I am trying to fetch a mail from POP3 (I am using POP3 mail server and I am trying to fetch the mail content and store into a database table for my project.), but I can't find any PHP script for that, all are only for IMAP.
Do you know how to fetch mail from a POP3 server?
Somewhat surprisingly, PHP's imap library can be also used for working with POP3 mailboxes. Most of the advanced IMAP features won't work, of course (e.g. folders or fetching message parts), but the basic POP3 functionality is implemented.
The main difference is the option string that you're passing to imap_open - to quote that page:
// To connect to a POP3 server on port 110 on the local server, use:
$mbox = imap_open ("{localhost:110/pop3}INBOX", "user_id", "password");
Other than that, it's fair sailing - you won't need more than imap_open, imap_num_msg, imap_body, imap_delete and imap_close for basic POP3 access.
PHP's IMAP functions can deal with both IMAP and POP3 boxes.
These functions enable you to operate with the IMAP protocol, as well as the NNTP, POP3 and local mailbox access methods.
Be warned, however, that some IMAP functions will not work correctly with the POP protocol.
there is a User Contributed Note that provides an interesting snippet. You may want to take a look at it. I can't say anything about its quality but from the surface, it looks okay.
Below, the Contributed Note:
For all the people coming here praying for:
1) a dead-easy way to read MIME attachments, or
2) a dead-easy way to access POP3 folders
Look no further.
function pop3_login($host,$port,$user,$pass,$folder="INBOX",$ssl=false)
return (imap_open("{"."$host:$port/pop3$ssl"."}$folder",$user,$pass));
function pop3_stat($connection)
$check = imap_mailboxmsginfo($connection);
return ((array)$check);
function pop3_list($connection,$message="")
if ($message)
} else {
$MC = imap_check($connection);
$range = "1:".$MC->Nmsgs;
$response = imap_fetch_overview($connection,$range);
foreach ($response as $msg) $result[$msg->msgno]=(array)$msg;
return $result;
function pop3_retr($connection,$message)
function pop3_dele($connection,$message)
function mail_parse_headers($headers)
$headers=preg_replace('/\r\n\s+/m', '',$headers);
preg_match_all('/([^: ]+): (.+?(?:\r\n\s(?:.+?))*)?\r\n/m', $headers, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $key =>$value) $result[$value]=$matches[2][$key];
function mail_mime_to_array($imap,$mid,$parse_headers=false)
$mail = imap_fetchstructure($imap,$mid);
$mail = mail_get_parts($imap,$mid,$mail,0);
if ($parse_headers) $mail[0]["parsed"]=mail_parse_headers($mail[0]["data"]);
function mail_get_parts($imap,$mid,$part,$prefix)
if (isset($part->parts)) // multipart
$prefix = ($prefix == "0")?"":"$prefix.";
foreach ($part->parts as $number=>$subpart)
$attachments=array_merge($attachments, mail_get_parts($imap,$mid,$subpart,$prefix.($number+1)));
return $attachments;
function mail_decode_part($connection,$message_number,$part,$prefix)
$attachment = array();
if($part->ifdparameters) {
foreach($part->dparameters as $object) {
if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'filename') {
$attachment['is_attachment'] = true;
$attachment['filename'] = $object->value;
if($part->ifparameters) {
foreach($part->parameters as $object) {
if(strtolower($object->attribute) == 'name') {
$attachment['is_attachment'] = true;
$attachment['name'] = $object->value;
$attachment['data'] = imap_fetchbody($connection, $message_number, $prefix);
if($part->encoding == 3) { // 3 = BASE64
$attachment['data'] = base64_decode($attachment['data']);
elseif($part->encoding == 4) { // 4 = QUOTED-PRINTABLE
$attachment['data'] = quoted_printable_decode($attachment['data']);
you can use pop3 e-mail client class which can Access to e-mail mailboxes using the POP3 protocol.
You will get each e-mail body part and can store it in database, even you can retrieve attached files without deleting the original mail in the inbox.
For more go to http://www.phpclasses.org/package/2-PHP-Access-to-e-mail-mailboxes-using-the-POP3-protocol.html
IF you have PHP build with IMAP support, it would be easy, see IMAP documentation (especially comments at this page) at http://php.net/manual/en/book.imap.php
UPDATE: to clarify my answer - as you see in the comments and function reference, PHP imap_* functions can be used also for pop3.
You can open a socket connection and send POP3 commands directly to your server to retrieve emails.
The code below opens a connection to the server, authenticates, requests a count of available messages, downloads them one by one, then deletes them from the server. During the interaction with the server, if an unexpected response is received, the connection is closed.
You should be able to alter the code below to get what you need.
Create a config.ini file and populate it like this:
Obviously substitute the values with your actual host, username and password. Then change the parse_ini_file parameter to point to your config.ini file.
$config = parse_ini_file('/path/to/config.ini');
$stream = fsockopen('ssl://' . $config['pop3_host'], 995, $error_code, $error_message);
if (!$stream) {
die('fsockopen ' . $error_code . ' ' . $error_message);
$s = fgets($stream);
if (substr($s, 0, 3) !== '+OK') {
chat('USER ' . $config['pop3_user']);
chat('PASS ' . $config['pop3_pass']);
$s = chat('STAT');
$stat = explode(' ', $s);
if (count($stat) !== 3) {
$n = (integer)$stat[1];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
chat('RETR ' . $i);
$file = fopen($i . '.msg', 'wb');
if (!$file) {
quit('FILE ' . $i);
while (true) {
$s = fgets($stream);
if ($s === '.' . "\r\n") {
fputs($file, $s);
chat('DELE ' . $i);
function chat(string $command): string {
global $stream;
fputs($stream, $command . "\r\n");
$s = fgets($stream);
if (substr($s, 0, 3) !== '+OK') {
quit(explode(' ', $command)[0]);
return $s;
function quit(string $message): void {
global $stream;
fputs($stream, 'QUIT' . "\r\n");
$s = fgets($stream);
I added a ajax add to cart to the rwd theme, and the action controller is called twice for every http request. Any help with solving the problem or debugging is welcome, I already lost 2 weeks on this. This all works on our development environment, but acts weird on staging. The dev environment is hosted locally on MAMP, staging is hosted on OVH shared hosting.
edit2: removed irrelevant info
found this error message in error.log
FastCGI: comm with server "/..../staging/index.php" aborted: error parsing headers: duplicate header 'Content-Type', referer: http://staging.xxxx.be/product.html
also found a solution here: http://blog.imseo.it/2014/09/08/magento-fastcgi-error-parsing-headers-duplicate-header/
The solution is to replace the function sendHeaders in
public function sendHeaders()
if (!$this->canSendHeaders()) {
Mage::log('HEADERS ALREADY SENT: '.mageDebugBacktrace(true, true, true));
return $this;
if (in_array(substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3), array('cgi', 'fpm')))
// remove duplicate headers
$remove = array('status', 'content-type');
// already sent headers
$sent = array();
foreach (headers_list() as $header)
// parse name
if (!$pos = strpos($header, ':'))
$sent[strtolower(substr($header, 0, $pos))] = true;
// raw headers
$headersRaw = array();
foreach ($this->_headersRaw as $i=>$header)
// parse name
if (!$pos = strpos($header, ':'))
$name = strtolower(substr($header, 0, $pos));
if (in_array($name, $remove))
// check sent headers
if ($sent[$name])
// check header
if (!is_null($existing = $headers[$name]))
$this->_headersRaw[$existing] = $header;
$headersRaw[$name] = $i;
// object headers
$headers = array();
foreach ($this->_headers as $i=>$header)
$name = strtolower($header['name']);
if (in_array($name, $remove))
// check sent headers
if ($sent[$name])
// check header
if (!is_null($existing = $headers[$name]))
$this->_headers[$existing] = $header;
$headers[$name] = $i;
// check raw headers
if (!is_null($existing = $headersRaw[$name]))
My godaddy shared hosing service will not enable the IMAP extension for PHP. So I am in a pickle:
Is there a PHP function to replace the IMAP feature in PHP ?
Here is the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_last_error()
Here is the sample code that I am having problems with:
$mbox = imap_open ('{'.$email_host.':'.$email_port.'/pop3/novalidate-cert}INBOX', $email_username, $email_password) or die(imap_last_error());
// send email letting them know bounce checking failed?
// meh. later.
echo 'Failed to connect when checking bounces.';
$MC = imap_check($mbox);
$result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox,"1:{$MC->Nmsgs}",0);
foreach ($result as $overview) {
$this_subject = (string)$overview->subject;
//echo "#{$overview->msgno} ({$overview->date}) - From: {$overview->from} <br> {$this_subject} <br>\n";
$tmp_file = tempnam('/tmp/','newsletter_bounce');
// TODO - tmp files for windows hosting.
imap_savebody ($mbox, $tmp_file, $overview->msgno);
$body = file_get_contents($tmp_file);
// we have a newsletter message id, check the hash and mark a bounce.
//"message_id" => "Newsletter-$send_id-$member_id-".md5("bounce check for $member_id in send $send_id"),
$send_id = (int)$matches[1];
$member_id = (int)$matches[2];
$provided_hash = trim($matches[3]);
$real_hash = md5("bounce check for $member_id in send $send_id");
if($provided_hash == $real_hash){
$sql = "UPDATE "._DB_PREFIX."newsletter_member SET `status` = 4, bounce_time = '".time()."' WHERE `member_id` = '".$member_id."' AND send_id = '".$send_id."' AND `status` = 3 LIMIT 1";
imap_delete($mbox, $overview->msgno);
// bad hash, report.
Thanks in advance!!
There's no PECL replacement for imap extension. If you dare, you can write one in PHP but that would be quite ineffective though. Alternative approach would be (assuming they are immune to customer's requests) to turn "GoDaddy" into "GoAwayDaddy" and change ISP to one who do not block this, quite elementary extension.
This one works on godaddy shared hosting:
And this one works too: http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.mail.html
function __autoload($class_name) {
include $class_name . '.php';
include_once 'Zend/Mail/Storage/AbstractStorage.php';
include_once 'Zend/Mail/Storage/Pop3.php';
$mail = new Zend\Mail\Storage\Pop3(array('host' => '$host',
'user' => '$user',
'password' => '$password'));
echo $mail->countMessages() . " messages found\n";
foreach ($mail as $message) {
echo "Mail from '{$message->from}': {$message->subject}\n</br>";
echo $message->getContent() . "</br>";
Hi everyone once again!
We need some help to develop and implement a multi-curl functionality into our crawler. We have a huge array of "links to be scanned" and we loop throw them with a Foreach.
Let's use some pseudo code to understand the logic:
1) While ($links_to_be_scanned > 0).
2) Foreach ($links_to_be_scanned as $link_to_be_scanned).
3) Scan_the_link() and run some other functions.
4) Extract the new links from the xdom.
5) Push the new links into $links_to_be_scanned.
5) Push the current link into $links_already_scanned.
6) Remove the current link from $links_to_be_scanned.
Now, we need to define a maximum number of parallel connections and be able to run this process for each link in parallel.
I understand that we're gonna have to create a $links_being_scanned or some kind of queue.
I'm really not sure how to approach this problem to be honest, if anyone could provide some snippet or idea to solve it, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I just realized that is not the multi-curl itself the tricky part, but the amount of operations done with each link after the request.
Even after the muticurl, I would eventually have to find a way to run all this operations in parallel. The whole algorithm described below would have to run in parallel.
So now rethinking, we would have to do something like this:
While (There's links to be scanned)
Foreach ($Link_to_scann as $link)
If (There's less than 10 scanners running)
Remove the link from $links_to_be_scanned array
Push the link into $links_on_queue array
And each scanner does (This should be run in parallel):
Create an object with the given link
Send a curl request to the given link
Create a dom and an Xdom with the response body
Perform other operations over the response body
Remove the link from the $links_on_queue array
Push the link into the $links_already_scanned array
I assume we could approach this creating a new PHP file with the scanner algorithm, and using pcntl_fork() for each parallel proccess?
Since even using multi-curl, I would eventually have to wait looping on a regular foreach structure for the other processes.
I assume I would have to approach this using fsockopen or pcntl_fork.
Suggestions, comments, partial solutions, and even a "good luck" will be more than appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
DISCLAIMER: This answer links an open-source project with which I'm involved. There. You've been warned.
The Artax HTTP client is a socket-based HTTP library that (among other things) offers custom control over the number of concurrent open socket connections to individual hosts while making multiple asynchronous HTTP requests.
Limiting the number of concurrent connections is easily accomplished. Consider:
use Artax\Client, Artax\Response;
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/autoload.php';
$client = new Client;
// Defaults to max of 8 concurrent connections per host
$client->setOption('maxConnectionsPerHost', 2);
$requests = array(
'so-home' => 'http://stackoverflow.com',
'so-php' => 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/php',
'so-python' => 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python',
'so-http' => 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/http',
'so-html' => 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/html',
'so-css' => 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/css',
'so-js' => 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/javascript'
$onResponse = function($requestKey, Response $r) {
echo $requestKey, ' :: ', $r->getStatus();
$onError = function($requestKey, Exception $e) {
echo $requestKey, ' :: ', $e->getMessage();
$client->requestMulti($requests, $onResponse, $onError);
IMPORTANT: In the above example the Client::requestMulti method is making all the specified requests asynchronously. Because the per-host concurrency limit is set to 2, the client will open up new connections for the first two requests and subsequently reuse those same sockets for the other requests, queuing requests until one of the two sockets become available.
you could try something like this, haven't checked it, but you should get the idea
$request_pool = array();
function CreateHandle($url) {
$handle = curl_init($url);
// set curl options here
return $handle;
function Process($data) {
global $request_pool;
// do something with data
array_push($request_pool , CreateHandle($some_new_url));
function RunMulti() {
global $request_pool;
$multi_handle = curl_multi_init();
$active_request_pool = array();
$running = 0;
$active_request_count = 0;
$active_request_max = 10; // adjust as necessary
do {
$waiting_request_count = count($request_pool);
while(($active_request_count < $active_request_max) && ($waiting_request_count > 0)) {
$request = array_shift($request_pool);
curl_multi_add_handle($multi_handle , $request);
$active_request_pool[(int)$request] = $request;
curl_multi_exec($multi_handle , $running);
while($info = curl_multi_info_read($multi_handle)) {
$curl_handle = $info['handle'];
call_user_func('Process' , curl_multi_getcontent($curl_handle));
curl_multi_remove_handle($multi_handle , $curl_handle);
} while($active_request_count > 0 || $waiting_request_count > 0);
You should look for some more robust solution to your problem. RabbitMQ
is a very good solution I used. There is also Gearman but I think it is your choice.
I prefer RabbitMQ.
I will share with you my code which I have used to collect email addresses from certain website.
You can modify it to fit your needs.
There were some problems with relative URL's there.
And I do not use CURL here.
$home = 'http://kharkov-reklama.com.ua/jborudovanie/';
$writer = new RWriter('C:\parser_13-09-2012_05.txt');
ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
function scan_page($home, $full_url, &$writer) {
static $done = array();
$done[] = $full_url;
// Scan only internal links. Do not scan all the internet!))
if (strpos($full_url, $home) === false) {
return false;
$html = #file_get_contents($full_url);
if (empty($html) || (strpos($html, '<body') === false && strpos($html, '<BODY') === false)) {
return false;
echo $full_url . '<br />';
preg_match_all('/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+#([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9]\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,4}/', $html, $emails);
if (!empty($emails) && is_array($emails)) {
foreach ($emails as $email_group) {
if (is_array($email_group)) {
foreach ($email_group as $email) {
if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$regexp = "<a\s[^>]*href=(\"??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>";
preg_match_all("/$regexp/siU", $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if (is_array($matches)) {
foreach($matches as $match) {
if (!empty($match[2]) && is_scalar($match[2])) {
$url = $match[2];
if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
$url = $home . $url;
if (!in_array($url, $done)) {
scan_page($home, $url, $writer);
class RWriter {
private $_fh = null;
private $_written = array();
public function __construct($fname) {
$this->_fh = fopen($fname, 'w+');
public function write($line) {
if (in_array($line, $this->_written)) {
$this->_written[] = $line;
echo $line . '<br />';
fwrite($this->_fh, "{$line}\r\n");
public function __destruct() {
scan_page($home, 'http://kharkov-reklama.com.ua/jborudovanie/', $writer);
I am using php imap class.
In my box I have a lot of mail, but with this script I would retrieve only the unreaded mail.
How can I do it?
if ($mbox=imap_open( "{" . $mailserver . ":" . $port . "}INBOX", $user, $pass ))
echo "Connected\n";
} else { exit ("Can't connect: " . imap_last_error() ."\n"); echo "FAIL!\n"; };
if ($hdr = imap_check($mbox)) {
$msgCount = $hdr->Nmsgs;
echo "Ci sono ".$msgCount." mail";
} else {
echo "Failed to get mail";
If I do
the script load to an infinity time.
The imap_search UNSEEN solution is not good because pop3 don't use this flag.
So how can I do??????
Thanks a lot.
There is two way you can follow:
1. Looping through the messages
$count = imap_num_msg($connection);
for($msgno = 1; $msgno <= $count; $msgno++) {
$headers = imap_headerinfo($connection, $msgno);
if($headers->Unseen == 'U') {
... do something ...
2. Using imap_search
There's a flag called UNSEEN which you can use to search for the unread emails. You would call the imap_search function with the UNSEEN flag like so:
$result = imap_search($connection, 'UNSEEN');
If you need to combine this with more search flags, for example searching for messages from me#example.com, you could do this:
$result = imap_search($connection, 'UNSEEN FROM "me#example.com"');
For a complete list of the available flags, refer to the criteria section of the imap_search manual page on the PHP website (www.php.net/imap_search)
Source: http://www.electrictoolbox.com/php-imap-unread-messages/
This was a tough one on Google: php imap unread
The first result:
There's a flag called UNSEEN which you can use to search for the unread emails. You would call the imap_search function with the UNSEEN flag like so:
view sourceprint?
$result = imap_search($connection, 'UNSEEN');
If you need to combine this with more search flags, for example searching for messages from me#example.com, you could do this:
view sourceprint?
$result = imap_search($connection, 'UNSEEN FROM "me#example.com"');
For a complete list of the available flags, refer to the criteria section of the imap_search manual page on the PHP website (www.php.net/imap_search)
Edit I had read this originally as IMAP. #fail.
Google: php pop3 unread
2nd link:
function CountUnreadMails($host, $login, $passwd) {
$mbox = imap_open("{{$host}/pop3:110}", $login, $passwd);
$count = 0;
if (!$mbox) {
echo "Error";
} else {
$headers = imap_headers($mbox);
foreach ($headers as $mail) {
$flags = substr($mail, 0, 4);
$isunr = (strpos($flags, "U") !== false);
if ($isunr)
return $count;
I just started today working with PHP's IMAP library, and while imap_fetchbody or imap_body are called, it is triggering my Kaspersky antivirus. The viruses are Trojan.Win32.Agent.dmyq and Trojan.Win32.FraudPack.aoda. I am running this off a local development machine with XAMPP and Kaspersky AV.
Now, I am sure there are viruses there since there is spam in the box (who doesn't need a some viagra or vicodin these days?). And I know that since the raw body includes attachments and different mime-types, bad stuff can be in the body.
So my question is: are there any risks using these libraries?
I am assuming that the IMAP functions are retrieving the body, caching it to disk/memory and the AV scanning it sees the data.
Is that correct? Are there any known security concerns using this library (I couldn't find any)? Does it clean up cached message parts perfectly or might viral files be sitting somewhere?
Is there a better way to get plain text out of the body than this? Right now I am using the following code (credit to Kevin Steffer):
function get_mime_type(&$structure) {
$primary_mime_type = array("TEXT", "MULTIPART","MESSAGE", "APPLICATION", "AUDIO","IMAGE", "VIDEO", "OTHER");
if($structure->subtype) {
return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' .$structure->subtype;
return "TEXT/PLAIN";
function get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $structure = false, $part_number = false) {
if(!$structure) {
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number);
if($structure) {
if($mime_type == get_mime_type($structure)) {
if(!$part_number) {
$part_number = "1";
$text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number);
if($structure->encoding == 3) {
return imap_base64($text);
} else if($structure->encoding == 4) {
return imap_qprint($text);
} else {
return $text;
if($structure->type == 1) /* multipart */ {
while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts)) {
if($part_number) {
$prefix = $part_number . '.';
$data = get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure,$prefix . ($index + 1));
if($data) {
return $data;
return false;
$connection = imap_open($server, $login, $password);
$count = imap_num_msg($connection);
for($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
$header = imap_headerinfo($connection, $i);
$from = $header->fromaddress;
$to = $header->toaddress;
$subject = $header->subject;
$date = $header->date;
$body = get_part($connection, $i, "TEXT/PLAIN");
Your guess seems accurate. IMAP itself is fine. What you do with the contents is what's dangerous.
What's dangerous about virus e-mails is that users might open a .exe attachment or something, so bad attachments and potentially evil HTML are what's being checked. As long as your code handling attachments doesn't tell the user to open them and this is just automatic processing or whatever, you're good to go. If you're planning on outputting HTML contents, be sure to use something like HTML Purifier.
The AV is detecting these signatures as they pass through the networking stack, most likely. You should be able to tell the source of the detection from the messages Kaspersky is giving you.