Good portfolio projects [closed] - php

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a recent graduate and am looking to start a career in web development. Its kind of a catch 22 at the moment as I have a fair bit of programming experience from university but not really in web development and to get a job in web development a portfolio is typically required.
So, I am looking to start a building a few application in order to have something to show potential employers. Im more into the backend stuff although am just as comfortable with front end development.
Does anyone have any thoughts on some potential projects that would be both relatively quick (as i need to get a job soon!) to build but show off enough programming knowlege / skills to be impressive to employers.
At the moment i am also learning to use the zend framework and I would hope to find work using such a framework (mvc).
My initial thoughts would be things like a webmail app or maybe a custom CMS.
Any ideas would be greatley appreciated.

You Could Start your own project, But i think you better off working in a Open source Project, you can find plenty in
For example, i have this PHP user authentication class project and a guy just like you is building a Demo App for it. We both gain, as he gets a new project under his portfolio, credits for his work and i get to showoff my PHP Class.

Ask around a bit and you'll find plenty of opportunities in local charities, sprotsclubs, PTA's, and other community endeavours. They usually have some interesting, euhmmm...., requirements which you can use to display your technical prowess.
However be prepared to learn more about human relationships than you bargained for. This is probably even more valuable experience you get from this. It is also great to build a network to help you in your job search.

Some quick simple sites are also good starts for your projects. You can try making a custom CMS that a client or you can use for making a web presence.
There are a number of businesses out there that only need a web presence, i.e. they don't need fancy schmancy sites that are copies of facebook or something. They just need some sort of web "business" card and you can target those businesses. Make a CMS for them that creates static pages ala wordpress or something so they can set it up on their own(with your design as a bonus)
You can also do some simple e-commerce sites for businesses that sell something for starters.


PHP,mysql,ecommerce website development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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M new to ecommerce website development. I just want to get the idea about how to start making ecommerce website with custom php using oop. Can anyone guide me about what are the security featues i have to add? Thanx in advance :-)
Probably the best place to start would be to follow one of the many books out there which teach OOP PHP and related technologies/languages whist building an ecommerce system from scratch.
These books usually go through all aspects of the system including security etc and will give you a good starting point and understanding of the ecommerce system you create. There will most likely be some aspects that are not covered in detail but the books will usually give a good outline or point you in the direction to find out more information.
From there research online or through further reading the latest techniques related to security etc that you can then implement into your system.
I must admit, as ceejayoz suggested this is not really a newbie thing to start off with, especially if you intend to make it a full production system (release to the public)
I used similar books when I was first starting out with PHP but used them only to gain an understanding of OOP techniques, PHP syntax and best practices.
The one I followed was for a CMS System, I did not use this system outside my own development environment, only to learn and understand. From there I began using an off the shelf product, but had the skills and understanding to modify the system as I desired.
ecommerce systems can be incredibly complex, especially if you are a newbie to PHP or even programming. If you are looking at an ecommerce site for your business then use an off the shelf product. If you are a developer looking to branch out onto the web and would like to sell off your own ecommerce system then it would still probably be a whole lot better to grab and customise an existing open source system (no need to re invent the wheel)
Don't do this. If you're asking questions about "security features", you are not in a position to build a secure e-commerce site.
It's much better to take an off the shelf site and customize it to suit your needs. 90-95% of the functionality will be already implemented, so you can focus on making the 5-10% that really differentiates your site as best as it can be.
Once you've worked with several e-commerce packages and are familiar with their source code and database structures, you might be ready to build your own.

Dilemma working with skillful subordinates [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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This is not a technical question but more to managing technical expectation to myself. Currently i am just along managing website (WP based), managing web services, do some web development works in this company. Some projects i need to outsource, manage the outsourcing until the project is complete. I am not a powerful PHP developer (i just have the basics), but i love Wordpress, so most of the project i use WP as the platform.
Even i am alone, i am quite happy because my work more to managing than doing the hard coding. But the time has come i need to grow this team, i have found skillful developer and designer to join my team. They are very skillful, have great portfolios.
My boss want me to find a great team so my team can grow. My dilemma now is i am afraid if i approve the new candidates to my team than maybe i will be removed from the team sooner or later since i am not skillful as them, even i am more senior than them in this company.
On the other hand, i heard it is great to work with more skillful person as you can develop yourself faster.
Now i am stuck which way to choose.
A good Project Manager has a different skill set than a good Developer. If you're better at keeping things organized, delegating tasks, and making sure tasks get done, then you'll be a fine PM. Developers like to have PM's who are developers, so that we don't have to explain the issues of programming.
It also makes good business sense to move someone in your position to a post where you wont be slowing down the progress of the project by mediocre programming skills; Instead, you'd be improving projects by keeping the communication channels open, and making sure each part gets taken care of.
Additionally, you might want to focus on your debugging skills so that you can help sort out code issues when a developer gets stuck. Simply acting as a sounding board is often enough to help most developers work through their problems.

What PHP/Perl CMS for a corporate site? [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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I am going to create a corporate site with around 150-200 pages. Several pages have three category levels (I mean a URL like products/myproduct/overview)
The client's employees should be able to edit all the pages very easily, manage the navigation and left blocks as well.
What CMS (opensource, if possible) can I use? PHP, Perl would be good but I am open to .NET if necessary.
A list of Perl CMS's can be found under applications on the Perl5 wiki.
Also looking at your requirement you may find a Wiki to be an option? In particular MojoMojo because this differs from the standard wiki approach by allowing directory structures thus making your category levels products/myproduct/overview possible.
Perl: if you're happy coding up the admin backend and (possibly) have used CGI::Application, Mark Strosberg's Titanium framework is nippy and lightweight but as powerful as you need it to be or - if you want something more popular - try Catalyst. For an example (can't show the backend, which uses Markdown) this site is built on Titanium.
PHP: If you don't want to code up the backend a CMS is the way to go. The latest version of Joomla should do what you want, although you'll probably have to hobble the WYSIWYG editor and editing options (and provide a little training) to prevent users from doing (say) things like pasting an entire Word document into the editing window! For an example (again, can't show backend) this site uses the latest version of Joomla.
But everyone's going to have their favourites here...
Bricolage 2 - You'll get permissions, alerts, ldap authentication, publishing process, and a whole bunch of great features with it. Or if you'd rather write the whole thing by yourself, use Catalyst.
If you want to go with a PHP CMS then I can only recommend Drupal.
Cyclone3 CMS is very interesting, including GUI based on Firefox.
Going with Perl Catalyst will be good.
In PHP I would recommend using SilverStripe CMS:
Its powerful and easy to extend.

Open Source CMS with linked sub-sections and users [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I work at a small college that wants to make "sites" for all of the academic departments (~30). I managed to talk them out of their original idea: 30 individual Wordpress installations. What a maintenance nightmare!
What I'm looking for is a CMS (preferably Python or PHP, as those are my areas of expertise) that can automagically create a subsection (or subsite, whatever the appropriate vernacular) complete with user and a couple of headings based on a template. So, I could just click a button and have a new subsection for a new department complete with its own authorized user, and default subsection headings/menu/pages.
Is this just wishful thinking? I don't mind getting my hands dirty (this would be the whole of my job duties), so what platform would be a good starting point for something like this? Open source is a must for me as I have literally no budget, and I'm probably going to have to dig pretty deep into the application.
Take a look at Drupal or Wordpress MU. With a little bit of scripting and code I think these could do what you need.
Take a close look at Wordpress MU especially. If they were talking about 30 Wordpress installations then Wordpress MU might be exactly what you want. It provides a unified administration backend to manage multiple wordpress blogs. It's based on the software used to run I used to work in an Academic Technologies department as a student programmer and while I was there I helped them get an installation of it set up. Let me tell you - compared to MovableType and Blackboard - it was a dream.
Take a look at Pinax. It uses a templating system to rapidly develop sites. Pinax was created around the idea that there are 'types' of websites and its ridiculous to keep writing the same code over and over for similar sites. This means you could use one of their pre-built templates or create your own and then when you want to build a new site just invoke the template and the site will be ready to go.
Plone does this use case very well. The WebLion project at Penn State is using Plone to deliver many such sub-sites for their university. You may be interested in their work.

What's the best way to implement news system without using wordpress? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm a little afraid of using Wordpress because of his connotation "all made", plus my website is 100% hand coded, actually, i use the phpBB but it's not what I want cause visitors have to go out of the website to go to the forum to see the news.
So how/what can I do to have my own news system management (publish/review/moderate comments)....
Are there tools (i mean except WYSIWYG) / PHP class I can use to implement myself ?
Go ahead, write it yourself! A simple CMS is made up of only a dozen or so files, and only requires PHP and MySQL. My blog engine, which runs,, is all hand-written code that took me a couple of days to write.
The problem with a lot of pre-built CMS these days is that they all started out small and overtime eventually grew into bloated piece of software that has more features that an average site will ever need.
Make a list of common features you will need and begin coding. Start off with the basic CRUD system (Create/Read/Update/Delete) and start adding components as you need them.
And there also lot of 3rd party extensions available don't end up re-inventing the wheel.
jQuery - Javascript
Smarty - Templating to separate source and design
phpmailer - Sending mail
Zend - Development framework
And I am sure there are lots more.
As a developer there's nothing more comforting than knowing you have full control over the code that you are running.
You can do it yourself but if you prefer to use prebuilt tools there are lots of open source CMS' that you can intergrate into your site.
As Delan said though, a simple system for news and comments is pretty simple to implement yourself.
I would say the fastest way would be to install wordpress (if you werre interested in this cms in the first place) but use a posting widget to actually show the post content within your site.
If you wanted to stick with the hand coded theme of your site, maybe use one of the dozens of tutorials for example:
