.
It would help me to write English object & function names and comments if the content text was also English. I'd like to do that, so the project is more open to other Open Source collaborators (more likely to know English than German).
I could do this manually and this is the sort of task where I anticipate it will take me more time to write an automated routine for it (because I'm very bad with shell scripts) than do it by hand. But I also anticipate despising every minute of manual computer labour (feels like an oxymoron, right?) like I always do.
Has someone done this before? I figured this would be a common problem, but couldn't find anything. Many thanks ahead.
Sample Problem:
#: /users/ruben/sites/v/routinen.php:43
msgid "Routinen"
msgstr "Routines"
I thought I'd narrow the problem down. The switch in the .po-file is no issue of course, it is as simple as
preg_replace('/msgid "(.+)"\nmsgstr "(.+)"/', '/msgid "$2"\nmsgstr "$1"/', $str);
The problem for me is the routine that searches my project folder files for _('$msgid') and substitutes _('msgstr') while parsing the .po-file (which is probably not even the most elegant way, after all the .po-file contains comments which contain all file paths where the msgid occurs).
After fooling around with akirk's answer a little, I ran into some more problems.
Because I have a mixture of _('xxx') and _("xxx") calls, I have to be careful about (un)escaping.
Double quotes " in msgids and msgstrs have to be unescaped, but the slashes can't be stripped, because it may be that the double quote was also escaped in PHP
Single quotes have to be escaped when they're replaced into PHP, but then they also have to be changed in the .po-file. Luckily for me, single quotes only appear in English text.
msgids and msgstrs can have multiple lines, then they look like this
msgid = ""
"line 1\n"
"line 2\n"
msgstr = ""
"line 1\n"
"line 2\n"
plural forms are of course skipped at the moment, but in my case that's not an issue
poedit wants to remove strings as obsolete that seem successfully switched and I have no idea why this happens in (many) cases.
I'll have to stop working on this for tonight. Still it seems using the parser instead of RegExps wouldn't be overkill.
I built on akirk's answer and wanted to preserve what I came up with as an answer here, in case somebody has the same problem.
This is not recursive, but that could easily change of course. Feel free to comment with improvements, I will be watching and editing this post.
$po = file_get_contents("locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po");
$translations = array(); // german => english
$rawmsgids = array(); // find later
$msgidhits = array(); // record success
$msgstrs = array(); // find later
preg_match_all('/msgid "(.+)"\nmsgstr "(.+)"/', $po, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$german = str_replace('\"','"',$match[1]); // unescape double quotes (could misfire if you escaped double quotes in PHP _("bla") but in my case that was one case versus many)
$english = str_replace('\"','"',$match[2]);
$en_sq_e = str_replace("'","\'",$english); // escape single quotes
$translations['_(\''. $german . '\''] = '_(\'' . $en_sq_e . '\'';
$rawmsgids['_(\''. $german . '\''] = $match[1]; // find raw msgid with searchstr as key
$translations['_("'. $match[1] . '"'] = '_("' . $match[2] . '"';
$rawmsgids['_("'. $match[1] . '"'] = $match[1];
$translations['__(\''. $german . '\''] = '__(\'' . $en_sq_e . '\'';
$rawmsgids['__(\''. $german . '\''] = $match[1];
$translations['__("'. $match[1] . '"'] = '__("' . $match[2] . '"';
$rawmsgids['__("'. $match[1] . '"'] = $match[1];
$msgstrs[$match[1]] = $match[2]; // msgid => msgstr
foreach (glob("*.php") as $file) {
$code = file_get_contents($file);
$filehits = 0; // how many replacements per file
foreach($translations AS $msgid => $msgstr) {
$hits = 0;
$code = str_replace($msgid,$msgstr,$code,$hits);
$filehits += $hits;
if($hits!=0) $msgidhits[$rawmsgids[$msgid]] = 1; // this serves to record if the msgid was found in at least one incarnation
elseif(!isset($msgidhits[$rawmsgids[$msgid]])) $msgidhits[$rawmsgids[$msgid]] = 0;
// file_put_contents($file, $code); // be careful to test this first before doing the actual replace (and do use a version control system!)
echo "$file : $filehits <br>";
echo $code;
/* debug */
$found = array_keys($msgidhits, 1, true);
foreach($found AS $mid) echo $mid . " => " . $msgstrs[$mid] . "\n\n";
echo "Not Found: <br>";
$notfound = array_keys($msgidhits, 0, true);
foreach($notfound AS $mid) echo $mid . " => " . $msgstrs[$mid] . "\n\n";
following steps are still needed:
* convert plurals (ngettext)
* convert multi-line msgids and msgstrs (format mentioned in question)
* resolve uniqueness conflict (msgids are unique, msgstrs are not), so you may have duplicate msgids (poedit finds these)
See for a good python-based regular expression for finding string literals, taking escapes into account. Although it's python, this might be quite good for multiline strings and other corner cases.
See for a ready, out-of-the-box base language swapper for .po files.
For instance, the following command line will convert german-based spanish translation to english-based spanish translation. You just have to ensure that your new base language (english) is 100% translated before starting conversion:
poswap -i de-en.po -t de-es.po -o en-es.po
And finally to swap english po file to german po file, use swappo:
After swapping files, some manual polishing of resultant files might be required. For instance headers might be broken and some duplicate texts might occur.
So if I understand you correctly you'd like to replace all German gettext calls with English ones. To replace the contents in the directory, something like this could work.
$po = file_get_contents("translation.pot");
$translations = array(); // german => english
preg_match_all('/msgid "(.+)"\nmsgstr "(.+)"/', $po, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$translations['_("'. $match[1] . '")'] = '_("' . $match[2] . '")';
$translations['_(\''. $match[1] . '\')'] = '_(\'' . $match[2] . '\')';
foreach (glob("*.php") as $file) {
$code = file_get_contents($file);
$code = str_replace(array_keys($translations), array_values($translations), $code);
//file_put_contents($file, $code);
echo $code; // be careful to test this first before doing the actual replace (and do use a version control system!)

php error with post inside variable

Trying to do this:
$product_description = 'Credit balance of €' $_POST['creditamount'] ;
Want to display that post inside my variable but get this
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /var/www/account/credits/moneybookers/process.php on line 48
What am i doing wrong??
You are missing the concatenation operator .
Your code should look like this:
$product_description = 'Credit balance of €' . $_POST['creditamount'];
You miss a dot behind 'Credit balance of €'.
In PHP, you join strings using .. Ex.:
$new_string = $string_one . "whatever" . $string_two;
