I have a PHP script that works by calling items from a database based upon the time they were placed in there and it deletes them if they are older than 5 minutes. Basically, I want to now simulate what would happen if this database was being updated regularly.
So I was considering sticking in some code that loads an XML file then goes through and parses that into the database based upon the time data located within a node of the xml data... but the problem there is I want it to continually loop through an enter this data so it'll never actually run the other processes
So I was thinking of having another PHP script do that that could do this independantly of the php script that is going to display this data...
In theory:
I am looking to have a button that I can press and it will then run some php code to load up an XML file from a directory on my web server and then iterate though the data sending the data, to a database, based upon the time within a node in the PHP script and when the script was first called
So back to my page that displayed the data... if I continually hit refresh it will contain different results each time because data is being added by the other process and this php script removes the older data when it is refreshed
Any information on this?
Is there a way I can silently, and safely, run a php script without it being loaded into a browser... like a thread!?
Why not just run the PHP script that parses and inserts data into your DB from PHP's CLI?
Like a Log-file is written by a php-script via fwrite($fp, ---HTML---),
I need to save an HTML DIV as png-file on the server.
The client-browser only start the php-script,
but without any client-interaction the png-file should be saved on the server.
Is there a way to do this?
All posts (over thousands) I have been reading are about html2canvas,
which is (as I understand) client-side operating.
I know the html-(html-div)-rendering normally does the browser.[=client-side]
But is there a way to do it in PHP on server-side ?
Until now the procedure is
print the div via browser on paper twice
one for the costumer,
one to scan it in again to save it on the server as picture and throw it in the paperbasket.
By more than 500 times a day ...
By security reasons it need to be a saved picture on the server.
I'm having problems sending an array to another PHP page. We send an array from one page to another to generate CSV file that has been transformed from XML. So we take a 800mb XML file and transform it down to a 20mb CSV file. There is a lot of information in it that we are removing and it runs for 30 minutes.
Anyway, we are periodically using a function to output the progress of the transformation in the browser with messages:
function outputResults($message) {
echo $message . "<br>";
$masterArray contains all the information in a associative array we have parsed from the XML.
The array ($masterArray) at the end we send from index.php to another php file called create_CSV_file.php
Originally we used include('create_CSV_file.php') within index.php , but due to the headers used in the CSV file, it was giving us the messages that
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
. So we started looking at a solution of pushing the array as below.
echo "<a href='create_CSV_file.php?data=$masterArray'>**** Download CSV file ***</a>";
I keep getting the error message with the above echo :
Notice: Array to string conversion
What is the best method to be able to show echo statements from the server as it is running, then be able to download the result CSV at the end?
Ok, so first of all, using data in a url (GET) has some severe limitations. Older version of IE only supported 4096 byte urls. In addition, some proxies and other software impose their own limits.
I'm sure you've heard this before, but if not.... You should not be running a process that takes more than a couple of seconds (at most!) from a web server. They're not optimised for it. You definitely don't want to be passing megabytes of data to the client just so they can send it back to the server!
How about something like this...
User makes a web request (And uploads original data?) to the server
Server allocates an ID for the request (random? database?) and creates a file on disk using the ID as a name (tmp directory, or at least outside web root)
Server launches a new process (PHP?) to transform the data. As it runs, it can update the database with progress information
During this time, the user can check progress by making a sequence of AJAX requests (or just refreshing a page which shows latest status). Lots more control over appearance now
When the processing is complete, server-side process writes results to file, updates database to indicate completion.
Next time user checks status, redirect them to a PHP file that takes the ID and will read the file from disk / stream it to the user.
No long-running http requests
No data being passed back/forth to client in intermediate stage
Much more control over how users see progress
Depending on the tranformation you're applying / the detail stored in the database, you may be able to recover interrupted jobs (server failure)
It does have one downside which is that you need to clean up after yourself - the files you created on disk need to be deleted, however, you've got a complete audit of all files in the database and deleting anything over x days old would be trivial.
I have this php script that imports each row to my database. After it saves, in the same process it will do some more stuff, takes 1-2 sec for each row so my user prefers to send the CSV file to me, then I run in the terminal.
I want to build a page to him, so he can drop the CSV in a file input, until here ok, I saw how to make this run in background, but I really want to show in the page the results of importing, my scripts echoes the result for each row in the CSV in the terminal. How to do something similar in the HTML?
How to make the user drops the CSV in a file input and see the result for each row right bellow as like he had executed the script in a terminal on his screen?
EDIT (making things clear)
I want to display the script messages while it's running, I mean, for each row of the csv file, my script will output/echo the result of the import, I want to immediately display this row result to the user in the HTML page. Not after the script execution finishes. Something like a stream.
Sounds like you need to look at using jQuery and AJAX which will achieve what you're aiming for. This allows you to send data to a script, such as PHP, and the script processes in the background before sending the response.
I am fixing up a php script to recieve a byte64 encoded image and store it to database
Here is my problem the script takes very long time, sometimes up to 5 minutes, to respond when flash calls the script(via a post request)
(i test it with a very small image)
if i remove the byte64 encoded data from the request it loads fast, and if i call the script from the browser with no data it is fast
i tried removing all php script from the script file so no php is run, and with data it is still slow.
My guess is that this is somehow server related, but i have no clue what this could be, other than it must happen before php is run.
and i have no htaccess file on the site,
"if i remove the byte64 encoded data from the request it loads fast"
So you know exactly where you issue is at. Test the queries, if they're not optimizable, store your images the normal way.
i ended up rewriting the script to a normal upload and then store them as files, storing images in DB is bad mojo, but was trying to avoid having to rewrite the intire script at the time :)
but thanks for your time!
Let me describe what I've made ar first:
I have to import large ammount of data from different xml's to my database and because it last a lot I had to put a progress bar and I did it like this: I split the whole import into tiny little AJAX requests and I import little data at a time (when an ajax request completes the progress bar increases a bit). This whole idea is great but the data just keeps getting bigger and bigger and I can't optimize the code anymore (it's as optimized as it gets).
The problem is that everytime I do a AJAX call I lose a lot of time with things specific to the framework (model initializations and stuff), with the browser handling the url and so on. So I was wondering if I could use the flush function from php.
But I've been reading that the flush function doesn't work great on all browsers (which is weird cause it's a server-side function). If I would use the flush function I would just write <script>increase_progressbar</script> or whatever I want and I could do it.
So, any opinions on the flush function? I've been testing it on little scripts but I want to know if someone really used it with big scripts. Also, I can listen to any other suggestion of doing what I want to do :)
I wont give you direct advise, but I will tell you how I did it in one of my projects. In my case I need to upload an Excel files and then parse them. The data exceeding 3000 rows and I had to check all columns of each row for some data. When I parse it directly after the upload, the parser often crashes somewhere and it was really not safe.
So how I did it? The upload process has been split in 2 parts:
Upload physically the file (regular upload field and submit). When the button is clicked some CSS and JS "magic" hide the form and one nice loading bar appears on the screen. When the upload has been done the page just refreshes and the form appear again for the next file
Start parsing the data on the background using php-cli as #Dragon suggest with exec().
In the database I had a table which stores information about the files and there is a boolean field called "parsed". When the parser finishes the job, the last task is to update that field to true.
So here is the whole process from user point of view:
select a file and upload it.
wait until the file has been uploaded on the server. Till then a message and loading bar appear indicating that something is working. The upload form has been hidden with CSS and JS, so preventing user to upload another file.
When it's over the page has been refreshed (because I did normal _POST submit) the form appear on the screen again as well as a list of recently uploaded files (this I've stored this in the session).
In each of the nodes of that list I had an indicator (an icon). In the first time it's a spinner (ajax spinning wheel).
On a regular basis (30 sec or 1 min) I've checked the file table through Ajax call and reading the parsed field. If the background process has been over, the field was set to true and with some JS and CSS I've changed the icon to "Done". Otherwise the spinner remain.
In my project I doesn't have requirement to show extra details about the imports, but you can always go wild with other extra data.
Hope this help you with your project.