How can I make a link that justs adds or changes 1 GET var while maintaining all others?
I have a page that is created using different GET vars.
So it will be like mypage.php?color=red&size=7&brand=some%20brand
So I want to have a link that sets it to page=2 or size=8. Whats the easiest way to have a link do that without reseting all the other vars?
I hope that makes sense, let me know if I need to further explain anything
You can parse the url with parse_str to get the values of the url. You can then build a http query by using http_build_query:
$query_arr = $_GET; //or parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $query_arr)
$query_arr["page"] = 2;
$query_arr["size"] = 8;
$query = http_build_query($query_arr);
EDIT: Sorry I mixed up the two functions ... its parse_str() of course.
Consider a php script visited with URL of foo?q=some&s=3&d=new. I wonder if there is a paractical method for parsing the url to create links with new variable (within php page). For example foo?q=**another-word**&s=3&d=new or foo?q=another-word&s=**11**&d=new
I am thinking of catching the requested URL by $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] then parsing with regex; but this is not a good idea in practice. There should be a handy way to parse variables attached to the php script. In fact, inverse action of GET method.
The $_GET variable contains an already parsed array of the current query string. The array union operator + makes it easy to merge new values into that. http_build_query puts them back together into a query string:
echo 'foo?' . http_build_query(array('q' => 'another-word') + $_GET);
If you need more parsing of the URL to get 'foo', use parse_url on the REQUEST_URI.
What about using http_build_query?
It will allow you to build a query string from an array.
I'd use parse_str:
$query = 'q=some&s=3&d=new';
parse_str($query, $query_parsed);
$query_parsed['q'] = 'foo-bar';
$new_query = implode('&', array_map(create_function('$k, $v',
'return $k."=".urlencode($v);'),
array_keys($query_parsed), $query_parsed));
echo $new_query;
Result is:
Although, this method might look like "the hard way" :)
I have a page with php query results in a table. Now I want to click on a table column name to sort it on that. So what I want to do is reload the page with the same querystring but change one parameter ("&orderby=name").
The only way I can think of is to get the query with $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; and then search and replace the one parameter with regular expressions. And then use that to reload the page by clicking a link.
But there has to be some easier way, right?
You can replace the $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] and use that as an argument but a more elegant solution would be something like:
$params = $_GET;
$params['orderby'] = 'column';
$query = http_build_query($params);
you can rebuild the query string from $_GET. just loop over it and add new variables to a string. then a simple conditional can swap any of them out.
can anyone help me to play with GET urls for example I have a link like this:
So my question is how can I make this one:
I don't want to show the &lang, only I want is that the &lang to replace with , "comma" can anyone help me?
You can use mod_rewrite to rewrite ?id=5,1 to ?id=5&lang=1 internally.
Otherwise, the value of id will be 5,1. Your application would then need to know that id contains more than the id. It could then parse out the language from the id. However, this will become confusing when you introduce more parameters.
Assuming you have already built the URL in the way you have specified, you can break the id field based on the comma and extract the real id and lang field
$urlPieces = explode(",", $_GET['id']);
$id = $urlPieces[0];
$lang = $urlPieces[1];
You are able to do this, but it's not very clean, in terms of the proper $_GET variable values. The solution automatically type casts the values to integers:
sscanf($_GET['id'], '%d,%d', $id, $lang);
// $id = int(5)
// $lang = int(1)
Two solutions:
Firstly, you could simply reformat the parameters when they arrive in your PHP program. With ?id=5,1, you'll get a PHP $_GET array with id '5,1'. This you can simply split using the explode() function to get the two values you want.
The second solution is to use the Apache mod_rewrite feature, to modify the URL arguments before they arrive at PHP. For this, you'll need to understand regular expressions (regex), as mod_rewrite uses this for it's work. You should google 'mod_rewrite' and 'regex' to find out more.
However mod_rewrite is typically used to get rid of GET arguments entirely. For example the URLs of the questions on this site do not have any get arguments, but the server translates the arguments between the slashes into GET arguments. This is considered better practice than simply than changing how the arguments look, as it is more user-friendly and SEO friendly.
Hope that helps.
$id = $id . ',' . $lang;
<a href="?<?php echo $id; ?>">
I typed in the above URL to navigate to a blank php file I'd created, and my friend typed the following in my URL bar:
(after /test.php)
He said that when I refresh the page, he wants to see the number 21 show up. I'm not entirely sure where to start. Any help for this PHP beginner is appreciated.
Try this...
if (isset($_GET['one']) AND isset($_GET['two'])) {
$one = (int) $_GET['one'];
$two = (int) $_GET['two'];
echo $one + $two;
? is the operator used to indicate the start of the parameters passed to a webpage. You can pass many of them separated by the character &. Based on that you need your website to get those parameters and perform the only operation that will get you the result 21 from 18 and 3.
So you need your webpage to display the sum of your first parameter and your second parameter.
You can get those by using $_GET.
Bottom line what you need is:
Learn how to get the parameters passed
Learn how to do operations with them (sum)
Learn how to display the result.
Learn about UrlEncode
Good luck on the php world!
to obtain something from your query string (?... part of the URL) you have to use $_GET[] i.e.
$one = $_GET['one'];
$two = $_GET['two'];
echo $one+$two; //print it
You need to GET the variables from that URL and manipulate them.
But you first and foremost need to learn from the ground up. I suggest this tutorial:
echo $_GET['one'] + $_GET['two'];
print_r($_GET) will show you the anwser.
I have an URL
which I want to tranform by replacing the page=4 through page=XYZ
how can I do that with preg_replace?
Yes, you can use
$oldurl = ""
$newurl = preg_replace("/page=\d+/", "page=XYZ", $oldurl);
Or you can reconstruct the URL from $_GET superglobal.
Do you want to set the value of xyz to the page value? I think you might need to specify a bit more. But this is easy to modify if you dont know regex.
$url = '';
$urlQuery = parseUrl($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($urlQuery, $queryData);
$queryData['page'] = $queryData['xyz'];
$query = http_build_query($queryData);
$outUrl = substr_replace($url, $query, strpos($url, '?'));
$url = '';
preg_match('/xyz=([^&]+)/', $url, $newpage);
$new = preg_replace('/page=([^&]+)/', $newpage[0], $url);
$new = preg_replace('/xyz=([^&]+)&/', '', $new);
This will turn
Forgive me if this isn't what you were looking to do, but your question isn't quite clear.
I'm sure you could do something with a regular expression. However, if the URL you've given is the one you're currently handling, you already have all the request variables in $_Request.
So, rebuild the URL, replacing the values you want to replace, and then redirect to the new URL.
Otherwise, go find a regexp tutorial.
If this is your own page (and you are currently on that page) those variables will appear in a global variable named $_GET, and you could use something like array_slice, unset or array_filter to remove the unwanted variables and regenerate the URL.
If you just have that URL as a string, then what exactly are the criteria for removing the information? Technically there's no difference between
so just removing all but the first parameter might not be what you want.
If you want to remove everything except the xyz param. Take a look at parse_url and parse_str
What exactly are you trying to do? The question is a little unclear.
$XYZ = $_GET['xyz'];
$PAGE = $_GET['page'];
Are wanting to replace each value with another, or replace both with one?