I have the following code and want to manually select an array:
$articleQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE topic = 'IT' ");
while($article= mysql_fetch_array($articleQuery )){
$aid = $article['id'];
$media = $article['media'];
$link = $article['link'];
echo $aid[0];
The problem is that its not really selecting/displaying the correct information. What I want is to be able to select the value of the first array.
Thanks in advance.
$firstrow = null;
while($article= mysql_fetch_array($articleQuery)) {
if ($firstrow === null)
$firstrow = $article;
$aid = $article['id'];
$media = $article['media'];
$link = $article['link'];
//manipulate $aid, $media and $link.
//manipulate $firstrow
If you only need the first row, limit the query to one result and execute mysql_fetch_array at most once, instead of in a loop.
Or you can do like this:
$array = array();
while($article = mysql_fetch_object($articleQuery )){
$array[] = $article;
echo $array[0]->id; // get first id
echo $array[0]->media; // get first media
echo $array[0]->link; // get first link
echo $array[1]->id; // get second id
echo $array[1]->media; // get second media
echo $array[1]->link; // get second link
// and so on.......
if you want $aid to be an array, you should do something like that:
$aid = array();
while($article= mysql_fetch_array($articleQuery )){
$aid[] = $article['id'];
The problem is that its not really
selecting/displaying the correct
information. What I want is to be able
to select the value of the first
What you want is propably this:
$articleQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE topic = 'IT' ");
$article= mysql_fetch_array($articleQuery);
echo $article[0];
You have unnecessary loop. You can also add "limit 1" to sql query. Although I'm not sure I understand your goal correctly.
Using mysql_fetch_assoc, will use the field names as the array indexer, so $article['id'] instead of $article[0]. That way if you change the definition of the table by adding new columns, your code won't break!
$articleQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE topic = 'IT' LIMIT 1");
$article= mysql_fetch_assoc($articleQuery);
If you really only want the first result:
$articleQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE topic = 'IT' LIMIT 1"); // note LIMIT clause
if( false !== ($article = mysql_fetch_array($articleQuery )))
$aid = $article['id'];
$media = $article['media'];
$link = $article['link'];
echo $aid;
If you want them all, but indexable:
$articleQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE topic = 'IT' ");
while($article= mysql_fetch_array($articleQuery ))
$aid[] = $article['id'];
$media[] = $article['media'];
$link[] = $article['link'];
echo $aid[0];
Why not edit your SQL statement to select only one item?
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE topic = 'IT' LIMIT 1");
But the error in your code, is that you're looping over all your selected records, overwriting your variables on each pass. If you want to store all the rows as an array, you should modify your syntax like this:
while($article= mysql_fetch_array($articleQuery )){
$aid[] = $article['id'];
$media[] = $article['media'];
$link[] = $article['link'];
...after which you could access the first row with aid[0].
But instead I'd suggest a different structure:
while($article= mysql_fetch_array($articleQuery )){
$articles[]['aid'] = $article['id'];
$articles[]['media'] = $article['media'];
$articles[]['link'] = $article['link'];
What that does, is collect all the data into a single data structure, where each record holds all the data related to the article. You would access it like this:
echo $articles[0]['aid'];
echo $articles[0]['media'];
echo $articles[0]['link'];
If this looks like hebrew to you, take a look at the PHP manual section for arrays.
Please see database's image also
I want to show my checkbox values from database.
Example : my value is 25,26.
So, How can i display it one by one ?
such as,
-- 1st value is : 25.
--2nd Value is : 26.
my code:
$db = new mysqli("localhost","paroshic_paroshic","kxmcwQzLTrTR","paroshic_matri2018jl");
$sql = "select * from tbldatingusermaster order by userid desc";
$result = $db->query($sql);
while($data = $result->fetch_object()){
echo $data->education; //My value is 25,26
You can write html tags to page with echo, you know that. So basicly it will be something like this:
while($data = $result->fetch_object()){
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="check" value="'.$data->educationid.'">'.$data->educationid.'<br>';
I think the piece of the puzzle that you were looking for is perhaps explode to create an array of integers from the given string $data->educationid (ie: 25,26 )
$db = new mysqli("localhost","paroshic_paroshic","kxmcwQzLTrTR","paroshic_matri2018jl");
$sql = "select * from tbldatingusermaster order by userid desc";
$result = $db->query( $sql );
if( $result ){
while( $data = $result->fetch_object() ){
/* explode the string into little integers */
$ids=explode( ',', $data->educationid );
/* iterate through the pieces and generate an input[checkbox] element */
foreach( $ids as $id )printf('<input type="checkbox" name="UNKNOWN[]" value="%s" />',$id);
I'm trying to add an element to array, but I get a weird output. The code is the following:
$getalltokens = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Tables WHERE available = '$comp'");
while ($row = $getalltokens->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
$fid = $row['FID'];
$tok = $row['token'];
$sql = $db->query("SELECT Firstname,Lastname FROM Users WHERE Token = '$tok'");
$rez = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$names[] = $rez;
$fidzy = array(
'FID' => $fid
array_push($names, $fidzy);
$getalltokens = $db->query("SELECT FID FROM Tables WHERE available = '$comp'");
$tokenz = $getalltokens->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo json_encode($names);
And the output I get is:
While what I need is the FID to be inside the $names array, so it would be more like:
$rez['FID'] = $fid; /* Added */
$names[] = $rez;
/* $fidzy and array_push removed */
You can use instead of array_push() like
$arrayname[indexname] = $value;
if you use array_push()
$array[] = $var;
Note: If you use `array_push()` to add one element to the array it's
better to use$array[] = because in that way there is no overhead of
calling a function.
Note: `array_push()` will raise a warning if the first argument is not an array. This differs from the `$var[]` behavior where a new array
is created.
Reference Array push
The solution to the specific problem at hand is selecting all the necessary data in a single query, removing the need to add elements to any array. This is done in the following fashion:
$sql = $db->query("SELECT
FROM Users,Tables
WHERE Users.Token = Tables.token");
$rez = $sql->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo json_encode($rez);
I am trying to pass id to second page which I am selecting from another table but the below code isn't working. When I do var_dump I can see that the values are what I want but the rows for main query don't show up(The title and image aren't being displayed).
I have two queries in which the one is inside the other one. Can someone help me out? The main query works fine if I get rid of the while loop of the second query.
$paginate = new pagination($page, "SELECT * FROM table1 where title != '' ORDER BY id desc" , $options);
catch(paginationException $e)
echo $e;
if($paginate->success == true)
$result = $paginate->resultset->fetchAll();
foreach($result as $row)
$dx = $row['image_one'];//image_one from main query
//second query
$item = $mydb->prepare("select * from table2 where imageone = ?");
$item->bind_param('s', $dx);
$item_res = $item->get_result();
while($row = $item_res->fetch_assoc()){
$rx = $row['id'];
} //the rows below aren't being displayed
$path = 'images/';
echo "<a href='second.php?title=".urlencode($row['title'])." &item=".$row['id']."&id=".$rx."'>"."<img src='".$path."".$row['image_one']."'/></div>"."</a>";
Try this:
echo "<a href='second.php?title="'.urlencode($row['title']).'" &item="'.$row['id'].'"&id="'.$rx.'"'>"."<img src='"'.$path.'"".$row['image_one']."'/></div>"."</a>";
use ' ' around var name
You are reassigning $row in your while loop once it exits $row is null.
Try this instead:
while($item_row = $item_res->fetch_assoc()) {
$rx = $item_row['id'];
Also, instead of nested queries you should try using a join.
Can someone please explain why this code is not outputting a value for $consultant
When the data base is as follows:
And below is the code...
<?php include ("include/config.php");
$SUC = mysql_query("
SELECT `decisionValue` FROM `teamdecision` WHERE `decisionType` = 'SUconsultant'
")or die($SUC."<br/><br/>".mysql_error());
$SUNumR = mysql_num_rows($SUC);
$consultant = array();
while ($i<$SUNumR && $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($SUC))
$consultant[$i] = $row['SUconsultant'];
echo $consultant[$i];
Shouldn't it be $consultant[$i] = $row['decisionValue'];?
In addition to other answers, The $i counter in your script is completely unnecessary. Here's a much simpler approach:
$SUC = mysql_query("SELECT decisionValue FROM teamdecision WHERE decisionType = 'SUconsultant'") or die(mysql_error());
$consultant = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($SUC))
echo $consultant[] = $row['decisionValue'];
You're not selecting SUconsultant as one of your columns, so why are you expecting it to be in the result row?
SELECT `decisionValue` FROM `teamdecision`
Whatever key you're referencing in your result set, you should select it as well.
You are only selecting decisionValue in your SQL query, change it to:
SELECT `decisionValue`, `SUconsultant` FROM `teamdecision` WHERE `decisionType` = 'SUconsultant'
It must be Monday, the heat or me being stupid (prob the latter), but for the life of me I cannot get a simple php function to work.
I have a simple query
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE field_name = '$input'");
Which I want to run through a function: say:
function functionname($input){
global $field1;
global $field2;
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE field_name = '$input'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) :
$field1[] = $row['field1'];
$field2[] = $row['field2'];
So that I can call the function in numerious places with differeing "inputs". Then loop through the results with a foreach loop.
Works fine the first time the function is called, but always gives errors there after.
As said "It must be Monday, the heat or me being stupid (prob the latter)".
Suggestions please as I really only want 1 function to call rather than rewrite the query each and every time.
This is the error message
Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in C:\xampp\htdocs\functions.php on line 270
function functionname($input){
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT field1,field2 FROM table WHERE field_name = '$input'");
$result = array('field1' => array()
'field2' => array()
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) :
$result['field1'][] = $row['field1'];
$result['field2'][] = $row['field2'];
return $result;
it seems that somewhere the $field1 or $field2 are converted to strings and you cant apply the [] to a string...
i'd say that you have to do:
$field1 = array();
$field2 = array();
before the WHILE loop
The problem is that you so called arrays are strings!
global $field1;
global $field2;
var_dump($feild1,$feild2); //Will tell you that there strings
Read the error properly !
[] operator not supported for strings
And the only place your using the [] is withing the $feild - X values
GLOBAL must work because the error is telling you a data-type, i.e string so they must have been imported into scope.
another thing, why you selecting all columns when your only using 2 of them, change your query to so:
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT feild1,feild2 FROM table WHERE field_name = '$input'");
another thing is that your using mysql_fetch_array witch returns an integer indexed array, where as you want mysql_fetch_assoc to get the keys.
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) :
$field1[] = $row['field1'];
$field2[] = $row['field2'];
What I would do
function SomeFunction($variable,&$array_a,&$array_b)
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT field1,field2 FROM table WHERE field_name = '$variable'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql))
$array_a[] = $row['field1'];
$array_b[] = $row['field2'];
Then use like so.
$a = array();
$b = array();
SomeFunction('Hello World',&$a,&$b);
In my opinion, it's pretty unusual and even useless approach at all.
This function is too localized.
To make a general purpose function would be a way better.
function dbgetarr(){
$a = array();
$query = array_shift($args);
foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
$args[$key] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$query = vsprintf($query, $args);
$res = mysql_query($query);
if (!$res) {
trigger_error("dbgetarr: ".mysql_error()." in ".$query);
return FALSE;
} else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) $a[]=$row;
return $a;
and then call it like this
$data = dbgetarr("SELECT field1,field2 FROM table WHERE field_name = %s",$input);
foreach ($data as $row) {
echo $row['field1']." ".$row['field1']."<br>\n";
To understand your issue, we need the error, however, are you sure you are going about this in the right way?
Why do you need to call the function multiple times if you are just changing the value of the input field?
You could improve your SQL statement to return the complete result set that you need the first time.. i.e. SELECT * FROM table GROUP BY field_name;
Not sure if that approach works in your scenario, but in general you should aim to reduce the number of round trips to your database.
I don't know, i right or not. But i advise to try this:
function functionname($input){
global $field1;
global $field2;
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `field_name` = '" . $input . "'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) :
$field1[] = $row['field1'];
$field2[] = $row['field2'];