I want to save webpage as image file or i want to take snapshot of an webpage using PHP. Just like firefox extension Fireshot doing.
Check out http://browsershots.org/ and Webkit2Png
You'll need to render the page with something. If you really want to only use php, i suggest you HTMLTOPS, wich render the page and output it in a ps file (ghostscript), then, convert it in a .jpg, .png, .pdf.. can be little slower with complex pages (and dont support all the CSS).
Else, you can use wkhtmltopdf to output a html page in pdf, jpg, whaterver.. Accept CSS2.0, use the webkit (safari's wrapper) to render the page.. so should be fine. You have to install it on your server, as well..
Source: Website screenshots using PHP
Like others have said, it would be difficult to do in PHP alone. However, there is an easy-to-use cross-platform tool called CutyCapt that does exactly what you need. The best part about this tool is that it's stand-alone and doesn't depend on anything else.
You cannot do this with pure PHP, try forking a browser like Mozilla with headless mode and let it handles taking snapshot of the page.
I want the option of converting HTML to image and showing the result to the user. I would be creating an $html variable with PHP, and instead of displaying using echo $html, I want to display it as an image so the user can save the file if they needed to.
I was hoping there would something as simple as $image = convertHTML2Image($html); :p if that exists?!
As #Pekka says, the job of turning HTML code into an image is the job of a full-blown web browser.
If you want to do this sort of thing, you therefore need to have a script that does the following:
Opens the page in a browser.
Captures the rendered page from the browser as a graphic.
Outputs that graphic to your user.
Traditionally, this would have been a tough task, because web browsers are typically driven by the user and not easy to automate in this way.
Fortunately, there is now a solution, in the form of PhantomJS.
PhantomJS is a headless browser, designed for exactly this kind of thing -- automated tasks that require a full-blown rendering engine.
It's basically a full browser, but without the user interface. It renders the page content exactly as another browser would (it's based on Webkit, so results are similar to Chrome), and it can be controlled by a script.
As it says on the PhantomJS homepage, one of its target use-cases is for taking screenshots or thumbnail images of websites.
(another good use for it is automated testing of your site, where it is also a great tool)
Hope that helps.
This is not possible in pure PHP.
What you call "converting" is in fact a huge, non-trivial task: the HTML page has to be rendered. To do this in PHP, you'd have to rewrite an entire web browser.
You'll either have to use an external tool (which usually taps into a browser's rendering engine) or a web service (which does the same).
It is possible to convert html to image. However, first you must convert to PDF. see link
You may have a look at dompdf which is a php framework to convert a html file to a pdf.
use WKHTMLTOPDF. works like a charm. it converts to any page to PDF ..
a jpeg can be obtained by performing later operation.
Is it possible to convert the html contents including styles to image by php. Please guide me.
Well, you need to render it first. For rendering you need something like browser which can handle js, CSS etc. after rendering you take the image. Php is not yet capable of doing such things. But you can achieve it by creating a php extension that uses browser engine and do the task for you. The extension will be like a bridge.
There are many browser engines. Among them you can use webkit. It renders quite fast. I Prefer it.
Another thing to know. This extension will take a lot CPU and memory in compared to normal php script.
I am trying to generate a pdf from a web page which has pictures and swf files.
Final pdf should have pictures (swf should be converted into image, last frame is sufficient).
I am able to generate pdf when only images are there but i am stuck in creating pdf when the web page has swf files.
I've used wkhtmltopdf before to render pdfs programatically from web sites. I'm not sure if it'll cope with swf but it may do since it uses a version of webkit compiled in to qt.
You might be able to use wkhtmltopdf --enable-plugins. But according to this bugreport it might not work http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/issues/detail?id=48 with the flash plugin (Java however does!).
Another option is running a browser in headless mode, or on a virtual X. Firefox3 works supposedly if you use the extension "CommandLinePrint".
Xvfb :2 -screen 0 1600x1200x24 &
firefox --display=localhost:2.0 -print http://flashgames.com -printmode pdf -printfile '/tmp/test.pdf'
Infos stolen from http://spielwiese.la-evento.com/xelasblog/archives/31-Headless-Firefox-als-HTML-to-PDF.html (in German however).
But there are a few more guides like this ("headless browser, HTML to PDF"). I would totally link to one of the dupes here on Stackoverflow. But I'm too lazy to search right now.
Since you are wanting to output the target page as a PDF I would look at using .rdlc (Report Definition Language Client). It is part of the Microsoft.Reporting namespace and is designed to work with asp.net. It is freely usable and redistributable.
In many cases the layout of a web page is not "printer friendly". By using this technique you can re-arrange the layout and spacing of the PDF output to a presentation that is more printer friendly.
This will not "directly" convert your page to a PDF, but rather allow you to adapt your page layout and data to a dataset and use that to build a report. That report can then be output programmatically at runtime using the reportviewer control. If this approach interests you, let me know and I will be glad to provide more help getting you through setting it up and using.
something like painty but with advanced options having div, font, fontsize, style... etc....
I would like to have a coupon design in html and output it as an image.. preferably JPG..
but painty is not supporting those.
you can find here.. http://www.rabuser.info/painty.php the painty code i am using right now.
Thanks and waiting for the reply.
Creating this with pure php is bad idea, this will be slow as hell.
As far as I know in production this is achieved with external screenshot app and standard browser run by exec() or similar function.
There's khtml2png, which renders the whole page and takes a screenshot; however, it's a standalone executable (and it needs an X server or xvfb), so you need to be able to run it on your server (so probably not on a shared hosting). This may be a bit of an overkill, but it gives you complete control over the final appearance.
You could also use some of the HTML to PDF convertors and then use ImageMagick to convert the PDF to JPEG.
I am using php and I want to take a snapshot of my web page using php. Something similar to this
How can i do that?
To take Snapshots of a website, and not as proposed generate an image with text in it, you can use either
http://iecapt.sourceforge.net/ for snapshots using IE's rendering engine or
http://cutycapt.sourceforge.net/ for Webkit (Safari/Chrome) snapshots
I strongly recommend the latter.
The fastest and surest way in PHP to create images is to look at the GD Library. They have tons of functions to help you create your image easily.
Should you need a font that is available in Windows Font but not in PHP font, you can use this tool to convert it: http://www.wedwick.com/wftopf.exe
You can use Imagemagick.
Theres is a comprehensive summary of image creation option in Php here. The other option not already mentioned is Cairo.