European signs in img src problem - php

I recently encountered a strange problem on my website. Images with æ ø and å in them (Western European signs) Won't display.
The character encoding on all sites is "Iso-8859-1"
I can print æ ø and å on the page without problems.
If I right click the "broken image" and choose properties, it displays the filename
with the european signs. (/admin/content/galleri/å.jpg)
the code for img looks like this
<img name='bilde'
class='topmargin_ss leftmargin_ms rightmargin_s'
width='80' height='80'>
(Wasn't allowed to post images so the code is without starting and ending brackets)
Made 4 files:
Only z.jpg shows up, they are the exact same jpg.
The images are uploaded using php code, which works, uploads to the right directory and has no problem with the european signs.
Does anybody know what could be causing this?

You've probably got a mismatch between the web-page (in ISO-8859-1 == Latin1) and the filesystem the images files are on - which is probably UTF-8.
I would suggest:
a) Encode the web-pages in UTF-8 - it's more likely to work in more places.
b) Only use ASCII for filenames to avoid these problems.

This htmlentities('string', ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") works for me.
For you that might be
$img = "<img name='bilde'
src='" . htmlentities("content/{$_SESSION['linkname']}/{$row['img']}", ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "' class='topmargin_ss leftmargin_ms rightmargin_s' width='80' height='80'>
You might need to apply utf8_decode($string) to the URL, but I never needed to do that when using htmlentities with "UTF-8".
NOTE : This assumes that the page is already utf-8 encoded. This can be done using header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');. And the data in the db is saved as utf-8.
This can be done by calling mysql_set_charset('utf8'); before you start making MySQL queries; the query "SET NAMES 'utf8'" does the same.

You should encode the URL with %xx where xx represents the hex-value of a byte. As of the specification of your webserver vendor, these mostly are in UTF-8.
The same encoding method may be used for encoding characters whose
use, although technically allowed in a URL, would be unwise due to
problems of corruption by imperfect gateways or misrepresentation
due to the use of variant character sets, or which would simply be
awkward in a given environment.
It's browser dependent, wether the special symbol will get translated in UTF-8 and URL encoded. I guess it's not (else it would works), because actually nobody uses special symbols in file names, just a small subset of ASCII.

Have a look at bin2hex - you need to %age encode those crazy umlotts


Decoding ISO-8859-1 and Encoding to UTF-8 before MySQL query

I'm kinda stuck if I'm doing it right.
I have a file which is ISO-8859-1 (pretty certain). My MySQL db is in utf-8 encoding. Which is why I want to convert the file to UTF-8 encoded characters before I can send it as a query. For instance, First I rewrite every line of the file.txt into file_new.txt using.
line = line.decode('ISO-8859-1').encode('utf-8')
And then I save it. Next, I create a MySQL connection and create a cursor with the following query so that all the data is received as utf-8.
query = 'SET NAMES "utf8"'
Following this, I reopen file_new.txt and enter each line into MySQL. Is this the right approach to get the table in MySQL utf-8 encoding? Or Am I missing any crucial part?
Now to receive this data. I use 'SET NAMES "utf8"" as well. But the received data is giving me question marks � when I set the header content type to
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
On the other hand, when I set
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1");
It works fine, but other utf-8 encoded data from the database is getting scrambled. So I'm guessing the data from file.txt is still NOT getting encoded to utf-8. Can any one explain why?
PS: Before I read everyline, I replace a character and save the file.txt to file.txt.tmp. I then read this file to get file_new.txt. I don't know if it causes any problem to the original file encoding.
f1 =, 'rb',encoding='iso-8859-1')
f2 = + '.tmp', 'wb',encoding='utf8')
for line in f1:
f2.write(line.replace('\"', '\''))
In the below example, I've utf-8 encoded persian data which is right but the other non-enlgish text is coming out to be in "question marks". This is precisely my problem.
Example : Removed.
Welcome to the wonderful world of unicode and windows. I've found this site very helpful in understanding what is going wrong with my strings The other thing you need is a hex editor like HxD. There are many places where things can go wrong. For example, if you are viewing your files in a text editor - it may be trying to be helpful and is silently changing your encoding.
Start with your original data, view it in HxD and see what the encoding is. View your results in Hxd and see if the changes you expect are being made. Repeat through the steps in your process.
Without your full code and sample data, its hard to say where the problem is. My guess is your replacing the double quote with single quote on binary files is the culprit.
Also check out The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
by Joel Spolsky
Try this instead:
line = line.decode('ISO-8859-1').encode('utf-8-sig')
From the docs:
As UTF-8 is an 8-bit encoding no BOM is required and any U+FEFF
character in the decoded string (even if it’s the first character) is
Without external information it’s impossible to reliably determine
which encoding was used for encoding a string. Each charmap encoding
can decode any random byte sequence. However that’s not possible with
UTF-8, as UTF-8 byte sequences have a structure that doesn’t allow
arbitrary byte sequences. To increase the reliability with which a
UTF-8 encoding can be detected, Microsoft invented a variant of UTF-8
(that Python 2.5 calls "utf-8-sig") for its Notepad program: Before
any of the Unicode characters is written to the file, a UTF-8 encoded
BOM (which looks like this as a byte sequence: 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf) is
written. As it’s rather improbable that any charmap encoded file
starts with these byte values (which would e.g. map to
QUOTATION MARK INVERTED QUESTION MARK in iso-8859-1), this increases
the probability that a utf-8-sig encoding can be correctly guessed
from the byte sequence. So here the BOM is not used to be able to
determine the byte order used for generating the byte sequence, but as
a signature that helps in guessing the encoding. On encoding the
utf-8-sig codec will write 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf as the first three bytes
to the file. On decoding utf-8-sig will skip those three bytes if they
appear as the first three bytes in the file. In UTF-8, the use of the
BOM is discouraged and should generally be avoided.
"Hello World".encode('utf-8') yields b'Hello World' while "Hello World".encode('utf-8-sig') yields b'\xef\xbb\xbfHello World' highlighting the docs:
On encoding the
utf-8-sig codec will write 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf as the first three bytes
to the file. On decoding utf-8-sig will skip those three bytes if they
appear as the first three bytes in the file.
I have made a similar function before that converts a file to utf-8 encoding. Here is a snippet:
def convert_encoding(src, dst, unicode='utf-8-sig'):
return open(dst, 'w').write(open(src, 'rb').read().decode(unicode, 'ignore'))
Based on your example, try this:
convert_encoding('file.txt.tmp', 'file_new.txt')
Alright guys, so my encoding was right. The file was getting encoding to utf-8 just as needed. All the queries were right. It turns out that the other dataset that was in Arabic was in ISO-8859-1. Therefore, only 1 of them was working. No matter what I did.
The Hexeditors did help. But in the end I just used sublime text to recheck if my encoded data was utf-8. It turns out the python script and the sublime editor did the same. So the code is fine. :)
You should not need to do any explicit encode or decode. SET NAMES ... should match what the client encoding is (for INSERTing) or should become (for SELECTing).
MySQL will convert between the client encoding and the columns's CHARACTER SET.

Bug with php file converted from ansi to utf-8

I have a few php scripts files encoded in ANSI. Now that I converted my website to html5, I need everything in UTF-8, so that accents in these file are displayed correctly without any php conversion through iconv(). I used Notepad++ to set the encoding of my scripts on UTF-8 and save the files, and most are fine, accents are displayed correctly, only the main script now blocks everything, and the server only returns a white page, without any error message, even with ini_set('error_reporting', 'E_ALL') !
When I change the encoding back to ANSI in Notepad++, and save the file without any other change, it works again (except the accents are not displayed correctly without iconv() ).
I did also try to use a php script to change the encoding with ...$file = iconv('ISO-8859-1','UTF-8', $file);... but the result is exactly the same !
I wrote a short php script to look for high char() values, but the highest values seems to be usual French accents like é, è, etc which are also present on other files and pose no problem. I did remove other special chars, without any effect...
The problem is that the file is large, more than 4500 lines and I'm not sure how to proceed to correct this ? Anyone has had this problem, or has any idea ?
The issue was with the "£" (pound) character, I used it a lot as delimiter in preg_match("£(...)£", "...", $string) and preg_replace conditions.
For some reason these characters were not accepted after conversion. I had to replace all of them, then only it worked fine in utf-8... Apparently they are not a problem now that the file is converted, I can use them again.

PHP Encoding Conversion to Windows-1252 whilst keeping UTF-8 Compatibility

I need to convert uploaded filenames with an unknown encoding to Windows-1252 whilst also keeping UTF-8 compatibility.
As I pass on those files to a controller (on which I don't have any influence), the files have to be Windows-1252 encoded. This controller then again generates a list of valid file(names) that are stored via MySQL into a database - therefore I need UTF-8 compatibility. Filenames passed to the controller and filenames written to the database MUST match. So far so good.
In some rare cases, when converting to "Windows-1252" (like with te character "ï"), the character is converted to something invalid in UTF-8. MySQL then drops those invalid characters - as a result filenames on disk and filenames stored to the database don't match anymore. This conversion, which failes sometimes, is achieved with simple recoding:
$sEncoding = mb_detect_encoding($sOriginalFilename);
$sTargetFilename = iconv($sEncoding, "Windows-1252//IGNORE", $sOriginalFilename);
To prevent invalid characters being generated by the conversion, I then again can remove all invalid UTF-8 characters from the recoded string:
ini_set('mbstring.substitute_character', "none");
$sEncoding = mb_detect_encoding($sOriginalFilename);
$sTargetFilename = iconv($sEncoding, "Windows-1252//TRANSLIT", $sOriginalFilename);
$sTargetFilename = mb_convert_encoding($sTargetFilename, 'UTF-8', 'Windows-1252');
But this will completely remove / recode any special characters left in the string. For example I lose all "äöüÄÖÜ" etc., which are quite regular in german language.
If you know a cleaner and simpler way of encoding to Windows-1252 (without losing valid special characters), please let me know.
Any help is very appreciated. Thank you in advance!
I think the main problem is that mb_detect_encoding() does not do exactly what you think it does. It attempts to detect the character encoding but it does it from a fairly limited list of predefined encodings. By default, those encodings are the ones returned by mb_detect_order(). In my computer they are:
So this function is completely useless unless you take care of compiling a list of candidate encodings and feeding the function with it.
Additionally, there's basically no reliable way to guess the encoding of an arbitrary input string, even if you restrict yourself to a small subset of encodings. In your case, Windows-1252 is so close to ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-15 that you have no way to tell them apart other than visual inspection of key characters like ¤ or €.
You can't have a string be Windows-1252 and UTF-8 at the same time. The character sets are identical for the first 128 characters (they contain e.g. the basic latin alphabet), but when it goes beyond that (like for Umlauts), it's either one or the other. They have different code points in UTF-8 than they have in Windows-1252.
Keep to ASCII in the filesystem - if you need to sustain characters outside ASCII in a filename, there are
schemes you can use to represent unicode characters while keeping to ASCII.
For example, percent encoding:
äöüÄÖÜ.txt <-> %C3%A4%C3%B6%C3%BC%C3%84%C3%96%C3%9C.txt
Of course this will hit the file name limit pretty fast and is not very optimal.
How about punycode?
äöüÄÖÜ.txt <-> xn--4caa7cb2ac.txt

PHP: Fixing encoding issues with database content - removing accents from characters

I'm trying to make a URL-safe version of a string.
In my database I have a value medúlla - I want to turn this into medulla.
I've found plenty of functions to do this, but when I retrieve the value from the database it comes back as medúlla.
I've tried:
Setting the column as utf_8 encoding
Setting the table as utf_8 encoding
Setting the entire database as utf_8 encoding
Running `SET NAMES utf8` on the database before querying
When I echo the value onto the screen it displays as I want it to, but the conversion function doesn't see the ú character (even a simple str_replace() doesn't work either).
Does anybody know how I can force the system to recognise this as UTF-8 and allow me to run the conversion?
To transform an UTF-8 string into an URL-safe string you should use:
$str = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//IGNORE//TRANSLIT', $strt);
The IGNORE part tells iconv() not to raise an exception when facing a character it can't manage, and the TRANSLIT part converts an UTF-8 character into its nearest ASCII equivalent ('ú' into 'u' and such).
Next step is to preg_replace() spaces into underscores and substitute or drop any character which is unsafe within an URL, either with preg_replace() or urlencode().
As for the database stuff, you really should have done all this setting stuff before INSERTing UTF-8 content. Changing charset to an existing table is somewhat like changing a file extension in Windows - it doesn't convert a JPEG into a GIF. But don't worry and remember that the database will return you byte by byte exactly what you've stored in it, no matter which charset has been declared. Just keep the settings you used when INSERTing and treat the returned strings as UTF-8.
I'm trying to make a URL-safe version of a string.
Whilst it is common to use ASCII-only ‘slugs’ in URLs, it is actually possible to have web addresses including non-ASCII characters. eg.:úlla
This is a valid IRI. For inclusion in a U​RI, you should UTF-8 and %-encode it:
Either way, most browsers (except sometimes not IE) will display the IRI version in the address bar. Sites such as Wikipedia use this to get pretty addresses.
the conversion function doesn't see the ú character
What conversion function? rawurlencode() will correctly spit out %C3%BA for ú, if, as presumably you do, you have it in UTF-8 encoding. This is the correct way to include text in a URL's path component. (urlencode() also gives the same results, but it should only be used for query components.)
If you mean htmlentities()... do not use this function. It converts all non-ASCII characters to HTML character references, which makes your output unnecessarily larger, and means it has to know what encoding the string you pass in is. Unless you give it a UTF-8 $charset argument it will use ISO-8859-1, and consequently screw up all your non-ASCII characters.
Unless you are specifically authoring for an environment which mangles non-ASCII characters, it is better to use htmlspecialchars(). This gives smaller output, and it doesn't matter(*) if you forget to include the $charset argument, since all it changes is a couple of characters like < and &.
(Actually it could matter for some East Asian multibyte character sets where < could be part of a multibyte sequence and so shouldn't be escaped. But in general you'd want to avoid these legacy encodings, as UTF-8 is less horrific.)
(even a simple str_replace() doesn't work either).
If you wrote str_replace(..., 'ú', ...) in the PHP source code, you would have to be sure that you saved the source code in the same encoding as you'll be handling, otherwise it won't match.
It is unfortunate that most Windows text editors still save in the (misleadingly-named) “ANSI” code page, which is locale-specific, instead of just using UTF-8. But it should be possible to save the file as UTF-8, and then the replace should work. Alternatively, write '\xc3\xba' to avoid the problem.
Running SET NAMES utf8 on the database before querying
Use mysql_set_charset() in preference.

Handling Extended ASCII in File Uploads

A website I recently completed with a friend has a gallery where one can upload images and text files. The only accepted text file (to ease development) is .txt and normally goes off without a hitch (or not..)
The problems I've encountered are the same of any developer: Microsoft's Extended ASCII.
Before outputting the text from the file, I go over several different layers to try to clean it up:
$txtfile = file_get_contents(".".$this->var['submission']['file_loc']);
// BOM Fun
$boms = array
"utf8" => array(3,pack("CCC",0xEF,0xBB,0xBF)),
"utf16be" => array(2,pack("CC",0xFE,0xFF)),
"utf16le" => array(2,pack("CC",0xFF,0xFE)),
"utf32be" => array(4,pack("CCCC",0x00,0x00,0xFE,0xFF)),
"utf32le" => array(4,pack("CCCC",0xFF,0xFE,0x00,0x00)),
"gb18030" => array(4,pack("CCCC",0x84,0x31,0x95,0x33))
foreach($boms as $bom)
if(mb_substr($txtfile,0,$bom[0]) == $bom[1])
$txtfile = substr($txtfile,$bom[0]);
$txtfile_o = $txtfile;
$badwords = array(chr(145),chr(146),chr(147),chr(148),chr(151),chr(133));
$fixwords = array("'","'",'"','"','-','...');
$txtfile_o = str_replace($badwords,$fixwords,$txtfile_o);
$txtfile_o = mb_convert_encoding($txtfile_o,"UTF-8");
The str_replace is the general method of converting Microsoft's awful smart quotes, em-dash, and ellipsis into their normal ASCII equivalents for output.
This code works perfectly find under the condition that the file uploaded is ANSI / us-ascii.
This code does not work (for no particular reason) when the uploaded file is UTF-8.
When the file is UTF-8, viewing the file itself in the web browser works fine, but printing it out via the web interface using this code does not. In this event, the smart quotes become some sort of accented a character.
This is where I'm stuck. The output encoding for the webpage is UTF-8, the web browser sees it as UTF-8, the file is in UTF-8 and yet neither the replace for the smart quotes works nor does the web browser display them correctly.
Any and all help on this would be greatly appreciated.
If I understand correctly your problem is that your code that replaces "extended ASCII" characters for their ASCII counterparts fails when the user submits a file in UTF-8.
This was to be expected. You cannot operate on UTF-8 files with str_replace and the like, which operate at the byte level, while a character in UTF-8 is constituted by one byte only for characters in the ASCII range.
What I'd recommend you to do is to use some heuristic to determine if the file is encoded in UTF-8 (the BOM is a good way if you're sure it'll be present) or Windows-1252 or whatever and then convert it to UTF-8 if it isn't. In that case, you wouldn't need to replace any characters, you could preserve the smart quotes.
The characters you are trying to replace have different byte values in UTF8. Actually, they have more than one byte each in UTF8. You are trying to search for them with Windows encoding values and that's why you won't find them.
Look up the UTF8 byte sequences of the characters and use them for the search.
