The comparision operators < <= > >= can be applied for strings as well. So why do we need special function for string comparision: strcmp ?
Because there are several variations:
Depending on the function, the answer to these questions vary:
Is it case sensitive? (strcmp vs strcasecmp, strnatcmp vs strnatcasecmp)
Depends it depend on the locale? (strcoll does)
Can I specify a collation? (strcoll is affected by setlocale)
Additionaly, the comparison operators also give true or false. strcmp gives an integer so it can encode simultaneously whether there's identity (return 0) or, if it not, which is is bigger (depending on whether the value is positive or negative).
Although there are no overloads in PHP for strcmp, strcmp results in 3 different values
-1 for less than, 0 for equals and +1 for greater than the compared string. With < = <= > >= you will have (sometimes) to do multiple checks one after another.
Can someone explain why the following two statements return true?
if ('0e368798' == '00000000')
if ((string)'0e368798' == (string)'00000000')
Why do I have to use the strict operator to check the equality of these two strings?
Because XeY is X * 10^(Y), and 0 times anything is 0. 0000000 is also 0. And == in PHP very intuitively thinks that if it can be converted into a number, it should be.
EDIT: It was in a helpful comment that is now deleted, so with apologies to the commenter whose name I did not catch, I will repeat it here - from PHP docs on comparison:
If you compare a number with a string or the comparison involves numerical strings, then each string is converted to a number and the comparison performed numerically. These rules also apply to the switch statement. The type conversion does not take place when the comparison is === or !== as this involves comparing the type as well as the value.
I'm using crypt() to hash passwords in PHP, and am trying to work out the safest way of testing equality of the resulting hash when performing password checks.
There are three options that I can see:
Option 1 - Double Equals
function checkPassword($hash, $password)
return crypt($password, $hash) == $hash;
Option 2 - Triple Equals
function checkPassword($hash, $password)
return crypt($password, $hash) === $hash;
Option 3 - strcmp()
function checkPassword($hash, $password)
return strcmp(crypt($password, $hash), $hash) === 0;
My intuition tells me that option 1 is a bad idea, due to the lack of type checking, and that options 2 or 3 are likely to be better. However, I can't work out if there's a specific case that === or strcmp would fail under. Which is safest for this purpose?
When it comes to security I prefer to use the === operator. === ensures the two operands are exactly the same, without trying to accomodate some casting in order to "help" the comparison to reach a successful match - as it may help while developing thanks to a loose-typed language, like PHP.
Of course, one of the operand is to be trusted. A hash from the database is trustable, while the user input is not.
One can always dither for a while, coming to the conclusion there is no risk using == in a specific case. Maybe. But for instance
"0afd9f7b678fdefca" == 0 is true
"aafd9f7b678fdefca" == 0 is also true
as PHP tries to convert the "hash" into a number (probably using atoi) which gives 0. While it is unlikely crypt returns 0, I'd prefer to maximize the cases where the passwords don't match (and answer a support call) by using ===, than allowing a rare case that I didn't think about by using ==.
As for strcmp, the function returns <0 or >0 if different, and 0 if equal. But
strcmp("3", 0003) returns 0
strcmp("0003", 0003) returns -3
which are not surprising after all. A literal 0003 is actually an integer, 3 and since strcmp expects a string, the 3 will be converted to "3". But that shows there is some conversion that may happen in this case, since strcmp is a function, while === is part of the language.
So my preference in that case goes to === (which is faster than == anyway).
You should be using the hash_equals() function that is built into PHP. There would be no need to make your own function. The hash_equals() will return a boolean value.
In my opinion it is usually NOT a good idea to use == or === for comparing strings let alone hashed strings.
That is incorrect, please look at the definition of the function.
According to PHP:
Returns < 0 if str1 is less than str2;
> 0 if str1 is greater than str2,
and 0 if they are equal
It returns less than 0 if str1 is less than str2. Note the phrase "less than", it does not return just -1, but any negative value. The same happens when str1 is greater than str2, but it returns a positive, non-zero value. It returns a positive value that can be 1, or any number thereafter.
strcmp()returns a number that is the difference between the two strings starting with the last character that was found to be similar.
Here is an example:
$output = strcmp("red", "blue");
The variable $output with contain a value of 16
I think that using == would be sufficient in your case.
== checks for equality regardless of type, whereas === checks for equality as well as type.
1 == "1" = True
1 === "1" = False
Since we're not too concerned with type, I'd keep it simple and go with ==.
I'm comparing strings with comparison operators.
I need some sort of explanation for the below two comparisons and their result.
if('ai' > 'i')
echo 'Yes';
echo 'No';
output: No
Why do these output this way?
if('ia' > 'i')
echo 'Yes';
echo 'No';
Output: Yes
Again, why?
Maybe I forgot some basics, but I really need some explanation of these comparison examples to understand this output.
PHP will compare alpha strings using the greater than and less than comparison operators based upon alphabetical order.
In the first example, ai comes before i in alphabetical order so the test of > (greater than) is false - earlier in the order is considered 'less than' rather than 'greater than'.
In the second example, ia comes after i alphabetical order so the test of > (greater than) is true - later in the order being considered 'greater than'.
To expand on coderabbi's answer:
It is the same type of logic as when you order by number in some applications and get results like the following:
It's not based on string length, but rather each character in order of the string.
The < and > comparison operators in PHP will compare the first character of your string, then compare other characters that follows in the strings.
Therefore, your first expression ai (first string) and i (second string) a is the first character in the string compared with i as the first character in the second string with > will return false, and subsequently the second statement will return true due to the same reason.
However, if you really need to compare two longer string values with many characters, you may try using the substr_compare method:
substr_compare("abcde", "bc", 1, 2);
in this sample, you have your two strings to be compared, 1 is the offset start position, and 2 represents how many characters you want to compare to the right of those strings. -1 will means the offset start from the end of the first string. e.g. do something like this:
substr_compare("string1", "string2", 0, length);
also, consider using strcmp() also i.e. strcmp("string1", "string2", length) where length is number of character you want to compare from the two strings.
When both strings are in number format, PHP will convert the strings to numbers and convert the values.
If you compare a number with a string or the comparison involves
numerical strings, then each string is converted to a number and the
comparison performed numerically. These rules also apply to the switch
statement. The type conversion does not take place when the comparison
is === or !== as this involves comparing the type as well as the
Reference: Comparison Operators
It seems that simple comparison signs >,>= and their reverse components can evaluate if a certain variable is a number or not. Example $whatami='beast'; ($whatami<0)?echo 'NaN':echo 'is numeric!';
Are there cases where is_numeric() usage is necessary for positive values (number >0)? It seems that using comparison signs above would determine if the variable is numeric..
As I have been finding out, a lot of these helper functions are really necessary because PHP isn't strongly typed. I posted a similar question (although not that similar) about isset earlier this week. One thing to note is that PHP will change your string to its integer value for comparisons during some instances (when there are mixed types). This can't be overlooked. I think this is a strong case for is_numeric
from PHP Manual
If you compare a number with a string
or the comparison involves numerical
strings, then each string is converted
to a number and the comparison
performed numerically. These rules
also apply to the switch statement.
The type conversion does not take
place when the comparison is === or
!== as this involves comparing the
type as well as the value.
Another thing to think about is that "what is 0" in PHP. It means a lot. It's not always numeric. It may be a numeric string, boolean false, integer, etc... This is why those helper functions exist.
To add to my answer:
change your example:
($whatami<5) ? echo 'less than 5' : echo 'more than 5';
PHP would change 'beast' to its integer equivalent and then do the comparison. This would give unintended results. If you really wanted something similar, you'd have to wrap it in another conditional:
($whatami<5) ? echo 'less than 5' : echo 'more than 5';
} else {
exit('what, am I not pretty enough for a beast?');
Then you would get your intended result (as weird as it may be).
There is a big difference between "can evaluate if a certain variable is a number or not" and "evaluate if a certain variable is a positive number". Using the comparison signs require you to test it twice (Both > & <= or >= & <) and may not be immediately obvious. is_numeric means you only need a single test and makes it quite obvious what you are doing.
Also, a string will evaluate as 0, meaning it throws your idea out. Stick with the proper commands :)
As per comment: Well, in this case, you are asking for comparing is_numeric against a test for positive numbers, excluding 0. This is not the intent for is_numeric, so naturally it may not be necessary. If you do a mathematical check that involves 0 as the answer or as part of the range, you will need is_numeric, otherwise you won't need it. The first part of your question asks a different question, so:
It seems that simple comparison signs >,>= and their reverse components can evaluate if a certain variable is a number or not - Incorrect
Are there cases where is_numeric() usage is necessary for positive values (number >0)? - No
It seems that using comparison signs above would determine if the variable is numeric - No. They can determine if a variable is either a non-zero number or unknown, not numeric.
Comparison will depend on the type of data on the left side of the operator.
The important thing to remember is that PHP is not a strongly typed language. If you want to compare a number and ensure it is a number, then yes, is_numeric() would be a good check. For example,
echo (is_numeric($whatami) && $whatami < 0) ? 'number greater than zero' : 'NaN or negative';
However, this shouldn't be generalized. If you can comment more on what you are wanting to do, you may find a more detailed answer.
Yes, there are cases.
For instance:
var_dump("5aa" > 4); //bool(true)
var_dump("5aa" > 6); //bool(false)
As you can see, the conversion of "5aa" to int(5). Let's see what is_numeric gives:
var_dump(is_numeric("5aa")); //bool(false)
So, is_numeric is more strict. Whether it's necessary depends on your application.
Notice that are cases where a numeric string and a number are not exactly the same thing:
var_dump("255" & "2"); //string(1) "2"
var_dump(255 & 2); //int(2)
See bitwise operations:
Be aware of data type conversions. If both the left-hand and right-hand parameters are strings, the bitwise operator will operate on the characters' ASCII values.
What the title says. Specifically if I have
$array1['name'] = 'zoo';
$array2['name'] = 'fox';
How can I determine that alphabetically $array2's name should come above $array1's?
Use strcmp. If the first argument to strcmp is lexicographically smaller to the second, then the value returned will be negative. If both are equal, then it will return 0. And if the first is lexicograpically greater than the second then a positive number will be returned.
nb. You probably want to use strcasecmp(string1,string2), which ignores case...
You can compare both strings with strcmp:
Returns < 0 if str1 is less than str2; > 0 if str1 is greater than str2, and 0 if they are equal.
I'm a little late (then again I wasn't a programmer yet in 2009 :-) No one mentioned this yet, but you can simply use the operators which you use on number as well.
< > <= >= == != and more
For example:
'a' > 'b' returns false
'a' < 'b' returns true
There is a flaw, which you can find in the comments below.
I often use natsort (Natural Sort), since I usually just want to preserve the array for later use anyway.
var_dump($usorted_array); // will now be sorted.
EDIT just realised values from different arrays, could array_merge first but not sure thats what you want