Using PHP with the default Mac Apache + PHP installation - php

I'm starting to unravel the mysteries of PHP and I configured the pre-installed Snow Leopard PHP and activated the Apache server in the system preferences. So far so good: it works if you put a PHP file in your ~/Sites directory.
Since I've my projects in a code/projects directory I created a symbolic link from the ~/Sites dir to the code/projects/one-project/php-dir and bang!, a 403 error: access forbidden.
I've been changing the permissions of the dirs to 777, but no luck.
Is anyone using the default Snow Leoapard configuration for PHP development and if so, how do you link to your codebase?
Thanks in advance,

Off the top of my head: it might be the FollowSymLink option in the Options directive of Apache (

That might work if you set FollowSymLinks in your Apache config, but I suggest putting the PHP files under the web root directly.
One good method is to put the presentation files under the web root, and include/require any libraries directly from where they are in the code/projects directory (assuming that dir is readable by the web server user). The include dir shouldn't be writable by the web server, for security. Keep it owned by your user account, and set the permissions to 744.

I presume you have ~/code/projects/projectA/php-dir and ~/sites/php-dir
You need to make sure that the directory above the directory you're sym-linking is readable by the webserver. In this case you need to set the permissions on the folder to 755. Or at least that solved things for me.

you'll most likely need to add a Directory directive to your httpd.conf file as well...
<Directory code/projects/one-project/php-dir>
order allow,deny
allow from all
Above configuration allows access from all IP's, all hosts.
I myself use macports, I find it better since it isolates everything in the /opt directory. But it's a bit of work to get it running...


htaccess doesn't deny PHP access to files

I'm having problems with my Apache2 WebServer. I run LAMP on a VPS (Debian 9, 64bit).
I have two VirtualHosts, Alpha and Beta.
Each VirtualHost has a different DocumentRoot: Alpha has /var/www/A, and Beta has /var/www/B.
The problem is that I don't want Beta can include /var/www/A/index.php on his files, and the same is for Alpha: I don't want he can include /var/www/B/index.php (and all other documents) in his files.
How can I do this? I already tryed lots of method using .htaccess but nothing worked, for example:
Order Allow, Deny
Deny from All
Allow from
Thank you! Hope in an so important :)
if you speak about PHP's include it is not possible to achieve this with htaccess, since you could include any file in the whole file system that can be read by the Apache user.
A solution would be to have a program that can run Apache with different user access depending on the document root, so you can only include (read) the files inside the document root defined for the virtual host, I think it is possible using an Apache module or some other Unix program (I don't remember), it is the same solution that is used by web hosting providers when they give you a folder inside the file system and you can only read the files inside this folder, they usually give you a user name (a Unix user) which have only read access to a specific folder and also Apache run with the rights with this user and so on for PHP.

PHP Apache Config on linux

I'm using Apache 2 in Linux mint and I don't know where to store my files and projects. if I store it in var/www it is not accessible for me, I have to use command as super user. Are there any way to solve my problem?
- If I want to store in my home folder, what should I type in the address bar if I want to run my file?
- Are there any other good solution than these? (such as change the accessible to folder /var, or change the Root_Url of apache ...)
The easiest way to solve this provlem is by typing the following line in terminal:
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www
and then enter your password. And now you are done. You can store all the PHP files in /var/www
You have to do a chmod, you can have more information in your terminal with comand man chmod to set the rights to write in that folder or else point the web-server elsewhere (the setting is in the https.conf file)
There is different solutions:
create a symlink from /var/www/link to your projet and set your project
create a virtualhost with the DocumentRoot to point to your project:
in both cases your project must have gives permissions to the apache user (www-data?) to read/execute you project
You need to active the user_dir mod of apache and then run the content from your home folder.
To run a file in your hole directory you should go to localhost/~youruser/script.php of course after enabling user_dir
Everything depends on the use.
If you are looking for a configuration for a development server that is accessible only from limited host (such as localhost):
You can configure Apache (/etc/apache2/apache2.conf) to run with your user/group.
User myuser
Group mygroup
Store all your project in your user_dir (/home/myuser/projects/...)
Create a virtual host for any of your projects
All files generated by your server will be accessible to you and vice versa
One way to accomplish this is to edit the default virtualhost supplied with Apache 2. In Linux Mint 14 its configuration file is located at:
This directory should hold symlinks for all active sites, for me the default is named 000-default.
Change the lines with "DocumentRoot" and "Directory" to point wherever you like. The server should have read only privileges by default. If you are working on file manipulation then it will need permission to read and write files.
Once this is set, restart the server ("sudo service apache2 restart") and type localhost in your browser to access the directory you've set above.
For more advanced configs have a look at:

with web server write access in php ( moodle )

i use moodle ( is a learning management system ), and this cms need to .htaccess
with his content . content of my .htaccess file is :
deny from all
AllowOverride None
Note: this file is broken intentionally, we do not want anybody to undo it in subdirectory!
but when i see my site i face this message :
You need to create the directory mdldata19 with web server write access
there is .htaccess in 'mdldata19' directory.
is better content for this file?
The missing directory probably has nothing to do with .htaccess, but rather Moodle requires a writable directory called mdldata19.
Create a directory mdldata19 whereever the documentation specifies it be created, and make it writable by the web server user. On Apache systems, this is usually a user called www-data, apache, httpd, or others. You would need to find out the user Apache is running under by looking for the following directive in httpd.conf:
User <apacheusername>
Group <apachegroupname>
Then change the directory's group ownership to the Apache user and make it group-writable
chown yourusername:apachegroup mdldata19
chmod g+rwx mdldata19

Apache webserver subdirectories not loading

I am trying to setup a basic apache 2 webserver just for testing purposes. I have apache 2 installed on Ubuntu 11.10. I can access the root directory on the webserver just fine by going to "localhost" in my browser. This is all located in the default directory: /var/www. However, the problem starts whenever I try to access the subdirectories of my webserver. So, for example if I goto "localhost/phpproject/", which has an index.php file listed in it (and I did test to make sure PHP was working correctly), all it seems to want to do in my browser is attempt to download a file when I type in the address instead of actually displaying anything.
I even tried to give full permissions on the subdirectory to make sure it wasn't just a permissions-related problem. Any ideas?
First of all, you shouldn't be keeping your development files in /var/www folder. Configure your apache to keep your web files within your home directory. In doing so, you don't have to have sudo privilege to edit files in /var/www. If you want to follow my setup, create a directory called www in your home folder /home/yourname/www. Look at my config of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
It works good for me.
If you change your config like this, make sure to restart apache [sudo service apache2 restart]
Make sure that you installed PHP correctly and registered PHP in your Apache configuration.
This is the key here, it looks like it's sending you the index.php file, test a PHP file in the main folder behind this sub-directory and see if it tries to download it.
File Could just be:
See if putting that in index.php in the parent folder gives you a phpinfo page or tries to download index.php.
If it tries to download it it's just that PHP is not configured in apache to handle files that end in .php
To configure it, add the following lines to your httpd.conf file
LoadModule php4_module modules/
# Cause the PHP interpreter handle files with a .php extension.
<Files *.php>
SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 9524288
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Make sure that you installed PHP correctly and registered PHP in your apache configuration.
The manual should explain the required installation steps in detail.
in Ubuntu you should install the LAMP option using tasksel at the CL. That will give you Apache, MySQL and PHP all working together. It sounds like you may have installed them separatley and have not configured PHP correctly. mime types determine the servers handling of specific file types.
apesa#ubunt$ sudo tasksel
Follow the prompts
We used to make all the config changes in httpd.conf. If you used package manager, like you did then you will have a distributed configuration environment. You will need to go to etc/apache2/mods enabled and look in the php.conf file. There are directions inside. It sounds like you need to make sure the web server understands the directories and FS locations. Look at #Chrispy example. You won't be using the first line as the php module in your env are loaded via php.load and the config is done in php.conf. That AddType directive is important and tells the server to exec your file instead of serving it. have a look. BTW, the Apache Project supports one of the best listservers out there at URL:

problem installing CakePHP on Linux

I have downloaded the CakePHP from it's site then I copied the files in srv/www/htdocs
renamed the folder to first_app
Here is the output(error and warnings that shows me):
Release Notes for CakePHP 2.0.0-dev.
Fatal error: Class 'Debugger' not found in /srv/www/htdocs/first_app/cake/libs/view/pages/home.ctp on line 26
also the tutorial tells me that I must have this:
Apache server with mod_rewrite
I didn't know how to find it and install it?
is that causing this problem?
I want to know how to add "another" root without having problem
I used this and no result:
<Directory /srv/www/htdocs/first_app/app/webroot>
Options None
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
also I changed the /etc/apache2/server-default.conf
I changed allow override None to Allow override All
in the part of this:
<Directory "/srv/www/htdocs">
chmod -R 0777 /srv/www/htdocs/first_app/app/tmp/
This makes the tmp dir writable for everybody (on your machine) so also for the web server. If you want to limit access, first try this, then browse to your CakePHP install, and then check in the cache dir which files have been created and what's the owner and group of those files.
The tmp dir contains more than just the cache dir, it also contains sessions and logs. Anything outside of /srv/www/htdocs/first_app/app/tmp/ does not need to be writable for the server, anything inside that folder should be writable.
The default CakePHP install comes with .htaccess files. You do need those files. They redirect every request to localhost/first_app (or any other dir your is installed in) into the webroot, so you don't have to do that yourself. You need to have AllowOverride All in your apache config. See here for instruction on how to enable that.
Please Go through these links
It may help you.
same problem on mac. on mac, i just right clicked on the directory it was concerned about and changed the permissions so that everyone could read/write, and clicked apply to enclosed files/folders.
I used to use linux but i'm not sure exactly how to do this, but hopefully this will get you on the right track? i assume that the command you posted changes the permissions of that folder, but maybe you need to change the permissions of the files and folders inside.
