I've been trying to come up with something for a while now to no avail. My MySQL knowledge is rudimentary at best so I could use some guidance on what I should use for the following:
I have 2 tables ('bible' and 'books') that I need to search from. Right now I am just searching 'bible' with the following query:
FROM bible
WHERE text LIKE '%" . $query . "%'
LIMIT $start, 10
Now, I need to add another part that searches for some pretty advanced stuff. Here is what I want to do in pseudocode which I am aware doesn't work:
FROM bible
WHERE books.book+' '+bible.chapter+':'+bible.verse = '$query'
$query would equal something like Genesis 1:2, Genesis coming from books.book, 1 coming from bible.chapter and 2 coming from bible.verse
Any help/guidance on this is much appreciated =)
I would recommend designing a way in your application code to break up that query so that you search for the book, chapter, and verse separately from the keyword.
That means you need columns for book, chapter, and verse that are separate from the verse text.
You should also use a FULLTEXT index because the LIKE wildcard searches are extremely inefficient.
Here's how I'd run the query in PHP using PDO:
$quoted_query = $pdo->quote($query);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bible
WHERE book = ? AND chapter = ? AND verse = ?
AND MATCH(text) AGAINST ({$quoted_query})"
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute(array($book, $chapter, $verse));
I'd rather use a parameter for the fulltext query too, but MySQL doesn't support that.
You're close. To concatenate the fields use the CONCAT() function:
SELECT * FROM bible WHERE CONCAT(books.book, ' ', bible.chapter, ':', bible.verse) = '$query'
You can use MySQL concatenation:
FROM bible JOIN books
WHERE CONCAT(books.book, ' ', bible.chapter, ':', bible.verse) = '$query'
I'm not sure what your foreign key is linking books to bible, but that may need specification as well.
You need to parse the query into book, chapter and verse in php first.
A regular expression should work:
$book = trim(matches[1]); // use trim to remove extra spaces
$chapter = matches[2];
$verse = matches[3];
Then your sql query becomes:
FROM bible
WHERE books.book = '$book' AND bible.chapter= '$chapter' AND bible.verse ='$verse'
-- watch out for sql injection here! use prepared statements!
I'm trying to create a SQL Query that gets data from my DB depending on what the array includes.
My array includes 1, 2, 3 then the query should be SELECT * FROM v WHERE category='1' OR category='2' OR category='3'.
Does anyone know a way to achieve this?
Any tips are welcome.
Using MySQL as DB.
You can use implode function and IN clause as
$sql="SELECT * FROM v WHERE category IN ('".implode("','", $your_array)."')";
I would take a look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/14767572/755949, which uses placeholders and PDO to add the parameters to your query. Going with Saty's answer you could risk ending up with a SQL injection.
$where = 'WHERE category="' . implode('" OR category="', $array) . '"';
You can also try:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM v WHERE ( FIND_IN_SET(".implode("','", $your_array).", category) ) ";
For more info about FIND_IN_SET: http://www.w3resource.com/mysql/string-functions/mysql-find_in_set-function.php
I am trying to create a search blog system where blogs are displayed based on user suggestions. Suggestions are basic hashtags which is stored in user_information table. While blogs will also have some hashtags input by blogger which will be stored in blog table.
Now as I have to match hashtags from user_information table to blog table, I am not finding a way to do this.
I have tried mysql LIKE CLAUSE but I am not able to get even single result.
My Query was [just representation]
SELECT * FROM blog WHERE hashtags LIKE $hashtags_from_user
You are not correctly escaping the value, you require the hash tags to be enclosed in quotations
"LIKE '". $hashtags_from_user ."'";
Additionally you will pay the price in the SELECT statement when you have denormalized database (hash-tags should have their own row in a hash_tags table and the blog would references these via a many-to-many or many-to-one association)
Currently the output of the query is:
SELECT * FROM blog WHERE hashtags LIKE '#hashtag1,#hashtag2,#hashtag'
This isn't going to give you the results you want if you need to match on the individual tags.
The only soultion would be to read the users has tag string, break it up into each tag (using $tags = explode(',', $hash_tags_from_user); and then build up a query to include all of them
$where = array();
$select = 'SELECT * FROM foo';
foreach($tags as $tag) {
$where[] = sprintf('tag LIKE \'%s\'', $tag);
if (! empty($where)) $select .= 'WHERE ' . implode(' OR ', $where);
Please don't use the above as it's just and example (and open to simple SQL injection) consider using prepared statements, with PDO/MySQLi.
Try this:
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM blog WHERE hashtags LIKE "'.$hashtags_from_user.'";';
You have to put the string you are searching for between ' or " you can do it without only with numbers.
I currently use a mysql statement like the one below to search post titles.
select * from table where title like %search_term%
But problem is, if the title were like: Acme launches 5 pound burger and a user searched for Acme, it'll return a result. But if a user searched for Acme burger or Acme 5 pound, it'll return nothing.
Is there a way to get it to return results when a users searches for more than one word? Is LIKE the correct thing to use here or is there something else that can be used?
You could use a REGEXP to match any of the words in your search string:
select *
from tbl
title REGEXP CONCAT('[[:<:]](', REPLACE('Acme burger', ' ', '|'), ')[[:>:]]')
Please notice that this will not be very efficient. See fiddle here.
If you need to match every word in your string, you could use a query like this:
select *
from tbl
title REGEXP CONCAT('[[:<:]]', REPLACE('Acme burger', ' ', '[[:>:]].*[[:<:]]'), '[[:>:]]')
Fiddle here. But words have to be in the correct order (es. 'Acme burger' will match, 'burger Acme' won't). There's a REGEXP to match every word in any order, but it is not supported by MySql, unless you install an UDF that supports Perl regexp.
To search for a string against a text collection use MATCH() and AGAINST()
SELECT * FROM table WHERE MATCH(title) AGAINST('+Acme burger*')
or why not RLIKE
or LIKE searching an array, to have a compilation of $keys
$mysql = array('0');
foreach($keys as $key){
$mysql[] = 'title LIKE %'.$key.'%'
SELECT * FROM table WHERE '.implode(" OR ", $mysql)
What you need to do is construct a SQL such that, for example:
select * from table where title like "%Acme%" and title like "%burger%"
In short: split the string and create one like for each part.
It might also work with replacing spaces with %, but I'm not sure about that.
The best thing is thing use perform union operation by splitting your search string based on whitespaces,
FOR Acme 5 pound,
Find out a way to give the first query a priority. Or pass the above one as four separate queries with some priority. I think you are using front end tp pass query to data bases, so it should be easy for you.
$search_term = 'test1 test2 test3';
$keywords = explode(" ", preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $search_term));
foreach($keywords as $keyword){
$wherelike[] = "title LIKE '%$keyword%' ";
$where = implode(" and ", $wherelike);
$query = "select * from table where $where";
echo $query;
//select * from table where title LIKE '%test1%' and title LIKE '%test2%' and title LIKE '%test3%'
I have the followings examples in be_user_profiles.subject. These are subject ids which each teacher teaches.
1// English
1,2 // English and Math etc
15, 23
I want to select where be_user_profiles.subject has 1. When I use the following, it outputs all which has 1 in it. So it will outputs all. I tried HAVING but it picks up only exact matches. So it shows only the first one. How can I pick up data which has the be_user_profiles.subject?
$this->db->join('be_users', 'be_users.id = be_user_profiles.user_id');
$this->db->where('be_users.group', $teachergrp);
$this->db->like('be_user_profiles.subject', $subjectid);
//$this->db->having("be_user_profiles.subject = $subjectid");// this picks up only exact match
$query = $this->db->get();
Thank you in advance.
be_user_profiles table
row1: 1,2,14
row2: 2,4,114
row3: 12,24,34
row4: 15, 23
To get data with exact match use this query
SELECT * FROM `be_user_profiles`
WHERE subject LIKE '1'
SELECT * FROM `be_user_profiles`
WHERE subject LIKE '1,%'
SELECT * FROM `be_user_profiles`
WHERE subject LIKE '%,1,%'
SELECT * FROM `be_user_profiles`
WHERE subject LIKE '%,1'
The both clause that you put into the like query means to add % widcard in front and after of the string to search, so it returns 1 as long as 12, 21, 121 etc. If you remove it it will search only for exact match.
You could add this like clause and add commas to it and i think that it will work. Try to add this instead of the like you have now:
$this->db->like("," . "be_users.group" . "," , "," . $subjectid. "," , both);
I think you can use a regex pattern here.
$pattern = "(^|.*,)1(,.*|$)";
$this->db->where("be_user_profiles.subject REGEXP $pattern");
This regex pattern assumes that there are no spaces in the comma string.
However, as #halfer said in the comments you really, really should split this out into a "teachersubject" table with teacherid and subjectid columns otherwise it will bite you in the backside very, very soon. [Been there, done that :-) ]
eg Imagine trying to expand the above into searching for a teacher that teaches ((maths or physics) and English). Nightmare!
I've looked around for info on an efficient 'related videos' algorithm but i'm struggling to get well ordered, accurate results
I get given the 'genre' as a pipe-delimited string. eg: |Action|Sci-Fi|Thriller|
$genre = explode("|", $row['genre']);
if (count($genre) == 3) {
$sql = "SELECT title FROM `movie` WHERE genre LIKE '%$genre[1]%' LIMIT 0,8";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT title FROM `movie` WHERE (genre LIKE '%$genre[1]%' AND genre LIKE '%$genre[2]%') UNION SELECT title FROM `movie` WHERE (genre LIKE '%$genre[1]%' OR genre LIKE '%$genre[2]%') LIMIT 0,10";
$related = mysql_query($sql);
Then I basically explode it and do a manual, inefficient search for genre matches depending on genre count. The results are poor and returns anything that is semi related.
This code makes me want to gag! It works but I hate it and I know its uber lame. Any tips to improve the SQL and getting richer results?
Move the mappings of genres to movies into a new table movie_genres with columns movie and genre.
This allows you to do this:
$genres = explode('|', trim($row['genre'], '|'));
$sql = "SELECT `movie`, COUNT(*) AS hits
FROM `movie_genres`
WHERE `genre` IN ('" . join("', '", $genres) . "')
GROUP BY `movie`
You have to make sure to prevent SQL injection, though.
The extra table is also a good idea, because your database schema is not normalized. Especially Chris Date's fourth condition of the first normal form is violated:
Every row-and-column intersection contains exactly one value from the applicable domain (and nothing else).