SSI or PHP Include()? - php

basically i am launching a site soon and i predict ALOT of traffic. For scenarios sake, lets say i will have 1m uniques a day. The data will be static but i need to have includes aswell
I will only include a html page inside another html page, nothing dynamic (i have my reasons that i wont disclose to keep this simple)
My question is, performance wise what is faster
<!--#include virtual="page.htm" -->
<?php include 'page.htm'; ?>

Performance wise fastest is storing the templates elsewhere, generating the full HTML, and regenerate based on alterations in your template.
If you really want a comparison between PHP & SSI, I guess SSI is probably faster, and more important: not having PHP is a lot lighter on RAM needed on the webservers processes/threads, thereby enabling you to have more apache threads/processes to serve requests.

SSI is built in to Apache, while Apache has to spawn a PHP process to process .php files, so I would expect SSI to be somewhat faster and lighter.
I'll agree with the previous answer, though, that going the PHP route will give you more flexibility to change in the future.
Really, any speed difference that exists is likely to be insignificant in the big picture.

Perhaps you should look into HipHop for php which compiles PHP into C++. Since C++ is compiled its way faster. Facebook uses it to reduce the load on their servers.

I don't think anyone can answer this definitively for you. It depends on your web server configuration, operating system and filesystem choices, complexity of your SSI usage, other competing processes on your server, etc.
You should put together some sample files and run tests on the server you intend to deploy on. Use some http testing tools such as ab or siege or httperf or jmeter to generate some load and compare the two approaches. That's the best way to get an answer that's correct for your environment.
Using PHP with mod_php and an opcode cache like APC might be very quick because it would cache high-demand files automatically. If you turn off apc.stat it won't have to hit the disk at all to serve the PHP script (with the caveat that this makes it harder to update the PHP script on a running system).
You should also make sure you follow other high-scalability best practices. Use a CDN for static resources, optimize your scripts and stylesheets, etc. Get books by Steve Souders and Theo & George Schlossnagle and read them cover to cover.

I suggest you use a web cache like Squid or, for something more sophisticated, Oracle Web Cache.


Is there a point to minifying PHP?

I know you can minify PHP, but I'm wondering if there is any point. PHP is an interpreted language so will run a little slower than a compiled language. My question is: would clients see a visible speed improvement in page loads and such if I were to minify my PHP?
Also, is there a way to compile PHP or something similar?
PHP is compiled into bytecode, which is then interpreted on top of something resembling a VM. Many other scripting languages follow the same general process, including Perl and Ruby. It's not really a traditional interpreted language like, say, BASIC.
There would be no effective speed increase if you attempted to "minify" the source. You would get a major increase by using a bytecode cache like APC.
Facebook introduced a compiler named HipHop that transforms PHP source into C++ code. Rasmus Lerdorf, one of the big PHP guys did a presentation for Digg earlier this year that covers the performance improvements given by HipHop. In short, it's not too much faster than optimizing code and using a bytecode cache. HipHop is overkill for the majority of users.
Facebook also recently unveiled HHVM, a new virtual machine based on their work making HipHop. It's still rather new and it's not clear if it will provide a major performance boost to the general public.
Just to make sure it's stated expressly, please read that presentation in full. It points out numerous ways to benchmark and profile code and identify bottlenecks using tools like xdebug and xhprof, also from Facebook.
2021 Update
HHVM diverged away from vanilla PHP a couple versions ago. PHP 7 and 8 bring a whole bunch of amazing performance improvements that have pretty much closed the gap. You now no longer need to do weird things to get better performance out of PHP!
Minifying PHP source code continues to be useless for performance reasons.
Forgo the idea of minifying PHP in favor of using an opcode cache, like PHP Accelerator, or APC.
Or something else like memcached
Yes there is one (non-technical) point.
Your hoster can spy your code on his server. If you minify and uglify it, it is for spys more difficult to steal your ideas.
One reason for minifying and uglifying php may be spy-protection. I think uglyfing code should one step in an automatic deployment.
With some rewriting (shorter variable names) you could save a few bytes of memory, but that's also seldomly significant.
However I do design some of my applications in a way that allows to concatenate include scripts together. With php -w it can be compacted significantly, adding a little speed gain for script startup. On an opcode-enabled server this however only saves a few file mtime checks.
This is less an answer than an advertisement. I'm been working on a PHP extension that translates Zend opcodes to run on a VM with static typing. It doesn't accelerate arbitrary PHP code. It does allow you to write code that run way faster than what regular PHP allows. The key here is static typing. On a modern CPU, a dynamic language eats branch misprediction penalty left and right. Fact that PHP arrays are hash tables also imposes high cost: lot of branch mispredictions, inefficient use of cache, poor memory prefetching, and no SIMD optimization whatsoever. Branch misprediction and cache misses in particular are achilles' heel for today's processors. My little VM sidesteps those problem by using static types and C array instead of hash table. The result ends up running roughly ten times faster. This is using bytecode interpretation. The extension can optionally compile a function through gcc. In that case, you get two to five times more speed.
Here's the link for anyone interested:
Again, the extension is not a general PHP accelerator. You have to write code specific for it.
There are PHP compilers... see this previous question for a list; but (unless you're the size of Facebook or are targetting your application to run client-side) they're generally a lot more trouble than they're worth
Simple opcode caching will give you more benefit for the effort involved. Or profile your code to identify the bottlenecks, and then optimise it.
You don't need to minify PHP.
In order to get a better performance, install an Opcode cache; but the ideal solution would be to upgrade your PHP to the 5.5 version or above because the newer versions have an opcode cache by default called Zend Optimiser that is performing better than the other ones
The "point" is to make the file smaller, because smaller files load faster than bigger files. Also, removing whitespace will make parsing a tiny bit faster since those characters don't need to be parsed out.
Will it be noticeable? Almost never, unless the file is huge and there's a big difference in size.

Simple Facebook HipHop Performance Question

If I write a hello world app using a PHP web framework such as CodeIgniter and then I compile it and run it using HipHop. Will it run faster than if I write the same hello world app in django or rails?
HIPHOP converts php code into C++ code, which needs to be compiled to run. Since pre-compiled code runs faster and uses less memory then scriping languages like python/php it will probably run faster in the example you have given.
However, HIPHOP does not convert all code. A lot of code in php is dynamic and can not be changed to c++, this means you will have to write your code with this in mind. If codeigniter can even be compiled using HIPHOP is another question.
Terry Chay wrote a big article about HIPHOP, covering when to use it, it's limitations and future. I would recomment reading this, as it will most likely answer most of your questions and give you some insight into how it works :)
At that point the run time is inconsequential. HipHop was designed for scaling... meaning billions of requests. There's absolutely no need to use something like HipHop for even a medium size website.
But more to the point of your question... I don't think there have been comparison charts available for us to see, but I doubt the run time would be faster at that level.
i don't know about django or rails, so this is a bit off-topic.
with plain php, the request goes to apache, then to mod_php. mod_php loads the helloworld.php script from disk, parses & tokenizes it, compiles it to bytecode, then interprets the bytecode, passes the output back to apache, apache serves it to the user.
with php and an optimizer the first run is about the same as with plain php, but the compiled source code is stored in ram. then, for the second request: goes to apache, apache to mod_php, apc loads bytecode from ram, interprets it, passes it back to apache, back to the user.
with hiphop there is no apache, but hiphop itself and there's no interpreter, so request goes directly to hiphop and back to the user. so yes, it's faster, because of several reasons:
faster startup because there's no bytecode compilation needed - the program is already in machine-readable code. so no per-request compilation and no source file reading.
no interpreter. machine code is not necessarily faster - that depends on the quality of source translation (hiphop) and the quality of the static compiler (g++). hiphop translated code is not fast compared to hand-written c code, because there's a bit of overhead because of type handling and such.
with node.js, there's also no apache. the script is started and directly compiled to machine code (because the V8 compiler does that), so it's kind of AOT (ahead of time) compiling (or is it still called JIT? i don't really know). every request is then directly handled by the already compiled machine code; so node.js is actually very comparable to hiphop. i assume hiphop to be multithreaded or something like this, while node does evented IO.
facebook claims a 50% speed gain, which is not really that much; if you compare the results of the language shootout, you'll see for the execution speed of assorted algorithms, php is 5 to 250 times slower.
so why only 50%? because ...
web apps depend on much more than just execution speed, e.g. IO
php's type system prevents hiphop to make the best use of c++'s static types
in practice, a lot of php is already C, because most of the functionality is either built in or comes from extensions. extensions are programmed in C and statically compiled.
i'm not sure if there was a huge performance gain for hello world, because hello world, even with a good framework, is still so small execution speed could be negligible in comparison to all the other overhead (network latency and stuff).
imo: if you want speed and ease of use, go for node.js :)
Running a simple application is always faster in any language. When it's become as complex as facebook, then you will face numerous of problems. PHP slowness will be show it's face. In same times, converting existing code to another language is not an options, since all logic and code is not so easy to translated to other language's syntax. That's why facebook developer decide to keep the old code, and make PHP faster. That's the reason they create their own PHP compiler, called HipHop.
Read this story from the perspective one of Facebook developer, so you know the history of HipHop.
That is not really an apple to apples comparison. In the most level playing field you might have something like:
Django running behind apache
Django rendering an HTML template to say hello world (no caching)
HPHP running behind apache
HPHP rendring an HTML template to say hello world (again, no caching)
There is no database, almost no file I/O, and no caching. If you hit the page 10,000 times with a load generator at varying concurrency levels you will probably find that HPHP will outperform Django or rails - that is to say it can serve render more pages per second and keep up with your traffic a bit better.
The question is, will you ever have this many concurrent users? If you will, will they likely be hitting a database or a cached page?
HPHP sounds cool, but IMHO there is no reason to jump ship just yet (unless you are getting lots of traffic, in which case it might make sense to check it out).
Will it run faster than if I write the
same hello world app in django or
It probably will, but don't fret. If we're talking prospective speed improvements from yet unreleased projects, Pythonistas have pypy-jit and unladen-swallow to look forward to ;)

Seriously speeding up PHP?

I've been writing PHP for years, and have used every framework under the sun, but one thing has always bugged me... and that's that the whole bloody thing has to be interpreted and executed every time someone tells my server they want the page served.
I've experimented with caching, FastCGI, the Zend Job Queue (and symfony plug-ins that do similar - as well as my own DB-based solutions that implement the System_Daemon class to run background processes) and I've managed to make my apps fairly quick using all that stuff... but I can't get over the mental block that my settings files, system/environment check functions, and all the stuff that should only really be loaded ONCE... loads every darn time someone hits my page.
So, my ramble leads to the following Q--
Is there some method/technique for loading certain aspects of PHP into RAM so that when that page is requested, all my settings.yml files, system checks, framework files, cached pages etc can be loaded directly from memory without ever even touching the HD... or needing to go through the same loading mechanism 50,000 times per day to init the program?
If there's nothing in PHP... are there any other 'web' languages that can be compiled in this way, to allow for true init-once apps?
I think you should give memcached a try, if you're talking about caching data. I think PHP is fairly proficient in caching compiled php-pages if you use stuff like mod_php in apache (which doesn't die in between requests).
Take a look on APC (Alternative PHP Cache), it keeps a cache of compiled files (PHP Opcode) and also lets you store random variables on memory with apc_fetch, apc_store.
The instalation is very simple and it really gives a boost on performance.
Create a full page cache on the ram disk and make your web server serve the page from there. This is a method that wordpress supercache plugin uses and it works great if your web site is suitable for full page caching. This whay you are not even invoking the PHP interpreter.
For users that are logged in (have an open session) you can create a rewrite condition that will redirect their request to the PHP engine.
Also, always use an opcode cache like APC and use it for caching config files (memcache is also fine).
If you are asking for a JVM/Tomcat like application server, then the answer is likely no. To my knowledge nothing (usable) like this exists for PHP. PHP uses a shared-nothing architecture, so it is by design everything is setup on all requests. But actually, this makes PHP scale pretty well.
As for speeding up your apps, try to use memcached and a code accelerator. Maybe look into Zend Server to get a complete package.
Regarding your last question, I believe at least most of the Python and Ruby web frameworks work like that.
Ruby web applications are nowadays built so that the app is only initialized once per server process. When requests come in, the server (Apache, for example) passes them to the web application (over Rack interface) which is running on the background.
This is how web frameworks based on Rack work. Older versions of Ruby on Rails were similar, although they used a different interface to talk to the web server.
I'd keep an eye on the Facebook Engineering ppage (, every now and then they come up with posts about how they keep things fast/optimize/scale. I think they're use of php is super impressive.

Best practices for optimizing LAMP sites for speed? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to know when building a typical site on the LAMP stack how do you optimize it for the best possible load times. I am picturing a typical DB-driven site.
This is a high-level look and could probably pull in question and let me break it down into each layer of the stack.
L - At the system level, (setup and filesystem) can you do to improve speed? One thing I can think of is image sizes, can compression here help optimize anything?
A - There have to be a ton of settings related to site speed here in the web server. Not my Forte. Probably depends a lot on how many sites are running concurrently.
M - MySQL in a database driven site, DB performance is key. Is there a better normalization approach i.e, using link tables? Web developers often just make simple monolithic tables resembling 1NF and this can kill performance.
P - aside from performance-boosting settings like caching, what can the programmer do to affect performance at a high level? I would really like to know if MVC design approaches hit performance more than quick-and-dirty. Other simple tips like are sessions faster than cookies would be interesting to know.
Obviously you have to get down and dirty into the details and find what code is slowing you down. Also I realize that many sites have many different performance characteristics, but let's assume a typical site that has more reads then writes.
I am just wondering if we can compile a bunch of best practices and fully expect people to link other questions so we can effectively workup a checklist.
My goal is to see if even in addition to the usual issues in performance we can see some oddball things you might not think of crop up to go along with a best-practices summary.
So my question is, if you were starting from scratch, how would you make sure your LAMP site was fast?
Here's a few personal must-dos that I always set up in my LAMP applications.
Install mod_deflate for apache, and
do not use PHP's gzip handlers.
mod_deflate will allow you to
compress static content, like
javascript/css/static html, as well
as the usual dynamic PHP output, and
it's one less thing you have to worry
about in your code.
Be careful with .htaccess files!
Enabling .htaccess files for
directories in your app means that
Apache has to scan the filesystem
constantly, looking for .htaccess
directives. It is far better to put
directives inside the main
configuration or a vhost
configuration, where they are loaded
once. Any time you can get rid of a
directory-level access file by moving
it into a main configuration file,
you save disk access time.
Prepare your application's database
layer to utilize a connection manager
of some sort (I use a Singleton for
most applications). It's not very
hard to do, and reducing the number
of database connections your
application opens saves resources.
If you think your application will
see significant load, memcached can
perform miracles. Keep this in mind
while you write your code... perhaps
one day instead of creating objects
on the fly, you will be getting them
from memcached. A little foresight
will make implementation painless.
Once your app is up and running, set
MySQL's slow query time to a small
number and monitor the slow query log
diligently. This will show you where
your problem queries are coming from,
and allow you to optimize your
queries and indexes before they
become a problem.
For serious performance tweakers, you
will want to compile PHP from source.
Installing from a package installs a
lot of libraries that you may never
use. Since PHP environments are
loaded into every instance of an
Apache thread, even a 5MB memory
overhead from extra libraries quickly
becomes 250MB of lost memory when
there's 50 Apache threads in
existence. I keep a list of my
standard ./configure line I use when
building PHP here, and I find it
suits most of my applications. The
downside is that if you end up
needing a library, you have to
recompile PHP to get it. Analyze
your code and test it in a devel
environment to make sure you have
everything you need.
Minify your Javascript.
Be prepared to move static content,
such as images and video, to a
non-dynamic web server. Write your
code so that any URLs for images and
video are easily configured to point
to another server in the future. A
web server optimized for static
content can easily serve tens or even
hundreds of times faster than a
dynamic content server.
That's what I can think of off the top of my head. Googling around for PHP best practices will find a lot of tips on how to write faster/better code as well (Such as: echo is faster than print).
First, realize that performance is an iterative process. You don't build a web application in a single pass, launch it, and never work on it again. On the contrary, you start small, and address performance issues as your site grows.
Now, onto specifics:
Profile. Identify your bottlenecks. This is the most important step. You need to focus your effort where you'll get the best results. You should have some sort of monitoring solution in place (like cacti or munin), giving you visibility into what's going on on your server(s)
Cache, cache, cache. You'll probably find that database access is your biggest bottleneck on the back end -- but you should verify this on your own. Fortunately, you'll probably find that a lot of your traffic is for a small set of resources. You can cache those resources in something like memcached, saving yourself the database hit, and resulting in better backend performance.
As others have mentioned above, take a look at the YDN performance rules. Consider picking up the accompanying book. This'll help you with front end performance
Install PHP APC, and make sure it's configured with enough memory to hold all your compiled PHP bytecode. We recently discovered that our APC installation didn't have nearly enough ram; giving it enough to work in cut our CPU time in half, and disk activity by 10%
Make sure your database tables are properly indexed. This goes hand in hand with monitoring the slow query log.
The above will get you very far. That is to say, even a fairly db-heavy site should be able to survive a frontpage digg on a single modestly-spec'd server if you've done the above.
You'll eventually hit a point where the default apache config won't always be able to keep up with incoming requests. When you hit this wall, there are two things to do:
As above, profile. Monitor your apache activity -- you should have an idea of how many connections are active at any given time, in addition to the max number of active connections when you get sudden bursts of traffic
Configure apache with this in mind. This is the best guide to apache config I've seen: Practical mod_perl chapter 11
Take as much load off of apache as you can. Apache's too heavy-duty to serve static content efficiently. You should be using a lighter-weight reverse proxy (like squid) or webserver (lighttpd or nginx) to serve static content, and to take over the job of spoon-feeding bytes to slow clients. This leaves Apache to do what it does best: execute your code. Again, the mod_perl book does a good job of explaining this.
Once you've gotten this far, it's largely an issue of caching more, and keeping an eye on your database. Eventually, you'll outgrow a single server. First, you'll probably add more front end boxes, all backed by a single database server. Then you're going to have to start spreading your database load around, probably by sharding. For an excellent overview of this growth process, see this livejournal presentation
For a more in-depth look at much of the above, check out Building Scalable Web Sites, by Cal Henderson, of Flickr fame. Google has portions of the book available for preview
I've used MysqlTuner for performance analysis on my mysql servers and its given a good insight into further issues for googling, as well as making its own recommendations
A resource you might find helpful is the YDN set of performance rules.
Don't forget the fact that your users will be thousands of miles away from your server, and downloading dozens of files to render a single page. That latency, and the overhead of rendering the page in their browsers can be larger than the amount of time that you spend collecting the information, and generating the page.
See the pages at Yahoo Developer Network about Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site, and the YSlow tool for seeing what part of the downloading of the site is taking time.
Don't forget to turn off atime for your filesystem!
I'd recommend using Jet Profiler for MySQL to find any bad queries. I've successfully used it on a couple of my sites. Really helpful, and much easier to digest than the slow query log.
I'd recommend starting with
As for your suggestions:
Compression for images, definitely no. Type of files system tunning, yes, that could have some effect, but minimal. But actually the best is to use in-memory reverse proxy, or even better CDN.
For Apache basically only load the modules you need. Do not load anything else. As with PHP you can only use forking MPM, it's important to keep it slim. As for optimal settings, well you have to fine tune them to specific application, hardware etc. If you have enough CPU, it's recommendable that you use mod_deflate. Faster the server can send data to the client, faster it can start processing next request.

How do I implement a HTML cache for a PHP site?

What is the best way of implementing a cache for a PHP site? Obviously, there are some things that shouldn't be cached (for example search queries), but I want to find a good solution that will make sure that I avoid the 'digg effect'.
I know there is WP-Cache for WordPress, but I'm writing a custom solution that isn't built on WP. I'm interested in either writing my own cache (if it's simple enough), or you could point me to a nice, light framework. I don't know much Apache though, so if it was a PHP framework then it would be a better fit.
You can use output buffering to selectively save parts of your output (those you want to cache) and display them to the next user if it hasn't been long enough. This way you're still rendering other parts of the page on-the-fly (e.g., customizable boxes, personal information).
If a proxy cache is out of the question, and you're serving complete HTML files, you'll get the best performance by bypassing PHP altogether. Study how WP Super Cache works.
Uncached pages are copied to a cache folder with similar URL structure as your site. On later requests, mod_rewrite notes the existence of the cached file and serves it instead. other RewriteCond directives are used to make sure commenters/logged in users see live PHP requests, but the majority of visitors will be served by Apache directly.
The best way to go is to use a proxy cache (Squid, Varnish) and serve appropriate Cache-Control/Expires headers, along with ETags : see Mark Nottingham's Caching Tutorial for a full description of how caches work and how you can get the most performance out of a caching proxy.
Also check out memcached, and try to cache your database queries (or better yet, pre-rendered page fragments) in there.
I would recommend Memcached or APC. Both are in-memory caching solutions with dead-simple APIs and lots of libraries.
The trouble with those 2 is you need to install them on your web server or another server if it's Memcached.
Speeds up PHP execution also
Doesn't work for distributed systems, each machine stores its cache locally
Can be installed on a separate server for all web servers to use
Highly tested, developed at LiveJournal
Used by all the big guys (Facebook, Yahoo, Mozilla)
Slower than APC
Possible network latency
Slightly more configuration
I wouldn't recommend writing your own, there are plenty out there. You could go with a disk-based cache if you can't install software on your webserver, but there are possible race issues to deal with. One request could be writing to the file while another is reading.
You actually could cache search queries, even for a few seconds to a minute. Unless your db is being updated more than a few times a second, some delay would be ok.
The PHP Smarty template engine ( includes a fairly advanced caching system.
You can find details in the caching section of the Smarty manual:
You seems to be looking for a PHP cache framework.
I recommend you the template system TinyButStrong that comes with a very good CacheSystem plugin.
It's simple, light, customizable (you can cache whatever part of the html file you want), very powerful ^^
Simple caching of pages, or parts of pages - the Pear::CacheLite class. I also use APC and memcache for different things, but the other answers I've seen so far are more for more complete, and complex systems. If you just need to save some effort rebuilding a part of a page - Cache_lite with a file-backed store is entirely sufficient, and very simple to implement.
Project Gazelle (an open source torrent site) provides a step by step guide on setting up Memcached on the site which you can easily use on any other website you might want to set up which will handle a lot of traffic.
Grab down the source and read the documentation.
